Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Story Post: Gamma pistols are restorative to sudorite

The first restorative item to exist on this planet, whatever that means :)



18-08-2020 20:49:44 UTC

I’m confused;  I saw this story post way earlier today.. Why is it now at the top of the feed again with an updated timestamp?

Kevan: City he/him

18-08-2020 21:36:22 UTC

It had the wrong timestamp, pre-dating Riggdan’s arrival as a player - they didn’t know why, and asked me on Slack what had happened. I guess it was either an accident, or an attempt to correct what looked like the wrong time for their timezone: I altered it to the time that the post was logged as having been actually created.

Riggdan: he/him

19-08-2020 09:46:44 UTC

I am as confused as all of yall