Proposal: Seasonal Adjustment
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 05 Mar 2015 12:55:11 UTC
Remove the sentences “At 11.59pm UTC on each Sunday, the Season progresses, changing to the Season listed immediately below the current Season in the list above (or returning to Spring if the current Season is Winter).” and “If this item is inaccurate, any Admin may update it to correctly reflect the current Season.” from the rule “The Almanac”.
To the end of the rule “Workplaces”, add:-
Then, the Townsperson who called the Day of Observance should post a blog entry announcing it, and mentioning the end of the current Season. Within 48 hours of such a blog post, any admin may (if no admin has already done so for this blog post) update the Season in the sidebar, changing it to the Season listed immediately below the current Season in The Almanac (or returning to Spring if the current Season is Winter), and mentioning this in a comment on that blog post.
Upon enactment of this rule, the current Season shall become the Season listed immediately below the current Season in The Almanac (or shall become Spring if the current Season is Winter).
Having Seasons roll over when a Day of Observance is applied, rather than magically on Sunday nights. Because the sidebar can only be updated by admins, we need to either make Day of Observances admin-only (which would give an unfair advantage) or do a little dance of any Townsperson calling the Day and an admin then updating the Season - I’ve gone for the latter.
There are 2 conditions for a DoO:
1. Not done during this season, which is obviously true if an admin just changed the season, and
2. at least a Quorum of Townspeople have workplaces, which is obviously true if there is no Bailiff and a DoO has just been called.