Proposal: OFSTED Inspection
Quorums 6-0. — Quirck
Adminned at 27 Sep 2012 01:28:57 UTC
Enact a new rule, “Teacher Training”:-
The following is a list of conditions describing behaviours which the Professor should avoid. If any of the listed conditions are true, and if that condition has not yet been struck out, then any Student may edit this rule to add <strike> tags around that condition, and follow it with a link to the blog post (if such a blog post exists) where the condition was demonstrated.
- On a proposal less than 72 hours old, the Professor cast a vote of “veto” and at least three Students posted a comment containing the word “unreasonable”.
- On a proposal less than 72 hours old, and which was open for voting for at least 48 hours, the Professor failed to cast a vote.
- During the preceding 72 hours, none of the pending Proposals (if any were pending) were written by the Professor.
Proposals made prior to the proposal which created this rule are not counted for the first two conditions in the above list. If this rule has been in the ruleset for more than 72 hours, any Student may remove this paragraph from the ruleset.
Given that “The purpose of this [dynasty] is to teach you how to avoid a stagnant midgame such as the ones from the past few dynasties.”, this should be as much about the behaviour of the Emperor figure as the behaviour of the Players.
Josh: he/they