Thursday, February 01, 2018

Supply Crate #7

Perhaps noticing the dwindling number of lights in the block, or perhaps just running low on supplies, the government delivers a noticeably smaller and completely inedible crate to the lobby:

Fuelcan • Fuelcan • Sewing Kit • Backpack • Lockbox Key • Rope

Cuddlebeam and PineTreeQ are first to pick over it.



01-02-2018 19:32:08 UTC

I take the Sewing Kit.

As mentioned before, if anyone wants to pool Money and diceroll the winner among us, I’m in. Same goes for a Comfy chair which seems nuts, but takes a lot of stuff to make.


01-02-2018 21:21:23 UTC

To note, the reason why teaming up or at least having trade deals of a sort is better than going solo is because a team of that sort can, in a coarse sense, collect Money quicker (supply availability in crates and crowbarring and such are a factor, sure, but you get the general idea lol). Thus, end the game before anyone solo could cash in their dosh.

Also, the “critical mass” of any team size is 4 currently. Because that’s quorum. At which point, it’s better to just straight up propose a win, or if it seems likely that Kevan would veto that kind of shenanigans, just control the game in secret via proposals, which are the most powerful action in the game.

So yeah. Looking to team up. (So that we’re 3 people tops, hopefully lol)


02-02-2018 16:28:18 UTC

I’ll take the Rope.


02-02-2018 21:53:54 UTC

I’ll take myself another Fuelcan


03-02-2018 03:13:19 UTC

Looks like I’m filling up my inventory, so I’ll take the backpack.


03-02-2018 18:02:57 UTC

I’ll take that Lockbox key, and open! the! box!

Nothing is inside. :)


03-02-2018 18:04:30 UTC

How did you manage to make that post before opening the box.


03-02-2018 18:09:04 UTC

They didn’t: the GNDT doesn’t show seconds and samzeman’s comment is at 18:02:57


03-02-2018 18:26:15 UTC

Yes, but making the comment is the first step in the “Take an item from Crate” action, and opening the box is done after that as a Craction.

Also, arguably he couldn’t have been able to make that Craction at all and be stuck in a deadlock of having to do an action but being unable to, but I’ll just CfJ that.


03-02-2018 18:31:18 UTC

(Ah, not a deadlock because the Craction-taking is optional fortunately, but still)

Kevan: he/him

03-02-2018 18:35:01 UTC

Hmm, we seem to have gotten out of the habit (and I think this was their original design) of ending Atomic Actions with an unambiguous, visible action so that we know the person has actually finished.


03-02-2018 18:35:12 UTC

well can you prove they didn’t roll the dice in 3 seconds and then post the results?


03-02-2018 18:40:34 UTC

The first three steps are:

-Posting a comment in the relevant Crate blogpost stating which item is taken.
-Putting it into that Resident’s inventory.
-Choose whether or not to take one Craction that they are able to take.

He HAS to take the actions in order - so how did he manage to take the Craction which is needed to even know the results of the roll (step #3) before making the post that he took the key (step #1) he needed to open it?

His step #1 post has knowledge from the future! That’s impossible. Or he just derped. Which is the most likely thing.

(But even then, taking Cractions are arguably not legal, but anyways…)


03-02-2018 18:48:16 UTC

On the positive side, he does get to “reroll” his box because he actually never opened it.


03-02-2018 19:36:08 UTC

Whoops, okay. This comment stands as evidence that I’m about to reroll the box finally. I had it planned to do it right but I left the comment unposted, getting distracted by something else, then coming back and doing the box. consider me learned a lesson


03-02-2018 19:39:51 UTC

I take the Fuelcan.


03-02-2018 19:40:06 UTC

I discard the crate and take the Fibreboard