Thursday, March 25, 2021

Eleventh Game: Pokes vs Brendan

Pokes is the starting player. The Bersaglio for this game is 28. All six Tricks are active.

(The Environment)


Kevan: he/him

25-03-2021 11:51:10 UTC

The Grand Canal is currently the Ace of Swords.

(Note that this may change as later games start, under the current wording of the rule: it refers to each dealt Canal as “the Grand Canal”, meaning that all of BlogNomic has a single Grand Canal at any given time.)


25-03-2021 13:40:07 UTC

I start by playing a cheeky Death.


25-03-2021 13:40:22 UTC

And this comment is a sfida.

Brendan: he/him

25-03-2021 15:08:15 UTC

I reject, as there is no scenario where I win against a player with Death and Arlecchino.

Kevan: he/him

25-03-2021 15:10:49 UTC

Game is Clean. Pokes gains 1 Peg and 1 Magistrelli.

Kevan: he/him

25-03-2021 15:11:20 UTC

... and Brendan loses 1 Peg.