Proposal: [Z/2Z]^5
Times out at 5-3. Enacted by Elias IX.
Adminned at 30 Sep 2006 18:30:43 UTC
Add a rule entitled “Where You Be At”
Each Vegetable has five dimensions, the sum of which represent a location on the farm. The dimensions are Moisture, Temperature, Brightness, Weirdness, and Comfortableness. Each dimension is tracked in the GNDT under a separate column. The values for each are the following:
- Wet
- Dry
- Hot
- Cool
- Light
- Dark
- Normal
- Strange
- Luxurious
- Painful
Each of the thirty-two combinations of these values denotes a unique Dimensional Location, or DL. Each DL is a coordinate in these five dimensions that represents a location on the farm, which can be specified as an ordered five-tuple, (Moisture, Temperature, Brightness, Weirdness, Comfortableness)
New Vegetables start with eir Moisture set to Dry, eir Temperature set to Hot, eir Brightness to Light, eir Weirdness set to Normal, and eir Comfortableness set to Luxurious, that is, (Dry, Hot, Light, Normal, Luxurious).
Each Vegetable may often change up to two of eir dimensions.
===Locations===Special DLs are described in this subrule, with any effects in parentheses. The Top Banana may edit this subrule as e sees fit. All hail the Top Banana, supreme lord of the ruleset! Banana-ho-ho! Salute!
* (Dry, Hot, Light, Normal, Luxurious): The Garden (New Vegetables take this DL. This DL is also where Farmer Brown selects vegetables to be eaten.)
* (Dry, Cool, Dark, Normal, Luxurious): The Top Banana’s Chamber (If a Vegetable who is not the Top Banana has taken this DL, and the Top Banana notices this within the next 24 hours, the Top Banana may publicly humiliate the other Vegetable on the main page.)
Create GNDT colums of Moisture, Temperature, Brightness, Weirdness, and Comfortableness with their respective values. Set all Vegetables to (Dry, Hot, Light, Normal, Luxurious).
Change the subrule “The Tasty List” from
The Tasty List is an ordered list of all Vegetables with positive Tastiness. Each such Vegetable appears on the Tasty List a number of times equal to eir Tastiness, and the order of the Vegetables appearing on the Tasty List is the same as their GNDT order. For example, if Vegetables Q, L, M, and G appear in that order in the GNDT, with Tastiness values of 2, 0, 5, and 1 (respectively), then the Tasty List is “Q Q M M M M M G” Farmer Brown keeps the Tasty List attatched via magnets to his refrigerator at all times.
The Tasty List is an ordered list of all Vegetables with positive Tastiness that have eir DL set to the Garden. Each such Vegetable appears on the Tasty List a number of times equal to eir Tastiness, and the order of the Vegetables appearing on the Tasty List is the same as their GNDT order. For example, let Vegetables A, B, C, D, E, and F be in the GNDT and have Tastiness of 5, 2, 1, 0, 7, and 3 respectively. If Vegetables C and E are the only Vegetables not in the Garden, then the Tasty List is “A A A A A B B F F F”
Farmer Brown keeps the Tasty List attatched via magnets to his refrigerator at all times.
My ideas: That special locations will soon allow special enhancements, or other effects, or fun games that Vegetables can play. While Vegetables are trying to get these Enhancements, it would be easier if Vegetables didn’t have to worry about being consumed, and maybe losing their Enhancements, so that’s why Vegetables can only be consumed in the Garden.