Proposal: Buying voteos
Passes 11-0; +10 points Excalabur (who thinks I’m not an active player)—arth
Adminned at 21 Oct 2009 13:32:46 UTC
Create a new rule entitled “Buying Votes”, with the text
Players may buy additional rules on a proposal, according to the details given in this rule’s sub-rules, by making a comment to the proposal containing a vote icon and text explicitly invoking the rule under which the votes were bought. When votes have been so bought on a pending proposal, quorum shall be calculated by adding the number of votes so bought to the number of active Players, dividing by two, rounding down and adding one.
The subrules of this rule are always overridden by the text of this rule, that is, the restrictions and instructions given above shall apply whenever a player buys a vote according to one of this rule’s subrules.
Create a sub-rule to “Buying votes” entitled “Bought Veto [30 Points]”, with the text
As a daily action, a Player may buy veto for a proposal, with the same effect as if they were the leader.
Attempt #4.
Kevan: he/him