Thursday, January 29, 2009

Unofficial Hints

:for: This page exists to track all the public unofficial hints. Current Hints:

There are an even number of characters in the theme, including spaces.
The letter “A” appears in the theme 3 times.
The letter “C appears in the theme 2 times.
The letter “M” appears in the theme 2 times (Qwazukee has now released this information).
The letter “S” appears in the theme 1 time.
The word “Super” does not appear in the theme (Darn you, Clucky and your lying ways! :Veto: ).
The word “Alien” does not appear in the theme.
The word “Competition” does not appear int the theme.
The word “Dinner” does not appear in the theme.
No forms of the word “Cook” appear in the theme.
The name of a celestial body appears in the theme.
The theme does not have to do with TV/Movies or Catering/Delivery.
The theme does have to do with racing.

Also: Guess what! Vote icons appear in posts!



29-01-2009 01:52:39 UTC

M appears 2 times.


29-01-2009 01:55:58 UTC

Thanks Qwaz!


29-01-2009 02:06:15 UTC

The one S is clearly the word Super’s S.


29-01-2009 02:06:58 UTC

Doesn’t the Theme Hints wiki page already have a place at the bottom for unofficial hints?


29-01-2009 02:07:03 UTC

I know. But its worth posting anyway.


29-01-2009 02:08:08 UTC

Sparrow: Several of these hints are actually private hints which I have obtained in one way or another.


29-01-2009 02:16:03 UTC

Wak: I know it’s worth posting (it’s important; it means that there are no other “S”‘s in the Theme). I was just pointing it out.


29-01-2009 02:19:57 UTC

Since I have no guesses, I will make my theme ideas public. (I don’t like this dynasty very much.)


29-01-2009 02:24:10 UTC

I think it’s ok . . . what don’t you like?


29-01-2009 02:59:25 UTC

I just never liked the idea of Guess the Theme.


29-01-2009 03:50:42 UTC

Anyway, I think the word Jupiter is in the Theme.


29-01-2009 04:07:31 UTC

Never mind, since Super isn’t.

Amnistar: he/him

29-01-2009 04:25:58 UTC

wait hold up, super isn’t part of the theme….damn you clucky!!!

Clucky: he/him

29-01-2009 04:30:50 UTC

=P. Did you actually think I was giving away my secret information Amni?

I loled when I saw this topic.

Anywho who wants to know the real secret word can have it for 50 credits.


29-01-2009 04:36:15 UTC

Oh, we’re really gonna buy that, now that we know the extent of your truthfulness.


29-01-2009 12:20:52 UTC

Hey Arth! Clucky made an unfair trade! You should release the word for him if we pay 50 credits to him, so we can ensure its authenticity!

Kevan: City he/him

29-01-2009 13:47:33 UTC

As Sparrow says, we should use the existing wiki page for this, rather than a sticky post.

We should maybe keep track of where the information has come from, rather than taking it all at face value.

Given Wakukee saying “several of these hints are actually private hints which I have obtained in one way or another”, I assume at least one admin has read all the private message correspondence between Arthexis and the guessing players?

Amnistar: he/him

29-01-2009 15:36:42 UTC

One of the letter hints comes from me, I can verify the 2 C’s.


29-01-2009 16:22:04 UTC

I can verify 2 m’s.

arthexis: he/him

29-01-2009 19:26:33 UTC

I have no intention in verifying the info you get from other Members. After all, the only real source for such info is me.  Take every info from other players with a grain of salt.

Clucky: he/him

29-01-2009 19:38:29 UTC

Thats ironic. My word actually was Salt. =P


29-01-2009 23:43:08 UTC

Yeah right.

Darknight: he/him

30-01-2009 06:55:49 UTC

I was trying to use the word diner not dinner. Ah well lol.

Kevan: City he/him

30-01-2009 13:32:53 UTC

These have now been migrated to the wiki.