Sunday, July 30, 2023

Story Post: Time’s Passage, Day 3

After a few days’ standstill, the Great Machine has begun lumbering forth toward the Ice Plains. While passing through the outskirts of the dead city, one of the Machine’s legs fell through into a sinkhole, jostling loose a seal on a gas line passing through the System of Dwelling. If someone doesn’t fix that within the next few days, the people of the Great Machine will begin to suffer from oxygen deprivation!

It seems more and more things are breaking by the day. The machinists insist that they’re doing their best to fix it, but there’s a growing fear in the populace that they might be unable to — or worse, unwilling.

Due to the cold creeping into the System of Dwelling, coal is still priced at a premium. Cogs, filters, and pipes are all very affordable right now, though!

The first Facility has been brought online since the electrical storm knocked them all out last week. Once we get the rest up and running, the Junction Supergrid will be able to supply them with power!


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