I am back from Christmas vacation and would like to be unidled! Keep in mind:
- Per the rule Races “If the Position of a Snail is after the Finish Line, they may not Play, and their Position cannot be changed while a Race is Ongoing”. I am currently at 109cm, after the Finish Line. This means I am not moved to the Bucket upon unidling as “when a Snail unidles it is moved to the Bucket” might suggest, since the more limited in scope clause takes priority per the Appendix.
- I have made no Plays in the Ongoing Race, and per the rule Plays “The number of Plays each Gastropod has made in the Ongoing Race is publicly tracked as a number”. This means my Plays become 0 when I unidle. (On an unrelated note, I believe the proposal which passed to increase every Snail’s Plays by 1 did nothing for this same reason.)
ais523: Custodian
This scam is going to hinge a lot on the interpretation of “when” – the rule doesn’t prevent your position changing as an Idle Snail, so the scam could work if the move to the Bucket happens after the unidling, but necessarily fails if the move happens during the unidling, and the ruleset doesn’t clearly support one view over the other IMO.
The second part is also controversial, especially because the ruleset contains rules explicitly setting the Plays count to 0 (which implies that that’s something that can be done and is not automatic).