Too much pressure
Although I’m mostly feeling fine keeping up with the dynastic gameplay this dynasty (you can scheme at your leisure and, at least in smaller teams, agree on an appropriate time of day to go for it), I’ve really been struggling to keep up with the core gameplay. Under the current core rules, it’s hugely valuable to be online every 4 hours in order to be able to give feedback on every proposal within the edit window. When I do that as a non-Mastermind, I am often selectively pointing out bugs (getting people to fix the ones that hurt me without fixing the ones that benefit me), which is hugely powerful in shaping the dynasty (it’s like having extra proposal slots). As a Mastermind, I can’t win anyway, so don’t have nearly as much incentive to manipulate the ruleset, but I still care a lot about trying to keep the ruleset bug-free because breakages can end up ruining the dynastic gameplay (e.g. if we have to wait for a CFJ to pass in order to fix a problem with the gamestate, the freezing effect that that can have on gameplay can effectively give some players a free timer recharge, in addition to holding up the game – and an uncaught loophole can potentially manufacture infinite Triumphs and make the whole gameplay pointless), and if the gameplay goes wrong too often, most people get bored and you don’t have a nomic (the only players who stay around are the sort of people who enjoy trying to recover from broken gamestates, and there aren’t many of those at BlogNomic).
However, BlogNomic is taking up way too much of my free time at the moment; even though it would be helpful for the dynasty, I really can’t keep up the pace of trying to be helpful and fixing everyone’s proposals. I’ll still do it when I check in, but I’m going to have to check in less often and that is necessarily going to mean missing a lot of edit windows. As such, this is a warning that I might be commenting less during edit windows going forwards and/or pointing out issues late, and may appear to be doing it selectively because some players are more likely to be active at the same time as me than others are – this isn’t actually a case of being biased, just a case of not being able to devote enough time to the game to be fair. (The community guidelines caution against sacrificing your life to keep up a high pace for a sustained period of time, and that it isn’t an Emperor’s responsibility to use extraordinary action to fix the game. In other words, they’re telling me to step back here even though the game will be less fun as a consequence, and I agree with the principle behind that.)
We might want to look into some other solution for the issue of “proposals are hard to get right first time” that doesn’t place nearly as much pressure on players to correct things during edit window. For example, back when we were using the fast veto, proposals didn’t have much of a usable edit window, but that didn’t matter so much – if a proposal was well-received but had wording issues or otherwise broke the game, you could fast-veto it in order to allow the proposer to submit a corrected version. (This did lead to issues, but of a different nature – the Emperor probably had too much power in determining whether to refund a slot or not, and people got annoyed when they thought the Emperor was using it inappropriately.) It might be possible to borrow a solution from another nomic, here – PerlNomic had a persistent problem of proposals being hard to write properly, and it was fixed by using a third type of vote on proposals (which I think of as “amend votes”, although they were called something different). An “amend” vote was comparable to an “against”, but while a proposal had more “amend” than “against” votes, the proposer could do the equivalent of withdrawing it with a slot refund, allowing them to submit a corrected version. This solution doesn’t seem perfect either, but it seems like it might be the sort of approach that’s worth considering.
(Interesting historical fact: Josh and I both called that this might happen back when the edit window was changed to its current 4-hour length. I am wondering whether it’s had an effect on player numbers dropping – we’ve had at least two experienced players of other nomics drop out this dynasty due to inability to keep up with the pace, although it might be that the dynastic gameplay was also too fast for them.)
Maybe this is a bit radical but I would support a complete repeal of the edit window. It encourages the constantly-online gameplay you mention here. It also reduces the value of being a careful proposal writer (since others will just point out the issues for you to fix instead of voting you down and making you repropose). Seems a simple enough solution to the problem to me