Thursday, November 11, 2010

Protosal: Nomich, once again

Ok, I’m a little tired of little wordings that fail my Nomich proposals.

I’ll let everyone comment and edit it accordingly until a few days pass, then I’ll propose it officially. Nomich needs the improvement, as so many of you said.

The current version is:

Nomich is a sport played by Students. Students who belong to the same Dormitory are always on the same team.

Nomich is played with an ordinary deck of 52 cards. At all times when not playing a game of Nomich, each Dormitory should be holding seven cards. The cards held by each Dormitory should be kept a secret to all other Dormitories and should be tracked by the Headmaster. If, any any time, a Dormitory is holding less than seven cards and is not playing a Nomich, the Headmaster should randomly assign them enough cards that they have a hand of seven, and should then send a private message to all members of that Dormitory telling them the composition of their new hand. The Headmaster must ensure that the same card is not being held by more than one Dormitory at any given time.

Any member of a Dormitory may challenge another Dormitory to a match of Nomich by making a post to that effect. This Student is known as the “Challenger”. His dormitory is known as the “Challenging team”.
A challenge can only be levelled:
- On a Saturday;
- By a Student whose condition is “Alive”
- By a Student who is not in Detention;
- By a member of a Dormitory that has not already played a match of Nomich that day and that is not already playing a match of Nomich;
- Against a Dormitory that contains at least one Student that could legally answer at the time of the challenge, and;
- Against a Dormitory that has not already played a match of Nomich that day and that is not already playing a match of Nomich.

The challenge shall be immediately followed by a comment in the same thread, made by the Challenger, containing his play. A play is a sequence of cards, of any size or composition, from his Dormitory’s hand.

A Dormitory is obliged to accept the first such challenge levelled against it on a Saturday. This dormitory is known as the “Defending team”. One of the members of the Defending team should post a play as a comment in the Challenge thread. This Student is known as the “Defender”. The first valid play posted by the Defending team in a challenge thread is the one that is scored for that match.
A challenge can only be accepted:
- Less than 24 hours after the challenge is posted
- By a Student whose condition is “Alive”.
- By a Student who is not in Detention.
After 24 hours, if the Defending team did not post a valid play on a Challenge, the Challenger must choose the Defender among the students that could have posted a play at the time of the challenge, and this Student counts has having posted an empty play (a play that contains no cards) for the Defending Team.

Once a legal play has been made by both Dormitories, all cards in those plays are removed from the hands of the Dormitories involved. The Headmaster will them refill both hands randomly, as described in the beginning of this rule.

The Dormitory whose play scores highest wins the match. It becomes the “Winning team”, and the other dormitory becomes the “Losing team”. The Student who posted the scoring play for the Winning Team is the Winner, and the Student who posted the scoring play for the Losing team is the Loser. If both Dormitories in a match have the same score, the Headmaster shall randomly choose one of them as the winner of the match.

The score value of any play is adjudged according to the Nomich Ruleset. The Nomich Ruleset is secret and should be known in its entirety only to the Headmaster. The only public rules are listed as subrules to this one.

At the end of each Sunday, or as soon as possible thereafter, the Headmaster should indicate in the Challenge thread which Dormitory won and what each play scored.
A Dormitory who wins a game of Nomich may perform one of the following actions:
- Add a new rule to the Nomich ruleset by PMing it to the Headmaster; or
- Change the Condition of one Student of the Losing Team to Ghost or Zombie; or
- Choose a Teacher and a Student and, if that Teacher has a Grudge against that Student, remove that Grudge; or
- Choose two Teachers and if any or both these teachers have a Grudge against the Winner, remove that/those Grudge(s).

If the first action is undertaken, the Headmaster must appraise the new rule, and may reject it if it contradicts another rule or if it offers an unfair and destabilising advantage to any Dormitory at the expense of any other Dormitory. The Headmaster’s judgement on this matter is final. Any rule thus rejected is lost and the Dormitory who proposed it may not undertake another winners’ action.

List of issues noted in the comments that still require attention:

Yes, I will repropose it until the rules change. I know it only failed the last two times because of small issues, that’s why I’m making a protosal. We’ll work around them without spamming Proposals. ^^


Brendan: he/him

11-11-2010 18:05:17 UTC

Why do you feel the need to rewrite the entire rule at once?  Smaller, more easily understood proposals are always more likely to pass, particularly because they’re less likely to contain buried exploits (deliberately or otherwise).

If you want Nomich playable on any day, propose the replacement first sentence.  If you just want to clarify the conditions under which a match can be started, propose the insertion of the third.


11-11-2010 18:38:40 UTC

What I wanted in the first place was to define Challenger, Defender, Winner and Loser. As the rules of Nomich are scattered through rule 2.3, I found myself working around , assembling things, editing as was pointed out in comments while I worked my post.

I admit I’m acting like a clean freak right now. I want all the conditions for a valid challenge to be listed at the same place, all the conditions for a valid answer to be listed in the same way, etc.

I fear that if the rule doesn’t get this reassembly, it will become too disorganized. I’d like to keep it simple, clear, and easy to search through.

I can’t simply compile every bit over proposals. It would take too long (even longer since it would have to integrate new changes made in-between).