Saturday, January 25, 2025

Should Habanero’s Focus be Automatically Changed?

Habanero set Focus to 1 per the previous rules for setting Focus when on the non-quorum team. The rules have just changed such that setting Focus in this way now sets Focus to * instead. Habanero’s Focus value is still a currently valid value at 1, but should it be “corrected” as if the action was performed under the new rule? Or, you get what you get when you change gamestate before the rules change, and it only applies to that action in the future?



25-01-2025 20:21:33 UTC

Seems very unreasonable to retroactively change my action which legally set my Focus to 1 under the rules at the time. I don’t see any kind of justification for why not-yet-existent rule changes should affect past actions once they are enacted…

SingularByte: he/him

25-01-2025 20:46:11 UTC

Normally I’d have put a clause into the proposal to correct existing values to be in line with the new rule, but I figured that calculating who should have * and who should have 1 retoractively would be an unreasonable amount of effort.

I decided to just grandfather people into having real focus rather than worrying about it.

SingularByte: he/him

25-01-2025 20:47:38 UTC


ais523: Custodian

26-01-2025 01:41:30 UTC

If you can perform an action using a rule before the rule gets amended out from under you, it counts, even if it wouldn’t be possible under the new rules.

Habanero’s Focus set was at 18:09 and the rule changed at 19:49, so the set was legal.

(If you want to stop people doing that sort of thing, normally you have to put a sentence into the proposal that reverts any changes made using the old version of the rule. I generally only do that when the old version permits a game-breaking scam, though; minor gameplay tweaks like this don’t need a revert.)

Josh: he/they

26-01-2025 10:36:15 UTC

Betteridge’s law in action.