Thursday, July 06, 2006

Rolling dice

Sorry for the blog-spam but I’ve never rolled dice before and I wanted to see how it worked.

dice-6 = DICE6, dice-6 = DICE6, dice-6 = DICE6, dice-6 = DICE6, dice-6 = DICE6, dice-6 = DICE6
dice-0 = DICE0
dice—1 = DICE-1



06-07-2006 10:54:35 UTC

Obviously not like that.  Do I need to do it in a comment rather than in the main text?

dice-6 = DICE6, dice-6 = DICE6, dice-6 = DICE6, dice-6 = DICE6, dice-6 = DICE6, dice-6 = DICE6
dice-0 = DICE0
dice—1 = DICE-1


06-07-2006 10:55:46 UTC

Uh, nope not like that either?  Does it need to be on its own line?


Let’s see…


06-07-2006 10:56:01 UTC

Oh go then, somebody give me a clue.

Kevan: he/him

06-07-2006 11:02:00 UTC

Dice rolls are made in GNDT comments, not blog posts or blog comments. The glossary entry on this is completely misleading, looking at it.


06-07-2006 11:10:52 UTC

Can it be changed w/o proposal?  I don’t have a proposal slot at the moment.


06-07-2006 11:59:12 UTC

Nope. :)


06-07-2006 13:23:20 UTC

I’ll just have to wait for a slow proposal day then.