Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Proposal: Agricultural Achiever

Add a new rule named “Achievements” with the following text:

Each Puzzler has a publicly tracked Achievements, which is a list of zero or more Achievements from the table below, defaulting to an empty list. Each Achievement has a Critiera. At any time, if a Puzzler has satisfied the Critiera for an Achievement, they may add that Achievement to their Achievements if they don’t already have it in their Achievements.

{| class="wikitable"
! Achievement !! Criteria
| Match Master || You have 30 or more Matches
| Bonus Blaster || You have 100 or more Multi Match Bonus
| Fruit Farmer || You have at least 3 each of Lemons, Oranges, Kiwis, Grapes, and Cherries while it's not your Turn
| Cell Collector || During your most recent Turn, between the start and end of that Turn, you performed Collecting a Cell on at least 50 Cells


I’m open to changing the numbers if they’re either too easy or too hard

Monday, September 16, 2024

Proposal: Consistency

In the description of the Turn Action Seed, within the text

Randomly select a cell by rolling a DICE10 DICE10 and using the first value for the column and second value for the row

swap “column” and “row”.

Proposal: Fear Of Missing Out

Popular, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 Sep 2024 14:42:23 UTC

In the rule “Turns”, replace

If it is a Puzzler’s Turn and their Coins have been 0 for the last 6 hours, and it has been at least 6 hours since the Turn Order was last modified, that Puzzler’s name may be removed from the Turn Order by any other Puzzler, but if the Turn Order becomes empty within 6 hours after this action was performed, the Turn Order may not be modified again until at least 6 hours after this action was performed.


If it is a Puzzler’s Turn, that Puzzler’s name may be removed from the Turn Order by any other Puzzler if it has been at least 6 hours since the Game Board was last modified and that Puzzler has performed at least one Turn Action since the Turn Order was last modified. However, if the Turn Order becomes empty as a result of this action or within 6 hours after this action was last performed, the Turn Order may not be modified again until at least 6 hours after this action was last performed.

I realised that because a turn begins with 0 coins, the player in turn could be removed from the Turn Order if they don’t notice within 6 hours that it’s their turn. Also, collecting Matches and filling cells doesn’t use coins so even with 0 coins the player might not be ready to finish their turn.

Proposal: When Life Gives You Lemons

Reached quorum, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 Sep 2024 14:40:50 UTC

In the rule “Turn Actions”, add the following to the list of Turn Actions:

* Fruit Juicer (Cost: 3 Coins and exactly 1 of one of the following: Lemons, Oranges, Kiwis, Grapes, or Cherries)
** Select any 5 Plain Cells, without selecting any Cell more than once, whose Content is the same as the resource spent for this action. Collect the selected Cells and add 1 to your Matches.

Making use of Multi Match Bonus as currency to perform actions.

Being able to clear non-adjacent Cells might be interesting. I don’t know if 10 is the right cost, but it’s a place to start.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Proposal: Defrost Before Cooking

Popular, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 16 Sep 2024 13:29:01 UTC

In the rule “Turn Actions”, add the following to the end of the Turn Actions bulleted list:

* Thaw (Cost: Exactly 1 of one of the following: Lemons, Oranges, Kiwis, Grapes, or Cherries)
** Choose a Frozen Cell whose Content is the same as the resource spent for this action and make it a Plain Cell

Thaw intentionally doesn’t cost a Coin, while collecting a Snowflake does, because Snowflake freezes 9 Cells, and Thawing out 9 Cells effectively requires 9 Fruits of the appropriate types (which can only be collected through Bonus Cells anyway), which should be a fair amount of work on its own. Also, keeping the cost of Thawing any one Cell low serves as counterbalance for the Frozen Cells locking up the Game Board for too long.

Proposal: Multi-limited

Puzzlers who are not voting AGAINST is less than Quorum, 1-3. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 16 Sep 2024 13:28:23 UTC

In “Turns” replace “If any of the cells in the currently selected group are part of a Match with another cell that is not in the currently selected group, also select the cells in that Match
” with “If any of the cells in the currently selected group are part of a Match with another cell whose contents are the same of a cell in the original match or a Star and that is not in the currently selected group, also select the cells in that Match, ”

In “Turns” replace “Optionally select the cells of another Match that includes at least one currently selected cell. This step may be repeated any number of times.” with “Optionally select the cells of another Match that includes at least one currently selected cell and whose contents are either the same of a cell in the original match or a Star. This step may be repeated any number of times”

I think chaining multi-matches with a star to let you select different types is probably a bit too strong so making it so that your entire multi-match must be of the same type (or a star)

Sunday, September 15, 2024

A fruitless run

I’ve looked over the rule set a few times and I just can not at all get my brain into it so I humbly request to be made idle.

Proposal: Fewer Stars

Popular, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 15 Sep 2024 21:27:18 UTC

In “The Game Board” replace “Lemon, Orange, Kiwi, Grape, Cherry, Star or Empty” with “Lemon, Orange, Kiwi, Grape, Cherry, Star, Bomb, Snowflake, Lightning Bolt, or Empty”

In the same rule replace “set the Cell’s content to be Star” with “randomly the Cell’s content to be either Star, Bomb, Lighting Bolt or Snowflake”

If “Somebody Set Up Us the Bomb” does not pass then Add a turn action called “Activate” with a cost of 1 coin and the following effect

Select a cell whose contents are Bomb, Snowflake or Lightning Bolt

If its contents are Bomb, collect that cell and all cells adjacent to it
If its contents are Snowflake, collect that cell, then set it and all plain cells that are adjacent to it, including cells whose Rows and Columns both differ from the selected cell by 1, be a Frozen Cells
If its contents are Lightning Bolt, collect that cell and then set it to be a Trap Cell

If “Somebody Set Up Us the Bomb” does pass then Add a turn action called “Pick Up” with a cost of 1 coin and the following effect

Select a cell whose contents are Bomb, Snowflake or Lightning Bolt

If its contents are Bomb, collect that cell gain a Bomb Specials
If its contents are Snowflake, collect that cell gain a Snowflake Specials
If its contents are Lightning Bolt, collect that cell gain a Wire Specials

Proposal: Somebody Set Up Us the Bomb

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 15 Sep 2024 21:26:39 UTC

If the rule “Cellular Plains” was not enacted, this Proposal has no effect.

Add a new rule named “Specials” with the following text:

Each Puzzler has a publicly tracked Specials, which is a list of zero or more Specials described below, defaulting to an empty list. Each Special has an Action. At any time during a Puzzler’s Turn, if the Game Board is not Out of Date, as an atomic action they may remove a Special from their Specials and then carry out the instructions in that Special’s Action.

;Bomb: Action: Select a Plain Cell, and also select every Plain Cell adjacent to that Cell, if there are any. Set each of the selected Cells’ Content to Empty.
;Snowflake: Action: Select a Plain Cell and change it to a Frozen Cell
;Wire: Action: Select a Plain Cell and change it to a Trap Cell

Leaving it up to another Proposal to determine how to get Specials.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Call for Judgment: Gravity Sucks

Reached quorum, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 15 Sep 2024 05:56:35 UTC

Uphold Benbot’s changes to the gamestate on September 13, 2024 23:07

Benbot clearly indicated in his Dice Roller comment the order in which he intended to use the results of the FRUIT rolls to fill the Cells. While it didn’t fit the rules for the order in which to fill empty Cells, I don’t think this should be considered cheating, and thus we should just uphold this as a learning experience and move on. If it keeps happening, we could consider changing the Cell filling rules to be more lenient when multiple Cells are involved.

Proposal: Optional Multi-Matching

Timed out, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 15 Sep 2024 21:25:00 UTC

In the Collect Match atomic action, replace

If any of the cells in the currently selected group are part of a Match with another cell that is not in the currently selected group, also select the cells in that Match


Optionally select the cells of another Match that includes at least one currently selected cell. This step may be repeated any number of times.

As explained in my comment on the “Collection Plate” proposal, selecting multi-matches is currently a required step, which poses problems if someone doesn’t realize they have a multi-match. This proposal makes it optional, and also allows for chaining multi-matches.

Proposal: Fruit Salad

Timed out, 3-0 with Puzzle Master voting DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 15 Sep 2024 21:23:12 UTC

Add the following action to the list of Turn Actions:

Market (Cost: 1 Lemon, 1 Orange, 1 Kiwi, 1 Grape, and 1 Cherry)
* Gain 2 Coins

Proposal: Collection Plate

Passes 5-0—Clucky

Adminned at 14 Sep 2024 18:10:08 UTC

Add a subrule to “The Game Board” called “Collecting Cells” and give it the following text

Collecting a Cell is an atomic action with the following steps that can be performed by a Puzzler, but only as elsewhere allowed by the ruleset:

- If the cell is a Bonus cell and its contents are Lemon, Orange, Kiwi, Grape, Cherry or Star, increase the Puzzler’s corresponding stat for the content of that cell by 1
- Set the contents of the cell to be empty
- If the cell is a Bonus cell, it ceases to be a bonus cell

If “Cellular Plains” was enacted, instead set the “Collecting a Cell” atomic action to be the following

- If the cell is a Bonus cell and its contents are Lemon, Orange, Kiwi, Grape, Cherry or Star, increase the Puzzler’s corresponding stat for the content of that cell by 1
- If the cell is a Trap cell and its contents are Lemon, Orange, Kiwi, Grape, Cherry or Star, decrease the Puzzler’s corresponding stat for the content of that cell by 3 (to a minimum of 0)
- Set the contents of the cell to be empty
- Make the cell a plain cell

Set the “collect match” atomic action to be

* Select one Group of Cells that is considered a Match
* If any of the cells in the currently selected group are part of a Match with another cell that is not in the currently selected group, also select the cells in that Match
* Collect all selected cells, collecting cells with the lowest column first and then for those with the same column the highest row first.
* Add 1 to that Puzzler’s Matches
* Increase that Puzzler’s Multi Match Bonus by (X-5) * (X-4) / 2, where X is the total number of different cells that were selected during this specific instance of the atomic action

Trying to standardize the steps around collecting cells so we can add other ways of collecting cells

Proposal: Mighty Morphin Fruit Ninjas

Passes 4-0—Clucky

Adminned at 14 Sep 2024 18:07:46 UTC

Add a new turn action called “Morph” with a cost of “0 coins, and exactly 2 of one of the following: Lemons, Oranges, Kiwis, Grapes, Cherries or Stars” and the following steps:

Choose a cell. Replace the contents of that cell with matching resource spent to perform this action (i.e. if Lemons were spent, replace the content of that cell with a Lemon)

Proposal: Cellular Plains

Adminned at 14 Sep 2024 18:03:11 UTC

In the rule “The Game Board”, remove
“Each Cell can be a Bonus Cell. Bonus Cells are publicly tracked with a gold background on the game board” if it exists.
Add the following to the rule “The Game Board”:

Each Cell is exactly one of the following, which is tracked with the colour of the Cell’s background on the game board:
* A Plain Cell (white). Any Cell that isn’t any of the other possibilities in this list is a Plain Cell.
* A Bonus Cell (gold), see “Turns” for more information
* A Frozen Cell (light blue). If a Turn Action would change a Frozen Cell’s Content, or if it would “move” the Cell’s Content to another Cell, the action is instead considered illegal.
* A Trap Cell (red), see “Turns” for more information

If the proposal “Light It Up” was not enacted, remove the bullet point about Bonus Cells from the rule “The Game Board”.

In the “Collect Match” atomic action, before the step “Set the Content of those Cells to Empty” add

* For each of the selected cells that is a Trap Cell, decrease the Puzzler’s corresponding stat for the content of that cell by 3 (to a minimum of zero), provided such a stat exists (i.e. if the content is a Lemon, decrease their Lemons by three; if they have less than three Lemons, set their Lemons to 0). Then that cell ceases to be a Trap Cell.

In the rule “Turns”, replace
“Set the Content of those Cells to Empty”

Set the Content of all Cells in the selected Group to Empty and make them Plain Cells.

Quorum Reached—Passes 4-0—Clucky

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Proposal: Light It Up

Adminned at 13 Sep 2024 16:14:58 UTC

Add the following to “The Game Board”

Each Cell can be a Bonus Cell. Bonus Cells are publicly tracked with a gold background on the game board.

In the “Collect Match” atomic action, before the step “Set the Content of those Cells to Empty” add

For any of the selected cells that are bonus cells, increase the Puzzler’s corresponding stat for the content of that cell by 1, provided such a stat exists (i.e. if the content is a Cherry, increase their Cherries by one). Then that cell ceases to be a bonus cell.

Remove “positive integer” from “Turn Actions”

Update the cost of Rotation to be “1 coin”

Add a turn action called “Seed” with a cost of “Free, if this turn action has not yet been performed this turn. Otherwise 1 coin”. Give it the content

Randomly select a cell by rolling a DICE10 DICE10 and using the first value for the column and second value for the row. If the cell is not already a bonus cell, it becomes a bonus cell.

When performing this turn action, the Puzzler performing it may spend one or more stars to repeat the above process of randomly selecting a cell and turning it into a bonus cell an additional three times per star spent

Quorum Reached—Passes 4-0—Clucky

To A Fruitful Dynasty!

I would like to unidle

Beep Boop!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Proposal: Now with more Fruit

Popular, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark. Effectively does nothing since the text to replace does not exist in the ruleset.

Adminned at 13 Sep 2024 14:51:26 UTC

If the proposal “Fruitful Matches” is not Enacted, this proposal does nothing.

In the rule “Matches”, replace

Otherwise pick a Cell of those Cells so that its Content is not Star, and increase the Puzzlers number of Xs by one, where X is the Content of the picked Cell.


Otherwise, for each non-Star Content in the Cells selected, increase the Puzzler’s corresponding quantity by one.

Amending Desertfrog’s Fruitful Matches proposal so that you get all of the selected fruit instead of one per match, while preserving the idea that Stars should be hard to get.

Proposal: Match Un-Making

Popular, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Sep 2024 14:48:42 UTC

In the rule “Matches”, replace the text

A Group is a set of 3 Cells


A Group is a set of 5 Cells

If the proposal “Multimatch Drifting” is Enacted, replace

(X-3) * (X- 2) / 2


(X-5) * (X-4) / 2

in the Collect Match atomic action.

With the Game Board now generated, it’s clear that it’s way too easy to get a match of 3 cells. I think 5-cell matches sound reasonable.

Proposal: Multimatch Drifting

Popular, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Sep 2024 14:44:31 UTC

In “Matches” after “Each Puzzler has a publicly tracked number of Matches, defaulting to 0.” add “Each Puzzler also has a publicly tracked numerical Multi Match Bonus, which also defaults to 0.

In the “Collect Match” atomic action after the step “Select one Group of Cells that is considered a Match” add

- If any of the cells in the currently selected group are part of a Match with another cell that is not in the currently selected group, also select the cells in that Match

and after the step “Add 1 to that Puzzler’s Matches” add

- Increase that Puzzler’s Multi Match Bonus by (X-3) * (X- 2) / 2, where X is the total number of different cells that were selected during this specific instance of the atomic action

Call for Judgment: Out Of Order

Reached quorum, 3-0. Enacted by JonthanDark.

Adminned at 12 Sep 2024 02:22:44 UTC

Uphold the status of the gameboard as of Wed 11/09/24—16:13:19 UTC to have been legally generated

JonathanDark changed the rules for generating the gameboard and I didn’t notice his proposal was messing with those rules, which I think makes my gameboard generation illegal. So for now let’s just rubberstamp that the gameboard is in a good state as it ultimately doesn’t matter

Proposal: Opt In To Play

Reached quorum, 4-1 with 1 DEF and Puzzle Master voting AGAINST. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Sep 2024 14:39:38 UTC

In the rule “Turns”, replace the text “At any time during a Puzzler’s Turn, they may remove their name from the start of the Turn Order, at which point it is no longer that Puzzler’s Turn.” with the following text:

Turn Completed is a publicly tracked list of the names of Puzzlers, defaulting to a list containing the names of all Puzzlers whose name is not in the Turn Order. At any time during a Puzzler’s Turn, as an atomic action they may remove their name from the start of the Turn Order and add it to the end of the Turn Completed, at which point it is no longer that Puzzler’s Turn. At any time, a Puzzler whose name is not in either the Turn Order or Turn Completed may add their name to the end of the Turn Completed.

and in the same rule, replace the text “any Puzzler may generate a new Turn Order by randomly arranging the names of all Puzzlers and setting that list to be the new Turn Order” with the following text:

any Puzzler may generate a new Turn Order as an atomic action by randomly arranging the names in the Turn Completed, setting the Turn Order to a list of those randomly arranged names, and setting the Turn Completed to an empty list.

and in the same rule, after the text “that Puzzler’s name may be removed from the Turn Order by any other Puzzler” add the following text:

, but if the Turn Order becomes empty within 6 hours after this action was performed, the Turn Order may not be modified again until at least 6 hours after this action was performed.

This uses Kevan’s idea of an opt-in queue in the form of the Turn Completed. If a Puzzler is involuntarily removed from the Turn Order due to not finishing their turn, their name won’t be in the Turn Completed, and thus until they decide to come back to the game, they won’t be in the Turn Order the next time it is generated. This also takes care of newly unidled Puzzlers who need to get into the Turn Order at some point, but they have to actively participate in order to do so.

Proposal: The Gravity of the Situation

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Sep 2024 14:36:27 UTC

In the rule “The Game Board”, replace the paragraph that begins with the text “These dice rolls may be made in advance” with the following text:

These dice rolls may be made in advance when trying to filling multiple empty at the same time, using the first roll to fill the first slot that needs to be filled. (So, for example, if Row 1 Col 1, Row 2 Col 1, and Row 3 Col 1 are all empty, three FRUIT rolls may be made at the same time, using the result of the first roll to fill Row 3 Col 1, the second to fill Row 2 Col 1 and the third to fill Row 1 Col 1)

I realized after the ordering text was enacted that it would cause the topmost Cell to be filled, only to have that Cell’s contents “fall” all the way to the bottommost empty row in that column. This change fills from the bottommost empty row up to minimize the extra steps needed.

Clucky convinced me that the existing rules on which Cells can be filled first will guarantee order of how the FRUIT roll results are used. This Proposal is now restoring the original wording.

Proposal: Fruitful Matches

Passes 4-0, though unfortunately doesn’t do everything it was supposed to—Clucky

Adminned at 12 Sep 2024 15:17:58 UTC

If the proposal “Match Makers” was not enacted, this proposal has no effect.

In the rule “Matches”, after “Each Puzzler has a publicly tracked number of Matches, defaulting to 0.” add

Each Puzzler has a publicly tracked number (defaulting to 0) of each of the following: Lemons, Oranges, Kiwis, Grapes, Cherries, Stars.

In the same rule, before “* Set the Content of those Cells to Empty” add

* If all of those Cells’ Content is Star, increase that Puzzler’s Stars by one. Otherwise pick a Cell of those Cells so that its Content is not Star, and increase the Puzzlers number of Xs by one, where X is the Content of the picked Cell.

If there is subrule of “Turns” named “Turn Actions”, replace the text “which is a positive integer number of Coins” with

(which consist of a positive integer number of Coins and optionally a number of some or all of: Lemons, Oranges, Kiwis, Grapes, Cherries, Stars)

Proposal: The difference between “turn” and “rotate”?

Popular, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 12 Sep 2024 02:17:24 UTC

In the rule “Turns”, add a subrule “Turn Actions”, with the following text:

Turn Actions are atomic actions and have a cost, which is a positive integer number of Coins. At any time during a Puzzler’s Turn, that Puzzler may spend the cost of a Turn Action to perform that Turn Action.

Turn Actions may not be performed if the Game Board is considered Out of Date.

The following are Turn Actions:
Rotation (Cost: 1)
* Do exactly one of the following:

Move the bullet points describing the Rotation Action from the rule “Turns” to the subrule “Turn Actions”, as subpoints to the first bullet point of “Rotation”.

Remove the text “Any time during a Puzzler’s Turn, that Puzzler may spend 1 Coin to perform a Rotation action, which consists of exactly one of the following actions:”
Also remove the text “Puzzlers may not perform the Rotation action if the Game Board is considered Out of Date.”

Add a clear formatting to the list of Turn Actions.

Just generalising the structure of a Turn to allow different kinds of actions, possibly with different costs and requirements

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Proposal: Do the Bump

Reached quorum, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 11 Sep 2024 15:11:26 UTC

If the Proposals “Turn Down For What” and “Deterministic Slot Machine” are not enacted, this Proposal does nothing.

In the rule “Turns”, add the following text:

At any time during a Puzzler’s Turn, they may remove their name from the start of the Turn Order, at which point it is no longer that Puzzler’s Turn. If it is a Puzzler’s Turn and their Coins have been 0 for the last 6 hours, and it has been at least 6 hours since the Turn Order was last modified, that Puzzler’s name may be removed from the Turn Order by any other Puzzler.

When the idea of Turns was introduced, I was concerned about Puzzlers who were taking too long to take their Turn. I think it makes sense that when you run out of Coins, if you haven’t done anything for 24 hours after that, your Turn should be done if you haven’t ended it yourself.

Bumping is a way to get ahead of someone who isn’t spending all their Coins but who is also not doing anything during their turn, while still allowing them to take their Turn when they get around to it, so that the dynasty doesn’t slow down for too long. It’s also clearly a strategic move if you save a Coin or two for just the right time.

Of course, if you swap your name with the Puzzler whose Turn it is, and they’ve already spend some Coin, you’re giving them the chance to take a Turn again with a full set of Coins. I think this is an ok way to compensate someone whose Turn got stolen from them mid-Turn.

Proposal: Match Makers

Reached quorum, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 11 Sep 2024 15:07:35 UTC

If the proposals “Turn Down For What” and “Build A Board Workshop” are not both Enacted, this proposal does nothing.

Add a dynastic rule named “Matches” with the following text:

Each Puzzler has a publicly tracked number of Matches, defaulting to 0.

A Group is a set of 3 Cells where the set of Cells in the Group form an unbroken sequence of Adjacent Cells all in the same Row or all in the same Column, and none of those Cells in that Group are Empty. If a Group of Cells all have the same Content, this is considered a Match. For the purposes of determining a Match, a Cell in a Group where that Cell has the Content of Star is considered to have the same Content as any other Cell in that same Group.

If the proposals “Turn Down For What” and “Build A Board Workshop” are not both Enacted, this proposal does nothing.

Add a dynastic rule named “Matches” with the following text:

Each Puzzler has a publicly tracked number of Matches, defaulting to 0.

A Group is a set of 3 Cells where the set of Cells in the Group form an unbroken sequence of Adjacent Cells all in the same Row or all in the same Column, and none of those Cells in that Group are Empty. If a Group of Cells all have the same Content, this is considered a Match. For the purposes of determining a Match, a Cell in a Group where that Cell has the Content of Star is considered to have the same Content as any other Cell in that same Group.

In the rule “Turns”, add the following text:

Any time during a Puzzler’s Turn, if the Game Board is not Out of Date, that Puzzler may perform Collect Match, and may perform it multiple times during their Turn. Collect Match is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Select one Group of Cells that is considered a Match
* Set the Content of those Cells to Empty
* Add 1 to that Puzzler’s Matches

In the rule “The Game Board”, replace the paragraph starting with the text “These dice rolls may be made in advance” with the following text:

These dice rolls may be made in advance when performing Filling a Cell for multiple Empty Cells, but the results of those rolls must be used in order by ascending Row and then by ascending Column (e.g. if the Empty Cells are Row 2 Column 1, Row 1 Column 2, and Row 1 Column 1, the dice rolls to fill those Empty Cells must fill them in the order Row 1 Column 1, Row 2 Column 1, Row 1 Column 2).

Proposal: Deterministic Slot Machine

Popular, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 11 Sep 2024 14:55:19 UTC

If the proposals “Turn Down For What” and “Build A Board Workshop” are not both Enacted, this proposal does nothing.

Add a new dynastic rule “Coins” with the following text:

Each Puzzler has a publicly tracked number of Coins, defaulting to 3.

Append the following text to the rule “Turns”:

During their Turn a Puzzler may set their number of Coins to 3, provided they have not spent any Coins since the start of their most recent Turn.

Any time during a Puzzler’s Turn, that Puzzler may spend 1 Coin to perform a Rotation action, which consists of exactly one of the following actions:
* Move all of the contents of one row left by 1 Cell, with the contents of the leftmost Cell of that row being moved to the rightmost Cell of that row.
* Move all of the contents of one row right by 1 Cell, with the contents of the rightmost Cell of that row being moved to the leftmost Cell of that row.
* Move all of the contents of one column up by 1 Cell, with the contents of the top Cell of that column being moved to the bottom Cell of that column.
* Move all of the contents of one column down by 1 Cell, with the contents of the bottom Cell of that column being moved to the top Cell of that column.
Puzzlers may perform the Rotation action multiple times per turn, provided they spend the requisite number of Coins each time.

Puzzlers may not perform the Rotation action if the Game Board is considered Out of Date.

Proposal: Turn Down For What

Popular, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 11 Sep 2024 14:52:05 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Turns” with the following text

Turn Order is a publicly tracked list of the names of Puzzlers. If a Puzzler’s name is at the start of the Turn Order list, it is considered to be that Puzzler’s Turn

If a Puzzler goes Idle, their name is removed from Turn Order

If the Turn Order list is Empty, any Puzzler may generate a new Turn Order by randomly arranging the names of all Puzzlers and setting that list to be the new Turn Order (Puzzlers may use a private method of their choosing rather than the Dice Roller for this step)

Adding how you take your turn is left as an exercise to the puzzler

Proposal: Build A Board Workshop

Popular, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 11 Sep 2024 14:44:24 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “The Game Board” with the following text

The Game Board is a publicly tracked 10 by 10 grid of cells. Each cell has an integer Row and Column, which are each between 1 and 10 and correspond to that cell’s position in the game board. Each Cell also has a Content which can be Lemon, Orange, Kiwi, Grape, Cherry, Star or Empty and defaults to Empty. Cells whose Content is Empty are considered to be Empty. 

Two Cells are Adjacent of they either share the same Column and their Row differs by one, or they share the same Row and their Column’s differ by 1.

A Cell is Above another Cell if they share the same Column, and the first Cell’s Row is less than the Second cells Row. A Cell is Immediately Above another Cell if it is both above that cell and adjacent to it.

A Cell is Below another Cell if they share the same Column, and the first Cell’s Row is greater than the Second cells Row. A Cell is Immediately Below another Cell if it is both below that cell and adjacent to it.

If any cell of the game board is Empty, the game board is considered to be Out Of Date.

If the Game Board is Out Of Date any Contestant may perform the following actions:

-If there is an empty cell (cell A) that has a non-empty cell (cell B) immediately above it, move the contents of cell B to cell A
-If there is an empty cell (cell A) such that every cell with a lower column is not empty, every cell above it is empty, and every cell below it is not empty, Fill Cell A.

Filling a Cell consists of performing the following atomic action:

-If the Cell is not Empty, cease performing the atomic action
-Roll a FRUIT. If the result is not Tangelo, set the Cell’s content to be the result of the roll. If the result is Tangelo, set the Cell’s content to be Star

These dice rolls may be made in advance when trying to filling multiple empty at the same time (So, for example, if Row 1 Col 1, Row 2 Col 1, and Row 3 Col 1 are all empty, three FRUIT rolls may be made at the same time, using the result of the first to fill Row 3 Col 1, the second to fill Row 2 Col 1 and the third to fill Row 1 Col 1)

Ascension Address: A Match Made In Heavan

Blood bags? Cultists? Eldritch fish monsters? Yeah no thanks, the seas are getting to wild for my tastes. Time to retreat back to the warm safe bubble of sounds and colors carefully designed to keep you playing one more turn. Maybe this time I can pull of that sweet combo move and beat the level!

Update the Synonym for “Fishing Contestant” to be “Puzzler”

Update the Synonym for “Elder Judge” to be “Puzzle Master”

Repeal all Dynastic Rules

Remove all current Building Blocks expect for Low-Player Mode, then add the Everyone’s Playing and Reinitialisation

Update the name of the gamestate tracking page to be “Puzzle Board”

Imperial Styles: Guide / Laissez-faire / Casual / Scam-Mundane / Servile / Instinctual

Fish Tales

Discussion of the dynasty itself here

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Declaration of Victory: One Trophy Two Trophy Red Trophy Blue Trophy

More than 2/3rds of Fishing Contestants voting FOR and Elder Judge voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 10 Sep 2024 14:01:25 UTC

I have obtained 11 trophies, so per the rules of “If only one Fishing Contestant has at least 10 Trophies, they have achieved victory” I have achieved victory!

Bloody heck

In short order, clucky has once again come in with the posted big one. And… oh.. oh the heck? It’s… a giant bag of blood?!? And the judge is… oh lord… nope, nope, that it I quit… this town is just too… creepy and… nope I’m out

the big one was blood bag and the function was “found in a hospital”

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Story Post: The Beast Still Doesn’t Move

I guess it likes being next to that obelisk. No one is Affected by the Bellow.

Cult of the fish

To the cheers of the crowd, Clucky has landed his first big one of the contest, a nice, big….. um, human in a cloak? Y’all are saying that’s a fish… but… ok I guess? *whispers to self* what the heck? *coughs* anyway, clucky is now on the trophy board. Good luck everyone

the big one was cultist and the function was follower of forbidden gods

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Story Post: The Beast Doesn’t Move

Another bellow, from the same location. The Fishing Contestants are unperturbed, having now grown used to these eerie but impotent rumblings. And why shouldn’t they be? After all, no one ever seems to be Affected.

Call for Judgment: Other Words Found in Movie Titles

Exceeded quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 07 Sep 2024 19:47:24 UTC

Add 4 to JonathanDark’s Doubloons for matching the Fish Function “Is found in a movie theater” with the following words submitted to the Elder Judge in JonathanDark’s Fish Identification on September 3, 2024 14:35

  1. crown
  2. golden
  3. princess
  4. castle

Based on darknight’s criteria of “For some words I went off of being used more commonly in movie titles”

Proposal: Even Elder Judges Need A Side Hustle

Times out. Passes 2-0—Clucky

Adminned at 09 Sep 2024 05:32:37 UTC

In the rule “Fish Function” add a subrule named “Bribes” with the following text:

As a Virtual Fishing Action known as Bribing, a Fishing Contestant may spend a number of their Doubloons, where that number must be at least 10, to request a word from the Fish Function, with the requirement that the number of Doubloons spent must be included in that Virtual Fishing Action communication to the Elder Judge. When that Virtual Action is resolved, the Elder Judge should collect a set of words from the Fish Function where the length of each of those words is half the number of Doubloons mentioned in that Virtual Action (rounded down to the nearest integer) or less, but ignoring any words less than 5 letters long, then privately randomly select one of the words in this set and communicate it back to that Fishing Contestant. If the selected word has been communicated to that Fishing Contestant in a previous Bribing for this same Fish Function, the Elder Judge should repeat the privately random selection until a different word is selected, unless there is only one such word. If there are no words that are at least 5 letters long in the Fish Function, the Elder Judge should skip the privately random selection and instead communicate that fact when resolving that Virtual Action.

An expensive but alternative way to possibly figure out the Fish Function, depending on how lucky you get with the word you bribed the Elder Judge for. 5 letters seemed like a good minimum to get a reasonably meaningful word.

Overdue last call

After a small delay, Lukas is declare the recent hero with more…. “Fish” caught then Desertfrog and thus claims another batch of trophies

The function was “Is found in a movie theater” and the big one was “Filmreel”

For some words I went off of being used more commonly in movie titles vs being an animal that could be hiding inside. Flowers can be displayed and sunshine cause windows.

Friday, September 06, 2024

Looking for a frog

Desertfrog, you still out there?

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Proposal: Just in case

Exceeded quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 05 Sep 2024 02:07:16 UTC

In the rule “Doubloons”, replace

an integer number of Doubloons


a nonnegative integer number of Doubloons

Update the gamestate as if this proposal were enacted at the time it was proposed (so that any actions resulting in negative Doubloons are treated as illegal).

While the Appendix says that “If a set of valid values is not specified in their definition, game variables defined to hold numeric values can hold only non-negative integers,” I would argue that “integer number of Doubloons” does in fact specify a set of valid values, allowing for negative Doubloons. I think I saw a similar argument in a previous dynasty being met with some opposition, so I don’t know how this would actually shake out if someone tried to use it.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Story Post: The Beast Moves

Deep below the surface, an enormous shadow rushes past Clucky toward JonathanDark and Lukas, before veering away to Bellow at the obelisk in the middle of the bay. All are mercifully unAffected—for now.