Story Post: Race 4 (57 comments) The race is ready to start as soon as we check that all participants are here; t

The race is ready to start as soon as we check that all participants are here; there are huge piles of rockets blocking the view so it’s a bit hard to tell. A couple of snails were sent to find out whether everyone’s ready but I think they might have got lost somewhere in this rocket labyrinth…

Story Post: Race 3 (53 comments) This race was intended to be held yesterday, but the jury forgot to perform the

This race was intended to be held yesterday, but the jury forgot to perform the mandatory preparations, having been brainwashed by a UFO

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Proposal: Safety Protocols

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 02 Jan 2025 01:27:00 UTC

In the rule “Items”, after the text “Subtract 20cm from your Position” add the text “, to a minimum of 0cm”.

In the same rule, replace the text “you must Spot Danger before making another Play” with “you may not make any Plays until Spot Danger has been performed via the other rules that allow it to be performed”.

In the same rule, after the text “gain three additional copies of a non-Crystal Item in your Items” add the text “, to a maximum of 10 total Items”.

Some patches for the Race after this one, to incentivize coming up with new strategies rather than everyone just re-using the current ones.

Call for Judgment: Admin error

Cannot be enacted with three votes AGAINST. Josh

Adminned at 01 Jan 2025 11:41:19 UTC

Disregard, please fail

Proposal: Pod Racers

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark. Note to Josh that “Reset the Plays of every Snail to 0” and “Set the Status of all Snails to Healthy” is not in the rule “Plays”, but rather the rule “Races” so I could not change those sentences per the instructions in this Proposal.

Adminned at 02 Jan 2025 01:25:42 UTC

In the rule Plays, in the following sentences:

The number of Plays each Snail has made in the Ongoing Race is publicly tracked as a number
Reset the Plays of every Snail to 0
Set the Status of all Snails to Healthy

cahnge each instance of the word “Snail” to “Gastropod”.

Proposal: meow

Idle players cannot post proposals. Josh

Adminned at 31 Dec 2024 14:02:14 UTC

Add to Items:
Multiples of Items are marked by the number of items in parentheses. (Example: Bob,Bob,Bob becomes Bob(3))


Call for Judgment: Unidle GetPunnedOn

Reached Quorum and enacted, 3-0. GetPunnedOn is made unidle and quorum rises to 4. Josh

Adminned at 31 Dec 2024 14:19:09 UTC

Unidle the Idle Snail known as “GetPunnedOn”.

Apparently, idle Snails can’t create CFJs, so a non-idle Snail needs to do it for them.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Call for Judgment: I’m back, yipee

Per ais, an idle player cannot post a CfJ. Josh

Adminned at 31 Dec 2024 14:01:11 UTC

Unidle GetPunnedOn


GetPunnedOn has been made idle after 7 days of inactivity. Quorum drops to 3.

Proposal: [Appendix] Mistakes shouldn’t have permanent effects

Timed out, 3-1. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 01 Jan 2025 19:17:45 UTC

In the Appendix rule Atomic Actions, change

When a Snail performs an Atomic Action, they must complete all its steps; they must complete them in order; and they may not take any other dynastic action, or achieve victory, until all the steps are complete.


When a Snail performs an Atomic Action, they must complete all its steps; they must complete them in order; and they may not take any other dynastic action, or achieve victory, until all the steps are complete or 72 hours have passed.

If any Snail or Idle Snail is currently unable to achieve victory and/or unable to perform dynastic actions due to performing an Atomic Action incorrectly more than 72 hours in the past, end any restriction that prevents that Snail or Idle Snail achieving victory and/or performing dynastic actions that may have been produced as a consequence.

At present, if you do an Atomic Action incorrectly, and nobody notices, that prevents you from ever again performing a dynastic action or achieving victory. (Although a successful DoV might end the restriction due to upholding the actions that happened previously in the dynasty, causing the action to not be considered to have been performed incorrectly, it would still be possible for a dynasty to be ruined due to a mistaken atomic action early on, and/or in a previous dynasty that ended in a way other than a DoV.)

The 72-hour limit is intended to give time to pass a CFJ if someone is intentionally trying to scam the Atomic Actions rule by performing an atomic action correctly, or performing only half of it, whilst reducing the amount of disruption that happens if someone does so unintentionally.

Proposal: Make the Slug of Death deadlier

Timed out, 3-0 with reduced quorum due to Jury voting DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 01 Jan 2025 19:15:44 UTC

In the rule “Races”, after the sentence starting “A Racing Snail”, add the following sentence:

As an exception, if the Slug of Death is on the Track, any Snail on the Track that is behind the Slug of Death does not count as Racing, and that Snail can be moved to the Bucket by any Snail.

In the Slug of Death’s Movement Rules in the rule “Slugs”, change

If there is an Ongoing Race, and it has been at least 25 hours since the Slug of Death last Crawled, and it has been least 25 hours since that Race began, any Active Player make a comment in that race saying “The Slug of Death Crawls” and cause the Slug of Death to perform the Crawl Play for that race.


If there is an Ongoing Race, and it has been at least 25 hours since the Slug of Death last Crawled, and it has been least 48 hours since that Race began, any Active Player may make a comment in that race saying “The Slug of Death Crawls” and cause the Slug of Death to perform the Crawl Play for that race.

We currently have a standoff in which at least one player has no incentive to do anything, and in fact I think with optimal play the current race would never end. The problem is that the Slug of Death, which is designed to give players an incentive to move, doesn’t necessarily do that when items are involved. This is the easiest way I can see to ensure that races actually end eventually (and it also breaks up the currently optimal strategy). The wording is chosen to work regardless of whether or not Defensive Proposterous passes.

Per Josh’s feedback, delay the Slug of Death’s first move so that this doesn’t lock people out of the race due to not checking every day.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Unidle request

Could an Admin unidle me, please?

Race Announcement

The next race will begin in (very roughly) 24 hours

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Proposal: Evasive Maneuvers

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 30 Dec 2024 20:00:27 UTC

If “Defensive Posture” is not enacted, the rest of this Proposal has no effect.

In the rule “Items”, replace “Reverse Rocket: Subtract 20cm” with “Reverse Rocket: Subtract 5cm”.

If being hit by a Predator costs you 2 Plays (Curl and then Uncurl), then it’s strictly better than Reverse Rocket, which costs you 1 Play and -20cm, when you consider that -20cm would take an average of 3.5 Crawls to overcome. Reverse Rocket needs a rebalance to make it a reasonable alternative in light of this.

Proposal: Defensive Proposterous

Timed out, 1-2. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 30 Dec 2024 20:00:03 UTC

If Proposal: Defensive Posture was not enacted then this has no further effect.

In the rule Races, change “A Racing Snail is a Snail who is Healthy, on the Track, and before the Finish Line” to

A Racing Snail is a Snail whose Status is either Healthy or Enshelled, and who is both on the Track and before the Finish Line.

Proposal: Defensive Posture

Timed out, 1-1 with 1 DEF. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 30 Dec 2024 17:07:24 UTC

Add the following to the list of possible Plays in the rule Plays:

Curl Into Shell: Set your Status to Enshelled.
Uncurl: If your Status is Enshelled, set it to Healthy.

In the rule Predators, change “If a Snail is not Healthy, then they may not Play” to

If a Snail is not Healthy, then they may not Play (except to Curl into Shell or Uncurl)

In the rule Races, change “If there is an Ongoing Race but no Racing Snails, any Snail or the Jury may perform the Award Ceremony” to

If there is an Ongoing Race but no Racing Snails, or if the current Ongoing Race has been Ongoing for seven days or more, then any Snail or the Jury may perform the Award Ceremony.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Proposal: Snail Mail

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 28 Dec 2024 00:12:50 UTC

Move the following text:

Define Snails as independent participants in the game, distinct from Slugs. Snails are governed by all rules and actions under the “Snails” section. Actions or rules referring to Snails do not apply to Slugs unless explicitly stated.

from the rule Snails to the top of the rule Position.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Programme

Welcome back from Seasonal Downtime! I hope everyone had time to rest, because it’s time to get back to Racing!

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Overt Reactions

Add to Items:
A Snail may only carry 5 items at once. Any additional Items cannot be created or ordered while over this limit. Rocket Fuel ignores this.
Items can be marked as multiple by adding the number of them encased in parentheses after (example: Stomp Rocket, Stomp Rocket, Stomp Rocket, becomes Stomp Rocket (3).)
Add to Rocket Fuel:
This Item cannot be ordered.

anyway, this should be a decent fix for a longstanding issue, while also letting the crazed orderers get a free win.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

New Players: Notice of Seasonal Downtime 2024

Attention CyberStella and GotPunnedOn:

Per the Seasonal Downtime rule in the Keywords section of the Appendix, BlogNomic is on Hiatus on December 24, 25, and 26.

On the 24th, 25th and 26th of December, BlogNomic is on Hiatus. In addition, game actions defined by the core rules titled “Snails” and “Victory and Ascension” (with the exception of Voting in DoVs) may not be taken.

“Hiatus” means that dynastic actions cannot be taken and Proposals can’t be made or resolved.

Happy Holidays!

Proposal: Establish Separate Entities for Snails and Slugs

Timed out, 2-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Note that I tried to follow the instructions of “unintentionally” and “relevant” using existing rule text as guides, but it likely didn’t turn out quite as intended.

Adminned at 27 Dec 2024 01:18:19 UTC

Amend Rule “Slugs” to replace:

“Slugs are considered to be Snails for the purposes of all Dynastic Rules.”


“Snails and Slugs are distinct entities, each defined as follows:

  • Snails: Any non-Slug participants in the game, defined as per the rules under ‘Snails.’
  • Slugs: Special game entities governed by their unique rules under ‘Slugs.’

When a rule or action needs to refer to both Snails and Slugs, the term ‘Gastropods’ should be used. By default, unless explicitly stated otherwise, rules or actions that refer to ‘Gastropods’ apply equally to both Snails and Slugs.

Restructure and adapt the following rules:

Rule “Snails”:

Define Snails as independent participants in the game, distinct from Slugs. Snails are governed by all rules and actions under the “Snails” section. Actions or rules referring to Snails do not apply to Slugs unless explicitly stated.

Rule “Slugs”:

Define Slugs as game entities with their unique mechanics, distinct from Snails. Slugs are governed by all rules and actions under the “Slugs” section. Actions or rules referring to Slugs do not apply to Snails unless explicitly stated.

Amend all references in the Ruleset:

  • Change any occurrence of “Snails” that unintentionally includes Slugs to “Gastropods” where the rule should apply to both Snails and Slugs.
  • Update rules that specifically reference Snails or Slugs to ensure that their effects are confined to the appropriate entity.
  • Introduce the term “Gastropods” in relevant sections to clearly group Snails and Slugs without ambiguity.

This proposal establishes Snails and Slugs as entirely distinct entities while creating the unifying term “Gastropods” for cases where both need to be referenced together. This ensures clarity, reduces ambiguity, and prevents unintended interpretations in the Ruleset. The separation strengthens the framework by avoiding conflicts in rules or actions that affect Snails and Slugs differently.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Out for the Holidays

Going on some Christmas vacation! I obsess over this game too much if I’m playing it and would prefer to give my family my undivided attention, so I would like to be idled. I’ll be back in a bit less than 2 weeks, hopefully I’m still in the running by then

Corrected Award Ceremony for Race 3


  • Identity Crisis Ian finishes in the lowest number of Plays but as a Slug cannot have Fame
  • Habanero finishes in the second lowest number of Plays and gains 3 Fame, doubled due to being Fan Favorite, for a total gain of 6 Fame
  • CyberStella finishes in the third lowest number of Plays and gains 2 Fame, doubled due to being an Underdog, for a total gain of 4 Fame
  • GetPunnedOn, JonathanDark, and Josh are on the Track but fail to finish the Race and lose half their Fame


  • Identity Crisis Ian finishes in the lowest number of Plays but as a Slug cannot have Medals
  • Habanero finishes in the second lowest number of Plays and gains 1 Silver
  • CyberStella finishes in the third lowest number of Plays and gains 1 Bronze

Story Post: Bucket List 3

The following Snails are placed in the Bucket: GetPunnedOn, JonathanDark, Josh

Award Ceremony for Race 3


  • Habanero finishes in the lowest number of Plays and gains 4 Fame, doubled due to being Fan Favorite, for a total gain of 8 Fame
  • CyberStella finishes in the second lowest number of Plays and gains 3 Fame, doubled due to being an Underdog, for a total gain of 6 Fame
  • GetPunnedOn, JonathanDark, and Josh are on the Track but fail to finish the Race and lose half their Fame


  • Habanero finishes in the lowest number of Plays and gains 1 Gold
  • CyberStella finishes in the second lowest number of Plays and gains 1 Silver

Proposal: Paranormal Recreation

Illegally made into a proposal subsequent to having been posted. Josh

Adminned at 22 Dec 2024 15:59:54 UTC


If a Snail is not Healthy, then they may not Play or take any dynastic action which would change their Position.

with a new rule.

Ghosts. If a Snail is not Healthy, then a Ghost is made on their position. Ghosts effectively are slugs for all purposes outside of this rule, but can only be controlled by the non-Healthy Snail. Ghosts can Crawl, Slipstream, and Leapsnail as normal, but cannot take any other dynastic actions that are not specified as a action they can take. Ghosts can Crawl and Slipstream backwards.  When they share a position with another Snail, they can Haunt that snail, making their next Play affect that Snail instead while only increasing the Ghost’s plays.

Suggestions heavily appreciated, especially with how they affect the actual snails in play.

Proposal: Alarm Clock

Reached quorum, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 23 Dec 2024 18:04:38 UTC

If Proposal: Sleepy Snails was not enacted then this proposal has no further effect.

In the rule Sleep, change “which is either blank or a number from 0 to 23 and defaults to blank” to

which is either blank or up to three separate, non-consecutive numbers from 0 to 23, and defaults to blank

In the same rule, change “If a non-Slug Snail has no Waking Hour or there is no Ongoing Race” to:

If a non-Slug Snail has no Waking Hour, there is no Ongoing Race, or as a Weekly Action

A bit more liberal

Call for Judgment: Not so slow

Cannot be enacted with three votes AGAINST. Josh

Adminned at 22 Dec 2024 23:24:23 UTC

Habanero performed three Leapsnails. The text of Leapsnail in the official rules is:

If one exists, randomly select a non-Slug Snail before the Finish Line whose Plays are within 2 of yours or whose Position is within 20 of yours. Set your Position to be 1 greater than the selected Snail’s.

Habanero performed the action by randomly selecting from those Snails whose plays were within 2 of theirs, interpreting the ‘or’ as meaning that they could chose which of the criteria to draw the pool from. I think that the clear read of the sentence is that the pool must be made up of all Snails who meet either characteristic. That would make those three leapsnails illegally performed.

This CfJ seeks to remedy this issue as follows: reverting the game to this state and then reapply all Plays made by Snails other than Habanero since the timestamp of that edit.

Call for Judgment: Not so fast

Cannot be enacted with 3 AGAINST votes. Josh

Adminned at 22 Dec 2024 23:05:58 UTC

In this Play, Habanero used Leapsnail to jump from his position at 43 to just past mine at 70. Unfortunately Leapsnail mandates a cap of 20 distance, so this was an illegally performed leap.

Normally I’d just revert but that’s complicated in this dynasty because of subsequent and dependent actions.

This CfJ attempts to resolve as follows: revert the gamestate to this edit, then reapply all Plays made by Snails other than Habanero since the timestamp of that edit.

Proposal: Sleepy Snails

Reached quorum, 3-1. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 23 Dec 2024 14:29:19 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule, titled “Sleep”:

Snails are so lethargic that they must sleep for 23 hours a day to maintain the intense energy demands of the Race. Every non-Slug Snail has a publicly tracked Waking Hour, which is either blank or a number from 0 to 23 and defaults to blank.

If a non-Slug Snail has no Waking Hour or there is no Ongoing Race, then that Snail may change their Waking Hour to any valid numeric value.

A Snail is Awake if the hour of the current UTC time matches their Waking Hour.

Append the following paragraph to the rule “Races”:

A Racing Snail is a non-Slug Snail who is Healthy, on the Track, and before the Finish Line.

In the rule “Plays”, replace “At any time, a Snail may Play” with “At any time, an Awake and Racing Snail or a Slug may Play”. Also, replace “Unless they are the only Snail who would otherwise be able to Play” with “Unless they are the only Racing Snail”.

In the rule “Races”, replace “If there is an Ongoing Race but no non-Slug Snail can Play, any Snail or the Jury may perform the Award Ceremony.” with “If there is an Ongoing Race but no Racing Snails, any Snail or the Jury may perform the Award Ceremony.”

In the rule “Predators” and in the descriptions of the Slug of Death and Identity Crisis Ian, replace all instances of “24 hours” with “25 hours”.

In the rule “Predators”, replace “any Snail or the Jury may Spot Danger” with “any Awake Snail or the Jury may Spot Danger”.

Recently I’ve become convinced that Kevan is right about the entirely asynchronous gameplay being a bad idea. It’s quite annoying to have to be constantly checking in to play optimally. This changes the action system to be a hybrid of turn-based and asynchronous elements. The idea is that everyone picks an hour of the day that they can reasonably expect to be online and can only make Plays during that hour. This way everyone will know when and in what order their opponents will be making Plays, blunting the advantage of being always online. The hours change from 24 to 25 keeps one Snail from getting a monopoly on Danger Spotting/Slug movement, since they won’t be able to be Awake to do it two days in a row.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Proposal: Look Out!

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 23 Dec 2024 13:59:46 UTC

Perform the Spotting Danger atomic action 3 times.

This serves as a timer to get moving or get caught out by a Predator when the admin enacting this performs Spotting Danger. The admin enacting this does have the advantage of making their Plays before enacting this.

Proposal: Get Your Skates On Mate

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 23 Dec 2024 02:40:04 UTC

In the rule Races, change “If there is an Ongoing Race but no non-Slug Snail can Play, any Snail or the Jury may perform the Award Ceremony” to

If there is an Ongoing Race but no non-Slug Snail can Play, or if the current Race has been Ongoing for 7 or more days, any Snail or the Jury may perform the Award Ceremony.

If Proposal: Runners and Riders was enacted, in the rule Race Fame Modification, change “Did not finish” to “Did not finish (and another Snail did)”, and add the following as a new line in the table immediately below the one that just changed:

| No Snail Finished, and had the greatest Position || 2 || 3 || 4

Once the Ruleset has been updated with the above changes, set the link in the rule Official Rules to be the current iteration of the ruleset.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Proposal: Fresh Meat Down the Road

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 23 Dec 2024 02:39:21 UTC

Set the Danger Level to 0.

Everyone seems scared to make any more Plays due to the threat of Predators. The recent round of Proposals offers better mitigations for Predator attacks, but currently when it gets this dangerous, it seems to freeze the entire Race.

Let’s get through this Race, and then see how Predators work out next one.

Proposal: Hiding in Plain Sight

Reached quorum, 4-1. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 23 Dec 2024 02:35:00 UTC

In the rule “Predators”, replace “That Snail has a Position greater than 0cm but less than the Finish Line” with “That Snail has a Position less than the Finish Line”.

Right now, you can escape predation by having a negative position. Doing so lets you Spot Danger a million times to get everyone else who tries to finish eaten, which I find to be a boring strategy.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Call for Judgment: Lucky We

Fewer than a quorum not voting AGAINST, 1-4. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 21 Dec 2024 04:25:11 UTC

Move GetPunnedOn’s and CyberStella’s position to be one more than the Slug of Death.
Prevent the Slug Of Death from crawling for 12 hours after this call for judgement.

I know this is literally the most basic and blatant self-buff possible, but the fact that it’s taken three proposals that are meant to do exactly this and we’re still not able to play is frankly absurd.

Proposal: Runners and Riders

Enacted popular 4-1. Josh

Adminned at 21 Dec 2024 18:16:22 UTC

Add the following as a third bullet point in the atomic action in the rule Races:

* Set each non-Slug Snail’s Pecking Order to be their current position on an list of Snails ordered from most to least Fame (with tied values sharing the same position, and subsequent values skipped to compensate).

In the rule The Award Ceremony, add the following to the end of the first paragraph:

Each Snail may have a Pecking Order; they default to not having a value for this statistic, and when a Snail becomes unidle their Pecking Order value is cleared, if they have one.

Change the first bullet point (removing all the subordinate bullet points beneath it) and the second bullet point of the atomic action in the same rule to read as follows:

* Amend the Fame of all Snails according to their individual Race Fame Modification, as described in the rule of the same name.

In the same rule, remove the last two paragraphs. Add the following as a subrule to the rule The Award Ceremony, called Race Fame Modification:

Any Snail whose Pecking Order is 2 or Higher is Scrutinised. Any Snails whose Pecking Order is one of the two lowest values is an Underdog, unless they are Scrutinised. All Snails who are neither Scrutinised nor Underdogs are Runners.

A Snail’s Race Fame Modification is defined according to the following table. A Snail’s Race Fame Modification is dictated by the criteria they met in the race mapped against their Pecking Order category; where a Snail met multiple Criteria they gain the Fame for all Criteria so met, amalgamated and applied as a single value. Any Race Fame Modification that would set a Snail’s Fame to a value below zero instead sets it to zero.

{| class="wikitable"
|+ Race Fame Modification
! Criteria || Scrutinised || Runner || Underdog
| Finished in the lowest number of Plays || 2 || 4 || 8
| Finished in the second lowest number of Plays || 1 || 3 || 6
| Finished in the third lowest number of Plays || 1 || 2 || 4
| Finished in the fourth lowest number of Plays or lower || 0 || 1 || 2
| Did not finish || -100 || 0 || 1
| Has a Status of Healthy || 1 || 2 || 2

Continuing the theme that the ruleset is currently too rich-get-richer: tilting Fame such that it benefits those furthest behind rather than those furthest ahead.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Proposal: Public Humiliation

Timed out, 1-3 with 1 DEF. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 21 Dec 2024 04:23:28 UTC


At any time, a Snail may Order an Item by privately sending to the Jury the name of that Item. The name must appear in the above list or be an English language concrete noun.


At any time, a snail may Order a item by publicly announcing the name of that item. The name must be in the above list or be an English language concrete noun.

Yeah, I just don’t like this being private. Feel free to against this.

Proposal: Paying in Exposure

Timed out, 3-1. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 21 Dec 2024 04:18:24 UTC

If the Proposal “Keep a Loose Grip” passed, then this Proposal has no effect.

Set Habanero’s Fame to 10, and remove all of their Equipment if they have any.

Update the Fame costs of the Equipments in the Equipment rule as follows:
Slime Lubricant: 3 Fame
Cool Sticker: 5 Fame
Enlarged Foot: 3 Fame

Append the following to the first paragraph of “Predators”:

When a Snail’s Status changes because of a Predator, that Snail loses a random piece of Equipment (if one exists) in the carnage. If they become Flattened, they instead lose all of their Equipment.

Append the following Item to the list in the rule “Items”:

Giant Salt Shaker: Choose a Snail which shares your Position. Remove one of their Equipments at random, and then if you have any Equipment remove one of your Equipments at random. If the target had an Equipment removed, gain 2 Fame for the shocking display of violence.

In the rule “Equipment”, replace “A Snail may, at any time, spend the amount listed in an Equipment’s Cost” with “If there is no Ongoing Race, a Snail may spend the amount listed in an Equipment’s Cost”.

Per the comments in Keep a Loose Grip, I think I do deserve to retain some kind of advantage for managing to pull off multiple scams to get Fame and then give it a use. Proposing to reduce the advantage of the leader is well and good and part of Nomic, but the first 90% of the dynastic game sort of loses its meaning if entirely erasing any early lead (whether obtained via scam or good gameplay) becomes a normal thing to do. If any of you were in my place, I’m sure you wouldn’t want your efforts to go to waste. Not only does it feel horrible, it also sets the stage for any later advantage from another player to be eliminated via proposal in the future. In the extreme case, no one is able to agree on a way to move forward, and everything just sort of falls apart (as seen in Misty III, the Jenga dynasty).

All that said, it would be unreasonable of me to demand that I retain all of my advantage. The whole Nomic part of the game sort of loses its meaning if any early lead obtained by a player becomes untouchable and mitigating dynastic advantage via proposal becomes looked down upon; there’s a balance to be struck here. This is an attempt at a compromise between a straight repeal of Equipment and doing nothing about it. It makes Equipment way more affordable, and also makes it less permanent by allowing the poors who can’t afford it to catch up with Salt Shakers.

Proposal: Keep a Loose Grip

Timed out, 2-2. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 20 Dec 2024 16:34:08 UTC

Repeal the rule Equipment, along with all of its subrules.

As it stands, the equipment rule is a flat boost to Habanero (who scammed a bunch of Fame early in the dynasty) and a bit of a boost to me and JD (who have had more opportunities than others to gain Fame and Medals).

Thinking about how to remedy it, though, it seemed clear to me that the mechanic wasn’t really doing anything useful anyway. It confusingly parallels Items, everything is expensive (by the time you’d won enough Fame legitimately to own the Cool Sticker you’d almost have won the dynasty), and at its heart it’s a Rich Get Richer mechanic - you earn the currency to buy these things by winning, which in turn makes it easier to keep winning.

Thus my proposed solution!

Proposal: Twoshift

Timed out, 2-1. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 20 Dec 2024 16:31:57 UTC

In the description of the Leapsnail Play, replace “whose Plays are within 2 of yours” with “whose Plays are between 0 and 4 less than yours”.

Reproposal of Blueshift after a mistake in it prevented it from doing anything.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Call for Judgment: Slugfest

Cannot be enacted with 1 vote to 4 against. Josh

Adminned at 19 Dec 2024 16:51:31 UTC

Set the Positions of these Snails as follows:
* CyberStella: 2 cm
* GetPunnedOn: 2 cm
* Habanero: 18 cm
* Josh: 18 cm
* Raven1207: 2 cm
* Friendly Fiona: 18 cm
* Slingshot Sam: 2 cm
* The Iron Slug: 18 cm

For each of the following Snails, roll a DICE2. On a 1, reduce that Snail’s Position by 20. On a 2, increase that Snail’s Position by 20.
* CyberStella
* GetPunnedOn
* Raven1207

Apply the Extra Effects of The Iron Slug to each Snail except the Slug of Death, treating the “after a Play” condition as if it has been met and using that Snail’s current Position at this step for the remainder of that Extra Effects when determining the result for that Snail.

In the rule “Slugs”, replace every instance of “If after a Play action a Snail’s Position is changed” and every instance of “If after a Play a Snail’s Position is changed” with “If a Play action changes a Snail’s Position”.

Second attempt, same rationale as before. As discussed in the Comments on this CfJ, it’s just going to be more straightforward to only set Position, regardless of any other dynastic actions taken between now and then. Also added a fix in the rules to more closely associate a Play action with a change in Position.

Call for Judgment: Instant Slugs - Just Add Boosts!

Cannot be enacted, with one vote FOR and 5 AGAINST. Josh

Adminned at 18 Dec 2024 08:57:31 UTC

Revert any gamestate changes made after December 17, 2024‎ 19:21 and before this was enacted.

Set the Positions of these Snails as follows:
* CyberStella: 2 cm
* GetPunnedOn: 2 cm
* Habanero: 18 cm
* Josh: 18 cm
* Raven1207: 2 cm
* Friendly Fiona: 18 cm
* Slingshot Sam: 2 cm
* The Iron Slug: 18 cm

For each of the following Snails, roll a DICE2. On a 1, reduce that Snail’s Position by 20. On a 2, increase that Snail’s Position by 20.
* CyberStella
* GetPunnedOn
* Raven1207

Apply the Extra Effects of The Iron Slug to each Snail except the Slug of Death, treating the “after a Play” condition as if it has been met and using that Snail’s current Position at this step for the remainder of that Extra Effects when determining the result for that Snail.

The basis of this CfJ is that, when “A Boost for All Snails” was enacted, it set the Position of all Snails, without any Slug exclusion, in the Bucket to DICE10 + 5cm. The Extra Effects of these Slugs state “if after a Play a Snail’s Position is changed”, but “after” doesn’t indicate a time span, and the definition of “after” just means “some time later” without any restrictions. The intended meaning of the phrase was likely “if a Play directly caused a change in a Snail’s Position”, but that’s not the text of the rule.

This CfJ’s contents follows the rule for applying Slugs’ Extra Effects in order alphabetically: Broom Barry, then Slingshot Sam, then The Iron Slug. Since Slingshot Sam’s Extra Effects have a random component, there’s a little work to do if this is enacted.

CyberStella and GetPunnedOn Can Race

Since “A Boost for all Slugs” was enacted, CyberStella and GetPunnedOn can participate in the current Ongoing Race.

Note that the remaining Slugs in the Bucket are also now in the current Race.

Proposal: Dewombofication

Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 18 Dec 2024 19:31:03 UTC

In the rule Items, change “If it has been less than 24 hours since the most recent Race started, no Snail may Discard any non-Crystal Items.” to:

If it has been less than 24 hours since the most recent Race started, no Snail may use the Discard Play. If it has been less than 48 hours since the most recent Race started, no Snail may use the Discard Play to any Discard any Crystal Items.

If people want to play an item-led game then that’s fine, but as written, the Crystals are a stunlock: they have a meta-effect on all other Items in the game, you can use them as soon as the race goes up, you get 24 hours to play them before anyone with non-Crystal Items can use theirs, and they’re not blockable except through the aggressive use of other Cystals first. In effect, this means that the first Snail online after the Race goes up gets to use their Crystals to hose down every Snail who didn’t have the fortune to be the first Snail online. If you can’t have a reasonable presumption of being online when the Race goes up then you really don’t need to think about Items at all, as they will have been stolen or deleted by the time you do get there.

Timing gates are generally bad; we usually try to consider avoiding action systems where the quickest reactions are rewarded, and the Community Guidelines call out forcing people to stay online during narrow windows to avoid incurring disadvantage (“The rhythm of a dynasty of BlogNomic should not be less than 24 hours - which is to say, the ruleset should usually not require players to check the game more than once a day”). This change allows players to quickly spend their non-Crystal items and size up the field before the meta-effect Items come into play.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Proposal: We Choose To Go…

Reached quorum, 4-2. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 18 Dec 2024 19:28:21 UTC

Add the following to Items.

Snail-Mounted Billboard
Effect: When discarded, Spots Danger. Can only be used once per snail per race and thrice in the entire race.
Rocket Fuel
Does not count as an item for any Crystals.
Spring-Loaded Rocket
Passive: Whenever a snail passes you, gain 1 Rocket Fuel.
Discard: When discarded, discards all Rocket Fuels you own. Moves you one cm for every Rocket Fuel discarded this way.
Pedal Powered Rocket
Passive: Whenever you take the Crawl action, gain 1 Rocket Fuel and reduce your Position by one.
Discard: When discarded, discards all Rocket Fuels you own. Moves you one cm for every Rocket Fuel discarded this way.
Stomp Rocket
Passive: Whenever a snail uses Spot Danger, gain 3 Rocket Fuel.
Discard: When discarded, discards all Rocket Fuels you own. Moves you one cm for every Rocket Fuel discarded this way.

It’s not rocket science. Frankly, we don’t know how any of them work, and we’re too afraid to find out.

Proposal: Formatting Fix Freedom

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 18 Dec 2024 19:26:35 UTC

In the Appendix, amend the rule “Clarifications - Spelling and formatting” by replacing:

“Snails may correct obvious spelling, punctuation, and/or typographical mistakes in the Ruleset, the Building Blocks page, and their own Pending Votable Matters at any time, including replacing Spivak and gender-specific pronouns that refer to Snails with the corresponding forms of the singular ‘they’.”


“Snails may correct obvious spelling, punctuation, typographical, and/or formatting mistakes in the Ruleset, the Building Blocks page, and their own Pending Votable Matters at any time, including replacing Spivak and gender-specific pronouns that refer to Snails with the corresponding forms of the singular ‘they’.”

This change expands the scope of acceptable fixes to include formatting issues, ensuring consistency and clarity in the ruleset and related content.

Proposal: Side Bets

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 18 Dec 2024 19:26:03 UTC

Add a new rule named “Betting” with the following text:

There is a publicly tracked list of Bets where each list entry includes the following:
* Bettor - the name of a non-Slug Snail
* Wager - a positive number and a single type of Medal
* Champion - the name of a Snail

At any time that there is no Ongoing Race, if a Snail is in the Bucket and has not done so since the most recent Award Ceremony, that Snail may Place a Bet by spending a positive amount of a type of Medal that they have and then adding a valid entry to Bets, where the Bettor is that Snail’s name, Wager is the amount and type of Medal that Snail spent in this action, and Champion is any Snail other than that Bettor.

At any time, if there is an Ongoing Race and there is a Bet where the Bettor is not in the Bucket, any Snail or the Jury may remove that Bet from the list.

In the rule “The Award Ceremony”, add the following steps to the end of the Award Ceremony atomic action:

* For each entry in the list of Bets, if the Champion of that Bet finished the Race, add M to that Bettor’s Medals, where M is the integer result of the amount and type of Medal in that Wager multiplied by:
** 2 if that Champion received 1 Gold in this instance of the Award Ceremony
** 1.5 if that Champion received 1 Silver in this instance of the Award Ceremony
** 1 if that Champion received 1 Bronze in this instance of the Award Ceremony
** 0 otherwise
* Remove all entries in the list of Bets

This gives Snails in the Bucket something to do if they miss out on a Race, or an alternative to participating directly in the Race at all.

It’s possible that there could be collaboration and kingmaking, but the Champion would have to really craft their Plays carefully to make it work out.

(NB: I revised this to make Bets on First, Second, and Third place rather than number of Plays. It seemed more fitting.)



Double Post. Oops

Adminned at 17 Dec 2024 00:38:17 UTC


Snail Ball Space Program

Proposal: Medal of (Dis)Honour

Reached quorum, 4-0 with 1 DEF and Jury voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 18 Dec 2024 19:24:41 UTC

In the rule “The Award Ceremony”, after the text “The Award Ceremony is the following atomic action” add “, where each step that refers to Snails only refers to non-Slug Snails”.

No sense in letting Slugs take away the Fame and Medals for other Snails, since Slugs don’t have tracked Fame or Medals.

Proposal: Late Registration

Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 Dec 2024 20:16:00 UTC

In the rule Position, to the end of the sentence ‘If there’s an Ongoing Race, Snails in the Bucket or on the Bench may not take any dynastic actions or have their Position changed’, add:

, except as defined in this rule.

In the same rule, after ‘A Snail may move themselves to the Bench or to the Bucket at any time.’, add:

If there is an Ongoing Race, if they have not done so before in that Race, a Snail may change their Position from the Bucket or Bench to a random Position between -10cm and 10cm.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Proposal: A Boost for All Snails

Reached quorum, 4-1. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 Dec 2024 19:08:49 UTC

The Race grows fiercer, and Snails need every bit of encouragement to push toward victory. This Proposal ensures no Snail gets left behind, while revitalizing the competition with new energy and balance. 


Amend the gamestate as follows: 

  1. Boost for Active Snails:
    • For Snails already on the Track (excluding Slugs), increase their Position as follows:
      • Snails with a Position greater than 50 cm: +2 cm
      • Snails with a Position between 10 and 50 cm: +5 cm
      • Snails with a Position less than 10 cm: +7 cm
      • The Snail with the lowest Position (excluding Slugs) is boosted to a Position of 1 cm ahead of the Slug of Death.





  3. Welcome New Competitors: 

    • Move all Snails currently in the Bucket to the Track with a starting Position of DICE10 + 5 cm.



  5. Shared Motivation: 

    • Each Snail (excluding Slugs) gains 2 Fame to recognize their renewed effort in the Race.




This Proposal achieves several goals:

  • Filling out the mechanics: By adding targeted Position boosts, it creates meaningful progression and competition for every Snail on the Track.
  • Fairness: The boost ensures that no active Snail remains hopelessly behind while still respecting the competitive spirit of the Race.
  • Engagement: Including Snails in the Bucket gives new players an immediate reason to participate, while the Fame reward makes this boost exciting for all.

And so, the Snails press on with newfound determination, as fresh challengers rise from the Bucket and the slowest racer pulls ahead of the looming shadow of the Slug of Death!

Proposal: Blueshift

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 Dec 2024 18:58:59 UTC

In the description of the Leapsnail Play, replace “or whose Plays are within 2 of yours” with “or whose Plays are between 0 and 4 less than yours”.

People are disincentivized from being the first to go since others can just Leapsnail up to them and get to wherever they were in 1 fewer Play. Maybe making it so you can only leap via Plays to those who have fewer Plays than you would help.

Mentorship of Stella by JonathanDark

JonathanDark will be mentoring Stella until the First Dynasty of Desertfrog has ended and the date is past the 12th of January 2025.

Mentorship of GetPunnedOn by Josh

Josh will be mentoring GetPunnedOn until the First Dynasty of Desertfrog has ended and the date is past the 12th of January 2025.

Stella would like to join this dynasty

Hello, BlogNomic! I would like to join this dynasty!

GetPunnedOn joins the nomic

I would like a snail.
that’s literally it

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Proposal: Recrystallization

Timed out and enacted, 3-2. Josh

Adminned at 17 Dec 2024 10:46:32 UTC

Add the following Items to the list in “Items”:

* Crystal of Avarice: steal an Item from the Items of a Snail on the Track.
* Crystal of Plenty: gain three additional copies of a non-Crystal Item in your Items.

Replace the description of the Crystal of Moderateness with “Remove all Items from the Snail(s) who have the most Items, then remove all Crystals of Moderateness from your Items. (Passive effect: you may not Discard any other type of Item)”.

Replace the description of the Discard Move with “remove one Item from your Items and apply its non-Passive effects”.

Add the following paragraph before the last paragraph in “Items”:

If it has been less than 24 hours since the most recent Race started, no Snail may Discard any non-Crystal Items.

Trying this again!

Proposal: Defamer

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 15 Dec 2024 20:21:04 UTC

Add the following to the end of the rule Races:

If there is an Ongoing Race and the Fan Favourite has not made a Play in that Race, and both the Race has been Ongoing for not less than 24 hours and it has been not less than 24 hours since the last time someone did so, any Snail may reduce the Fame of the Fan Favourite by 2.

The crowd favours boldness in its champions.

Proposal: Predators Prefer Live Prey

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 15 Dec 2024 20:18:46 UTC

In the rule “Predators”, just before the text “The following Predators exist” add this text:

A Snail is considered Prey if all of the following are true for that Snail:
* That Snail has a Status of “Healthy”
* That Snail is On the Track
* That Snail has a Position greater than 0cm but less than the Finish Line
* If that Snail is not a Slug, it has at least 1 Play
* That Snail is not the Slug of Death

In the same rule, for each Predator’s Effect text, replace each instance of “Healthy Snail” and each instance of “Healthy Snails” with “Prey”.

In the same rule remove the text “The Slug of Death and Snails not on the Track are ignored for the purposes of determining Predator targets”.

In the same rule, after the text “take any dynastic action which would change their Position” add “if their Position is currently a numeric value”.

Trying to be fair to Snails who haven’t done anything in the Ongoing Race yet so they won’t be affected by Predators. Also fixed an issue where Snails that aren’t Healthy could wind up being put in the Bucket, remain non-Healthy, and miss the next Race because they couldn’t change their Position from “Bucket” to “Bench”.

Proposal: Big Blind, Small Blind

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 15 Dec 2024 20:15:07 UTC

In the rule Races, change “Set the Position of all Snails who are on the Track or on the Bench to zero” to:

Set the Position of each Snail who is on the Track or on the Bench to a random value between -10 and 10, inclusive

Set the Position of each Snail whose position is 0 to a random value between -10 and 10.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Withdrawing into my shell

I have not had the time to remotely try to be active like I thought sadly

I request to be idled

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Kicked the Bucket

lendunistus has been idled for lack of activity for over 7 days. Quorum remains at 4.

Call for Judgment: Waaait a Minute

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 12 Dec 2024 20:02:22 UTC

Replace the first paragraph of the rule “Track Record” with:

Each Snail has a Track Record, which is a publicly tracked numerical score defined as being zero, plus 5 for each Gold Medal they have won in this dynasty, plus 3 for each Silver Medal they have won in this dynasty, plus 2 for each Bronze Medal they have won in this dynasty, plus 1 for each Paper Medal they have won in this dynasty.

Fail any pending DoVs, and consider all Snails to have not achieved victory in this dynasty at any time prior to the enactment of this CfJ.

I was looking through the dynastic history out of boredom, and I happened to see that in Ais523 IV, there was an amount of Gold and Silver medals defined. Josh has conveniently forgotten to specify in his recently enacted victory condition that the Medals have to be won in this dynasty, and also was conveniently active 14 years ago in Ais IV. He probably won enough Medals in that dynasty to instantly claim victory in this one. I feel this aspect of the game “needs urgent attention”. Hence, this CfJ is an attempt to shut him down before he pulls it off.

Proposal: Highway to the Danger Zone

Timed out and enacted, 2-1. Josh

Adminned at 14 Dec 2024 20:14:08 UTC

In the rule “Items”, add the following to the bulleted list:

* Reverse Rocket: Subtract 20cm from your Position. (Passive effect: when a Predator’s Effect would change your Status, your Status instead remains unchanged, but you automatically Discard this Item. This automatic Discard counts as a Play, but ignores all restrictions for making the Discard Play, taking priority over any such Discard restrictions.)
* Flashy Shell Wrap: (Passive effect: W is the number of instances of this Item that you have. Add W to your Fame when you finish an Ongoing Race if you have not already done so for that Race. When there is an Ongoing Race, if your Plays have increased by N since the Race was created or since the last time you performed Spot Danger, you must Spot Danger before making another Play, where N is the maximum of (6 - W) and 1)

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Proposal: Pulling The Ladder Up

Timed out and failed, 1-1 with 1 unresolved DEF. Josh

Adminned at 14 Dec 2024 20:10:37 UTC

Append the following paragraph to the rule “Predators”:

If it has been between 24 and 48 hours since a Snail first passed the Finish Line in an Ongoing Race and that Race is still Ongoing, that Snail may Spot Danger. A Snail may only Spot Danger in this way once per Race.

In the rule “Position”, replace “may not take any dynastic actions or have their Position changed” with “may not take any dynastic actions or have their Position changed, regardless of what other dynastic rules might say”

Some incentive to finish early by making it harder for the others. Also clarifying the prioritisation of the dynastic action ban for Bucket Snails, mostly out of paranoia that someone might try to exploit it.

Proposal: I Wonder How They Taste

Withdrawn. Josh

Adminned at 14 Dec 2024 20:10:08 UTC

Add the following Items to the list in “Items”:

* Crystal of Avarice: steal an Item from the Inventory of a Snail on the Track.
* Crystal of Plenty: gain three additional copies of a non-Crystal Item in your Inventory.

Replace the description of the Crystal of Moderateness with “Remove all Items from the Snail(s) who have the most Items, then remove all Crystals of Moderateness from your Inventory. (Passive effect: you may not Discard any other type of Item)”.

Replace the description of the Discard Play with “remove one Item from your Items and apply its non-Passive effects”.

Add the following paragraph before the last paragraph in “Items”:

If it has been less than 24 hours since the most recent Race started, no Snail may Discard any non-Crystal Items.

Making the Crystal of Moderateness simpler and less toothless, as well as adding in some more Crystal Items (with the common theme that they can be used during the grace period and don’t have any concrete effect other than shuffling items around).

Proposal: Step Into The Limelight

Timed out and enacted, 3-0. Josh

Adminned at 14 Dec 2024 20:08:23 UTC

In the rule “The Award Ceremony”, replace “If there is a single Snail on the Track with the most Fame” with “Among the Snails on the Track, if there is a single Snail with the most Fame”.

In the same rule, replace “The Snails who have a quorum of Snails with more Fame” with “Among the Snails on the Track, the Snails who have a quorum of Snails with more Fame”.

In the same rule, just before the text “The Award Ceremony is the following atomic action”, add the following as a separate paragraph:

A Snail whose Position is after the Finish Line is said to have finished the Race.

Clarifying the Fame comparisons to be only among the Snails on the Track when the Award Ceremony is performed. I think it’s more fair to the Snails who are participating in the Race not to be affected by the Fame of Snails in the Bucket. This also incentivizes Snails to stay out of the Bucket if they want to make a difference.

Also clarifying what “finished the Race” means, for the rule text describing Snails that “failed to finish the Race”.

Proposal: Pull

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 12 Dec 2024 03:58:33 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule, called Track Record:

Each Snail has a Track Record, which is a publicly tracked numerical score defined as being zero, plus 5 for each Gold Medal they have won, plus 3 for each Silver Medal they have won, plus 2 for each Bronze Medal they have won, plus 1 for each Paper Medal they have won.

If any Snail has a Track Record of 30 or more then the Snail with the highest Track Record has achieved Victory.

Consider the gold medal awarded to Habanero directly by the proposal Medals to have been won for the purposes of calculating their Track Record.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Proposal: Purchasing Power

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 12 Dec 2024 03:13:20 UTC

In the rule “Equipment”, replace “spend the amount of Fame equal to the cost of an Equipment” with “spend the amount listed in an Equipment’s Cost”.

In the subrule “Slime Lubricant”, change the Cost to “10 Fame”.

Add a subrule to the rule “Equipment” named “Streamlined Shell” with the following text:

Cost:1 Gold
Effect: When a Slug’s Extra Effects increase your Position, your Position increases an additional 5cm.

The type of cost for Equipment varies, but the rule text wasn’t updated properly for this. Also added another Equipment to entice those with Gold to spend it.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Proposal: More Errata

Timed out, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 12 Dec 2024 03:09:31 UTC

Replace the second paragraph of the rule “Position” with:

If there’s an Ongoing Race, Snails in the Bucket or on the Bench may not take any dynastic actions or have their Position changed.

In “The Award Ceremony”, replace “If there is a single Snail with the most Fame, that Snail is the Fan Favourite” with “If there is a single Snail on the Track with the most Fame, that Snail is the Fan Favourite”.

In “Races”, replace “Select the Slug of Death and 3 other Slugs at random, including those in the Bucket” with “Select the Slug of Death and 3 other Slugs at random”.

In “Predators”, replace “The Slug of Death is ignored for the purposes of determining Predator targets.” with “The Slug of Death and Snails not on the Track are ignored for the purposes of determining Predator targets.”

Change the Extra Effects of Slingshot Sam to read “Slingshot Sam starts each race at a position of DICE100. If after a Play action a Snail’s Position is changed to exactly match Slingshot Sam’s, a DICE2 is rolled. On a 1, that Snail’s position is reduced by 20. On a 2, that Snail’s position is increased by 20.”

Fixing various things that are broken by Snails in the Bucket being considered Snails. Surprisingly it’s not very much at all. Maybe after this I’ll propose something which meaningfully changes the game for once!

Proposal: One Leg at a Time

Timed out, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 11 Dec 2024 19:48:38 UTC

Add the following to the rule Slugs, as a paragraph just before the text “The following Slugs exist”:

Whenever a Snail’s Play would trigger the Movement Rules or Extra Effects of a Slug, the sequence of events must be resolved in the following order, skipping over any steps that don’t apply:

* The inciting Snail’s Play
* The Extra Effects of any triggered Slug, in alphabetical order;
* The Movement Rules of any triggered Slug, in alphabetical order.

This must be completed fully before any subsequent triggers are evaluated.

In the rule “Position”, replace the sentence that starts with the text “A Snail in the Bucket or on the Bench does not count ” with the following:

Snails in the Bucket or on the Bench may not take any dynastic actions while there’s an Ongoing Race.

Re-proposing Josh’s suggestion for precedence, using the correct Keyword terminology for Slugs’ Movement Rules and Extra Effects. Also adding in Habanero’s simplification for Snails in the Bucket. Credit goes to them for the ideas.

Proposal: British Bullslug

Timed out and enacted, 2-1. Josh

Adminned at 11 Dec 2024 11:14:56 UTC

Change the Leapsnail Play to read as follows:

Leapsnail: If one exists, randomly select a non-Slug Snail before the Finish Line whose Plays are within 2 of yours or whose Position is within 20 of yours. Set your Position to be 1 greater than the selected Snail’s. .

In the Special Effect of the Slug of Death, change “Other Snails may not Play if the Slug of Death’s position is greater than theirs” to:

Other Snails may not Crawl if the Slug of Death’s position is greater than theirs

Proposal: First pants, *then* your shoes

Timed out and failed, 1-2. Josh

Adminned at 11 Dec 2024 11:14:33 UTC

Add the following to the rule Slugs, as a second paragraph:

Whenever a Snail’s Play would trigger the Movement or Special Effect of a Slug, the sequence of events must be resolved in the following order, skipping over any steps that don’t apply:

* The inciting Snail’s Play
* The Special Effect of any triggered Slug, in alphabetical order;
* The Movement of any triggered Slug, in alphabetical order.

This must be completed fully before any subsequent triggers are evaluated.

An attempt at a simplified prioritisation for actions.

Monday, December 09, 2024

Discussion: How do we fix the Bucket problem?

Rather than continuously cycling through variations of Proposals trying to fix the Bucket problem and failing, let’s see if we can iterate through acceptable possibilities until there’s one that’s good enough. That way, we’re not all wasting Proposal slots on ideas that fail out of the gate.

The first attempt will be in the comments, which is Habanero’s most recent idea.

Proposal: Quality is in the Eye of the Beholder

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 11 Dec 2024 00:48:04 UTC

In the rule “The Award Ceremony”, replace “named Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Paper” with “named, in order of highest to lowest quality, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Paper”

Several Equipment says things like “Silver quality or better” without having a definition of “quality”, so here it is

Proposal: The Minor Fixes Never End

Timed out, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 11 Dec 2024 00:45:33 UTC

In the description of the Iron Slug, replace “its” with “the Iron Slug’s”.

In the rule “Plays”, replace “A Snail may not Play if the number of Plays they have made in the Ongoing Race is at least three greater than every other Snail’s” with “Unless they are the only Snail who would otherwise be able to Play, a Snail may not Play if the number of Plays they have made in the Ongoing Race is at least three greater than every other Snail’s”.

Fixing the Iron Slug’s unclear referent as seen in Race 2, and also preventing the Race from freezing up if only one Snail can Play (resulting in a Snail that would otherwise be able to get to the Finish Line being screwed over). There are about a million other tiny things like this I noticed at some point, but I really should have written them down somewhere because I can’t remember any of them.

Race 2 Award Ceremony

Josh received a gold medal and 4 Fame.

Habanero received a silver medal and 6 Fame.

JonathanDark received a Bronze medal and 2 Fame.

Saturday, December 07, 2024

Call for Judgment: Let’s Move On

Fewer than a quorum not voting AGAINST. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 09 Dec 2024 19:48:07 UTC

Change the second paragraph of the rule “Position” to read as follows:

A Snail in the Bucket or on the Bench does not count as a Snail for the purposes of dynastic rules other than this one, with the following exceptions:
* When a dynastic rule makes an explicit reference to Snails in the Bucket or on the Bench, then those Snails are considered to be Snails for the purposes of that reference
* Snails in the Bucket or on the Bench are considered Snails for the tracking of their gamestate variables

Remove the subrule “Snails Never Forget” from “Rule Amendments”.

If Josh’s EVC on this CfJ is AGAINST, the rest of this CfJ has no effect.

Set Josh’s Position to 109cm and his Moves to 14.

Perform the Award Ceremony atomic action.

A simple way to finish Race 2 and give others a chance to do something in this dynasty. The longer we stretch out the debate, the more active players we will likely lose. Josh gets the top reward for his scam, we patch the scam, and everyone can dynastically participate again.

It’s true that Josh could possibly get to the Finish Line in fewer Moves, but the only extra benefit to him would be to cause Habanero and JD to get lesser rewards. This is admittedly a compromise to reward Josh so he need not take the effort and risk just for a slightly better position, Fool’s Gold aside.

That said, I worded this so that Josh effectively gets veto power specifically on the award part of this to be as fair to him as possible. This is me dangling a carrot in order to get this dynasty going again.

Proposal: Bleeding Edge

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 09 Dec 2024 02:57:51 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule, titled “Official Rules”:

If the rule “Rule Amendments” has no subrules, then any Snail or the Jury may repeal “Rule Amendments” and the first paragraph of this rule; otherwise, the rest of this rule is flavour text.

This rule takes precedence over all other dynastic rules.
The Official Rules are located at the following link:
If there is an Ongoing Race, then with the exception of this rule all players must follow the dynastic rules in the Official Rules in place of the current dynastic rules.

Add a new step to the beginning of Preparations:

* Update the link to the Official Rules to be a link to the most recent legal revision of the ruleset from its wiki history page

It’s hard to write proposals when you have to apply everything since the start of the most recent Race to figure out how the ruleset will look when your proposal enacts. This aims to remedy that using a similar strategy to the one in Josh XIX.

Proposal: Snails Before Slugs

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 09 Dec 2024 02:57:04 UTC

If there is a rule named “Plays”, add a subrule to it named “Precedence” with the following text:

When a Snail makes a Play, apply any changes to that Snail’s position and triggered Position changes to other Snails due to that Play or due to that Snail’s new Position in the following order as an atomic action, skipping any steps that do not apply:
1) The Position changes for that Snail, then all non-Slug Snails, then all Slugs, as described directly by the text of that Play.
2) The Position changes for that Snail, then all non-Slug Snails, then all Slugs, due to an Item that Snail Discarded for that Play.
3) The Position changes for that Snail, then all non-Slug Snails, then all Slugs, due to any Passive effects on any of that Snail’s Items that apply. If there are multiple of that Snail’s Items’ Passive effects that apply, that Snail may choose the order of the Passive effects.
4) The Position changes for that Snail, then all non-Slug Snails, then all Slugs, due to any Passive effects on any other Snail’s Items that apply. If there are multiple other Snails’ Items’ Passive effects that apply, the set of all such Passive effects must be applied in random order.
5) The Position changes for that Snail, then all non-Slug Snails, then all Slugs, due to any Extra Effects from any Slugs that apply. If there are multiple Slugs whose Extra Effects that apply, the Extra Effects must be applied in alphabetical order by the Name of those Slugs. If any Slugs’ Extra Effects apply to Snails whose Positions changed as a result of this step, repeat this step.
6) The Position changes from the Movement Rules for any Slugs that apply as a result of the Positions of any Snails that changed as a result of applying the previous steps. If there are multiple Slugs whose Movement Rules apply, the Movement Rules must be applied in alphabetical order by the Name of those Slugs. If any Slugs’ Extra Effects apply to Snails whose Positions changed as a result of this step, repeat the previous step.
7) The Position changes for that Snail, then all non-Slug Snails, then all Slugs, due to any other triggered Position changes not covered from the previous steps.

Trying to put together some order in how Position changes are applied, given the potential for abuse when left up to the individual Snail to decide, as seen in Race 2.

Saturday, December 07, 2024

Proposal: Moving Along by Playing Around

Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 09 Dec 2024 02:27:24 UTC

If there is no Ongoing Race, and this text is not contained in a subrule under “Rule Amendments”, perform the Update Rules action once for each subrule under “Rule Amendments”.

In the rule “Races”, replace “If the Position of a Snail is after the Finish Line, they cannot Move” with “If the Position of a Snail is after the Finish Line, they may not Play, and their Position cannot be changed while a Race is Ongoing except when Preparations is performed”.

In every dynastic rule except for “Slugs” and “Items”, replace every instance of “Moves” with “Plays” and every instance of “Move” with “Play”.

Rename the rule “Moving” to “Plays”.

In the rule “Slugs”, replace every instance of “cannot move by normal means” with “cannot perform a Play action or have a Play action performed on their behalf”.

In the same rule, replace the text of the Movement Rules for Slug of Death with the following:

If there is an Ongoing Race, and it has been at least 24 hours since the Slug of Death last Crawled, and it has been least 24 hours since that Race began, any Active Player make a comment in that race saying “The Slug of Death Crawls” and cause the Slug of Death to perform the Crawl Play for that race. The Slug of Death cannot move as a result of any Play other than its Crawling.

In the same rule, replace the text “Other Snails may not move” with “Other Snails may not Play”.

In the same rule, replace the text of the Movement Rules for Identity Crisis Ian with the following:

If it has been longer than 24 hours since he has last Slipstreamed or he has not Slipstreamed this Race, then any Snail may cause Identity Crisis Ian to perform the Slipstream Play.

In the same rule, replace every instance of “Moves” with “Plays” and every instance of “Move” with “Play” in the Extra Effects for Broom Barry, in the Movement Rules for Friendly Fiona, and in the Extra Effects for The Iron Slug.

In the rule “Items”, replace “the only Move you may make” with “the only Play you may make”.

This is a lot.

Before I started this Proposal, I copied the dynastic ruleset into a document and applied all of the subrules under Rule Amendments, in order, then wrote this Proposal. If this Proposal is enacted, it will correctly modify the text after those changes are made. Hence, comparing the changes in this Proposal to the way the ruleset is now, vs what it will look like after those modifications, could make reviewing this Proposal a little tricky.

I was also careful with replacing “Move” with different words and either changing “move” to “Play” or leaving “move” alone in the places where it mattered.

Proposal: This ruleset is a mess

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 07 Dec 2024 21:07:36 UTC

Append the following to the rule “Moving”:

The keyword Move with a capital M is distinct from “move” with a lowercase M. The former refers to the list of Moves in this rule. The latter refers to any change in a Snail’s Position.

In the description of the Slug of Death, replace ‘Other Snails may not move if the Slug of Death’s position is greater than theirs’ with ‘When the Slug of Death has a Position greater than a Snail, that Snail’s Status is changed to “Slugged”’.

Give ‘move’ a capital M in ‘cause the Slug of Death to perform the Crawl move for that race’.
Give ‘move’ a capital M in ‘When using the Crawl move, you may increase your position by DICE12 instead of DICE10’.

There was a strange unspoken agreement on the difference between “move” and capital-M “Move”. Josh is right to point out that this is incredibly ambiguous. This codifies the difference in the ruleset and irons out a couple inconsistencies. It also makes interpreting the rules incredibly difficult. I would’ve just rewritten the rules to avoid this distinction in the first place, but they’re already big enough that it’d be impossible to catch all the edge cases…

Call for Judgment: Where Are We Anyway?

Cannot be enacted, 1-4. Josh

Adminned at 08 Dec 2024 20:49:37 UTC

Reset the gamestate to be as it was immediately after the revision on 22:38 December 5.

Change the second paragraph of the rule “Position” to read as follows:

A Snail in the Bucket or on the Bench does not count as a Snail for the purposes of dynastic rules other than this one, with the following exceptions:
* When a dynastic rule makes an explicit reference to Snails in the Bucket or on the Bench, then those Snails are considered to be Snails for the purposes of that reference
* Snails in the Bucket or on the Bench are considered Snails for the tracking of their gamestate variables

Remove the subrule “Snails Never Forget” from “Rule Amendments”.

I disagree with Josh’s interpretation of the rules when he flung himself out of the Bucket using the Iron Slug. In particular, I don’t think that one reference within a rule to Snails in the Bucket or on the Bench causes the whole rule to fall under the “except where” in “A Snail in the Bucket or on the Bench does not count as a Snail for the purposes of dynastic rules other than this one (except where those rules refer specifically to Snails who are in the Bucket or on the Bench)”.

A vote for this CfJ is an agreement that this was invalid and undoes his following moves (also clarifying the wording to one that Josh will hopefully agree works as intended), while a vote against is an agreement that his interpretation is correct.

Proposal: Housekeeping

Withdrawn. Josh

Adminned at 07 Dec 2024 20:02:01 UTC

In the rule Position, change

A Snail in the Bucket or on the Bench does not count as a Snail for the purposes of dynastic rules other than this one (except where those rules refer specifically to Snails who are in the Bucket or on the Bench).

to read

A non-Slug Snail in the Bucket or on the Bench is an Observer. Observers are not considered to be Snails for the purposes of dynastic rules other than this one.

In the rule Races, change “Set the Position of all Snails who are on the Track or on the Bench to zero” to “Set the Position of all Snails or Observers who are on the Track or on the Bench to zero”.

Remove “Optionally, you may add to the random selection Snails who have been directly eligible Leapsnail targets for you at some time in the past 24 hours of this Ongoing Race.” from the description of the Leapsnail move.

Thursday, December 05, 2024

Proposal: Slow Death

Withdrawn. Josh

Adminned at 07 Dec 2024 20:01:43 UTC

Add the following to the beginning of Slug of Death’s movement rules:

The Slug of Death’s Position may not be changed if a Snail has not made any Moves in the Ongoing Snail.

In Slug of Death’s extra effects, replace “Other Snails may not move if the Slug of Death’s position is greater than theirs” with

If all Snails have made a Move in the Ongoing Race, then Snails whose Position is less than the Slug of Death’s Position may not make Moves.

This hopefully ensures that everyone gets to actually play in each race

Proposal: Hopslug

Timed out and failed, 1-2. Josh

Adminned at 07 Dec 2024 20:01:26 UTC

Change the text of the Leapsnail move to read as follows:

If one exists, randomly select a non-Slug Snail other than yourself, whose current position is before the Finish Line but no more than 20cm greater than your own, and whose Moves are within 2 of yours. Set your Position to be 1 greater than the selected Snail’s. Optionally, you may add to the random selection Snails who have been directly eligible Leapsnail targets for you at some time in the past 24 hours of this Ongoing Race.

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Proposal: Use Magnets for Faster Acquirement

Timed out, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark. Copied as a subrule of Rule Amendments per that rule.

Adminned at 06 Dec 2024 20:50:40 UTC

Append the following to the description of the “Discard” Move:

This Move may only be used if it has been more than 24 hours since the most recent Race started or every non-Slug Snail has made at least one Move in the Ongoing Race.

Append the following to the Movement Rules of the Slug of Death:

The Slug of Death cannot move as a result of any Move other than its Crawling.

A fix to prevent magnet pulling TSoD in early, and also a more general grace period on item usage to prevent similar “I use some combination of Items at the beginning of the race to lock everyone out before they get a chance to get their first Moves in” scams.

Proposal: Time Waits For No Snail

Timed out, 2-1 with Jury voting DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark. Copied as a subrule of Rule Amendments per that rule.

Adminned at 06 Dec 2024 20:48:51 UTC

In the rule “Moving”, after the text “some time in the past 24 hours of this Ongoing Race” add the text “and that are not currently after the Finish Line”.

Fixing the issue where one can use Leapsnail to include a Snail that has crossed the Finish Line simply by waiting 24 hours. It’s inconsistent with the first part of Leapsnail, which excludes Snails that crossed the Finish Line.


not interested in playing a dynasty right now where if you’re not carefully parsing the rules for multiple scams you can’t play

Call for Judgment: Dead Too Soon

Timed out, 1-3. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 06 Dec 2024 20:42:35 UTC

In the rule “Items”, append the following to the effect of the Magnet item:

If this would cause the Slug of Death’s position to be forward of another Snail’s, instead change that Snail’s position to match its position.

Undo all dynastic actions performed since the start of Race 2. Increase the Fame of the Snails named Habanero and JonathanDark by 5.

Proposal: a Dangerous Spot

Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark. Copied to a subrule of Rule Amendments per that rule.

Adminned at 06 Dec 2024 02:23:01 UTC

Add the following to the rule Predators:

If it has been at least 24 hours both since the Ongoing Race was created and since the Spotting Danger action was last performed, any Snail or the Jury may Spot Danger.

I just realised that with no Danger Daryl in play, there is currently no way to spot dangers, which is a bit boring

Story Post: Race 2

Okay, the second race is now starting. But what are all these slugs doing here? At this rate, there’ll soon be more people on the racetrack than in the audience!

Also, we’ve heard rumours that the local squirrel poulation is trying out a new snail-based diet. Please be wary of any, especially during lunch time. Hopefully JonathanDark and Habanero will defend us from predators with their… magnets?

Anyway, I’m going to sleep now. Wake me once someone crosses the starting line.

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Proposal: What’s a Race Without an Audience?

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark. Copied to Rule Amendments as a subrule per that rule.

Adminned at 06 Dec 2024 02:20:51 UTC

If the Proposal “The Price of Fame” passed, then this Proposal has no effect.

Reduce Habanero’s Fame by 24, and remove Slime Lubricant from their Equipment if it is there.

Add the following Equipments to the rule “Equipment”:

== Opposable Radulae ==
Cost: 1 Medal of Bronze quality or better
Effect: When you Discard, you may remove and apply the effect of 2 Items from your Inventory.

== Cool Sticker ==
Cost: 15 Fame and 1 Paper
Effect: You may spend 1 Fame to be blindingly cool and reroll a die you rolled in the Dice Roller immediately after rolling it. The Fame price of this Effect doubles for every time you have used it before in a Race.

== Enlarged Foot ==
Cost: 10 Fame and 1 Medal of Silver quality or better
Effect: When you use the Crawl Move, you may adjust the amount it would change your position by up to 2cm in either direction.

I actually like Fame! Here is my counter-offer to The Price of Fame. I’ve argued as to why Fame is interesting in the comments of that proposal, and have posted this for those who agree with me. This obliterates my own Fame supply so as to not be self-interested.

Proposal: The Price of Fame

Timed out, 1-3. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 06 Dec 2024 02:17:49 UTC

In the rule “The Award Ceremony”, remove the text “Each non-Slug Snail has a publicly tracked numeric amount of Fame, which defaults to 0”.

In the same rule, in the Award Ceremony atomic action remove the step beginning with “Increase the Fame” and the step beginning with “Halve the Fame”.

In the same rule, replace “Fame and Medals” with “Medals”.

In the same rule, remove the sentence starting with “If there is a single Snail with the most Fame” and the sentence starting with “The Snails who have a quorum of Snails”.

In the rule “Equipment”, replace the text “spend the amount of Fame” with “Pawn their Medals for a value” and add a subrule named “Pawning” with the following text:

When a Snail Pawns their Medals, they pay a 0 or positive amount of their Gold, Silver, and Bronze to receive a value equal to the following formula based on the amounts of each paid: (5 x Gold paid) + (3 x Silver paid) + Bronze paid

Add a Slime Lubricant to Habanero’s Equipment if it is not already there.

Getting rid of Fame so that there’s less to manage for Races, but still allowing Snails to cash in their Race winnings for Equipment. Habanero gets a Slime Lubricant as payment for not having Fame anymore but having done the hard work to exploit the Fame bug.

Proposal: Unofficially Official

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 04 Dec 2024 19:57:55 UTC

This proposal edits the Official Rules.
In Rule Amendments, replace “Unless a Proposal” with

If there is an Ongoing Race when a proposal is enacted, then unless it

No need to not resolve proposals immediately if there’s no ongoing race

Proposal: Snails Never Forget

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark. Copying to a subrule of Rule Amendments per that rule.

Adminned at 04 Dec 2024 19:56:35 UTC

In the rule “Position”, replace:

A Snail in the Bucket or on the Bench does not count as a Snail for the purposes of dynastic rules other than this one (except where those rules refer specifically to Snails who are in the Bucket or on the Bench).


A Snail in the Bucket or on the Bench does not count as a Snail for the purposes of dynastic rules other than this one (except where those rules refer specifically to Snails who are in the Bucket or on the Bench, or for the tracking of their gamestate variables).

Since Snails in the Bucket don’t count as Snails for any non-Position dynastic rule (including the ones that say we have a publicly tracked amount of Fame or Medals), there’s a pretty good argument to be made that going into and out of the Bucket or Bench resets those values to their defaults. As the only snail with non-default values for these variables, now is a good time for me to point this out.

Monday, December 02, 2024

Proposal: Making a Bucket List

Timed out, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark. Copying to a subrule of Rule Amendments per that rule.

Adminned at 04 Dec 2024 19:52:50 UTC

In the rule “The Award Ceremony”, in the Award Ceremony atomic action, add the following steps to the end:

* Set the Position of all of the non-Slug Snails who are on the Track but failed to finish the Race to “Bucket”.
* Make a separate Story post to the blog with the title “Bucket List X” where X is the current Race Number and the contents of the post contain the names of the Snail(s) whose Positions are “Bucket”.

Snails who don’t finish the Race for whatever reason should actively prep themselves for the next Race, as it’s most likely the ones not actively participating that didn’t finish. Moving from the Bucket to the Bench is a quick and easy task, so this isn’t a huge penalty for those that are actively participating and just got unlucky or strategically outmaneuvered. This Proposal even adds a separate blog post reminder, but if players aren’t paying attention, they shouldn’t hold up future Races if they don’t move themselves from the Bucket to the Bench.

Proposal: You Can’t Hang Fame on a Wall

Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark. Copied to a subrule of Rule Amendments per that rule.

Adminned at 03 Dec 2024 15:38:52 UTC

In the rule “The Award Ceremony”, after the text “Each non-Slug Snail has a publicly tracked numeric amount of Fame, which defaults to 0.”, add the following text:

Each non-Slug Snail has four types of publicly-tracked Medals named Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Paper, each of which defaults to 0.

and in the same rule, add the following bullet point as the third step in the Award Ceremony atomic action:

* Increase the Medals of the Snail(s) who are past the Finish Line:
** The Snail(s) who finished in the lowest number of Moves get 1 Gold.
** The Snail(s) who finished in the second lowest number of Moves get 1 Silver.
** The Snail(s) who finished in the third lowest number of Moves get 1 Bronze.
** Other finishing Snails get 1 Paper.

and in the same rule, after the text “the changes in Fame” add “and Medals”.

Set Habanero’s Gold to 1.

Since Fame is near-worthless due to being able to get infinite amounts at the moment, there should be some other resource worth gaining from doing well in a Race.

Why four different resources rather than just one thing like “Points” or “Trophies”? I dunno…just trying to mix it up a bit.

Proposal: Patch

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark. Copied as a subrule to Rule Amendments per that rule.

Adminned at 03 Dec 2024 15:37:39 UTC

In “Races” replace “If no non-Slug Snail can Move, any Snail or the Jury may perform the Award Ceremony.” with “If there is an Ongoing Race but no non-Slug Snail can Move, any Snail or the Jury may perform the Award Ceremony.”

Is There Such A Thing As Being Too Famous?

TLDR; Someone could just post a CfJ to patch the rule and be done with it, but in the meantime, Habanero could post as many more Award Ceremonies as they want, and there’s no reason they shouldn’t. This post is to talk through where to go from here before trying a flurry of CfJ’s to get it right. I think it’s more productive to see if there’s common ground.

Similar to The First Dynasty of Habanero, we have a situation where a player, in this case Habanero, can use a fault in the rules to generate an infinite amount of a resource, in this case Fame. However, there is currently no win condition, thus despite being able to generate this infinite resource, Habanero cannot actually win.

In the First Dynasty of Habanero, the player who did something similar was Brendan, and they used it to justify an end to the dynasty via chop based on relative strength of resources in the dynasty, on the basis that they could hold the dynasty hostage and render it unplayable otherwise. I don’t know what Habanero’s intentions are, but I think we should discuss options. I don’t want to propose a CfJ just yet until there’s a better understanding of where people are. I feel like a CfJ might be premature.

The options, as I see them (please add more if you think of them):
* Let Habanero keep a certain amount of Fame and patch the rules to prevent any further use of this exploit, reverting any other gains of Fame using this exploit from Habanero or anyone else after X amount of Fame, whatever value of X seems fair
* Take away Habanero’s Fame and set it to the amount that maybe people feel was intended by the rules. Note that this is traditionally not done in most dynasties. If you figure out an exploit, you generally keep some sort of reward from it.
* Follow the same path as the First Dynasty of Habanero and go straight to a victory chop
* (something else?)

What say the Snails?

Sunday, December 01, 2024

Story Post: Award Ceremony #1.3

Once more for good measure.
Habanero gains 8 Fame
Everyone else gains 0 Fame

Story Post: Award Ceremony #1.2

And again!

Habanero gains 8 Fame
Everyone else gains 0 Fame

Story Post: Award Ceremony #1.1

You know, that flaming snail was pretty awesome. They majestically leapt through the air, clearing the entire distance of the race in a single bound. I think they deserve a bit more of a round of applause.

Habanero gains 8 Fame (4x2 from being the Fan Favourite)
Everyone else gains 0 Fame

Per the rules: “If no non-Slug Snail can Move, any Snail or the Jury may perform the Award Ceremony.” This does not specify that the Race has to be Ongoing, nor does it specify that it can only happen once per race.

Story Post: Award Ceremony #1

Huh? Agh, this announcer’s booth is the opposite of comfortable. Impossible to get a good rest. Are they still just sitting there? The crowd has already left by now. It’s been several days. The Slug of Death is so close, you’d think these guys would have a little more self-preservation. At least the flaming one took some initiative. It looks like Death is gearing up to Crawl once again.

And there it goes! Oh… oh my… that is rather gruesome. Yes, it looks like the rest of them won’t be moving anytime soon. Is that reversible? I sure hope so, would be a shame to have to find others to replace them. Eh, snails are pretty resilient critters.

Habanero gains 4 Fame
Everyone else gains 0 Fame

I have won the race via apathy!

Proposal: Why is it Called Leapfrog When

Reached quorum, 4-0 with 1 DEF and Jury voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark. Copying to a subrule of Rule Amendments per that rule.

Adminned at 03 Dec 2024 15:35:44 UTC

Throughout the ruleset, change the name of the “Leapfrog” Move to “Leapsnail”. Update its text to read as follows:

If one exists, randomly select a non-Slug Snail before the Finish Line whose Moves are within 2 of yours. Set your Position to be 1 greater than the selected Snail’s. Optionally, you may add to the random selection Snails who have been directly eligible Leapsnail targets for you at some time in the past 24 hours of this Ongoing Race.

Nerfing Leapfrog, as promised. Also experimenting with a new idea to reduce the “players need to react immediately to play optimally”. The general concept is that you can choose to act at any time, but other players will still be able to treat your gamestate as it was before for determining the conditions of their actions if it’s been less than a day. Applied here, the strategy of “I stare at the tracking page until someone is just barely in Leapsnail range, then Leapsnail for maximum distance” falls apart because a less attentive player will still get a full day to react to their opponents zooming by them and be able to do the same thing. Since it can be tedious and annoying to have to go digging through the gamestate history to find eligible targets, I’ve made it optional. The system isn’t anywhere near perfect, but it should help a fair bit.

Proposal: They Were Late

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark. Copied as a subrule to Rule Amendments per the text of that rule.

Adminned at 03 Dec 2024 02:11:31 UTC

For each of the following Slugs, if less than half of EVCs on this Proposal contained the phrase “I hate X” (where X is the name of the Slug in question), then add it to the list of Slugs:

* Name: Broom Barry
* Movement Rules: After Broom Barry sweeps, he moves backwards by 5cm.
* Extra Effects: Broom Barry starts each race at a Position of DICE50 + 50. If after a Move a Snail’s Position is changed to be within 8cm of Broom Barry, he sweeps, pushing all Snails in his range away from him until they are 8cm away. Snails sharing his Position are pushed backwards.

* Name: Friendly Fiona
* Movement Rules: If a single non-Slug Snail’s Position exactly matches Friendly Fiona’s and has done so for the past 24 hours, then whenever that Snail’s Position changes her Position changes by the same amount and her number of Moves is the same as that Snail’s Moves.
* Extra Effects: Friendly Fiona starts each race at a Position of DICE100. If a Snail’s action causes Friendly Fiona to cross the Finish Line for the first time in a Race, that Snail captivates the crowds with a heartwarming display of friendship, gaining 2 Fame.

* Name: The Iron Slug
* Movement Rules: When a Snail’s Position exactly matches that of the Iron Slug and has done so for at least 24 hours, then that Snail may reverse its polarity by making a comment in the Ongoing Race saying they are doing so and setting its Position to DICE100.
* Extra Effects: The Iron Slug starts each race at a position of DICE100. If after a Move a Snail’s Position is changed to be within 20cm of the Iron Slug, then that Snail is pulled closer to the Iron Slug by 5cm (or, if less than 5cm away, directly on top of the Iron Slug).

* Name: Identity Crisis Ian
* Movement Rules: If it has been longer than 24 hours since he has last moved or he has not Moved this Race, then any Snail may cause Identity Crisis Ian to perform the Slipstream Move.
* Extra Effects: Identity Crisis Ian starts each race at a Position of 50. If a single non-Slug Snail is within 5cm of Identity Crisis Ian, that Snail may help him find himself by choosing a Slug from the Bucket, swapping its Position with Identity Crisis Ian’s, and mentioning this in a comment in the Ongoing Race.

* Name: Danger Daryl
* Movement Rules: Danger Daryl cannot move by normal means.
* Extra Effects: Danger Daryl starts each race at a position of 35 + DICE30, because she enjoys the thrill of being directly in the path of oncoming traffic. Whenever a non-Slug Snail passes her for the first time in a Race, they may immediately after choose to roll DICE20. On an 11-19, they Spot Danger. On a 20, they Spot Danger three times.

Add the following step after “Create a new Race” in the atomic action in “Races”:

* Select the Slug of Death and 3 other Slugs at random, including those in the Bucket, and set their position to the Bench. Set the Position of all other Slugs to the Bucket.

Change the distance Slingshot Sam throws Snails from 5 to 20.

Filling out the Slug roster, including a reprise on the Iron Slug to make it more predictable and not hold up the game if someone gets near it. Generally I prefer them to be more powerful (they should each conceivably be able have a significant effect on your strategy IMO), so I’ve also made Slingshot Sam throw further. Feel free to say you hate Slugs you don’t want to see and they won’t be added.

Proposal: Items

Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark. Copied as a subrule to Rule Amendments per the text of that rule.

Adminned at 03 Dec 2024 02:03:32 UTC

Add the following new rule, titled “Items”:

Each Snail has a publicly tracked list of Items, defaulting to an empty list. Each Item has a name, and optionally an effect that is applied when the Item is Discarded. Items may also have Passive effects, which apply to all Snails who have that Item in their Items.

The following Items have effects:
* Magnet: choose to either move all Snails 5 cm towards you or move all Snails 5 cm away from you.
* Magic Mirror: if your Position is negative, set it to the corresponding positive value.
* Crystal of Moderateness: remove all Items from a single Snail (if such a Snail exists) who has at least as many Items than every other Snail, and then remove all Crystals of Moderateness from every Snail’s Items. (Passive effect: the only Move you may make is Discard)
* Shield: (Passive) Other Snails may not change your Position by more than 11-N cm at a time (where N is the number of Shields in your Items). If they would, your Position changes by only 11-N cm instead (to the same direction as the original change)
* Huge Club: if a Snail (other than you) has the same positive Position as you, move that Snail 30 cm backward.

At any time, a Snail may Order an Item by privately sending to the Jury the name of that Item. The name must appear in the above list or be an English language concrete noun.

In the rule “Races”, replace “may perform the following atomic action” with

may perform Preparations, which is an atomic action with the following steps

Add a new step to the beginning of Preparations:

* Set all Snails’ Items to empty. Then, for each Item that was Ordered since the last Race was created, add that Item to its orderer’s Items. (If a Snail made more than 10 Orders, only consider the 10 most recent ones for that Snail)

Add the following new action to the list of possible Moves in the rule Moving:

Discard: remove one Item from your Items and apply its non-Passive effects (If any Snail(s) have the Crystal of Moderateness in their Items, no other Snail may perform this action.)

If a quorum of Snails included the text “confusing terminology” in a comment on this proposal, rename the rule “Equipment” to “Upgrades”, and replace its contents with:

Each Snail has a publicly tracked Upgrades, which is a list of names of Upgrades, and defaults to blank.

An Upgrade has a name, a cost and an effect which is applied to a Snail that has that Upgrade’s name in their Upgrades. A Snail may, at any time, spend the amount of Fame equal to the cost of an Upgrade to add that Upgrade’s name to their Upgrades (if it isn’t already there).

An Upgrade is defined as a subrule of this rule, with the name of the subrule being the name of the equipment.

The intention here is that you have to predict what your opponents are planning to do; how many items is it safe to order, should you order the crystal or will someone else do it anyway, etc.

This doesn’t necessarily conflict with lendun’s idea of Equipment, because Equipments seem to be intended as permanent one-time purchase upgrades, whereas Items would be Race-specific and discardable. (to be clear, I had sketched this already earlier, so this is not a direct “answer” to lendun’s proposal)

The renaming part is because having both “Equipment” and “Items” seems like it might be confusing