Proposal: Building a Better Halfbrick
Times out 8 FOR to 4 AGAINST, with only 3 trivials. Enacted by Kevan, to no effect. +10 to Kevan.
Adminned at 22 Oct 2009 16:03:32 UTC
If Arthexis is on the Indigo team, move him to the Violet team.
If the proposal “Telling Arthexis to shove a brick up his nose” passed, the rest of this proposal has no effect.
Enact a new Rule as a subset of Rule 2.1 (Points), called “The Real Speed Limit”:-
No Player can have their score absolutely increased by more than 100 during a single day (which is defined as a 24 hour period starting at midnight UTC). If a Player’s score would be absolutely increased by more than 100 during a day, their score is instead increased by the maximum amount which doesn’t cause their score to be absolutely increased by more than 100 that day (this can be zero).
(After being enacted, this rule shall not belong to any Team.)
Enact a new Rule called “Arthexis Notices Something Fun”:-
As a daily action, Kevan may Throw a Halfbrick. Upon doing so, all players are exempt from the effects of the rule “Speed Limit” for the remainder of the game. If the rule “Speed Limit” no longer exists, repeal this rule.
Just a little concerned that Bucky’s proposal falls foul of “any way in which the enactment of a proposal would amend or repeal a rule that is owned by a Team”, so I’ll throw this into the ring as backup.