Saturday, January 25, 2025

Proposal: Traitors II

Add a new subrule “Spies {I}” to “Teams and Targets {I}”:

Each Mastermind may have a Spy, who (if present) is a Participant or Idle Participant tracked privately by that Mastermind. By default, Masterminds have no Spy. When a Mastermind’s Target is removed, this also removes their Spy.

If all Participants have a Target, and there are at least three more non-Mastermind Participants on opposite teams from a particular Mastermind than on the same team, that Mastermind can perform the following atomic action (unless they already have a Spy): secretly randomly select a Participant on the opposite team, gain that Participant as a Spy, and privately inform that Participant that they are that Mastermind’s Spy.

When a Participant who is a Mastermind’s Spy gains Triumphs, either that Spy or that Mastermind must reduce that Spy’s Triumphs by twice the amount gained, to a minimum of 0. (Neither can take other dynastic actions until this action is performed.) The Mastermind may reveal the identity of the Spy when performing this action.

When a Participant ceases to be a Mastermind’s Spy (due to that Mastermind losing their Target), if that former Spy did not gain Triumphs as part of the same action that caused them to cease to be a Spy, that former Spy can once within 48 hours increase their Triumphs by 2.

In the text “Benevolent Dictators” added to the ruleset (if present), change “same team” to “same team (except Spies)” and “opposite team” to “opposite team (except Spies)”.

If one team is much smaller than the other, it’s because they have a spy on the other team.

This is a reproposal of Raven’s mechanic, hopefully with the broken cases functioning correctly now, and some of the details tweaked for balance (you need a 3-player deficit and the Spy is chosen at random).

Proposal: Broken Swords

Change the only list item in the bullet-pointed list in “Tools of the Trade {M}” to:

Every word in the amended rule is a word in the English language $$.

Right now, scoring is often trivially easy, with target words often being just a few letter-changes away (3-5 is typical, and even small teams normally have that many available), and being reachable in a single round of actions – the main strategy is in how early to go for it, and that’s introducing some unfortunate timezone dependencies.

Removing the ability to go through nonwords means that the routes tend to get a little longer, involving extra changes or synonyms. It’s still restorable if you need it, but you now have a couple of dollar signs to work through first before you can break the rule, rather than being able to rely on a “every sword” remaining from a previous route.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Proposal: Benevolent Dictators

In the rule “Teams and Targets {I}” add the following as a separate paragraph after the first paragraph in that rule:

When choosing to perform dynastic actions, each Mastermind should act in the best interests of the Participants on the same team whenever reasonably possible. This includes choosing to perform actions that would benefit those Participants over actions derived from any planning or collaboration with Participants on the opposite team. This obligation is reset each time a Mastermind’s Target is changed. This does not obligate the Mastermind to spend an unreasonable amount of time monitoring activity and participating on the blog, blog private messaging system, wiki pages, or Discord.

Hopefully addressing Habanero’s concerns that a Mastermind could intentionally prevent one or more Participants on the same team from gaining Triumphs. “reasonable” and “unreasonable” are intentionally squishy here, but this is meant to be a guideline.

Proposal: Synchronise Watches, everyone

If Secret Schemes, or No Pressure, or both have been enacted, this proposal does nothing. Otherwise:

Create a subrule of Heists called The Plan {I}, placing it after Focus and before Tools of the Trade:

The Plan is a privately tracked variable for each Team, which is held by that Team’s Mastermind. It is a list of Participants of that Team, with 0 to 3 Heist Actions for each of those Participants (defaulting to blank for each Participant), and an amount of Focus for each Participant, defaulting to 0. The Plan goes back to its defaults whenever the Mastermind’s Target changes.

At any time, a Participant may add to The Plan by informing the Mastermind of their team of this, giving a list of up to three Heist Actions and an amount of Focus. This list of Heist Actions may include ones that are not currently legal to perform, and an amount of focus that they need not currently hold. A participant may also choose to remove Heist Actions and/or Focus from The Plan by informing the Mastermind.

Any any time, a Mastermind may perform any Participant’s Heist Action on The Plan on that Participant’s behalf so long as it would otherwise be legal for them to perform that action. This performance may include the use of Focus if that would not exceed the amount that the Participant has added to The Plan. When the Mastermind performs this Heist Action in this way, the Participant is classed as having performed the Heist Action (or failed that Heist Action in the case of it failing to be performed) for the purposes of calculating future legality of their actions (including the DICE48 roll for checking if they can perform a Heist Action yet).

The Mastermind is encouraged to use their team’s guidance on the best sequence of Heist Actions to use, but are not obligated to use all Heist Actions they have been provided, nor to do them in the order received.

This is a compromise between the delayed and immediate heist actions. If you make use of it, it allows the Mastermind to act with relative free will with regard to which actions they use and in what sequence, allowing them to adapt to failing actions, and removes much of the timing issues that plague the current gameplay. On the flip side, you are still free to cut the mastermind out if you desire to just get an action over with on the spot so that you can start the cooldown faster.

Too much pressure

Although I’m mostly feeling fine keeping up with the dynastic gameplay this dynasty (you can scheme at your leisure and, at least in smaller teams, agree on an appropriate time of day to go for it), I’ve really been struggling to keep up with the core gameplay. Under the current core rules, it’s hugely valuable to be online every 4 hours in order to be able to give feedback on every proposal within the edit window. When I do that as a non-Mastermind, I am often selectively pointing out bugs (getting people to fix the ones that hurt me without fixing the ones that benefit me), which is hugely powerful in shaping the dynasty (it’s like having extra proposal slots). As a Mastermind, I can’t win anyway, so don’t have nearly as much incentive to manipulate the ruleset, but I still care a lot about trying to keep the ruleset bug-free because breakages can end up ruining the dynastic gameplay (e.g. if we have to wait for a CFJ to pass in order to fix a problem with the gamestate, the freezing effect that that can have on gameplay can effectively give some players a free timer recharge, in addition to holding up the game – and an uncaught loophole can potentially manufacture infinite Triumphs and make the whole gameplay pointless), and if the gameplay goes wrong too often, most people get bored and you don’t have a nomic (the only players who stay around are the sort of people who enjoy trying to recover from broken gamestates, and there aren’t many of those at BlogNomic).

However, BlogNomic is taking up way too much of my free time at the moment; even though it would be helpful for the dynasty, I really can’t keep up the pace of trying to be helpful and fixing everyone’s proposals. I’ll still do it when I check in, but I’m going to have to check in less often and that is necessarily going to mean missing a lot of edit windows. As such, this is a warning that I might be commenting less during edit windows going forwards and/or pointing out issues late, and may appear to be doing it selectively because some players are more likely to be active at the same time as me than others are – this isn’t actually a case of being biased, just a case of not being able to devote enough time to the game to be fair. (The community guidelines caution against sacrificing your life to keep up a high pace for a sustained period of time, and that it isn’t an Emperor’s responsibility to use extraordinary action to fix the game. In other words, they’re telling me to step back here even though the game will be less fun as a consequence, and I agree with the principle behind that.)

We might want to look into some other solution for the issue of “proposals are hard to get right first time” that doesn’t place nearly as much pressure on players to correct things during edit window. For example, back when we were using the fast veto, proposals didn’t have much of a usable edit window, but that didn’t matter so much – if a proposal was well-received but had wording issues or otherwise broke the game, you could fast-veto it in order to allow the proposer to submit a corrected version. (This did lead to issues, but of a different nature – the Emperor probably had too much power in determining whether to refund a slot or not, and people got annoyed when they thought the Emperor was using it inappropriately.) It might be possible to borrow a solution from another nomic, here – PerlNomic had a persistent problem of proposals being hard to write properly, and it was fixed by using a third type of vote on proposals (which I think of as “amend votes”, although they were called something different). An “amend” vote was comparable to an “against”, but while a proposal had more “amend” than “against” votes, the proposer could do the equivalent of withdrawing it with a slot refund, allowing them to submit a corrected version. This solution doesn’t seem perfect either, but it seems like it might be the sort of approach that’s worth considering.

(Interesting historical fact: Josh and I both called that this might happen back when the edit window was changed to its current 4-hour length. I am wondering whether it’s had an effect on player numbers dropping – we’ve had at least two experienced players of other nomics drop out this dynasty due to inability to keep up with the pace, although it might be that the dynastic gameplay was also too fast for them.)

Proposal: Closing the Necronomicon

If the proposal denoted as “We’re bringing Traitors back” fails, this proposal does nothing.

Otherwise, change rule “Teams and Targets” back to the status of Immutable.

Proposal: We’re bringing Traitors back

In rule “Teams and Targets” add the following subrule “Traitors {I}” with the following description:

If the difference of the number of Participates on the on the larger team and the number of Participates on the on the smaller team is 2 or greater, the Mastermind of the small team may secretly make a non-Emperor Participate on the larger team into a Traitor. A Traitor may go against their current Mastermind’s wishes and help the opposing Mastermind. If the Traitor helps the opposing Mastermind achieve their Agenda; the Traitor wins 2 Triumphs. However, if the Traitor’s Mastermind achieve’s their Agenda, the Traitor loses 1 Triumph instead of gaining 1 Triumph from subrule Agenda.

This just feels more fairer due to our current situation.

Proposal: Easily Distracted

In the rule Focus {I}, replace “Each Participant has a Focus, a publicly tracked number that can be 0, 1, or 2, and defaults to 0.” with

Each Participant has a Focus, a publicly tracked number that can be 0, 1, 2, or * and defaults to 0. A focus of * is numerically equivalent to 1 when you are spending or losing focus, but is numerically equivalent to 0 in all other circumstances. A focus of * can only be obtained when a rule explicitly sets it to that value.

Replace the final sentence of that rule with

A Participant who is on opposite teams from a quorum of Participants can set their own Focus to *. If they do so, they cannot perform this action again until the next time they gain a new Target.

In the rule Teams and Targets {I}, create a third bullet point immediately after the other two:

* For each Participant with a focus of *, set their focus to 0.

Currently one of the best uses for the focus you gain as a minority team seems to be to just keep it for the next target, which somewhat defeats the point of it. The best solution then seems to be to make it something that can only be spent when you have that target, and which can’t otherwise be retained.

Team Rupture have scored

Raven1207 set SingularByte’s Role to Brains.
Brendan changed the ‘team’ in the Drive rule to ‘tear’.
SingularByte used the power of the Brains go change ‘tear’ to its synonym, rupture.

Brendan, Raven1207, SingularByte and myself all gained Triumphs for this success.

Now fawn for me, sycophants!

Proposal: [Building Blocks] Secret Schemes

If the Proposal “No Pressure” was enacted, the rest of this Proposal has no effect.

Copy the rule “Virtual Actions” from the Building Blocks wiki page to a subrule of the same name in the “Building Blocks” rule.

In the rule “Heists {I}”, replace the text “can attempt to perform that action by, in a single Dice Roller comment, specifying the action they want to attempt and rolling DICE48” with the following:

can, as a Virtual Action, communicate that Heist Action to the Mastermind on the same team, specifying the details of that Heist Action and optionally any ordering of that action with respect to other Heist Actions communicated to that Mastermind by Participants on the same team. When resolving Heist Actions that they have received, a Mastermind should change the order in which they are resolved based on the request made by the Participants sending those orders if there are any such requests for ordering.

To resolve each Heist Action that they have received, which is considered an attempt at that Heist Action, the Mastermind resolving that action must specify that Heist Action and the Participant who requested that action in a single Dice Roller comment and roll DICE48. After resolving a Heist Action, the Mastermind who resolved that action may choose to defer resolving any further Heist Actions until a later time of their choosing.

In the rule “Teams and Targets {I}”, add the following to the end of that rule as a separate paragraph:

Whenever a Mastermind’s Target changes, any Virtual Actions received by that Mastermind that are still pending at that moment are instead considered canceled.

An alternate idea for resolving the need for live timing competitions.

Proposal: No Pressure

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 25 Jan 2025 05:41:56 UTC

In the rule “Heists {I}”, after the text “If a rule defines an action as a Heist Action,” add the text ” and the last successful Heist Action by a Participant on the same Team was performed at least 4 hours ago or was Swift,”

It’s been hard to get everyone on a Team to be online at the same time to perform quick successive Heist Actions. That sort of pace was fun at first, but has been very wearing since the first few times. I don’t think many people have signed up for that sort of quick timing pace.

My first idea to solve this invovled queuing up orders in secret, but having the Mastermind essentially replay a queue of orders via the Dice Roller really changes the core mechanics of this dynasty and felt too complex of a change, so I abandoned it for something more straightforward.

I won’t be surprised if adding in this artificial 4-hour delay is too much, but I don’t know how else to prevent the Teams from trying to outplay each other via near-live timing battles of Heist Actions. Other suggestions welcome.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Proposal: Get everybody and the stuff together

Reaches quorum 4-1 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 24 Jan 2025 19:28:31 UTC

Append to the text of the rule “Roles {I}” the following:

The set of Roles which are not any Participant’s Role on a given team constitute that team’s unused Roles. If a Mastermind’s Target has changed in the last 48 hours, and if any Participant on the same team as that Mastermind has a blank role, then: that Mastermind may name a Participant on the same team as them, randomly select a Role from their own team’s unused Roles, and assign that Role to that Participant.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Proposal: Functional reputation

Rejected 1-4 with 1 unresolved DEF -SingularByte

Adminned at 24 Jan 2025 19:27:17 UTC

In “Reputations {M}”, change both occurrences of “declare victory” to “achieve victory”.

Banning someone from declaring victory doesn’t prevent them winning – it just prevents them posting a DoV, meaning that the dynasty won’t end even though they’ve won. That isn’t really a desirable situation to be in; the rule should prevent achieving victory instead and thus actually prevent wins.

Proposal: The Bird is the Word

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 24 Jan 2025 00:47:28 UTC

In the rule “Guesses {I}”, replace the text “would change any word” with “would change the characters of any word”.

A Guess of “a” could block any word formed with the “a”, which seems like too cheap of a usage of a Guess.

Proposal: Mopping Up

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 24 Jan 2025 00:46:52 UTC

Append to the rule “The Crew {M}” the following:

Janitor is a role. If a word in a rule matches either Mastermind’s previous Target, but does not match either Mastermind’s current Target, and if that word has been changed by the effect of a Heist Action since the last time it was changed by the enactment of a Votable Matter, then as a Daily Action, a Janitor may reset the text of that rule to match what its text was immediately after the last time it was updated by the enactment of a Votable Matter.

Just a way to omptionally rebuilt things we break.

Proposal: Guess What?

Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 24 Jan 2025 00:45:25 UTC

In the rule “Guesses {I}” add a subrule named “Unguess {M}” with the following text:

As a Heist Action, a Participant may set the Guess of a Mastermind to an empty value, but that Heist Action attempt fails if, in addition to the criteria defined in “Heists {I}”, any of the following has occurred in the previous X hours, where X is the result of the DICE48 roll of that Heist Action attempt $:

* The Mastermind whose Guess would be emptied by this attempt has changed their Guess $.

It’s possible to hit a deadlock where both Masterminds have successfully blocked each other’s teams from making progress, and if there’s no good second option for either of the Teams to win, it will make a win by either Team take longer. This is a way to unblock that with some patience, but of course a Mastermind who is paying attention and hasn’t changed their Guess in roughly the last 24 hours can simply set their Guess again if it is cleared, so the Team clearing a Guess has to be coordinated about their follow-up Heist Actions.

Added some protections to this as well. Recommendations for more or less dollar signs is appreciated.

ais’ Team Gets a Second Win

ais’ team started with the second instance of “votable” in the rule “Bounties (Heists) {M}” and performed 4 Tools of the Trade {M} Heist Actions:

* votable -> cotable
* cotable -> coatable
* coatable -> croatable
* croatable -> creatable

These 4 changes allowed the Targets for ais and Team to match a word in the ruleset: “creatable”. The following Participants’ Triumphs increased by 1 due to their Target matching “creatable”:

* ais523
* Brendan
* JonathanDark
* Raven1207
* SingularByte

Don’t forget to congratulate this team for a job well done within 48 hours!

Proposal: Hidden Agendas

Reached quorum, 4-1 with 1 DEF and only 1 Mastermind voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 24 Jan 2025 00:41:30 UTC

Add a subrule, “Agendas {I}”, to “Teams and Targets {I}”:

Each Mastermind can have up to one Agenda, which (if present) must be an EFF Word, and is tracked privately by that Mastermind. By default, they do not have one. If a Mastermind does not have an Agenda, but every Participant has a Target, that Mastermind can perform the following Atomic Action: secretly randomly select an EFF Word, gain that Word as an Agenda, and inform every Participant on the same team as that Mastermind of that Mastermind’s Agenda.

Whenever a Mastermind’s Target is removed, this also causes their Agenda to be removed. If a Participant’s Target changes to match a Mastermind’s Target while that Mastermind has an Agenda, that Mastermind may inform that Participant of that Mastermind’s Agenda.

If a Mastermind’s Agenda is present as a word in the ruletext, but is not the Guess of any Participant, then that Mastermind, or any Participant on the same team, can increase the Triumphs of all Participants on the same team as that Mastermind by 1. This action cannot be performed if it has been performed previously in the dynasty for the same Agenda word. The blog entry made in response to the change in Triumphs should specify what the Agenda word was.

Targets are public, but this gives each team a secret Agenda in addition to the public Target – reaching either is enough to Triumph (but reaching an Agenda doesn’t reset the teams). I’m expecting this to make the “sneak a word into the ruleset” game more interesting because teams don’t fully know what they have to block. Guesses can be used to guess the other team’s Agenda, blocking them from scoring, if they’re too obvious about what it is.

Further napping

Please idle me. I could have predicted that I wouldn’t be able to keep up, but I tried. I’m sorry.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Proposal: 1080P

Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 22 Jan 2025 15:16:05 UTC

Rename the rule “Guesses {M}” to “Guesses {I}” and reword its text as follows:

Each Participant may have a single Guess, or may have no Guess, and defaults to having no Guess. Guesses are publicly tracked mutable game variables. A non-Mastermind Participant may set their Guess to any single word as a Daily Action. A Mastermind may set their Guess to any other Participant’s Guess as a Daily Action.

If the outcome of a successful Heist Action would change any word in the ruletext that matches a Mastermind’s Guess, then instead of changing that word in the ruletext, that Heist Action does not change that word in the ruletext.

Weakened version of my earlier proposal: team members can provide an array of options to be scouting for, but the Mastermind has to choose which one to block, and can only switch once a day.

Call for Judgment: Triumphs unclaimed, CFJ edition

Reaches quorum 6-0 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 22 Jan 2025 12:05:14 UTC

If the proposal “Triumphs unclaimed” has already been failed or enacted, do nothing. Otherwise:

Fail the proposal “Triumphs unclaimed”.
In the rule Teams and Targets {I}, remove the third bullet point and its contents.

Like SingularByte’s proposal, but making it a CFJ so that we don’t have to wait for the queue to clear before continuing to play (this is, I think, something that needs “urgent attention”).

Proposal: Triumphs unclaimed

Forcibly failed by Triumphs unclaimed, CFJ edition -SingularByte

Adminned at 22 Jan 2025 12:06:06 UTC

In the rule Teams and Targets {I}, remove the third bullet point and its contents.

As of right now, claims are orphaned. This renders triumphs unearnable as per 4.2.3 “A Participant may not take any dynastic actions that are contingent on the specific value of an Orphan Variable. “

Proposal: Streamlined Teams

Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 22 Jan 2025 15:14:19 UTC

Add the following paragraph to the end of “Focus {I}”:

A Participant who is on opposite teams from a quorum of Participants can set their own Focus to 1. If they do so, they cannot perform this action again until the next time they gain a new Target.

Levelling the playing field a little when one team ends up rolling smaller than the other team, giving them some double-actions to compensate. This is worded in such a way as to allow team exemption to use it immediately, as they got quite unlucky with the previous team roll.

CyberStella Detained For Questioning

CyberStella has been idled due to lack of blog activity for 7 days. Quorum remains unchanged at 5.

Proposal: Eras Tour

Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 22 Jan 2025 15:10:47 UTC

Rewrite the rule Reputations {M} to read as follows:

Each Participant may have a Reputation $$$$$. A Participant’s Reputation is a publicly tracked string that may contain multiple comma-separated values, defaulting to blank $$$$$. Each comma-separated item within a Participant’s Reputation is called a Characteristic $$$$$.

If a Participant has the Rude Characteristic within their Reputation then they may not declare Victory$$$$$. A Participant may only declare Victory, when otherwise permitted, if they have the Retired Characteristic $$$$$.

Change the sentence “Any Participant who does not make such a comment when required may be given the Rude Characteristic by any other Participant” to read as follows:

Any Participant who is required to make such a comment but does not do so during the available window may be given the Rude Characteristic by any other Participant.

Bolstering protection and making non-Orphan.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Proposal: [Building Blocks] Precondition unidling preconditions

Reaches quorum 6-0 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 22 Jan 2025 12:02:48 UTC

Amend the Building Blocks rule entitled “Precondition Unidling” by replacing

If a Precondition Proposal enacts, the enacting admin must unidle its proposer before applying the proposal’s effects.


If a Precondition Proposal enacts, the enacting admin must unidle its proposer before applying the proposal’s effects. As an exception, this requirement does not apply where such an unidling would be impossible.

Amend the “Precondition Unidling” section of the “Building Blocks” wiki page in the same fashion.

This fixes the bug that SingularByte pointed out, where, if a player makes a Precondition Proposal and then unidles, the enacting admin is required to unidle a non-idle player but cannot do so. This change ensures the requirement does not exist (it does not specifically check for non-idle participants because there could be other reasons unidling might be impossible).

Proposal: [Building Blocks] Reinitialization preconditions

Reaches quorum 6-0 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 22 Jan 2025 11:59:39 UTC

Amend the Building Blocks rule entitled “Reinitialisation” by replacing

When a Participant has Reinitialised, they are considered to have undertaken no actions in this dynasty for the purposes of determining the validity of limited actions taken after the Reinitialisation, except for the action of Reinitialising itself.


If a Participant has Reinitialised during the current dynasty, then, for the purposes of determining the validity of limited actions, they are considered to have undertaken no actions in this dynasty prior to their most recent Reinitialisation.

Amend the “Reinitialisation” section of the “Building Blocks” wiki page in the same fashion.

There is a reading where “considered to have undertaken no actions in this dynasty” part applies for the rest of the dynasty when a player has Reinitialized at all (that is, where “when” is an ongoing condition, rather than an instantaneous one applied at the moment of Reinitialization), meaning that they would not be subject to most limitations on actions.

Proposal: A Place for your Things

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 21 Jan 2025 22:25:54 UTC

In the rule “Heists {I}” add a subrule named “Stashes {M}” with the following text:

Each Participant has a publicly tracked Stash, which is a list of zero to two alphabetical characters, defaulting to zero characters.

As a Heist Action, a Participant may remove one or two alphabetical characters from a word in a Mutable rule and add them to their Stash, as long as the word that was modified is a word in the English language after the modification $$.

As a Heist Action, a Participant with an non-empty Stash may remove any number of alphabetical characters from their Stash and add those characters to a word in a Mutable rule, as long as the word that was modified is a word in the English language after the modification $$.

Trying another way to be able to manipulate multiple characters at once. To be able to add 2 characters at once will cost 3 Heist Actions overall, but the advantage is being able to save “good” characters for later when you need them.

Proposal: Disclaimed

Reaches quorum 5-0 with 2 unresolved defs and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 21 Jan 2025 20:36:55 UTC

In “Bounties (Heists) {M}”, delete all sentences that contain the word “Claims” and all sentences that contain the phrase “Bounty Payout”.

Add a new subrule, “Bounty Payout {I}”, to “Bounties (Heists) {M}”, with the following text:

The first time each week a Bounty Notice is Enacted, this increases the Triumphs of each Participant who is named in both Masterminds’ EVCs on that Bounty Notice by 1, and the Mastermind who Enacted it should update the tracking page accordingly.

In “The Vault {I}”, change the bullet point starting “amend a word of ruletext” to read

amend a word of ruletext that is 1, 2, or 3 letters long or a number in ruletext that is 1 or 2 digits long (but adding new such words and numbers is acceptable, as is moving them to other places in the ruleset, or merging them with adjacent words or numbers by deleting an adjacent space).

and add a new bullet point immediately before it:

set the default value of a tracked variable to anything other than 0 or blank/empty;

Increase the Triumphs of each Participant and Idle Participant who has exactly 1 Claim by 1. Each Idle Participant (and if “Breaching the vault” was not enacted, each Participant) who has gained more than 1 Triumph from Claims this dynasty loses a number of Triumphs equal to the number that Participant or Idle Participant gained that way.

Remove Claims as a tracked variable from the gamestate.

There’s a very easy scam in the current ruleset to gain a very large number of Triumphs (most easily via changing the default value for Claims to a larger number like 90). This removes the Claims variable and allows Bounties to give Triumphs directly, which a) simplifies the rules and b) removes that particular scam. It also (mostly) reverts any attempts to have used the scam, and adds protections to prevent similar scams arising in the future.

The scam needs to be removed for Triumphs to have any use as a scoring system, as a scam that manufactures them directly would bypass the conventional gameplay of the dynasty.

Proposal: Entertainment 720

Withdrawn and failed -SingularByte

Adminned at 21 Jan 2025 20:35:21 UTC

Change the title of the rule “Guesses {M}” to “Guesses {I}” and append the following to it:

Guesses are a mutable variable. If the outcome of a successful Heist Action would change any English word in the ruletext that matches any Participant’s Guess, then instead, that Heist Action does not change that word.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Proposal: Breaching the vault

Rejected 3-4 with a unresolved def and failed -SingularByte

Adminned at 21 Jan 2025 20:34:46 UTC

In “The Vault {I}”, change

achieve victory, or confer victory upon anyone (if a Mutable rule attempts to do so, it instead does not, and may be repealed by any Participant);


achieve victory, or confer victory upon anyone, unless the person achieving victory is a Participant with at least 12 Triumphs;

and change

directly amend or modify the ruleset or non-mutable dynastic gamestate through means other than defining or successfully performing a Heist Action;


directly amend or modify the ruleset, or the non-mutable dynastic gamestate of a Participant with less than 8 Triumphs, through means other than defining or successfully performing a Heist Action;

In “Focus {I}”, change

A Heist Action can never be Swift if the previous Heist Action performed by the same Participant was Swift.


A Heist Action can never be Swift if the previous Heist Action performed by the same Participant was Swift and that Participant has less than 6 Triumphs.

In “Teams and Targets {I}”, change

For each Participant, add their Claims to their Triumphs, then set their Claims to 0.


For each Participant, add their Claims to their Triumphs, then set their Claims to 0. If their Triumphs were less than 10, and their Claims were greater than 1, instead increase that Participant’s Triumphs by 1 rather than by the full number of Claims.

For each Participant who has more than 1 Claim, reduce their Claims to 1. For each Participant who has, over the course of the dynasty, gained more than 1 Triumph via the conversion of Claims into Triumphs, reduce that Participant’s Triumphs by the number of Triumphs they gained that way.


Tying Triumphs to the anti-scam protections – the better you get at heists, the better you get at ignoring the restrictions.

This also adds a new anti-scam protection because it’s very easy to farm large numbers of Claims under the current ruleset, even without making use of Bounty Notices, and if someone does exploit that loophole before it’s closed it’ll turn Triumphs into fool’s gold and kind-of ruin the dynasty. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone else had also figured out the loophole already and was just waiting for a victory condition in order to deploy it.

Proposal: Empty Your Mind and Concentrate

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 21 Jan 2025 04:12:52 UTC

In the rule “Focus {I}” add the following at the end of that rule as a separate paragraph:

As a Heist Action, a Participant can Concentrate by rolling DICE3 (in addition to the normal roll required to complete a Heist Action), and if the result of that DICE3 roll is larger than their current Focus they may add 1 to their Focus.

Take a Heist Action now to be able to do back-to-back Heist Actions later. It gets harder to stack them up.

Proposal: Can’t Take the Heat

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 21 Jan 2025 04:12:22 UTC

In the rule “Heists {I}” add a subrule named “Heat {M}” with the following text:

Each Participant has a publicly tracked Heat, which may contain zero or more alphabetical characters, defaulting to zero characters.

As a Heist Action, a Participant can remove two or three alphabetical characters from a word in a Mutable rule and add those characters to their Heat, provided that all of the following are true after the removal:

* The word that was modified is still a word in the English language $$.
* The word that was modified is at least two letters in length.

As a Heist Action, a Participant can remove one or more of the alphabetical characters from their Heat and add those characters in any order to an existing word in a Mutable rule provided that all of the following are true after the addition:

* The word that was modified is still a word in the English language $$.

In the rule “Heat {M}” add a subrule named “Too Hot {I}” with the following text:

A Participant who has one or more characters in their Heat cannot have their Triumphs increased by any dynastic actions.

Heat becomes a “holding ground”, but you risk holding the characters too long and missing out on gaining Triumphs.

Okay this was a bad idea

I request to become idle. Sorry. Despite warnings, I still didn’t expect this game to be so fast-moving and high-intensity.

Proposal: Low Status

Reached quorum, 5-1. Enacted by JonathanDark. NOTE: Reputation was not specified as publicly or privately tracked and is thus currently orphaned.

Adminned at 21 Jan 2025 04:00:21 UTC

Add he following as a new dynastic rule, called Reputations {M}:

Each Participant may have a Reputation. A Participant’s Reputation is a string that may contain multiple comma-separated values, defaulting to blank. Each comma-separated item within a Participant’s Reputation is called a Characteristic $$$$$

If a Participant has the Rude Characteristic within their Reputation then they may not declare Victory. A Participant may only declare Victory, when otherwise permitted, if they have the Retired Characteristic $$$$$

Add the following to the end of the final paragraph of the rule Teams and Targets {I}:

If that change was made as a result of a Team achieving its Target then all Participants in the erstwhile Team that did not achieve its Target should comment to that post warmly congratulating the Team that did, within 48 hours of its posting. Any Participant who does not make such a comment when required may be given the Rude Characteristic by any other Participant.

If the ruleset contains the sentence “then the Participant has successfully Retired”, add the following immediately after it:

and may award themselves the Retired Characteristic

Proposal: Cleaner Wins

Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 21 Jan 2025 03:51:24 UTC

In the rule Victory and Ascension, change the enactment criteria to read as follows:

It has a number of FOR Votes greater than 2/3rds of the number of Participants, it has been open for at least 12 hours, and either the Mastermind has Voted FOR it or it has no AGAINST Votes.
It has been open for at least 24 hours and it has a number of FOR Votes that exceed or equal Quorum.

We haven’t yet had a situation where a valid victory has been disqualified on the basis of quiet players preventing the 2/3rds benchmark from being met, but in an era of lower player counts it seems inevitable that it’s going to happen at some point. A simple majority should suffice when a DoV is a controversial case.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Proposal: Fool’s Heist

Timed out, 4-0 with 2 DEFs. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 21 Jan 2025 03:48:11 UTC

Enact a new rule entitled “Retirement {I}” as follows:

As a Heist Action, a Participant may attempt to Retire by rolling DICE20 (in addition to the normal roll required to complete a Heist Action). If the Heist Action is successful and the result of the DICE20 roll is less than that Participant’s Triumphs, then the Participant has successfully Retired; if the Heist Action is not successful, or the result of the DICE20 roll is greater than or equal to the Participant’s Triumphs, then the Participant has failed to Retire and loses 1 Triumph.

Thinking about how early victory point scores tend to end up as fool’s gold if not worse, and if they don’t then they typically become reasons for disappointing roll-offs. So here’s a take on a pooling mechanic where you’re the only one in your own pool.

I should make an entry to the blog detailing the change and the basis upon which it was made

A brief time ago, the Call for Judgment “Starting to build up a corpus of case law” reached six votes in favor with none against. In my capacity as an admin, I duly enacted it, restoring the word “rebult” to the ruletext. I then undertook a second try at using my Tools of the Trade Heist Action—which really needs a snappier name—to add the character “i” to that word. As I had not succeeded at a Heist Action in the previous 48 hours, the roll was pro forma, and this attempt was successful. I have since updated the Game Data page to reflect the award of 1 Triumph to those of us with “rebuilt” as our Target, and have removed all Targets from all Participants pursuant to “Teams and Targets.”

Proposal: We Have Backups

Timed out, 4-0 with 1 DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 21 Jan 2025 03:44:21 UTC

Append to the end of The Crew {M}:

Archivist is a Role. As a Heist Action, an Archivist can reset the text of a sentence in the ruleset to have the text it had immediately after the enactment of the last proposal that altered that sentence.

Adding some counter play, so you can snipe changes in progress. I considered making it a regular participant heist action, or giving the archivist the ability to reset whole rules, but those felt a little powerful.

Proposal: [Core] [Appendix] Upholstery and Rejection

Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 20 Jan 2025 03:29:40 UTC

In the core rule “Calls for Judgement”, change

It specifies neither changes to the Gamestate or Ruleset nor corrections to any gamestate-tracking entities.


It does not specify changes to the gamestate nor ruleset, does not specify that any attempt to perform an action should be upheld or rejected, and does not specify corrections to any gamestate-tracking entities.

In the “Other” section of the appendix rule “Keywords”, add a definition of “Reject” between the definitions of “Quorum” and “Resolve”:

To reject an attempt to take an action is to retroactively declare the attempt to have been unsuccessful, and to declare that all attempted game actions taken after that attempt were attempted as though that attempt had been unsuccessful. An attempt to take an action can be rejected even if it were originally legal. The opposite of rejecting an attempt to take an action is upholding it.

and change the definition of “Uphold” to:

To uphold an attempt to take an action is to retroactively declare the attempt to have been successful, and to declare that all attempted game actions taken after that attempt were attempted as though that attempt had been successful. An attempt to take an action can be upheld even if it were originally illegal (in which case the retroactive change is made by pretending, for the purpose of calculating the results of that change, that the action was legal). The opposite of upholding an attempt to take an action is rejecting it.


“Starting to build up a corpus of case law” has highlighted a couple of issues in the CFJ system. One of them is that, because it attempts to revert an action that is generally considered to have been illegal, it doesn’t actually make any gamestate changes; the only reason it couldn’t be failed right now is that we have left the tracker in an incorrect state, so that the CFJ can be processed correctly (in other words, the CFJ has had the unwanted side effect of discouraging players from fixing the tracker). The incorrect tracker has the side effect of halting gameplay (we apply actions by updating the tracker, but the tracker is wrong so it can’t be updated correctly).

But the other issue is that, quite apart from the issue with the tracker, the CFJ itself also has the issue of halting gameplay; that’s because instead of reverting the attempt to perform an action by simulating a revert at the time the action was performed, it instead changes the current gamestate to match the gamestate immediately before the rejected action was attempted. That’s much easier to word in the current rules, but means that it’s impossible for my team to score while the CFJ is pending, as it would revert any scoring attempt once it were enacted.

As such, what’s needed to stop the same issue happening again is to add definitions into the core rules that would make it easy to word the CFJ in a way that allows gameplay to continue while the CFJ is pending. A while ago, we added “uphold” into the ruleset to deal with situations of “this illegal action happened ages ago, but we were playing assuming that it worked and don’t want to recalculate the gamestate”. The new definition “reject” is the opposite, dealing with situations of “someone attempted an action I think is illegal, and want to change the gamestate to what it would be if it were illegal, without preventing gameplay while the CFJ is pending”. In particular, it is possible to correct the tracker while a “reject an action” CFJ is pending – and even repeat the action via legal means – because after the action is rejected, that just looks like a routine “correct tracker to match gamestate” / “revert the effects of an illegal action” tracker update. The CFJ rule is modified slightly so that “reject an action” CFJs can’t be failed simply because someone reverted the action in the tracker (and likewise so that “uphold an action” CFJs can’t be failed simply because the action was originally legal, which under the current rules might be a problem if someone tried to uphold an action that some people felt was legal and other people felt was illegal).

With this definition, a CFJ to correct the presumably-illegal typo fix could be worded as “Reject the change of ‘rebult’ into ‘rebuilt’ recently peformed using the typo correction provision of Spelling and Formatting”, and the definition would automatically take care of ensuring that the CFJ would resolve correctly despite tracker corrections and dynastic gameplay that happened while it was pending.

Proposal: Hot On the Trail

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 20 Jan 2025 03:19:08 UTC

Add a new rule named “Law Enforcement {I}” with the following text:

Each Participant has a publicly tracked number named Evidence which is 0 by default. Each time a Participant performs a successful Heist Action, their Evidence must be increased by 1. A Participant whose Evidence is at least 3 is considered Wanted.

There is a publicly tracked Jail, which is a list of Participants and is empty by default. A Participant whose name is in the Jail is said to be Locked Up. A Participant who is Locked Up cannot take any dynastic actions except the following:

* If their Evidence is greater than 0, they may decrease their Evidence by 1 (to a minimum of 0) if they haven’t done so within the last 24 hours.
* If their Evidence is 0, they may remove their name from the Jail.

In the rule “Law Enforcement {I}” add a subrule named “Snitching {M}” with the following text:

Snitch is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Select a non-Mastermind Participant who is Wanted.
* Add the selected Participant’s name to the Jail.

As a Heist Action, a Participant may Snitch, adding the selected Participant’s name to the comment in the Dice Roller when performing that Heist Action.

In the rule “Law Enforcement {I}” add a subrule named “Coverup {M}” with the following text:

Coverup is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Select a non-Mastermind Participant who has an Evidence greater than 0.
* Decrease the selected Participant’s Evidence by 1, to a minimum of 0.

As a Heist Action, a Participant may Coverup, adding the selected Participant’s name to the comment in the Dice Roller when performing that Heist Action.

A way to make trouble for Participants who get too successful at Heist Actions unless other Participants are helping cover their tracks.

You can Coverup a Participant who is Locked Up. This is intentional as a way to break them out of Jail early.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Proposal: Golden Bolts

Timed out, 5-1 with 1 DEF and both Masterminds voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 20 Jan 2025 03:13:42 UTC

If the CFJ “Form and Formatability” is still pending, fail it.
If the CFJ “Fixing form for wiki misinterpretation” is still pending, fail it.

Amend “The Bank {M}” to read as follows:

All text in this rule, other than this sentence and its punctuation, is flavour text, and each word in it is additionally considered to be a valid English word $$.

Amend “Bolted to the Ground {M}” to read as follows:

Dynastic actions cannot modify sentences in the Ruleset that contain dollar signs, except by removing one or more dollar signs $$$.

In “Tools of the Trade {M}”, change “curly brackets” (or whatever sequence of characters “curly brackets” was edited into by dynastic actions) to “dollar signs”.

Changing the Bolted to the Ground mechanic into something that has similar balance properties, but is easier to define and track. This is a proposal rather than a CFJ due to being a reworking of the mechanic.

Proposal: Rules Are Made To Be Broken

Times out 5-1. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 19 Jan 2025 22:41:29 UTC

If Less Security was enacted, this does nothing. Otherwise:

In the rule The Vault {I}, in the bullet pointed list, replace “dynastic gamestate” with “non-mutable dynastic gamestate”.

As a subrule of “The Vault {I}”, add a rule “Mutable Gamestate {I}”:

Dynastic gamestate is said to be mutable if at least one of the following is true:
* The dynastic gamestate or variable is declared in an immutable rule as being mutable
* The dynastic gamestate or variable is solely defined by a mutable rule
* It is a publicly tracked dynastic variable that ceased to have a definition or became orphaned
** In this case, that variable is publicly tracked and continues to retain the last value legally applied to it, or a default if none exists

Call for Judgment: Fixing form for wiki misinterpretation

Timed out, 2-5. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 20 Jan 2025 03:12:53 UTC

If the CFJ “Form and Formatability” is still pending, fail it.

Amend “The Bank {M}” to read as follows:

^^^All text in this rule, other than this sentence and its punctuation, are flavour text, and are additionally considered to be valid English words.$$$

Amend “Bolted to the Ground {M}” to read as follows:

^^^Any attempt by a Heist Action to modify protected text instead does nothing. Text is protected if it appears between a matching caret (^) and dollar sign ($) when carets and dollar signs are matched in the same way that opening and closed parentheses usually are (with a caret acting like an opening parenthesis and a dollar sign acting like a closing parenthesis).$$$

Carets and dollar signs can be matched only within a single rule, not between rules.

Change all { in the dynastic ruleset to ^, and all } in the dynastic ruleset to $, except where a) they are part of an {I} or {M}, or b) they are being used as MediaWiki template markup rather than as part of the text of a rule.

In “Tools of the Trade {M}”, change “curly brackets” (or whatever sequence of characters “curly brackets” was edited into via dynastic actions, if it is not present) to “dollar signs, carets”.


MediaWiki has unexpectedly started mis-rendering part of the ruleset due to misinterpreting {{…}} as wikimarkup. In order to prevent this becoming a recurring problem, change the characters used to something that it doesn’t treat as special. This specific choice was suggested by JonathanDark as being easy to type and not being likely to be used in rule text otherwise.

The two existing cases which are arguably/potentially template markup are explicitly replaced by this CFJ, in order to prevent there being any dispute about the resulting form of the rule.

Proposal: Less Security

Rejected with 2 votes to 5 and fails -SingularByte

Adminned at 19 Jan 2025 08:06:53 UTC

If the text “directly amend or modify the ruleset or dynastic gamestate through means other than defining or successfully performing a Heist Action” appears in the Ruleset, then replace it with:

directly amend or modify the ruleset or dynastic gamestate through means other than defining or successfully performing a Heist Action or Free Action

If the text “A Participant may set their Guess to any EFF Word at any time” appears in the Ruleset, then replace it with:

A Participant may set their Guess to any EFF Word at any time as a Free Action

If the text “revert the effect of one Heist Action performed by a Participant” appears in the Ruleset, then replace it with:

revert the effect of one Heist Action or any number of Free Actions performed by a Participant

Call for Judgment: Form and Formatability

Rejected with 1 vote to 5 and fails -SingularByte

Adminned at 19 Jan 2025 08:14:00 UTC

The rule The Bank {M} includes text in a double curly brace (”{{"). Mediawiki interprets this as meaning that a template is being called, and renders it as having no curly braces at all, substantially changing its meaning.

This matter can't be simply corrected as it does not meet the criterion for permitted changes to be made set out in Spelling and Formatting:

A Participant may change the layout or design of a gamestate wiki page if doing so would not change how any rules interpreted its content.

There's a lot about this that's outside the scope of this CfJ; whether we move away from the curly brace as a signifier or just mitigate the issue when it arises is one question; another is the broader question of whether we should allow proposals that include raw mediawiki formatting to have that formatting take effect when copy-pasted into the wiki. I'll leave those for future proposals to address.

For now: revert any changes made to the rule The Bank {M} since it was enacted, and then add the following tags around its content, removing the spaces:

< nowiki >

< /nowiki >

Proposal: Hostile Takeovers

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 18 Jan 2025 17:50:46 UTC

Add a subrule to “Teams and Targets {I}” named “Attacks {M}” with the following text:

A non-Mastermind Participant may, as a Heist Action, perform an Attack as an atomic action with the following steps:

* Select a non-Mastermind Participant other than yourself, called the Victim.
* When making the roll in the Dice Roller as part of the Heist Action, include the name of the Victim in the comment for that roll.
* Make a blog post with the Story category where the title is “X attacks Y”, X is your player name, and Y is the player name of the Victim. This post is known as the Threat, and you are considered the Attacker in that Threat.

A Participant may not be selected as the Victim of a Threat if they are the Victim in another Threat that was posted less than 96 hours ago.

If a Participant is the Victim in a Threat, and that Threat has been posted within the last 48 hours, that Participant may, as a Heist Action, perform a Defense in that Threat. A Defense is an atomic action with the following steps:

* When making the roll in the Dice Roller as part of the Heist Action, include the name of the Attacker in the comment for that roll.
* Post a comment in that Threat containing the text “I defend myself”.

A Takeover is the following atomic action:
* The Attacker in a Threat swaps their Target with the Target of that Threat’s Victim.
* The Attacker in a Threat posts to that Threat with a comment containing the text “Attack successful”

Once an Attacker has performed a Takeover, the Threat in which that Takeover was performed is no longer considered a Threat.

As a Heist Action, the Attacker in a Threat may perform a Takeover for a Threat if all of the following are true:

* It has been more than 48 hours since that Threat was posted.
* The Victim in that Threat has not performed a successful Defense since that Threat was posted.
* That Attacker has not performed a Takeover for that Threat.

A bit of the old ultraviolence.

Proposal: No Silent Scoring

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 18 Jan 2025 17:49:33 UTC

Add the following to the end of the rule Teams and Targets {I}:

Whenever a Participant changes the Triumphs of any Participant they should make an entry to the blog detailing the change and the basis upon which it was made.

Call for Judgment: Starting to build up a corpus of case law

Passes 6-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 18 Jan 2025 23:38:58 UTC

The Rebuilt Team has scored. JonathanDark first changed ‘result’ into ‘rebult’ in the rule The Crew, and then used the typo correction provision of Spelling and Formating to correct Rebult to Rebuilt.

Said provision reads:

Participants may correct obvious spelling, punctuation, typographical, and/or formatting mistakes in the Ruleset, the Building Blocks page, and their own Pending Votable Matters at any time, including replacing Spivak and gender-specific pronouns that refer to Participants with the corresponding forms of the singular ‘they’.

This CfJ asserts that ‘rebult’ is not an obvious typo for ‘rebuilt’ (it could equally validly be ‘rebut’ or ‘revolt’ or ‘rebel’ or, indeed, ‘result’, the word from which it was derived), and for a spelling mistake to qualify as a mistake it has to have been unintentional; crafting one deliberately may or may not be an appendix scam but either way it probably isn’t properly a mistake. Therefore, revert the change made in this wiki edit and revert any Triumph gains awarded on the basis of the term ‘rebuilt’ having appeared in the ruleset, and reinstate each Participant’s Target as of this wiki edit.

Proposal: All Criminals Need Good Paperwork

Reaches quorum with 6-0 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 18 Jan 2025 06:32:31 UTC

Rename Timing {I} to Heists {I} and move the following rules to be subrules of it:
Tools of the Trade {M}
Oversight {M}
Identity Theft {M}

Move the following rule to be a subrule of The Vault {I}:
Bolted to the Ground {M}

Move the following rule to be a subrule of Definitions {I} if it exists, or Teams and Targets {I} otherwise:
EFF Words {I}

Move The Bank{M} to be a subrule of The Crew {M}.

Move Definitions {I}, if it exists, to be the first dynastic rule.
Move The Vault {I} with its subrule(s) to be directly before Heists {I}
Move Roles {I} with its subrule(s) to be directly after Heists{I}

The rules are feeling a little cluttered so I’m thinking we house some related rules together.

Proposal: Balancing Act

Withdrawn and failed -SingularByte

Adminned at 18 Jan 2025 06:31:11 UTC

Add a subrule to “Teams and Targets {I}” named “Rebalancing {M}” with the following text:

Rebalance is an atomic action with the following steps:

* Choose a word at least five alphabetic letters in length that appears in three different Mutable rules as the Source Word, with the Mutable rules selected as the Source Rules.
* Choose a word at least five alphabetic letters in length that is not the same as the Source Word selected from the previous step and that appears in three different Mutable rules, where none of those rules are the same as the Source Rules selected in the previous step, as the Target Word and those rules selected as the Target Rules.
* In each Target Rule, swap one instance of the Target Word with one instance of the Source Word from any one of the Source Rules selected in this instance of this action.
* Swap the Targets of two non-Mastermind Participants if those Participants have non-empty Targets.

A Mastermind may, as a Heist Action, perform a Rebalance, indicating the Participants selected in that Rebalance in the comments of the Dice Roller for that Heist Action.

Throwing a little shenanigans into the mix. No honor among thieves.

Proposal: Mean What You Say

Reaches quorum with 6-0 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 18 Jan 2025 06:27:49 UTC

Add a new subrule titled “There are no accidents” immediately after the subrule “Spelling and formatting” of the Appendix rule “Clarifications”:

In this dynasty, Participants may not modify the ruleset using a provision in the rule “Spelling and formatting”. If a Dynastic Reset has been performed after the subrule “There are no accidents” was added to the ruleset, any Participant may repeal the subrule “There are no accidents”.

A ban on typo correction, in case someone wants to creatively use it on all the poorly-formed words that are bound to appear soon enough. It needs to be in the appendix since the appendix takes precedence over all other rules.

Proposal: All The Time In The World

Reaches quorum 7-0 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 18 Jan 2025 06:18:55 UTC

Append the following Role to the list of Roles in “The Crew {M}”:

Watchmaker is a Role. As a Heist Action, the Watchmaker may steal time by removing any instance of a word in the ruleset which is a physical invention for keeping time. {{Immediately after a Watchmaker successfully steals time, they must make a Story Post to the blog titled "Time Theft" saying that they've done so. For the hour afterwards, no Participant outside of that Watchmaker's team may take any dynastic actions.}}

A straight reproposal of the Watchmaker now that I have a slot open, including SB’s suggestion that it should involve a blog post to make it even more visible.

Proposal: Masterminds and Moneymakers

Reached quorum, 5-0 with 1 DEF and both Masterminds voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 Jan 2025 21:11:55 UTC

In the rule The Crew {M}, replace all instances of the word Banker with Treasurer.

In the rule Teams and Targets {I}, replace “If a Participant (Participant A) ever does not have a Target, any Participant (Participant B) can set Participant A’s Target to a randomly selected Mastermind’s Target, specifying who Participant A is when making that selection.”

If a non-Mastermind Participant (Participant A) ever does not have a Target, any Participant (Participant B) can set Participant A’s Target to a randomly selected Mastermind’s Target, specifying who Participant A is when making that selection.

If a Mastermind ever does not have a Target, or if their Target is the same as any other Mastermind, any Participant may set that Mastermind’s Target to a random EFF Word, specifying which Mastermind it is when making that random selection.

A couple of fixes I’ve promised

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Proposal: Given an Inch

Reached quorum, 7-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 Jan 2025 21:08:23 UTC

Delete from the rule entitled “Teams and Targets {I}” the sentence “For the purposes of this dynasty’s dynastic rules, “ruletext” is the entire contents of the Ruleset, except flavour text and rule titles.”

Enact a rule entitled “Definitions {I}” as follows:

* The terms rule, rules, and rules text refer exclusively to rules that are specified in the Ruleset for BlogNomic.
* The term ruletext refers exclusively to the contents of the Ruleset for BlogNomic, excepting flavour text and rule titles.

Proposal: Swift Getaway

Reaches quorum 8-0 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 17 Jan 2025 20:48:08 UTC

In “Timing {I}”, change

The Participant performing the attempt successfully performed a Heist Action.


The Participant performing the attempt successfully performed a Heist Action that was not Swift.

Create a new subrule to “Timing {I}”, named “Focus {I}”, with the following text:

A successfully perfomed Heist Action can be defined by the rules to be Swift; if it is not so defined, it is not Swift. A Heist Action can never be Swift if the previous Heist Action performed by the same Participant was Swift.

Each Participant has a Focus, a publicly tracked number that can be 0, 1, or 2, and defaults to 0.

If a Participant has at least 1 Focus, they can, while attempting to perform a Heist Action, include “(Focus)” in the Dice Roller comment for the attempt. If they do so, and that action is successful, then that action reduces their Focus by 1 (in addition to its other effects) and is Swift.

If there is a rule “The Crew {M}” that contains a paragraph including the word “Driver”, change that paragraph to read as follows:

Driver is a Role. As a Heist Action which is a weekly action, the Driver may “assist in a getaway”. During the twenty-four hours after a Driver successfully assists in a getaway, the first successfully performed Heist Action performed by each Participant on the same team as that Driver is Swift.

A framework for performing “double actions” – a Swift Action doesn’t start the timer, so you can perform a second one immediately, without bypassing the other protections against timing scams. Initially there is no way to gain Focus. This also includes the Driver in the new framework, to prevent it being used for timing scams while retaining the functionality.

Proposal: Where Has All The Time Gone?

Illegal third proposal, unfortunately

Adminned at 16 Jan 2025 18:38:40 UTC

If the Proposal “I Might Know A Guy” did not pass, then this Proposal has no effect.

If the Proposal “If It Isn’t Nailed Down…” did not pass, remove the curly brackets from the below Role.

Append the following Role to the list of Roles in “The Crew {M}”:

Watchmaker is a Role. As a Heist Action, the Watchmaker may steal time by removing any instance of a word in the ruleset which is a physical invention for keeping time. {{For the next hour after a Watchmaker has successfully stolen time, no Participant outside of that Watchmaker's team may take any dynastic actions. If it's happened before, the last time time has been stolen, along with the Participant who stole it, is publicly tracked.}}

A little temporal theft never hurt anyone! This provides a way to fire off an uninterrupted sequence of actions with your crew, at the cost of having to manipulate a timekeeping device into the ruleset first.

Too law-abiding for these criminal activities

I would like to be idled, this dynasty seems to become way too time-consuming for me to participate right now

Proposal: The Exotic Toolkit

Fails with 5 votes to 3 -SingularByte

Adminned at 17 Jan 2025 20:46:46 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule, called Lock and Key {I}:

Each Mastermind has a Passkey, which is a string of nine to sixteen characters (which may be English alphabet letters or spaces) that comprise a recognisable sequence of words. If a Mastermind does not have a Passkey then they may set their Passkey to any legal value.

As a Heist Action, if there are no open Lockpick posts, any Participant who is not a Mastermind may make a Lockpick post to the blog, which is an official post in the Story Posts category which has a title of ‘Lockpick attempt’ and a body that contains nothing except the author’s guesses as to the two Passkeys. Each Mastermind should respond to that post with a FOR or AGAINST mark, signifying whether the content of the post contains their Passkey. If both responses to a Passkey post are FOR then its author may once set one subrule to this rule to be Mutable, and both Masterminds should immediately change their Passkeys. Otherwise it ceases to be a Lockpick Post within 48 hours of having been posted.

All Immutable subrules to this rule are flavour text.

Add the following as a new subrule to Lock and Key {I}, called Dynomite {I}:

As a Heist Action a Participant may repeal one Mutable rule, then repeal this rule.

Add the following as a new subrule to Lock and Key {I}, called Electronic Identification Spoofer {I}:

Any Participant may change the first line of bulleted list in the rule Tools of the Trade {M} to read as followes, and then repeal this rule:

* Every word in the amended rule is a word in the English language or the name of a Participant.

Proposal: More security

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 Jan 2025 16:43:41 UTC

Amend “The Vault {I}” to read as follows, without changing its subrules:

A Dynastic Rule containing an {I} in its title is Immutable. A Dynastic Rule containing an {M} in its title is Mutable. When referring to a Dynastic Rule by title, any {I} or {M} may (but need not) be omitted.

The only ways to change the ruletext of an Immutable rule are via the legal enactment of a proposal or CFJ, and via the Dynastic Reset action.

Mutable rules cannot do any of the following, nor permit anyone to do any of the following:

  • achieve victory, or confer victory upon anyone (if a Mutable rule attempts to do so, it instead does not, and may be repealed by any Participant);
  • cause a proposal or CFJ to become illegal, or prevent or limit the ability of Participants to create proposals or CFJs;
  • prevent or limit the ability of Participants to vote on CFJs, or prevent or limit the ability of admins and idle admins to enact CFJs;
  • modify the way in which proposals or CFJs are voted on, failed, or enacted;
  • directly amend or modify the ruleset or dynastic gamestate through means other than defining or successfully performing a Heist Action;
  • cause a person to become a Participant or cease being a Participant, or cause a Participant to become idle or cease being idle;
  • change the title of a rule;
  • amend a word of ruletext that is 1, 2, or 3 letters long (but adding new such words is acceptable, as is moving them to other places in the ruleset, or merging them with adjacent words by deleting an adjacent space).

Where a Mutable rule and an Immutable rule contradict one another, the Immutable rule takes precedence.

Preventing dynastic-action rule changes from doing a range of things that would be problematic. I’ve preserved the protections that were in the rule already, and added some new ones. Most of those are common sense (e.g. we don’t want mutable rules to change how CFJ voting works); the interesting one is the ban on changing 1, 2, and 3 letters long (which is intended to make it harder to invert the meaning of a rule by changing words like “all” or “not”, whilst not being much of an obstacle towards reaching the Targets and Triumphing).

Proposal: I Might Know A Guy

Reached quorum, 6-0 with 1 DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 Jan 2025 16:07:48 UTC

Create a rule called Roles {I}:

Each Participant has up to one Role, which is a publicly tracked value which defaults to blank. A Participant with a non-blank role may be referred to as “A(n) X” or “The X” where X is that Role. Whenever a Participant’s Target is changed, their Role is set back to its default. Whenever a Participant gains a role, if that role is the same as the non-blank role of another Participant in their Team, that second Participant loses their Role.

Where a Role has a weekly action defined for it, that action cannot be performed by a Participant until that Participant has held that role continuously for three days.

As a subrule of Roles {I}, create a rule called The Crew {M}:

A Participant can, as a Heist Action, set the Role of any Participant in their team to a legal value. When a Mastermind performs that action, they may additionally set the Role of another Participant in their team to a legal value.

Brains is a Role. As a Heist Action, the Brains can substitute any word in the ruleset for one of its synonyms. That substitution cannot be from or to any term defined in the ruleset, and the sentence must retain the same meaning as a result of the change.

Muscle is a Role. As a Heist Action which is a weekly action, the Muscle can transpose two adjacent words in the rules text if that transposition would result in all affected sentences having a meaningful interpretation.

Driver is a Role. As a Heist Action which is a weekly action, the Driver may make a blog post declaring that they are assisting in a get-away. During the twenty-four hours following that post, each member of that Driver’s team may subtract 24 from the DICE48 roll (to a minimum of 0) for the first Heist Action that member performs in that period.

Treasurer is a Role. As a Heist Action, the Banker may append a copy of any word from any rule onto the end of the rules text of The Bank {M}. They may optionally give that word a preceding space.

Double Agent is a Role. As a Heist Action which is a Weekly action, the Double Agent may perform a Heist Action as if they were part of another Team. When they do so, they must clearly denote which Team they are performing the Heist Action as if they belonged to, and they skip the required DICE48 roll for that second Heist Action (with a roll of 0 being classed as their result for that roll if relevant).

Create a rule called The Bank {M} with the following text:

{{All text in this rule, other than this sentence and its punctuation, are flavour text, and are additionally considered to be valid English words.}}

If “If It Isn’t Nailed Down…” failed, remove any instances of “{" or "}” from the added rules, except where those are part of the strings {M} or {I}.

This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of roles, but should be enough that nobody is left out. EDIT: Just realised that The Vault makes some of this illegal, so I’ve removed the psuedo-Mastermind role, and put the basic definitions in an immutable rule.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Proposal: If It Isn’t Nailed Down…

Reaches quorum 7-0 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 17 Jan 2025 07:46:35 UTC

If any of the Proposals “How To Heist”, “Security”, or “Get Cracking” did not pass, then this Proposal has no effect.

Add a new dynastic rule, titled “Bolted to the Ground {M}”:

{{{Any attempt by a Heist Action to modify text that lies between a matching pair of {curly brackets} instead does nothing.}}}

A curly bracket may not match with any other curly bracket outside of its rule.

In the rule “Tools of the Trade {M}”, replace the list of valid characters for the Heist Action defined therein with:

one of the 26 letters of the English alphabet, its 10 numerals, commas, spaces, hyphens, apostrophes, curly brackets, and full stops

Append the following paragraph to the rule “Security {I}”:

The title of a rule may not be modified through the application of a Heist action.

A way to have there be some tenuous protection behind rulestext that can be chipped away at through successively removing curly brackets, instead of a plain binary “either you can change the rule or you can’t”.

Writing this made me look at the titles of the rules and realize that you could arguably modify the mutable rules’ titles to prevent proposals from doing their thing (or even make rules immutable), which is a boring scam and so this also includes an unrelated fix for that.

Proposal: Divisions of Power

Reaches quorum 8-0 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 17 Jan 2025 07:44:00 UTC

Replace the text of the rule Coregency, Coregency {I} or Race 5 (whichever exists) with:

This Dynasty is a Coregency and as such has two Masterminds, the Participant named ais523 and the Participant named Josh, who each have all of the powers and responsibilities of a Mastermind. As a general rule of thumb, references in other rules to “the Mastermind” are to be treated as applying to all Masterminds independently. i.e. if the Mastermind is permitted to take an action, any Mastermind may take it and it will be treated by that rule as if “the mastermind” took that action. If the mastermind is subject to a restriction, no masterminds can breach that restriction.

Where this rule alters the specific interpretation of a rule, that specific interpretation takes precedence over the general rule of thumb in the above paragraph. Otherwise, the rule of thumb is to be followed.

For the purposes of the Core rule Dormancy, there are no Masterminds.

In this dynasty, DEFERENTIAL votes are resolved as follows: if both Masterminds have the same valid Vote, then all votes of DEFERENTIAL on that Votable Matter are considered to be valid and the same as those Votes; in other cases, votes of DEFERENTIAL are not considered valid.

For the Core rule Victory and Ascension, neither Mastermind can declare Victory. When a Declaration of Victory is enacted, this entire rule and its subrules are considered to be flavour text. For the purposes of Victory and Ascension’s first bullet point, all Masterminds must have voted FOR in order for “the Mastermind” to be considered to have voted FOR, however their votes are still counted as normal for all other purposes. The first posting of the Ascension Address and the first performing of the Dynastic Reset at the start of this dynasty are considered upheld irrespective of which Mastermind, if any, had performed them.

In the building block rule Everyone’s Playing, all Masterminds are Participants.

In the building block rule Reinitialisation, both Masterminds are to reset their own privately tracked information for Reinitialising players.

This should cover all of the odd cases. I’ve missed any out that are neatly covered by the rule of thumb, e.g. Vetoes, which are considered to have been performed if either Mastermind takes the action.

Proposal: Consciousness Crime

Reaches quorum 7-1 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 17 Jan 2025 07:41:12 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule, titled “Identity Theft {M}”:

As a Heist Action, a Participant (the perpetrator) may steal another Participant (the victim)‘s consciousness if all of the following are true:

* It has been more than a week since the perpetrator last performed this action
* The victim is not a Mastermind
* This action is not being performed on behalf of someone else
* Two plus two is equal to five

During an attempted consciousness theft, the perpetrator must specify the victim when making the dice roll for the Heist Action. For the next hour after a successful consciousness theft, the perpetrator of that theft may take dynastic actions on behalf of the victim of that theft.

If we’re stealing abstract concepts, why not steal each other’s thoughts?

Proposal: 360 No Scope

Reaches quorum 6-1 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 17 Jan 2025 07:35:21 UTC

Enact a new rule entitled “EFF Words” (or, if the most recent proposal entitled “Security” was enacted, entitled “EFF Words {I}” instead) as follows:

An EFF Word is a single word from among those in the numbered list on the page [[EFF Wordlist]].

To choose a random EFF Word, roll DICE6 exactly five times, and select the corresponding word that matches those numbers in the rolled order from the EFF Wordlist page.

Enact a new rule entitled “Guesses” (or, if the most recent proposal entitled “Security” was enacted, entitled “Guesses {M}” instead) as follows:

Each Participant may have a single Guess, or may have no Guess, and defaults to having no Guess. Guesses are publicly tracked. A Participant may set their Guess to any EFF Word at any time.

If this text exists in the Ruleset:

Targets are publicly tracked. For Masterminds, valid values for Targets are the numbered words on the EFF Wordlist.

Then replace it with:

Targets are publicly tracked. For Masterminds, the set of valid values for Targets is exactly the set of all EFF Words.

If this text exists in the Ruleset:

If a Participant (Participant A) ever does not have a Target, any Participant (Participant B) can set Participant A’s Target to a random valid value, specifying who Participant A is when making the dice rolls. (To choose a random word from the EFF Wordlist, roll DICE6 five times and choose the corresponding word from the list.)

Then replace it with:

If a Participant (Participant A) ever does not have a Target, any Participant (Participant B) can set Participant A’s Target to a randomly selected Mastermind’s Target, specifying who Participant A is when making that selection.

Seems like we should be allowed to record suspicions about what the other team might be up to, in case a future mechanic allows for interceptions.

A cat burglar

Hi everyone! I’d like to be unidled, please. I look forward to definitely not stealing your ruleset and/or knocking it off a shelf.

I’ve had trouble keeping up with the pace in the past; I’ll do my best to participate, but there’s a good chance that will happen again, unfortunately.

Mentorship announcement

qenya will be mentored by JonathanDark until both the current dynasty has ended and the date is past 12 February 2025.

Proposal: Bounty Hunters

Reaches quorum 5-0 with one emperor not counting towards quorum -SingularByte

Adminned at 17 Jan 2025 07:29:33 UTC

If the Proposal “Security” was not enacted, the rest of this Proposal has no effect.

Add a new rule named “Bounties (Heists) {M}” with the following text:

Each Participant has a publicly tracked number named Claims that defaults to 0.

A Bounty Notice is a post in the Story Posts - Votable Matter category which broadly requests a single mechanical or ruleset change and contains the text “Bounty Notice:” at the start of the post title. Unlike other Votable Matters, only valid Votes from a Mastermind are counted in a Bounty Notice as described in this rule, and Votes from non-Mastermind Participants are ignored. A Bounty Notice may be Open or Closed, being Open by default and being Closed when set to the ‘Enacted’ or ‘Failed’ status in the post backend. As a Heist Action, a Mastermind may post a Bounty Notice.

If a Mastermind believes that one or more enacted Votable Matters satisfy the demand of an Open Bounty Notice, they may post a comment to that Bounty Notice with a FOR icon and the names of each Participant (other than themselves) who authored at least one of those Votable Matters.

Bounty Payout is an action where a Participant’s Claims is increased by 1.

A Bounty Notice may be set to Enacted by a Mastermind if all of the following are true:
* It has been Open for at least 12 hours
* All Masterminds have posted at least one EVC in that Bounty Notice while it was Open.
* Each Mastermind’s most recent EVC in that Bounty Notice contains a FOR icon and the name of at least one Participant other than themselves.

A Bounty Notice may be set to Failed by a Mastermind if any of the following are true:
* Any Mastermind’s most recent EVC in that Bounty Notice contains an AGAINST icon.

When a Bounty Notice is Enacted, the Mastermind who Enacted it should apply the Bounty Payout action to each Participant named in each Mastermind’s EVC containing the FOR icon.

In the rule “Teams and Targets”, add the following bullet to the end of the bullet points in that rule:

* For each Participant, add their Claims to their Triumphs, then set their Claims to 0.

It feels like Bounties might be a good fit for this dynasty.

Rewritten per ais’ suggestion, plus making the rule name unique to distinguish it from the Bounties rule on the Building Blocks wiki page.

Proposal: Changing the Locks

Reaches quorum with 8-0 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 16 Jan 2025 07:03:59 UTC

If the Proposal “Security” was not enacted, the rest of this Proposal has no effect.

Add a subrule to “The Vault {I}” named “Conversion {I}” with the following text:

If a Proposal contains instructions to change one or more dynastic rules from Immutable to Mutable or from Mutable to Immutable, that Proposal is known as a Transmutation.

A Transmutation containing at least one instruction to change a dynastic rule from Immutable to Mutable can only be enacted if at least one of the following is true:
* It has a number of FOR Votes greater than or equal to 2/3rds of the number of Participants, it has been open for at least 12 hours, and either one of the Masterminds has Voted FOR it or neither of the Masterminds has voted AGAINST it.
* It has a number of FOR Votes greater than or equal to 2/3rds of the number of Participants, and it has been open for at least 24 hours.

Greater protections for changing an Immutable dynastic rule into a Mutable one, since that will likely have a larger impact. Unlike OG Nomic, I’m not suggesting it to be unanimous.

Proposal: Get Cracking

Reached quorum, 8-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 16 Jan 2025 06:07:00 UTC

If Proposal: Security was not enacted then this proposal has no effect.

Enact a new dynastic rule, called Tools of the Trade {M}:

As a Heist Action, a Participant may add, remove, or change one character of a Mutable rule into a single other character, where a character is defined as one of the 26 letters of the English alphabet, its 10 numerals, commas, spaces, hyphens, apostrophes, and full stops, provided that after the change the following conditions are all met:

* Every word in the amended rule is a word in the English language.

Enact a new dynastic rule, called Oversight {M}:

A Mastermind may, as a Heist Action, revert the effect of one Heist Action performed by a Participant on their own team in the preceding 24 hours. This does not count as reverting the historical fact of the successful completion of said Heist Action.

Proposal: Security

Reached quorum, 8-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 16 Jan 2025 06:03:23 UTC

Enact a new rule, called The Vault {I}, with the following text:

Dynastic Rules are either Immutable or Mutable, signified by either an {I} or an {M} in their title.

Mutable rules may not permit or confer Victory upon a Participant; any Mutable rule that makes a statement that directly awards Victory to a Participant instead does not, and may be repealed by any Participant.

Mutable rules may not permit the direct amendment or modification of the Dynastic gamestate through any means other than the definition of Heist Actions.

An Immutable rule may not be amended through the application of a Heist Action.

Where a Mutable rule and an Immutable rule contradict one another, the Immutable rule takes precedence.

Enact a new Building Block, called Dynastic Safeguard, with the following text:

No dynastic action in this dynasty may alter any non-dynastic rule in any way. Any dynastic action that would directly amend the text of this rule is illegal and may not be undertaken. This rule must be repealed upon Ascension.

For any Dynastic Rules with the titles Coregency, Teams and Targets, and Timing, add an {I} to the end of its title.

Amend the text of the Glossary entry in the Appendix rule ‘Keywords’ for Dynastic Action to read: “An action that is defined only in the Dynastic rules”

Stolen from the Other Place

What’s going on? Where are you taking me? Put me down, you dastardly criminal! I must publish my reports, or the ADoP will have my head!

...Well, I suppose now that I’m here, it wouldn’t hurt to take part in the local pastime…

I hereby declare my wish to be a Participant.

Proposal: When to Heist

Reached quorum, 8-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 16 Jan 2025 06:01:46 UTC

Create a new rule, “Timing”:

If a rule defines an action as a Heist Action, a Participant can attempt to perform that action by, in a single Dice Roller comment, specifying the action they want to attempt and rolling DICE48.

If any of the following situations occurred in the previous X hours before that attempt, where X is the result of that attempt’s DICE48 roll:

  • The Participant performing the attempt successfully performed a Heist Action.
  • The Participant performing the attempt gained a Target.
  • The definition of the Heist Action being attempted was added to the ruleset.

then that attempt to perform the Heist Action fails. When such an attempt fails, the Participant who performed the attempt cannot make any more attempts to perform Heist Actions for 24 hours, and that attempt to perform a Heist Action has no other effects.

If none of those situations occurred within the time period in question, then that Heist Action succeeds (unless it would be impossible for some other reason), and applies the changes specified in the rule that defines it to the gamestate and/or ruleset. The Participant who attempted it must then update the appropriate tracking pages to reflect the results of the change.

A new timing system I’d like to experiment with this dynasty, as a sort of inverted “push your luck” mechanic. If you wait 48 hours between actions, they always succeed. If you wait less than 48 hours, they might still succeed, but the chances are lower. My hope is that this will reduce the incentive to be online at particular moments in time and/or to try timing scams, because the randomness takes the edge off hard “timing breakpoints”.

Proposal: How to Heist

Reached quorum, 8-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 16 Jan 2025 05:52:28 UTC

Change the title of “Race 5” to “Coregency”, and replace its text with:

This Dynasty is a Coregency and as such has two Masterminds, the Participant named ais523 and the Participant named Josh, who each have all of the powers and responsibilities of a Mastermind. References in other rules to “the Mastermind” should be treated as applying to all Masterminds, except in “Dormancy”, where they should be treated as not applying to any Participant.

This dynasty, DEFERENTIAL votes are resolved as follows: if both Masterminds have the same valid Vote, then all votes of DEFERENTIAL on that Votable Matter are considered to be valid and the same as those Votes; in other cases, votes of DEFERENTIAL are not considered valid.

Create a new rule, “Teams and Targets”:

Each Participant can have up to one Target (by default they do not have any). Targets are publicly tracked. For Masterminds, valid values for Targets are the numbered words on the EFF Wordlist. If both Masterminds have a Target, then each of those Targets is a valid value for a non-Mastermind Participant’s Target (i.e. if a non-Mastermind Participant has a Target, it must match one of the Masterminds’ Targets). Otherwise, non-Masterminds cannot have a Target. Participants with the same Target are said to be “on the same team”; if two Participants both have a Target, but those Targets differ, they are said to be “on opposite teams”.

If a Participant (Participant A) ever does not have a Target, any Participant (Participant B) can set Participant A’s Target to a random valid value, specifying who Participant A is when making the dice rolls. (To choose a random word from the EFF Wordlist, roll DICE6 five times and choose the corresponding word from the list.)

Each Participant has a publicly tracked count of Triumphs, an integer that can be positive or zero; when a Participant newly joins, or is unidled for the first time in the dynasty, their Triumph count is set to the average value among all Participants, rounding ties downwards.

For the purposes of this dynasty’s dynastic rules, “ruletext” is the entire contents of the Ruleset, except flavour text and rule titles. Any Participant with a Target that is present as a word in the ruletext may perform the following actions simultaneously:
* Remove all Targets from all Participants;
* Increase by 1 the Triumphs count of each Participant whose Target appeared as a word in the ruletext immediately before this set of simultaneous actions was performed.

Set all Participants’ Triumphs to 0.

Edit the heading of the EFF Wordlist wiki page to specify that it is gamestate in the current dynasty (using the {{gamestate|now}} template and adjusting the other {{gamestate}} templates as appropriate), whilst leaving the word list itself untouched.

The basic mechanic: there are two teams, each of which is trying to get a specific word into the Ruleset. (I’m expecting future proposals to make that easier than it currently is.) The team membership is chosen at random (except that the Masterminds are always on opposite teams), and every time a heist succeeds, the teams are re-randomized.

This proposal also makes necessary adjustments/redefinitions for the coregency to work correctly.

Ascension Address: The Perfect Heist

What do you steal when you’ve already stolen everything you need?

A series of unexplained, and often spectactular, thefts had ignited the press and captured the conversations of the public. The culprit – or culprits – had clearly already made enough profit to retire, pay the rest of their team, and live out their days in comfort. But the heists continued, often taking things of symbolic value or because they were difficult, rather than due to any inherent worth. Eventually, they shifted from the improbable into the impossible; laws were stolen from the books, words were stolen from the dictionary. But who would pull off the ultimate heist, and steal victory?

Change Snail to Participant and Jury to Mastermind. The dynastic rule Race 5 replaces its content as specified in that rule; other dynastic rules are repealed. Include the building blocks “Everyone’s Playing”, “Precondition Unidling”, and “Reinitialisation” in the ruleset. The dynastic tracking page for this dynasty is “The Heist Teams”. I will not specify imperial style in this post, as (with two Masterminds) the situation is more complex than usual, but may specify it in the comments.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Snails past the finish line

This is intended as a post-dynastic discussion thread; I generally find these really interesting to read, so here’s a place for all your thoughts on the dynasty that just finished. Any things that worked? Didn’t work? Any lessons to learn for next time?

ais523 and Josh are in a Coregency

I think since ais523 posted the DoV, it is up to them to post the AA:

the Snail who posted the DoV becomes Jury

Once the Dynastic Reset atomic action has been performed, the Coregency clause of Race 5 will become ruletext and take effect.

Note to ais523: the “Victory and Ascension” text has changed a bit since you were last active.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Call for Judgment: Race Reset

This CfJ makes no changes and as such can be failed.

Adminned at 14 Jan 2025 16:15:46 UTC

If a Declaration of Victory was enacted while this CFJ was pending, do not perform any changes. Otherwise:

Fail all pending Declarations of Victory.

In “Races”, change

If there is an Ongoing Race but no more than one Racing Snail, any Snail or the Jury may perform the Award Ceremony.


If there is an Ongoing Race whose Preparations atomic action is complete, but no more than one Racing Snail, any Snail or the Jury may perform the Award Ceremony.

Change the dynastic gamestate to match the state of The Snail Track tracking page as of 14:00 UTC on Monday 13 January 2025. All Race posts created since then, and all Official Posts defined in the “Award Ceremony” rule created since then, are considered to no longer be Official Posts and should be marked as illegal (but left in the same category). All Atomic Actions are considered to no longer be ongoing, discharging any requirement to complete or revert them. All earlier Race posts are considered to no longer be ongoing.

If the DoV fails, we will need a way to clear up the resulting half-performed atomic actions. This also fixes the loophole that made the scam possible.

Declaration of Victory: I ended the race while it was still starting

FOR Votes greater than 2/3rds of the number of Snails (5-0), and it has been open for at least 24 hours. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 14 Jan 2025 16:00:35 UTC

I managed to perform all the steps of an Award Ceremony while DesertFrog was still midway through performing the Preparations action. At the point at which I performed them, the Race was ongoing (it was after the “Create a new Race” step), but there were no Racing Snails (it was before the “Set the Position of each Gastropod who is on the Track or on the Bench to a random value between -10 and 10, inclusive” step). This is a legal situation in which to perform the Award Ceremony.

Josh and I tie for the fewest Plays, so we both achieve victory. (The Track Record subtraction only happens when a snail crosses the line.)

Just to clarify: Josh had no idea I was going to do this and we haven’t collaborated at all on this nor since Every Snail For Themselves passed, but I’ll take my guaranteed win over a mere chance of a win even if it means a coregency. Desertfrog also had no idea I was going to do this and I haven’t collaborated/cooperated at all with them this dynasty. I wasn’t planning for the timing scam, but rather seized the opportunity when I noticed it was there – the “Select the Slug of Death and 3 other Slugs at random” step is slow enough that I’m not 100% surprised that I managed an Award Ceremony during it.

Bucket List 5

CyberStella never started nor finished, and is still in the Bucket.

Award Ceremony, Race 5

ais523 and Josh finish first. All Racers are Runners due to the change in how Track Record works, so they get +4 Fame and a Gold Medal.
JonathanDark and Habanero finish second. They get +3 Fame and a Silver Medal.
CyberStella did not finish. No change.

Note: these changes assume that Pecking Order is unset, because Desertfrog didn’t update the Pecking Order at the start of the new race, and the values reset to their default value due to the change in how Pecking Order was defined. If the Pecking Order is set based on current Fame, the Fame changes are different but don’t affect the final result of the Dynasty.

Story Post: Race 5

The final race begins!
The audience is full of slugs, worms, frogs, squirrels, pinguins, elefants and ovalbone cuttlefish, who all have gathered here to see whether any of the contestants will be able to finish without being eaten or flattened (well, I guess they also care a little about who actually wins).
Good luck, and may the least sluggish snail win!

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Proposal: Throwing The Rulebook Away

Timed out and failed, 1-4. Josh

Adminned at 15 Jan 2025 16:51:23 UTC

In the rule “Official Rules”, replace

If there is an Ongoing Race, then with the exception of this rule all players must follow the dynastic rules in the Official Rules in place of the current dynastic rules.


If there is an Ongoing Race and the Race Number is less than 5, then with the exception of this rule all players must follow the dynastic rules in the Official Rules in place of the current dynastic rules.

There doesn’t seem to be much reason to keep separate rulesets anymore.

Also given that the time for Race 5 is set quite strictly, it’s possible (at least in theory) that a proposal would end up being popular but not be enacted before I need to create the Race.

Proposal: Race Chaser

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Jan 2025 02:31:35 UTC

In the rule Plays, in the sentence that contains the clause “a Snail may not Play if the number of Plays they have made in the Ongoing Race”, change every instance of the term Snail to Racing Snail (unless it is already part of a Racing Snail noun phrase).

Under both the current wording and the proposed change, any Snails who are behind the Slug or who have been whomped by Peril still count for evaluating whether another Snail is above the move threshold. This can lock the game; best to have it evaliate only Racing Snails.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Note to all players

As we head into the endgame, please review the Community Guidelines and take care to express yourself with appropriate respect for other players and their own view on their games.

In particular I shall note that direct allegations of lying or deceit should be approached very cautiously - if the target of such an allegation does not believe themselves to have carried out a deliberate deceit then such an allegation can only prove distressing and contentious.

Manipulation and subterfuge are part of the game, but humans are involved and humans have feelings. Please tread carefully.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Proposal: Every Snail For Themselves, Certainly

Timed out, 2-2. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Jan 2025 02:28:30 UTC

If the proposal “Every Snail For Themselves” was withdrawn (or otherwise failed with its author’s final vote being AGAINST), make the same changes that it would have made if it were enacted.

JonathanDark seems to have “taken charge of” the problem of solving collaborative scams / action-pooling winning the final race instantly. This has me worried that the reason he’s doing so is to discourage people from exploring their own solutions, whilst planning to withdraw the proposal a little before it passes (especially because he’s voting against my solution in favour of his – why not both?). As such, it seems prudent to guard against that situation using a proposal that does the same thing but with a different author.

Proposal: Every Snail For Themselves

Timed out, 3-2. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Jan 2025 02:28:05 UTC

On the Building Blocks wiki page, in the rule “No Cooperation”, replace “Victory in Ascension” with “Victory and Ascension”.

Copy the “No Cooperation” rule from the Building Blocks page of the wiki to a subrule of the “Building Blocks” rule in the ruleset.

Negotiation time! If you want to collaborate to defeat those in the lead, reach out privately to work out a deal and then vote against this Proposal.

Call for Judgment: aight imma head out

No longer has any effect on gamestate. Josh

Adminned at 11 Jan 2025 07:28:08 UTC

Idle Getpunnedon

Proposal: Stopping two-Snail teams from instantly winning

Timed out and failed, 2-3. Josh

Adminned at 12 Jan 2025 20:17:18 UTC

In the rule “Plays”, change

a Snail may not Play if the number of Plays they have made in the Ongoing Race is at least three greater than every other Snail’s


a Snail may not Play if the number of Plays they have made in the Ongoing Race is at least three greater than every other, or all but one other, Snail’s

JonathanDark has expressed concern that as soon as the next Race starts, a two-Snail conspiracy may win it immediately upon it starting (because although a single lone Snail has to wait for other Snails to move before they can move again, a two-Snail conspiracy has no such restrictions). I do not currently have plans to win like that, but am also concerned that someone might. As such, this proposal is intended to shut down the possibility via increasing the minimum size of such a conspiracy to 3. (Maybe 4 would be an even better number?)

Proposal: Start Your Engines

Enacted 5-0. Josh

Adminned at 12 Jan 2025 20:17:51 UTC

Append the following paragraph to the rule “Race 5”:

The Jury is encouraged to create Race 5 as soon as possible after the 13th of January 2025, 14:00:00 UTC, and is encouraged to not create Race 5 before then.

It’s possible people will be ready with some timing scams. It’d be a good idea to have everyone know when the Race will be posted so we can mark our calendars. I’m open to suggestions on the time, and it’s also ok if Desertfrog wants to do it without having to wait for a whole proposal cycle to pass (I kindly ask that they give us some advance warning, though).

Friday, January 10, 2025

Proposal: Snail-like Reflexes

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 10 Jan 2025 23:07:55 UTC

In the Rule “Plays”, after the text “at least three greater than every other Snail’s” add the text “or if a Snail other than that Snail has made a Play within the last 60 minutes”

Reducing the ability of a player to “snipe” another player by making a Play in between another player’s Plays, so that timing isn’t as big of an issue. Also makes collaborating a bit more tricky, though not impossible.

Proposal: Chronolalia

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 10 Jan 2025 18:08:13 UTC

In the rule Fair Play, to the end of the bullet point which starts “A Snail should not edit the “Entry Date” field of a blog post”, add:

, except as permitted by the rule Date and Time Tracking in the Appendix.

Add the following as a new subrule to the Official Posts subrule to the Gamestate Tracking rule in the Appendix, called Date and Time Tracking:

A Snail may amend the Entry Date field of an Official Post that they have authored, or the Jury may amend the Entry Date field of any Official Post, only under the following conditions and only in the following ways:

* If the Official Post has been made visible on the blog within the preceding 15 minutes, but it has a timestamp that is greater than one hour old, then the Entry Date field may be amended to reflect the actual time of posting to within 15 minutes, in which case the revised time is considered to be the time at which it was posted;
* If an Official Post is older than 7 days but needs to remain Sticky on the front page of the Blog then its Entry Date may be edited to the time of the edit, to within a minute, with the original date and time at which it was posted added to the Commentary or flavour text field of that post, in which case the original time of posting remains the time at which it was posted.

Thursday, January 09, 2025

Proposal: Not Too Swift

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 10 Jan 2025 03:41:55 UTC

If the Proposal “Swift Slitherers” did not pass, then this Proposal has no effect.

In the rule “Race 5”, replace “Whenever a Snail crosses the finish line they subtract their Track Record from their Plays” with “Whenever a Snail crosses the finish line for the first time in an Ongoing Race, they subtract their Track Record from their Plays”.

In the same rule, replace “At the time at which an Award Ceremony is carried out” with “When the Award Ceremony is carried out and the Race Number is 5, “.

In the rule “Plays”, replace “The number of Plays each Gastropod has made in the Ongoing Race is publicly tracked as a number” with “Each Gastropod has a publicly tracked number of Plays, which may be negative. A Gastropod’s Plays increases by one when they make a Play. When a rule refers to a number of Plays made by a Gastropod, it is referring to their value of this variable rather than the number of times that Gastropod made a Play.”

Clearing up a few potential issues as mentioned in the comments of Swift Slitherers. Also clarifying that the number of Plays is distinct from the number of actual Plays you made in comments to the Race, in case someone tries to argue that they won despite not actually having the lowest Plays number.

Proposal: Things You Shouldn’t Take On Planes

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 10 Jan 2025 03:40:42 UTC

In the rule “Items”, replace “The following Items have effects:” with “The following are the complete list of valid Items, each having an effect as described below:”

In the same rule, remove the text “or be an English language concrete noun”.

ais used the current wording to mean that you could put anything in as an Item, it just wouldn’t have an “Item” effect, so a Gold was added as an Item, then later it was spent.

Proposal: Workaholic Slugs

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 10 Jan 2025 03:39:03 UTC

In the rule Predators, replace “If a Slug is not Healthy, then it has no effect” with “If a Slug is not Healthy, that Slug’s Movement Rules and Extra Effects still apply”.

In the same rule, replace “If a Healthy Snail ever has a Position within 2cm of a Zombified Snail” with “If a Healthy Gastropod ever has a Position within 2cm of a Zombified Gastropod”.

I think we want Slugs to still operate even after a Predator attack, and we want Zombified Slugs to affect Healthy Snails (the current wording would not apply to Zombified Slugs due to referencing Snails, Slugs, and Gastropods explicitly as having differences). Let me know if the opposite was desired. Right now, it’s ambiguously-worded.

Proposal: Expanding the snail armory

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 10 Jan 2025 03:38:39 UTC

Add the following items to the list of Items in the rule “Items”:

  • Lungfish: Move 6cm forwards.
  • Vortex: Swap places with a Gastropod whose position is within 8cm of yours.
  • Helmet: Specify a type of Predator in a comment to the Ongoing Race. The next time a Snail Spots Danger, if that type of Predator is the chosen Predator, you are not considered Prey for the purpose of that Spot Danger action.
  • Springboard: If you were selected for another Snail’s Leapsnail since you made your previous Play, move 10cm forwards (otherwise, you do not move).
  • Caffeine Pill: The next two Plays you make can be made ignoring the restriction that Snails who have made at least three more Plays than every other Snail cannot make Plays.

Having more options for items makes races more strategic and more chaotic, which seems especially useful if we’re making the dynasty depend on one final Race.

Story Post: Bucket List for Race 4

CyberStella and GetPunnedOn failed to finish the Race and get put into the Bucket.

Proposal: Swift Slitherers

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 09 Jan 2025 02:55:03 UTC

Add the following as a new dynastic rule, called Race 5:

Whenever a Snail crosses the finish line they subtract their Track Record from their Plays. This may result in a Snail’s number of Plays being a negative number.

At the time at which an Award Ceremony is carried out, the Snail who finished the Race with the lowest number of Plays has achieved Victory; if multiple Snails are tied for the lowest number of Plays then they have all achieved Victory but must head the next dynasty as a Coregency. If the Coregency contingency occurs then this rule may not be repealed upon Ascension; instead it is replaced with the following text in quotation marks, which is otherwise flavour text, with xxx replaced by the names of all players who will act as Coregent Emperors and the term Emperor or Emperors replaced with the relevant dynasty-specific terminology:

“This Dynasty is a Coregency and as such has multiple Emperors. The Emperors for this Dynasty are xxx. All Emperors have all of the powers and responsibilities of an Emperor. Any vote of DEF cast in this Dynasty is only considered to be the same as the Emperors’ votes if all votes cast on that matter by Emperors are the same; otherwise it is considered to be an unresolved DEF vote as if no Emperor had cast a vote on that matter.”

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Award Ceremony for Race 4


  • ais523 gains 2 Fame for finishing in the lowest number of Plays as Scrutinised.
  • Josh gains 8 Fame for finishing in the lowest number of Plays as an Underdog.
  • Habanero gains 3 Fame for finishing in the second lowest number of Plays as a Runner.
  • JonathanDark gains 1 Fame for finishing in the second lowest number of Plays as Scrutinised.
  • CyberStella gains 1 Fame for not finishing as an Underdog.
  • GetPunnedOn gains -100 Fame (to a minimum of 0) for not finishing as Scrutinised.


  • ais523 and Josh gain 1 Gold for finishing in the lowest number of Plays.
  • Habanero and JonathanDark gain 1 Silver for finishing in the second lowest number of Plays.

Please check the comments for how I determined Scrutinised, Underdog, and Runner. Let me know if my math is wrong as well.

Keeping Track of Race 4

Link to Race 4, since a Sticky Post doesn’t stay on the front page forever:

Race 4

Proposal: Anchor Snails

Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 08 Jan 2025 19:53:24 UTC

In the rule Races, change “If there is an Ongoing Race but no Racing Snails” to “If there is an Ongoing Race but no more than one Racing Snail”.

The first mover advantage is hard to solve, the last mover disadvantage is easier to codify.

Monday, January 06, 2025

Noting a disagreement

Something happened that probably needs more publicity than a couple of wiki history entries and a comment in the current Race, so I’m making a post to explain.

JonathanDark attempted to Spot Danger (bringing the Danger Level to 4), then activate a Stomp Rocket for 96, presumably under an interpretation where multiple copies of the same item apply the passive multiple times. The action doesn’t actually do that with either of the main interpretations of the rules, though:
- I think the correct interpretation of “Items may also have Passive effects, which apply to all Snails who have that Item in their Items.” in the Official Ruleset is that if a Snail has multiple copies of the same Item, the Passive effect only applies once (because the rule seems to check to see if at least one copy of the item is held). Several Passive Effects are clearly designed to use this interpretation, e.g. otherwise a set of Reverse Rockets would all fire simultaneously if you got eaten once.
- In particular, Flashy Shell Wrap doesn’t work correctly under JonathanDark’s interpretation; Josh’s 4 Flashy Shell Wraps would, under that interpretation, have caused four Spot Danger actions whenever Josh’s Plays increased by 2. In that situation, the Danger Level would actually be 9 prior to JonathanDark’s actions rather than 3, so the attempt to Spot Danger failed, and in any case the distance moved wouldn’t be 96. However, Josh used my interpretation when resolving his actions earlier; if my interpretation is incorrect then Josh’s actions would not have been resolved properly, and the real gamestate would look quite different from the tracker, depending on just how much of his actions were valid.

JonathanDark didn’t update other Snails’ Rocket Fuel as part of the actions. I’ve updated it assuming that only one copy of the passive fires even if you have multiple items. Under JonathanDark’s interpretation, GetPunnedOn would have substantially more Rocket Fuel (and probably I would do, depending on just how much of Josh’s actions were legal), so if we decide that that interpretation is correct, that’s another part of the gamestate that would need correcting.

This isn’t a CFJ because I think I’ve fixed things with a wiki update, but it seems likely to cause controversy, so it’s worth explaining what happened in case a dispute arises (and to invite opinions about which of us has read the Official Ruleset correctly).

(A link to the Race 4 post for convenience, because it’s dropped off the front page: Race 4)

Proposal: Make CfJs more reliable [Core]

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 08 Jan 2025 00:40:29 UTC

Change the core rule “Calls for Judgement” to read as follows:

Any Snail or Idle Snail can raise a Call for Judgement (abbreviated “CfJ”) by posting an entry in the “Call for Judgement” category. Snails are encouraged to do this only when two or more Snails actively disagree as to the interpretation of the Ruleset, or when a Snail feels that an aspect of the game needs urgent attention.

A Pending CfJ may be Enacted by any Admin or Idle Admin if either of the following is true:

  • It is Popular.
  • It was posted between 48 and 120 hours ago, and has been open for comments and in the “Call for Judgement” category ever since it was posted, with no comments containing an AGAINST voting icon having been made to it.

A Pending CfJ may be Failed by any Admin or Idle Admin if either of the following is true:

  • It is Unpopular.
  • It specifies neither changes to the gamestate or ruleset nor corrections to any gamestate- or ruleset-tracking entities.

When a CfJ is Enacted, the gamestate and ruleset are updated as specified in the CFJ, and the Admin or Idle Admin Enacting it shall update the ruleset-tracking page and gamestate-tracking entities accordingly.

Dynastic rules cannot prevent or limit the creation of CfJs and cannot prevent or limit changes being made via CfJ enactment. This rule cannot be overruled by a dynastic rule.

In the core rule “Votes”, change:

Additionally, if the author of a Votable Matter has not used a valid voting icon in a comment to the post, then the author’s Vote is FOR.


Additionally, if the author of a Votable Matter is not idle and has not used a valid voting icon in a comment to the post, then the author’s Vote is FOR.

It seems useful for idle Snails to be able to create CfJs; I’ve created two CfJs on behalf of idle Snails already this dynasty, and it could also help us recover if (for whatever reason) we become uncertain about who is and isn’t idle. Some other miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements to the CfJ rule while I’m there: a) allow CfJs to be enacted unanimously, even if voting is broken for some reason (with anti-scam precautions just in case); b) CfJs don’t become secretly/silently illegal based on the mental state of the person posting them (although using CfJs as proposal-equivalents is discouraged, it shouldn’t make the CfJ illegal and thus unenactable, and yet it does under the current rules); c) make it explicit that dynastic rules can’t prevent the gamestate being changed via CfJ, nor prevent the creation of CfJs; d) an enacted CfJ still updates the gamestate and ruleset even if the enacting admin fails to complete the action correctly.

Proposal: Track and Field

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 08 Jan 2025 00:40:07 UTC

In he rule Track Record, change “30” to “10”.

Call for Judgment: Unidle thoughts

Timed out, 2-1. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 07 Jan 2025 18:54:10 UTC

Unidle the Idle Snail named “Habanero”, except that when doing so, set that (formerly Idle) Snail’s Position to 0 and Plays to 0 rather than setting them to the values which they would normally gain upon unidling. This overrides any restrictions in the dynastic rules that might prevent setting those values.

The current rules place three requirements on the admin who unidles Habanero which, as far as we can tell, can’t all be fulfilled simultaneously (thus making attempts to unidle Habanero illegal). This CFJ thus unidles Habanero into a valid gamestate that’s minimally viable for participating in the current Race.

This solution was suggested by Habanero; I’m posting it because Idle Snails can’t create CFJs.


I am back from Christmas vacation and would like to be unidled! Keep in mind:
- Per the rule Races “If the Position of a Snail is after the Finish Line, they may not Play, and their Position cannot be changed while a Race is Ongoing”. I am currently at 109cm, after the Finish Line. This means I am not moved to the Bucket upon unidling as “when a Snail unidles it is moved to the Bucket” might suggest, since the more limited in scope clause takes priority per the Appendix.
- I have made no Plays in the Ongoing Race, and per the rule Plays “The number of Plays each Gastropod has made in the Ongoing Race is publicly tracked as a number”. This means my Plays become 0 when I unidle. (On an unrelated note, I believe the proposal which passed to increase every Snail’s Plays by 1 did nothing for this same reason.)

Proposal: Do Snails drink coffee?

Timed out, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 08 Jan 2025 00:37:44 UTC

Repeal the dynastic rule “Sleep”.

In “Plays”, change “Awake and Racing Snail” to “Racing Snail”.
In “Predators”, change “Awake Snail” to “Snail”.

Although it was well-intentioned, the Waking Hour mechanic seems like it isn’t working in practice – it doesn’t really fix timing scams because the dynasty is going slowly enough that you can use your weekly Waking Hour change when you need to perform one, but it significantly raises the barrier for casual players to perform game actions (which is already very high), and provides another way in which actions can accidentally fail and mess up the tracker (see “Something that’s bothering me” below). As such, I suspect that it’s doing more harm than good at the moment.

I do think it would be good to remove timing scams from the ruleset, but we’ll have to do it on more of a case-by-case basis.

Something that’s bothering me

This dynasty has been full of incorrectly performed actions. We collectively (and I in particular) have been trying to fix the tracker as we notice them (the Glossary permits you to “alter the representation to match what [you] believe to be the correct application of an incorrectly-applied alteration. This may include completing incomplete actions”), but given how many mistakes we’ve already found and caught, it seems likely that there are still some uncaught mistakes in the tracker that cause it to not properly reflect the gamestate.

And that has got me worrying a bit. At BlogNomic, the normal way you perform actions is to directly edit the tracker to reflect the result of the action. However, what if the tracker was wrong to start with? If you’re working from the wrong starting value, you produce the wrong result – and by the current reading of the appendix, that probably implies that the action never happened and/or is still in progress. (The exact wording is “If authorised by the rules as a result of a Snail’s action, changes to gamestate which is tracked in a specific place (such as a wiki page) do not take effect until the representation of that gamestate has been updated to match the authorised change.”, which is ambiguous based on the meaning of “updated” – but it probably means “the tracker has to match the gamestate after the change, at least with respect to the values that changed”. There’s potentially a more lenient reading, “the tracker has to be changed in a way that simulates the effect of that change on the tracker, even if this is different from the affect the change has on the gamestate”, although I don’t think that’s consistent with the usage of “authorised”.) This means, in effect, that a mistake by someone else can cause an apparently legal action to not take effect. (This is a particular problem if the action is a step in an atomic action; in that situation, you have to revert it due to being unable to continue, but it is unclear what it means to revert an action that was impossible in the first place.) All this is particularly likely to cause a snowballing effect – if one action fails due to the tracker incorrectly reflecting the starting state of the action, the tracker will be in an even wronger state, making further actions likely to fail, and it is quite possible that we end up in a state where all dynastic actions have been illegal for weeks.

For what it’s worth, I consider that taking advantage of this situation would essentially be a core rules scam (and thus barred by Fair Play) – if we are making a best-effort attempt to maintain the gamestate, we should probably treat that as the actual gamestate for the purpose of determining whether actions are legal, rather than letting someone point out an error early in the dynasty as a late-reveal scam. I’d be more comfortable if the rules actually reflected that intuition, though (and yet it’s a hard thing to express unambiguously in ruletext, something I know from experience at other nomics). This is particularly important for knowing how much to revert if an action is performed incorrectly – say a Snail attempts to perform an action near the end of their Waking Hour, and notices there was a mistake in it after the Waking Hour is over, are they allowed to fix it, do they have to revert, or do they have to wait for someone else to fix it during their Waking Hour? The core rules don’t really help us to figure out the details of a situation like that.

I’m not sure what we should do about this (or even whether we should do anything about it), but I thought it was worth letting other players know what I was worried about rather than worrying alone, especially if there’s a simple way to fix the situation.

Proposal: The old activity poke

Timed out and enacted, 3-0. Josh

Adminned at 07 Jan 2025 13:09:25 UTC

Spot Danger three times.

Sunday, January 05, 2025

Proposal: Healthy Gastropods are Happy Gastropods

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 06 Jan 2025 17:01:27 UTC

In the rule “Races”, in the text “Reset the Plays of every Snail to 0” and the text “Set the Status of all Snails to Healthy”, replace “Snail” with “Gastropod”.

In the proposal “Pod Racers” that Josh posted, he accidentally specified this to be done in the wrong rule, and it was a good patch idea, so I’m repeating it here with the correct rule mentioned.

Friday, January 03, 2025

Proposal: Slipperier Streams

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 05 Jan 2025 20:33:26 UTC

In “Plays”, change

Slipstream: If the most recent Play in the Ongoing Race was from a Snail other than you, change your Position by the same amount that Snail’s Position changed in their most recent Play.


Slipstream: Choose a Play made by a Snail other than you in the previous 24 hours, and change your Position as described in “Slipstream Distance” below.

Add a subrule to “Plays”, “Slipstream Distance”:

When a Gastropod Slipstreams a Play, the distance moved is based on the distance between the current Position of the Gastropod, and the Position from which the Play was made, as follows:

  • The Play was made from exactly 1cm in front of the Gastropod’s current position: twice the distance that the Play moved (and in the same direction)
  • The Play was made from 2-10cm in front of the Gastropod’s current position: the distance that the Play moved (and in the same direction)
  • The Play was otherwise made from within 20cm of the Gastropod’s current position: half the distance that the Play moved, rounded up (and in the same direction)
  • Other cases: one third the distance that the Play moved, rounded to the nearest integer (and in the same direction).

Slipstreaming is currently rife with timing scams – if you get to move directly after another Snail, you can get hugely powerful boosts, if you don’t it’s useless, so it gives a huge advantage to players who can be online constantly (and Waking Hour doesn’t really help with that, because for optimal Slipstreaming you want to set your Waking Hour to match someone else’s and Slipstream them mid-action). This is an attempt to a) make it less timing-critical and b) rebalance it so that you can’t get a large boost from a Snail at the other end of the track (with the largest boost coming from slipstreaming someone directly in front of you).

Call for Judgment: A Peck Of Pickled Peckers

Timed out and enacted, 4-0. Josh

Adminned at 05 Jan 2025 20:25:45 UTC

Set GetPunnedOn’s Pecking Order to 5. Set ais523’s Pecking Order to 6.

GPO’s Pecking Order was not set when they unidled. This makes their race-end gain squiffy.

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Proposal: Pecking in order

Timed out, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 05 Jan 2025 00:12:34 UTC

In the rule “The Award Ceremony”, change

Each Snail may have a Pecking Order;


Each Snail may have a Pecking Order, which (if present) is an ordinal number representing a position within a list (e.g. 1st, 2nd, etc.);

In the rule “Race Fame Modification”, change

Any Snail whose Pecking Order is 2 or Higher is Scrutinised. Any Snails whose Pecking Order is one of the two lowest values is an Underdog, unless they are Scrutinised. All Snails who are neither Scrutinised nor Underdogs are Runners.


Any Snail with a Pecking Order of 1st or 2nd is Scrutinised. Any non-Scrutinised Snails whose Pecking Order is later than all, or all but one, other Snails with a Pecking Order are Underdogs. All Snails who are neither Scrutinised nor Underdogs are Runners.

The Pecking Order is defined backwards to the way that Race Fame Modification expects – high fame leads to low Pecking Order values, whereas low fame gives you a high value. Presumably, the Fame rewards are meant to give the largest rewards to players who are behind, rather than players who are ahead (especially as it doesn’t make sense to call the highest-fame Snails “Underdogs”).

Per JonathanDark, clarify exactly how the numbers work, in order to avoid confusion.

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Proposal: Uh Oh

Timed out and enacted, 3-0. Josh

Adminned at 04 Jan 2025 08:30:27 UTC


Leapsnail: If one exists, randomly select a Snail before the Finish Line whose Plays are between 0 and 4 less than yours or whose Position is within 20 of yours. Set your Position to be 1 greater than the selected Snail’s.


Leapsnail: If one exists, randomly select a Snail before the Finish Line whose Plays are between 0 and 4 less than yours and whose Position is within 20 of yours. Set your Position to be 1 greater than the selected Snail’s.

Proposal: Rocket stabilisation

Timed out, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 03 Jan 2025 23:23:38 UTC

Change the first paragraph of the rule “Items” to:

Each Snail has a publicly tracked list of Items, defaulting to an empty list (the order in which Items are listed within the list is irreievant, and if a Snail has multiple copies of the same Item, this is tracked via listing the Item and its quantity, e.g. “Magnet (2)”). Each Item has a name, and optionally an effect that is applied when the Item is Discarded. Items may also have passive effects, which apply to all Snails who have that Item in their Items (but if a Snail has multiple copies of the same Item, only one of those copies applies its passive effect).

and change the decription of Rocket Fuel in that rule to:

Rocket Fuel: Does not count as an item for any Crystals. Passive effect: if you ever have more than 20 Rocket Fuel, you lose Rocket Fuel until you only have 20 left (this does not count as Discarding an item).

Also, change each of the three copies of

When discarded, discards all Rocket Fuels you own. Moves you one cm for every Rocket Fuel discarded this way.


When Discarded, remove all Rocket Fuels you own from your list of Items, and you move 1 cm for every Rocket Fuel removed this way.

In the rule “Predators”, change

If that Gastropod is not a Slug, it has at least 1 Play


If that Gastropod is a Snail, and the Race has been ongoing for less than 60 hours, that Snail has at least 1 Play

Hopefully a comprehensive fix to rocket balance issues. Two fixes each individually prevent going from the start to the end of the course in a single rocket blast. There are also two clarifications to unclearly worded rules (the passive effects of an item don’t fire multiple times if you have multiple copies, and discarding rocket fuel is not a Discard Play that increases your plays); I think the rules already have those meanings, but it’s probably best to be clear (and it makes the ruleset easier to understand). I also added in GetPunnedOn’s suggestion of collapsing identical Items within the list, as I was editing the relevant rule text anyway.

Proposal: Enhanced Safety Protocols

Timed out, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 03 Jan 2025 18:34:39 UTC

If “Safety Protocols” was not enacted, the rest of this Proposal has no effect.

In the rule “Items”, replace the text “until Spot Danger has been performed” with “until after the next time Spot Danger has been performed”.

Fixing the issue Josh pointed out in “Safety Protocols”

Call for Judgment: The snails are at the starting line, gathering rocket fuel

Enacted 3-0. Josh

Adminned at 03 Jan 2025 19:39:50 UTC

Increase the Plays of every Snail by 1.

So, there’s a problem with the current official ruleset; because Snails who have not made a Play are safe from predators, I can win the current race in a single Play via Spotting Danger 34 times (over the course of 34 days) and then using a Stomp Rocket. As a consequence, right now I have no incentive to do anything else, and the game is likely to grind to a huge halt. A symmetrical increase in Plays makes predation possible, in a way that doesn’t change the official ruleset or (as far as I can tell) interfere with anything else. This needs urgent attention because otherwise we’ll have to wait for the queue to clear before most of the snails have any incentive to act, which will mean several days of boring waiting.

The “Plays=0” protection was likely intended to protect Snails who didn’t move early in the race, but the race has been ongoing for long enough that that protection probably isn’t needed in this race any more.