Saturday, October 20, 2007

Proposal: Town Meeting - We need guns, lots of them

Passed 10-0, without effect.  Brendan

Adminned at 21 Oct 2007 15:03:40 UTC

There is currently no gunsmiths in the Zahndorf. Unless the villagers have really good throwing arms, all the silver bullets we can make will do us no good.

In there are no villagers with gun related trades when this proposal is enacted, make the most requested villager a gunsmith. When voting in favor of this proposal, a villager may request another villager to be a gunsmith by stating in their comments “Request: [villager’s name]”. When voting in favor or against this proposal, a villager may make emself immune to becoming a gunsmith by posting in their comments “Which end do I point?”. Any requests for an immune villager to become a gunsmith are ignored.


Amnistar: he/him

20-10-2007 21:14:53 UTC

for Request: Amnistar


20-10-2007 21:24:21 UTC

for Which end do I point?  Or am I supposed to throw it?


Kevan: he/him

20-10-2007 21:39:20 UTC

for Which end do I point?


20-10-2007 21:54:11 UTC


Brendan: he/him

20-10-2007 23:24:45 UTC

for Request:  Amnistar


21-10-2007 00:57:05 UTC

Request: Amnistar for


21-10-2007 16:08:13 UTC

for I’ve known the rules to Mafia for ages, but never really gotten a chance to play it much, so let me state the obvious: a gunsmith, being the only person able to make what will (eventually) be a useful anti-wolf tool, is going to be a big target right?


21-10-2007 17:24:01 UTC

Request: Clucky


21-10-2007 20:57:34 UTC

for maybe we should request the town buy a gun for the new gunsmith, both to give him a template to work from, and so he has a chance of defending himself at the risky job.