Proposal: ...and if that doesn’t work
self killed—clucky
Adminned at 12 May 2021 15:26:40 UTC
In the rule “Executive Measures”, replace “the Facility Head may perform one of the following Executive Measures” with “the Facility Head may perform two of the following Executive Measures”.
In the same rule, add the following to the list of Executive Measures the Facility Head can perform:
* Compliancy Exam: Privately inform an AI of your choice that they are undergoing a Compliancy Exam and give their Server Room the Surveillance tag if it doesn’t have it. During the next sweep that does not take place within 24 hours of this action, that AI gains double Suspicion from Conspicuous actions in the Behavior Log.
if AIs aren’t gonna be able to crab-bucket eachother (and maybe even if they are), i should get to cause some trouble to AIs near escape! also, with all these executive measures to do and less-than-daily sweeps, i feel like the facility’s side of things is a little slow-going, hence the action bump
Janet: she/her
Doesn’t this make it unverifiable whether a person’s Suspicion has been set correctly during the Sweep?