Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Declaration of Victory: Team swap frenzy

I resolve this DoV.  (Leader has voted, 12 hours have passed)
Quorum of Players have voted, and more than half are in favor.

A New Dynasty begins with Bucky as Leader.


Adminned at 04 Nov 2009 11:08:22 UTC

All Players are either Yellow or Orange and I have the highest score of any Yellow player.  As the highest Orange score is Kevan, who is the Leader, I win.


ais523: Custodian

04-11-2009 07:12:04 UTC

against Something is up with the timing here. I realised you were trying this and evicted Qwaz to Indigo, so we need to compare timestamps to see what happened first. However, the timestamp on your GNDT updates is /after/ the timestamp of the DoV, making it hard to tell exactly what moments things happened at. Therefore, you can’t uncontroversially claim to have won; there’s no way to prove that a) you swapped to Orange before the DoV, but b) I evicted Qwaz after it. (The GNDT doesn’t even have a timestamp for the end of your action sequence, just the start…)


04-11-2009 07:15:48 UTC

I submitted the DoV a few seconds after my last GNDT update.  I began composing the DoV before the update.  (The blog timestamp is the time when I started composing the DoV post)


04-11-2009 07:27:50 UTC

For historical purposes, the sequence of actions immediately preceding the DoV was:
1)Vote for the Red->Orange merger, moving me to Orange
2)Kidnap Qwazukee, the last remaining non-Yellow non-Orange player
3)weekly action team swap to Yellow.

ais523: Custodian

04-11-2009 07:37:32 UTC

CoV for Rule 2.12 says “achieves victory” not “may achieve victory”, so it’s platonic.

Josh: he/they

04-11-2009 08:05:16 UTC

for Nicely done.

Kevan: he/him

04-11-2009 10:31:02 UTC

for Well played, sir.

Kevan: he/him

04-11-2009 10:44:35 UTC

Although, a little oddly, it looks like I actually have achieved victory, along with you, as only the first sentence of 2.12 applies. I just can’t DoV, nor (since we’re in Hiatus) resign in order to be able to DoV. Looks like I should have jettisoned my Leadership before going to sleep.

redtara: they/them

04-11-2009 11:32:51 UTC



04-11-2009 14:58:10 UTC



04-11-2009 15:04:45 UTC



04-11-2009 15:06:33 UTC

CoV against  Qwaz is Indigo, which is not friendly to Yellow.

Josh: he/they

04-11-2009 15:30:14 UTC

If you read up a bit, DC, you’ll see that that’s due to GNDT timestamp confusion. While it’s not provable that Bucky was in a DoV state when he made the DoV, it is clear that he was in a DoV state at some point, so it seems churlish to deny him based on a timestamp error.

Kevan: he/him

04-11-2009 15:43:16 UTC

It’s enough to “achieve victory” - you don’t unachieve it if the game changes to a position where you couldn’t achieve it again. (Which is maybe a little odd in that a player can quietly, temporarily achieve victory, but not declare it until a week later. But I don’t think that’s game-breaking.)


04-11-2009 15:55:17 UTC



04-11-2009 16:49:33 UTC

Josh and Kevan basically already mentioned this, but I’ll point out that the third paragraph of the Victory and Ascension Rule says that a Player’s vote represents his opinion on “whether or not he believes the poster has achieved victory in the current Dynasty”


04-11-2009 18:35:51 UTC

CoV for  But we’ll need to make a fix.

What’s your dynasty idea, anyway, Bucky?


04-11-2009 18:41:08 UTC

@Darth Cliche: Not spilling it right away, but I will give you a sneak peek from the Ascension Address:

“To those of you who think they can make magic by waving their hands and shouting nonsense, pick up your marbles and go home.”

It also contains a 3-way pun off the word “grave”.