Monday, August 14, 2006

New node event 1439/11/1

Under 2.5 (The Timeline), Any Traveller may create or redescribe a non-Perilous Node Event at their current Temporal Location, if they have not done so in the previous 24 real-world hours - this is done by editing the wiki page appropriately, and then posting an entry to the weblog that includes the dates and the new descriptions (including keywords) of all affected Events.

As I am a Traveller at 1439/11/1, and have not done this in the past 24 hours, I have done the following:

New event, 1439/11/1:
God begins to have serious thoughts about whether E should abolish tornadoes.  E starts with a small-scale test in Italy.  A tornado already in progress in an uninhabited area is blinked out.  Upon further reflection, God shelves the idea until E can subject it to further study.
[Init] [Italy]

(UPDATED shortly after post: Fixed wrong pronoun use.)



14-08-2006 22:37:09 UTC

btw, what does [Init] means?


14-08-2006 23:07:53 UTC

[Init] is present on ‘God creates heavens and earth’, ‘...neolithic pottery…’, the one i just added, ‘enormous jameson’, and the time bomb event.  Probably ‘initial/creation’.  No intrinsic meaning outside of the keyword manipulation rules, though.

Kevan: City he/him

15-08-2006 02:45:25 UTC

No intrinsic meaning at all; Bucky just created it because he didn’t like the idea of all Node Events having to interconnect somehow. It’s presumably supposed to mean “the start of some unconnected events”.

Kevan: City he/him

15-08-2006 02:56:23 UTC

...the idea of all Node Events having to interconnect thematically, I mean.

Kevan: City he/him

15-08-2006 13:42:41 UTC

The capital E is fun, but God isn’t a Traveller, so you didn’t need to use Spivak.

Elias IX:

15-08-2006 16:04:08 UTC

I think that we should definitely keep God as “E”.