Monday, March 31, 2008

Proposal: Creep from the Deep

Times out at 6-0.

Adminned at 02 Apr 2008 08:09:54 UTC

Add a new Dynastic Rule entitled ‘Sea Monsters’ with the following text:

There exists a finite number of game objects known as ‘Sea Monsters’. Sea Monsters may be summoned by Captains to perform certain actions. For a Sea Monster to exist it shall be created through a successful proposal. There shall be a Gamestate document in the Wiki entitled ‘Sea Monsters’ that will track each existing Sea Monster, its Affiliation, Summoning Cost and Effect.

For a Sea Monster to exist, its Name, Affiliation, Summoning Cost and Effect shall be defined by the proposal that created it.

No two Sea Monsters may share the same Name. A Sea Monster’s Affiliation may be either Pirates or Ninjas. Only Pirates may summon Sea Monsters affiliated with Pirates. Only Ninjas may summon Sea Monsters affiliated with Ninjas.

A Sea Monster’s Summoning Cost details how much Gold and Fruit a Captain shall pay to Summon the Sea Monster. A Sea Monster’s Summoning Cost shall consist of positive integers only. A Sea Monster’s Summoning Cost may consist of only a Fruit value, of only a Gold value or of two values, Fruit and Gold.

A Sea Monster’s Effect details what effect the Sea Monster will have on the summoning Captain’s target. Effects shall be specified upon creation of the Sea Monster and cannot be changed otherwise except as in accordance with the Game Ruleset. If a Sea Monster’s Effect is not specified, it’s Effect shall be ‘None’, and it shall have no effect.

As a weekly action, a Captain may summon a Sea Monster Affiliated to eir Role by making a post to that effect. In this post, the Captain shall state the Captain e wishes to target and the Name of the Sea Monster e is summoning. The Effect of the Sea Monster may then be carried out. Only Captains with eir location set to ‘Sea’ may summon a Sea Monster. Only Captains with eir location set to ‘Sea’ may be targeted.

Create a new Sea Monster named ‘Kargo Krushing Kraken’, affiliated to Pirates, with a Cost of 5 barrels of Fruit and 10 Gold. It has the following effect:

Reduce target’s Gold by 10. Reduce target’s Fruit by 10. Set target’s rank to 1st.

Create a new Sea Monster named ‘Shuriken Island Sea-Moth’, affiliated to Ninjas, with a Cost of 5 barrels of Fruit and 10 Gold. It has the following effect:

Reduce target’s Gold by 10. Reduce target’s Fruit by 10. Set target’s flavour to Sour.

Proposal: FruitNapping

Times out at 6-0.

Adminned at 02 Apr 2008 08:06:12 UTC

Create a Treasure named “Pumice Orange Basket” with a value of 180 Gold. It has this enchantment:

You may, as a weekly action take 10 Fruit from another Captain of your choice, and add it to your Fruit.

Create a Treasure Map to the “Pumice Orange Basket” with this text:

The Pumice Orange Basket is hidden on “Squeaky Sands Island”. There is Quicksand around the edge of this Island, and the Squeaking Sands may frighten less experienced Captains, therefore, only Captains of Rank 4th or higher, with a Fruit value of less than 50 may claim this Treasure.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Proposal: Don’t shovel me aside

Times out at 6-0.
Finders Keepers rule: (counting arthexis as first voter): DICE6:6. Hey, that’s me!

Adminned at 02 Apr 2008 08:02:16 UTC

Create a Treasure named “Kaolin Shovel” with a value of 150 Gold. It has this enchantment:

Once a week, at a time you’re hunting for treasure, you may obtain the treasure without Rolling any dice for digging, as long as you fulfill any other existing requirements for that treasure.

Create a Treasure Map to the “Kaolin Shovel” with this text:

The Kaoilin Shovel is located at “Deep Burial Reef”. Because of the huge dangers in navigating the reef, It can only be claimed by a Captain of Rank 3rd or Greater.

Finders Keepers!

Proposal: Finders Keepers

Times out at 6-0.

Adminned at 02 Apr 2008 07:57:19 UTC

Create a Sub Rule within rule “Treasure Maps”, named “Finders Keepers” with this text:

When a proposal that creates a Treasure Map is enacted and the Proposal includes the text “Finders Keepers” (even in flavor text), the Admin who is doing the enactment shall make a DICEX roll in a GNDT comment and include it in er Admin comment. X must be the number of Captains who voted on that Proposal, including the creator. Then assign ownership of the created Treasure Map, to the Captain whose position in the voting order matches the dice roll and include er name in the Admin Comment as well. If the assigned Captain is idle at the time of the enactment, the Treasure Map remains unowned.

This should make obtaining Treasure easier if the Treasure’s creator intends it that way. After all, if no one can find the Treasure you created, what was the point?



Proposal: Ruler of the high seas

Happily self-killed.

Adminned at 31 Mar 2008 05:34:05 UTC

Most people seem to have lost their interest in this dynasty. Is it time to end this yet?

Set each captain’s location to ‘sea’.

Then, add to rule Home Land:

Captains at Home Land may not change their location.

Create a new rule, Victory:

If, besides the Dread Pirate and/or any NPC captains, only one captain has a location that is not ‘Home Land’, that captain has achieved victory.

If more than half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Just end it already!”, which may then be followed by a single captain’s name, the captain whose name was included with the most counted votes has achieved victory. If multiple captains are tied for first, determine the winner randomly.

Let’s settle this. (tournament tournament tournament)

ajhager, I challenge you to a swordfight to determine the champion of the tournament.

May the best pirate win.

Many overboard, walking the plank, and one guy didn’t survive the keelhauling.

The following have gone idle.

Dustin gr4nf Logan Lugosh LykeX spikebrennan Yoda*

11 still active, quorum is 6.


Friday, March 28, 2008

Proposal: Clay Man

Passed after time out 6-0 - Enacted by Chivalrybean

Adminned at 29 Mar 2008 22:30:56 UTC

Create a new Treasure named “RECTORITE Clay Idol” with a value of 80 Gold and the following Enchantment:

Twice a week you may increase you army size by 1 for a period of 24 hours. This Enchantment cannot be activated again until that period ends.

Create a Treasure Map to the “RECTORITE Clay Idol” with this text:

The “RECTORITE Clay Idol” lies in no place other than the Forsaken Clay Mound Isle, where a Captain must go and dig for it. An army size of at least three is required to claim the treasure successfully, because it is so heavy and slippery.

Proposal: Wherever you are

Timed out and passed with a screaming 3 votes for and zero against - Enacted by Chivalrybean

Adminned at 29 Mar 2008 22:29:22 UTC

Create a new sub-rule to “Treasure Maps”, entitled “Visiting the Tavern” with the following text:

Any Admin may, as a daily action, make a story post rolling DICEX and DICEY (in that order), where X is the number of active Captains located at Home Port and Y is the number of unowned Treasure Maps. E shall also include the name of the Captain whose position in alphabetical order (from the set of Active Captains located at Home Port) matches the number rolled by DICEX, as well as the name of the Treasure Map whose position in alphabetical order (from the set of unowned Treasure Maps) matches the number rolled by DICEY. The named Captain, has 48 hours to respond to that post with a comment claiming the Map and paying 1 GrogOrSake. If e does so within the time limit, the named Treasure Map becomes owned by that Captain. This process is known as “Visiting the Tavern”.

No other Admin may take this action until the Map is claimed or the 48 hour response period expires, whichever occurs first.

I’m proposing this again with some small changes.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ghost ships

Tekneek and mistarr oconnell have not voted in 7 days and are idled.
Quorum drops to 10.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Proposal: I don’t pay no one

Time out and passed 9-0 - Enacted by Chivalrybean
I did not change any flavors for I didn’t know who was effected, please change yourself or anyone who needs to be.

Adminned at 29 Mar 2008 22:28:22 UTC

In the Rule entitled “Army”, change the text

each Captain who has failed to complete this action during the previous week


each Captain who has failed to complete this action during the previous week and who could have paid at least 1 gold

Also, revert any flavor and army size changes due to failures to pay any armies of size 0.

Proposal: Feeding Rules


Adminned at 26 Mar 2008 15:34:38 UTC

Change the text of the rule ‘Fruit’ so that it reads:

All Captains have a certain amount of Fruit, measured in barrels, initially set to 50 barrels, and is to be tracked in the GNDT. Once every Week, each Captain’s Fruit shall be lowered by n+1, ‘n’ being eir Army Size. This action is known as Feeding. If a Captains Fruit reaches 0 Barrels, e shall not Feed until e acquires Fruit again.

A Captain may at any time purchase Fruit from a branch of Fingal’s Fruiterers. Fruit is priced at 10 Gold for a barrel of Fruit. A Captain may only purchase Fruit while e is at Port.

Change the text of the rule ‘Ships’ so that it reads:

All Captains have a Ship, which has a name, that may not be the same as any other Ship’s name, and is to be tracked in the GNDT.

If for any reason, a Captain loses er Ship, the value for that attribute shall be set to “-”. That Captain’s Location attribute shall be set to Home Land, er Flavor shall set to “Sour”, er Army shall be set to 0 and er Fruit will be set to 0. Then, as long as er Ship value remains as “-”, as a weekly action, that Captain may pay 100 gold to purchase a new Ship and record its new name in er Ship attribute. The new Ship’s name may not be the same as any other Ship that Captain had before.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Proposal: No sailing without ship 2

Times out at 4-0.

Adminned at 26 Mar 2008 15:31:10 UTC

Append the following text to Rule Ships:

A Captain whose Ship has been sunken may not set er Location to any value other than Home Port, until e buys a new Ship.

Add this text at the end of Rule Treasure Maps:

If the same Treasure Map is claimed by two different Captains for any reason, the last person to claim the Treasure Map may challenge the first one to an Insult Swordfight. The winner of the Insult Sowrdfight becomes the owner of the Treasure Map. If no challenge to an Insult Swordfight is made, the first to claim the Treasure Map becomes the only owner.

Append this text to Rule Insult Swordfighting:

The winner of an Insult Swordfight may lower the loser’s Rank by one, as long as er Rank remains a legal value.

Forgot to make it a proposal the first time.

No sailing without ship

Append the following text to Rule Ships:

A Captain whose Ship has been sunken may not set er Location to any value other than Home Port, until e buys a new Ship.

Add this text at the end of Rule Treasure Maps:

If the same Treasure Map is claimed by two different Captains for any reason, the last person to claim the Treasure Map may challenge the first one to an Insult Swordfight. The winner of the Insult Sowrdfight becomes the owner of the Treasure Map. If no challenge to an Insult Swordfight is made, the first to claim the Treasure Map becomes the only owner.

Append this text to Rule Insult Swordfighting:

The winner of an Insult Swordfight may lower the loser’s Rank by one, as long as er Rank remains a legal value.

Just a couple of fixes. The first one is just to add common sense to the sinking your ship rule. The second one fixes the Proposal You are Here, but can stand on it’s own as an amendment even if that proposal does not pass. The third is to make something that can lower Ranks, and Insult Swordfighting is a good thing to encourage.


Proposal: You Are Here


Adminned at 26 Mar 2008 15:29:50 UTC

Append the following to rule Treasure Maps:

Any Admin may, as a weekly action, make a story post rolling DICEX and DICEY (in that order), where X is the number of active Captains located at Home Port and Y is the number of unowned Treasure Maps. E shall also include the name of the Captain whose position in alphabetical order (from the set of Active Captains located at Home Port) matches the number rolled by DICEX, as well as the name of the Treasure Map whose position in alphabetical order (from the set of unowned Treasure Maps) matches the number rolled by DICEY. The named Captain, has 48 hours to respond to that post with a comment claiming the Map and paying 1 GrogOrSake. If e does so within the time limit, the named Treasure Map becomes owned by that Captain. This process is known as “Visiting the Tavern”.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Proposal: Too many Lemons

Times out at 8-0.

Adminned at 24 Mar 2008 14:14:59 UTC

Append the following text to the end of the Rule entitled ‘Scurvy’:

A Captain with at least 5 barrels of Fruit may reduce eir Fruit by 5 at any time to change eir Flavor to Sour.  If eir Sickness was Scurvy when e did this, it becomes ‘None’.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Proposal: And you little dog Toto, too!

Passed 5 to 0 on timeout, yarrr!  - Jack

Adminned at 24 Mar 2008 02:13:31 UTC

Reword the rule Battles to read as follows.

As a daily action, a Captain who is at Sea may Attack another Captain who is at Sea, by making a blog post stating the action. The attack is resolved by making a comment in the GNDT of “DICEX DICEY”, where X is one more than the size of the Attacking Captain’s Army, and Y one more than the size of the Attacked Captain’s Army. If a Captain’s Sickness is set to Scurvy, eir Army size shall be counted as two-thirds of its actual size recorded in the GNDT, rounded down. Should the first DICE roll be strictly greater than the second, then the Attack is successful, and the Attacking Captain may plunder 2DICE10 gold from the other Captain, whose Flavour is set to Bitter. If the first roll is more at least double the second roll and the defending Captain owns a treasure, then the attacking captain may take one treasure at random. To choose a treasure, the attacking Captain shall roll DICET where T is the number of treasures the the defending captain holds and alphabetically count to T and take that treasure. (Example: If the defender has treasures A B and C and the roll is 3, e shall take treasure C) Otherwise the Attacked Captain has fended off the attack, and the Attacking Captain loses half of the first DICE roll, rounded up, from the size of eir Army, and eir Flavour is set to Bitter. No single Captain may Attack the same Captain more than once in a week.

Proposal: Right place AND the right time

Passed 8 to 0 on timeout, yarrrr!  - Jack

Adminned at 24 Mar 2008 02:09:09 UTC

Create an entry in the Treasure Islands list of locations with the following text

The Isle of Untimely Demise
* If a Captain (called The Tardy Captain) spends more than three days located at this island, daily any Captain may roll DICEX where X is half the size (rounded up) of the Tardy Captain’s army and a DICE3. The result of the DICEX roll will be removed from the Tardy Captain’s army value after a number of days equal to the DICE3 roll have passed, if possible.

Now it is days not turns.

Proposal: Market It

Passed 11 to 0 with quota (and timeout).  Yarrr!  - Jack

Adminned at 24 Mar 2008 02:02:25 UTC

Create a new rule named “Black Market” that reads:

There exists a non-playing game entity known as “Black Market”. The only ability of the Black Market is to own sold Treasures.

Any Captain whose Location is Home Land may purchase a Treasure owned by the Black Market by making a Story Post announcing the Purchase and paying an amount of Gold equal to the Treasure’s Gold Value plus an additional 20% of that amount, rounded up.


Amend Rule Treasure, so that the sentence:

When a Captain sells Treasure, it ceases to exist and that Captain adds it’s Gold Value to er own Gold.

Is changed to the sentence:

When a Captain sells Treasure e is no longer the owner of the Treasure, and that Captain adds it’s Gold Value to er own Gold. That Treasure then becomes owned by the Black Market.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Proposal: I heard about it first…

Passed 9 to 0 after timeout, yarrr!  - Jack

Adminned at 24 Mar 2008 01:58:04 UTC

Create a Treasure called “The Big Whoop - Asbestos Edition” with a value of X Gold, where X is 100 times it’s current owner’s Rank.
It has the following Enchantment:

Make a story post that contains a DICE7 Roll. Then, apply the effect corresponding to the result from this list.

1) Set your Ship Value to ‘-’ (You have sunk your own ship)
2) Set your Flavor to Sour and your Sickness to ‘Asbestos Poisoning’
3) Change your Rank to any legal value.
4) Set your GrogOrSake to 10, this supersedes rule 2.19
5) Add DICE150 to your Fruit.
6) Add up to 20 to your army size, then add up to 400 to your Gold.
7) Re-roll DICE7, then pick another effect from this list. If this is the third time you have Re-Rolled today, you win the game.

Whenever this Treasure’s Enchantment is used, “The Big Whoop - Asbestos Edition” and every map that references it becomes unowned.

Amend rule “Sickness” so that “Asbestos Poisoning” becomes an eligible value for Sickness.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Proposal: Location is everything

Self-Seppuku - Failed by Chivalrybean

Adminned at 21 Mar 2008 20:45:55 UTC

Create an entry in the Treasure Islands list of locations with the following text

The Isle of Untimely Demise
* If a Captain (called The Tardy Captain) spends more than three turns located at this island, daily any Captain may roll DICEX where X is half the size (rounded up) of the Tardy Captain’s army and a DICE3. The result of the DICEX roll will be removed from the Tardy Captain’s army value after a number of days equal to the DICE3 roll have passed, if possible.

Back to business

Hi all! I had to undergo an unexpected appendicectomy last week, and had to go offline without due notice. But I am back home and ready to play again. Unidle me, please!

Dread Pirate Jack vs Captain Spikebrennan

Early in the morning, Waffles Revenge sidles up to her next victim, Rum, Sodomy & the Lash.  With a blood curdling scream, Dread Pirate Jack and his four trusty killer penguins board the ship, and face Captain Spikebrennan and his first mate, Polly the Pulveriser.

Proposal: That Milk is Sour!

Passed, unanimous. Alethiophile

Adminned at 21 Mar 2008 08:17:41 UTC

Append the following to the “Horses” rule:

When a captain Milks the Cows, then that captain will receive DICEX gold, where X is the number of captains. All other captains of the same flavor as that captain will also receive 1 gold. All captains not of the same flavor will reduce their gold by 1.

Proposal: Are you a Horse or a Cow?

Fails, 6-2 against. Alethiophile

Adminned at 21 Mar 2008 08:15:33 UTC

Replace the current
rule named “Horses” with this new
rule of the same name:

Captains with treasure
with “Milking Gloves” in the name
may then Milk the Cows.

Those that are able
may milk only once a week.
Their pet must be Cow.


Real Life Nomic

Just a quiet plug on the off-chance that there are any other BlogNomic players based in London - I’ll be trying to get a few rounds of live-action tabletop Nomic going at the Sandpit tonight, if anyone wants to come along. It’s in the Shunt Vaults under London Bridge; five pounds on the door, and the games start at half seven.

Lady Luck smiles on spikebrennan

Lady Luck has chosen to give 53 gold to all Pirates with Parrots! [DICE2:1 DICE5:3 DICE100:53]

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Proposal: Milking is Tough

Fails, 4-3 against. Alethiophile.

Adminned at 21 Mar 2008 08:13:49 UTC

Replace the text of the rule Horses with the following:

As a weekly action, each Captain in possession of a Treasure containing the words “Milking Gloves” in its Name may milk the cows.

Credit goes to Logan.

Proposal: King of the Hill

Alethiophile. Passes, majority win.

Adminned at 20 Mar 2008 21:07:19 UTC

Add a subule to “Insult Swordfighting”, called “Tournament”:

Every captain has a ‘tournament’ value, tracked by the GNDT, initially set to ‘Not Competing’.

Any entrant may challenge any other entrant to a swordfight, regardless of location and flavour, provided both entrants aren’t in a swordfight already. The title of the post challenging another entrant must include the word ‘tournament’ for it to fall under this rule. This swordfight shall be fought as if both captains were at sea (High Seas Rules apply). If a captain is the loser of such a fight, or if a captain does not accept such a challenge within 48 hours, his ‘tournament’ value shall be set to ‘Eliminated’.

Until March 27th, any captain may become an entrant by changing their ‘tournament’ value from ‘Not Competing’ to ‘Entrant’.

Set each captain’s ‘tournament’ value to ‘Not Competing’.

We’ll determine a prize for the winner later.

Proposal: Fixes, fixes, fixes.

Fails, majority against.

Adminned at 20 Mar 2008 20:42:29 UTC

Set the location of all captains whose location is undefined (or ‘port’) to ‘Home Land’.

Add to rule “Ships”:

A ship has no effect or meaning unless specifically referred to as a ship. If two ships have the same name, all non-NPC captains with a ship of that name immediately lose their ships.

In subrule “Treasure Hunting”, rewrite

daily a Captain may hunt for treasure.

so that it reads

a Captain may hunt for treasure as a daily action.

in the entry in the Treasures Page describing The Ice Spar Bucket of Nantucket, rewrite the second paragraph so that it reads:

Due to the frozen ground, the Ice Spar Bucket of Nantucket is harder to dig up then most treasures. For a pirate to claim this treasure, e must roll a 1 or 2 twice during the same attempt at hunting for treasure, once to break the icy ground and a second to dig the treasure up before the ground freezes again.

Unless more than half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “More time!”, repeal subrule “Changing Your Pet”.

Call for Judgment: Miscounting Votes

Times out at 3-4.

Adminned at 24 Mar 2008 14:14:03 UTC

I think that the votes for the proposal Calcite Milking Gloves were not counted correctly. In particular, the bit of rule 1.4 Voting which states “If a Captain casts more than one Vote on a Proposal, only the most recent of those Votes is counted.” seems to have been ignored.

By my count there were unique 11 votes For the proposal (counting Logan’s implicit For vote), and 0 votes Against (as Chivalrybean changed eir vote to For). Of these, 6 included the text “Milking is tough”, which would be a majority of the votes, correct? Therefore, the Horses rule should be amended as delineated in the proposal.

Proposal: Dynastic Rules: Additional Section: Selling

Be it resolved that the addition of a section marked so: 2.26 Selling, shall be made an addition to the Dynastic Rules of the First Dynasty of Jack. The section shall read as follows:

A captain may, while at port, sell any of his possessions for exactly half of the gold they were purchased for. The possession must be in identical shape to it’s original state. Any rules concerning the returning of an object, specific to that object, that conflict with the rules listed this section, override this section.

Proposal: Treasure: Mica mirror

Passes with quorum 11-0 Enacted by Chivalrybean

Adminned at 19 Mar 2008 20:12:09 UTC

Create a new Treasure called the “Mica Mirror”.  Its gold value is 15.  Its Enchantment is as follows: When a Captain acquires the Mica Mirror by whatever means, he must change his Flavor within 24 hours to a different Flavor.  If he fails to do so, any Admin may change that Captain’s Flavor to a random Flavor.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Avast ye!  What’s an old salt like yers truly have to do around here to get a hearty crew, a bottle, and a good fightin’ cow?  Speak up ye scurvy dog!! Don’t make me hang ye from the yardarm like those sons a’ biscuit eatin’ ninjas! Here’s a gold coin now, and thar be two more in it if ye can hornswaggle me a gndt passkey.  Burn yer boots lad!  I must weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen before morn.


Ok, am here now.


Please unidle me.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Proposal: Treasure for Sale


Adminned at 18 Mar 2008 14:27:04 UTC

Change the following paragraph in the rule Treasure from:

An effect of Enchantment may be invoked by the Captain whom owns the respective Treasure once per day (unless otherwise stated in the Treasure’s Enchantment description) and may modify any of the invoking Captain’s stats or general game condition by a specified magnitute for: a specified amount of time; until some specified event occurs; or as a discrete instantaneous action. When a Captain acquires Treasure, e may keep it for as long as e wishes, or sell it whenever e is at Port. When a Captain sells Treasure, it ceases to exist and that Captain adds it’s Gold Value to er own Gold. A Captain in posession of a Treasure may invoke its magical Enchantment when e so wishes if that Treasure has not been used previously within the specified use-limit period.


An effect of Enchantment may be invoked by the Captain whom owns the respective Treasure once per day (unless otherwise stated in the Treasure’s Enchantment description) and may modify any of the invoking Captain’s stats or general game condition by a specified magnitute for: a specified amount of time; until some specified event occurs; or as a discrete instantaneous action. When a Captain acquires Treasure, e may keep it for as long as e wishes, or sell it whenever e is at Port. When a Captain sells Treasure, that Captain adds it’s Gold Value to er own Gold. If the treasue has no enchantment and is sold, it stops existing. If the treasure is enchanted, it goes on sale at ports. If the A Captain in posession of a Treasure may invoke its magical Enchantment when e so wishes if that Treasure has not been used previously within the specified use-limit period.

Add the following to the rule Treasure:

There is a section in the Treasures Page that lists the treasures for sale.  As a weekly action, a Captain may buy a piece of treasure.  The Captain loses an amount of gold equal to the gold value of the treasure.  The Captain then owns that treasure.

Proposal: Fixes to locations

Reaches quorum at 12-0.

Adminned at 18 Mar 2008 14:24:28 UTC

Change the “port” to “home land” in the following rules:

Bragging Rights
Insult Swordfighting
Man of the Hour
Grog eats metal cups and sake for the sake of it.

Sorry to break the rules with the passing of the Digging rule. This should fit it rightly.

GNDT Location Update

I took the liberty of updating everyone who was at Port to Home Land. This is essentially the same thing, the name was just changed.

Lost Captains

Arthexis, Jacek_FH, JoshuaGross, and jmrdex have gone idle, since they have not posted anything in 7, 7, 9, and 7 days, respectively.

Quorum drops to 9.

I also took Bucky and Night off the GNDT, since they were already idle.

Proposal: Unowned Map to the Bucket

Reaches quorum at 11-0. Also, it’s cold.

Adminned at 18 Mar 2008 14:20:32 UTC

Create a map, to be posted on the treasure page of the wiki, with the following written info.

This map shall guide ye to me treasure, the Ice Spar Bucket of Nantucket, on Icecube Isle.

If the proposal called Diggin’ passes and if more than half of all comments containing counted FOR votes also contain the text “Cold as heck”, add the following to the maps text.

Due to the frozen ground, the Ice Spar Bucket of Nantucket is harder to dig up then most treasures. For a pirate to claim this treasure, e must roll a 1 or 2 twice during the same attempt at digging, once to break the icy ground and a second to dig the treasure up before the ground freezes again.

I’m a stealing your proposal and making the map unowned! Yarr!


Proposal: Newcomers don’t get paid twice

Times out at 5-0.

Adminned at 18 Mar 2008 14:10:34 UTC

Change the sentence in the rule “Army” that reads “As a weekly action, Captains may pay n squared gold where n is their Army Size.” to “As a weekly action, a Captain may pay n squared gold where n is eir Army Size at 0:00 of the previous Sunday.”

This is so that captains do not have to pay the pets they just hired again.

Proposal: Oh, that is so cliché.

Passes at 12-0.

Adminned at 18 Mar 2008 14:07:59 UTC

Add a subrule to rule “Insult Swordfighting”, called “High Seas Rules”:

If an insult swordfight is taking place at sea, the following must be adhered to:

* All insults must consist of exactly one sentence and must end with a word rhyming with ‘hated’, ‘died’, ‘vow’, ‘clay’, ‘knee’ or ‘you’.
* All responses must consist of exactly one sentence and must rhyme with the previous insult.
* Each insult (except the first one) must be preceded by a response to the previous insult (captains may not respond to their own insults).

Credit goes to Chivalrybean.

Proposal: Map to the Ice Spar Bucket of Nantucket


Adminned at 18 Mar 2008 14:07:07 UTC

Create a map, to be posted on the treasure page of the wiki, with the following written info.

This map shall guide ye to me treasure, the Ice Spar Bucket of Nantucket, on Icecube Isle. (This map is currently owned by Darknight)

If the proposal called Diggin’ passes and if more than half of all comments containing counted FOR votes also contain the text “Cold as heck”, add the following to the maps text.

Do to the frozen ground, the Ice Spar Bucket of Nantucket is harder to dig up then most treasures. For a pirate to claim this treasure, e must roll a 1 or 2 twice during the same attempt at digging, once to break the icy ground and a second to dig the treasure up before the ground freezes again.

I hope this is written the right way. And I don’t mind putting a hurdle in front of me to get this. I like a challange

Proposal: This will fail horribly.

Times out and fails horribly at 1-4.
-Purplebeard, giving up now.

Adminned at 18 Mar 2008 14:07:01 UTC

First, revert any changes to This page since this proposal was posted.

Then, replace the first and third sections of the ruleset with those from aforementioned page.

I’m just trying to force some discussion here, since this post didn’t really accomplish that. The proposed ruleset is basically a collection of various small fixes to the current one.

Captain Darknight vs Dread Pirate Jack

The Lockjaw Mermaid sailed across the sea, her captain’s blood aflame. After a surprise attack by Jack and his birds, Darknight wished nothing more then to reclaim his stolen gold and then some. With a full moon over head, The Lockjaw Mermaid sailed silently up to Waffle’s Revenge. With a cry mixed of human and cow, the attack began. By day break….

I need a judge please!

On this insult swordfight, I have not got a reply for some time, and I would like it to be judged. Thanks.

Dread Pirate Jack vs Captain Darknight

As the sun dawns over the East, Waffles Revenge draws up alongside Captain Darknight’s ship.  The Dread Pirate Jack and his five killer penguins board The Lockjaw Mermaid, ready to plunder.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Proposal: The Calcite Milking Gloves

timed out and reached a quorum, final vote 12-1—Yoda
There was not a majority of “Milking is tough!” votes.

Adminned at 18 Mar 2008 10:17:11 UTC

Create a treasure
Called “The Calcite Milking Gloves”
Worth one-hundred gold

If most votes for this
also say “Milking is tough!”
add to rule “Horses”:

Only the captain
who owns the calcite milking
gloves may milk the cows


Proposal: Captain’s Challenge (On Purpose Now)

timed out, final vote 1-4—Yoda

Adminned at 17 Mar 2008 18:24:45 UTC

Since sometimes your army is small
(Really barely an army at all),
Let’s amend rule “Battles”
To protect the cattle
Well all pets, be they short or tall:

If an attacked captain favours eir army,
To save their poor bottoms from harm, e
May replace dice results
With a swordfight of insults,
And resolve the battle with charm, see?

Since this is a one-on-one fight,
Rather than a battle of might,
No army’s reduc-ed
(No pet loses its head)
Still, the loser is a “Bitter” sight.

I am giving up on trying to force complete rules into limericks, so the above is just for flavour. Text to be added to “Battles” follows:

Within 24 hours of the blogpost stating the Attack, the Attacked Captain may challenge the Attacking Captain to an Insult Swordfight as in the rule “Insult Swordfighting” (so long as such a Swordfight is legal by the terms of the rule). If the challenge is accepted, the Swordfight shall determine the outcome of the battle (no DICE are rolled). If the Attacking Captain wins the Insult Swordfight, e takes the gold from the Swordfight as well as the gold from a succesful Attack. If the Attacked Captain wins the Insult Swordfight, e takes the gold from the Swordfight, but the Attacking Captain’s Army is not reduced.

If the majority of the comments for this proposal that have active FOR votes contain the words “Subrules are more better”, make the text in the blockquote a subrule of “Battles” called “Captain’s Challenge”.

Proposal: Scurvy Saps Strength

timed out, final vote 7-0—Yoda

Adminned at 17 Mar 2008 18:23:53 UTC

Amend dynastic rule 2.22 (“Battles”) to read:

As a daily action, a Captain who is at Sea may Attack another Captain who is at Sea, by making a blog post stating the action. The attack is resolved by making a comment in the GNDT of “DICEX DICEY”, where X is one more than the size of the Attacking Captain’s Army, and Y one more than the size of the Attacked Captain’s Army. If a Captain’s Sickness is set to Scurvy, eir Army size shall be counted as two-thirds of its actual size recorded in the GNDT, rounded down. Should the first DICE roll be strictly greater than the second, then the Attack is successful, and the Attacking Captain may plunder 2DICE10 gold from the other Captain, whose Flavour is set to Bitter. Otherwise the Attacked Captain has fended off the attack, and the Attacking Captain loses half of the first DICE roll, rounded up, from the size of eir Army, and eir Flavour is set to Bitter. No Captain may Attack the same Captain more than once in a week.

Modifications in bold.

Proposal: Proposing ‘Cabin Fever’ Fever, Again, V.2: this Time There is No Redundancy this Time (A Proposal)

timed out, final vote 6-0—Yoda
There was not a majority of For votes that included “Cabin Fever saps your strength”, so that part was not enacted.

Adminned at 17 Mar 2008 18:21:31 UTC

All in a hot and copper sky,
The bloody Sun, at noon,
Right up above the mast did stand,
No bigger than the Moon.

Day after day, day after day,
We stuck, nor breath nor motion;
As idle as a painted ship
Upon a painted ocean.


The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

I have removed all mention of redundancy, now nobody gets punished. This is mostly about making Sickness its own rule, with specific kinds of sickness (Scurvy, Cabin Fever, etc.) their own rules that change the value of the sickness column.

1) Make a new rule called “Sickness” that says:

The GNDT contains a column called ‘Sickness’. The eligible values are ‘Cabin Fever’, ‘Scurvy’. and ‘None’. If ever a captain has an undefined value for Sickness, eir Sickness value shall be changed to ‘None’.

2) In the rule “Scurvy” replace the following sentence:

This is to be tracked in the GNDT under Sickness. The eligible values are ‘Scurvy’ and ‘None’.


Eir Sickness value in the GNDT shall be changed to ‘Scurvy’.

3) Remove the sentence “New captains have a sickness of ‘none’.” from the rule “Scurvy” (if the rule contains this sentence) since it will be handled by the “Sickness” rule.

4) Add a rule called “Cabin Fever” that says:

If a captain’s Location is set to Sea for more than a week straight, that Captain has contracted Cabin Fever and eir Sickness value in the GNDT shall be changed accordingly. A captain with Cabin Fever may not change eir Location by the rule “Homeland”. As a daily action a captain with Cabin Fever may roll 1DICE50 to try to escape the doldrums. A result of 0 to 24 means the captain is still stuck in the doldrums. A result of 25 to 44 means the captain can make it back to eir homeland (eir location shall be changed to either Port or Home Land, as determined by the text of the rule “Home Land”). A result of 45 to 50 means that the captain has shown great skill in eir escape and may change eir location to any legal value.

If the Location of a captain with Cabin Fever is ever not “Sea” eir Sickness shall be set to “None”.

5) If the majority of the comments for this proposal that have active FOR votes contain the words “Cabin Fever saps your strength” add the following text to the end of the aformentioned “Cabin Fever” rule:

Starting the day after a captain’s Sickness is set to Cabin Fever, each following day at 0:00 AM, if that captain’s Sickness is still set to Cabin Fever, that captain’s army is reduced by DICE5.

As stated in the glossary, this rule cannot reduce a captain’s army to below zero.

Proposal: Sorting Out Scurvy

Passed with timeout 8 to 0, yarrr!  - Jack

Adminned at 17 Mar 2008 04:50:16 UTC

Change the text of the rule ‘Scurvy’ so that it reads:

If a Captain’s Fruit reaches 0, e has contracted Scurvy. This is to be tracked in the GNDT under Sickness. The eligible values are ‘Scurvy’ and ‘None’. A Captain with Scurvy may not Brag or take part in an Insult Swordfight. A Captain with Scurvy shall not Feed.

A Captain ceases to have Scurvy when e acquires enough Fruit to Feed without his Fruit reverting to 0.

Change the text of the rule “Fruit so that it reads:

All Captains have a certain amount of Fruit, measured in barrels, initially set to 50 barrels, to be tracked in the GNDT. Once every Monday, each Captain shall lower er Fruit by n+1, ‘n’ being er Army Size. This action is known as Feeding.

If a Captains Fruit reaches 0 Barrels, e shall not Feed until e acquires enough Fruit to do so.

A Captain may at any time purchase Fruit from a branch of Fingal’s Fruiterers. Fruit is priced at 10 Gold for a barrel of Fruit. A Captain may only purchase Fruit while e is at Port.

Proposal: Diggin’

reached a quorum, final vote 10-0—Yoda
I figure it shouldn’t be too much trouble to simply update the list of locations whenever a proposal creates a new location.
Also, all captains who were at Port are now locationless because there is no such location as Port.

Adminned at 16 Mar 2008 17:14:06 UTC

Change the text in the rule Home Land to read

There exists two islands that all Captains may call home. Shuriken Island is home to Ninja Captains while Cutlass Island is home to Pirate Captains. A Captain may port at his home island or head out to sea or sail to a Treasure Island as a daily action. A Captain may never change their location to anywhere but Sea if their current location is not Sea. The location of every Captain shall be tracked on the GNDT in a section called “Location”. The possible locations are Home Land, Sea, or any treasure island listed in the rule Treasure Islands. While at their Home Land, a Captain can never be pillaged or pillage someone.

New captains start at Home Land.

To avoid lots of editing of the GNDT lists, maybe we can just make the Locations entry a text box.

Add a rule named Treasure Islands containing the following text

Listed below are possible Treasure Islands that a Captain or treasure may be located:

Add a sub-rule to the rule Treasure named “Treasure Hunting” containing the following text

To hunt for treasure, a Captain must have a Treasure Map and their location must be the Location listed on any treasure map they possess. While at a Treasure Island, if allowed by the rules, daily a Captain may hunt for treasure. To do so, the Captain rolls a DICE5 in the GNDT. If the result is a 1 or a 2, they have found the treasure and it shall be noted as described in the rules as owned by them.

I really wanted to the random pages in the wiki, playing off the spam, as a part of treasure hunting, but I could not think of a way that was not highly susceptible to cheating. Obviously, we can work on the honor system, but it was far too easy to cheat, so, best to keep and honest man honest, and with all these pirates, why try?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Proposal: The tangled depths

self-killed, final vote 0-8—Yoda

Adminned at 16 Mar 2008 14:43:25 UTC

Modify the dynastic rule “Treasure” and replace the line:

For a Treasure to exist, it’s Name and Gold Value must be defined by the Proposal that created it.


For a Treasure to exist, it’s Name, Location, and Gold Value must be defined by the Proposal that created it.

Add a new dynastic rule entitled “The Tangled Depths” which reads as follows:

“The Tangled Depths” exists as one location where treasure may reside.  Captains still set their location to “Port”, “Sea”, or any other location specified within the rules but cannot set their location to"The Tangled Depths”.  If any captain is in possession of a treasure map, and the treasure defined by the map exists within “The Tangled Depths”, E may try to retrieve said treasure as a daily action called “Diving for Treasure in the Tangled Depths”.  This is done by rolling 2DICE20, and if the result is 8 or greater the captain is successful, gains possession of the treasure, and the map is destroyed.

Alternately, if a captain does not have a map, E may go “Diving for Treasure in the Tangled Depths” as a daily action by rolling 1DICE300.  If the result is 295 or greater E is successful in finding treasure, and then rolls 1DICEN where N is the number of treasures marked in the wiki as residing within the Tangled Depths, and finally E receives the Nth corresponding treasure on the treasure page marked as residing in the Tangled Depths.

The daily action “Diving for Treasure in the Tangled Depths” requires the Captain to be at “Sea”, any flavor other than “Sour”, and have an army size of 1 or greater.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Proposal: Lucky Charms rev.1

Timed out and passed 8-2 - Enacted by Chivalrybean

Adminned at 15 Mar 2008 22:31:14 UTC

Amend the text of Rule 2.18 (“Treasure”) to read:

2.18 Treasure
There exists a finite amount of game objects called “Treasure”, which can only be created by a successful Proposal. No Captain may come in possession of Treasure in any way other than those specified by the rules. There shall be a Gamestate document in the Wiki that will track each existing Treasure and it’s owner (if it has one). For a Treasure to exist, it’s Name and Gold Value must be defined by the Proposal that created it. No two Treasures may share the same Name. The Gold Value must be a positive integer. A Treasure may or may not also have a property listed as ‘Enchantment’, which consists of a string of text describing a magical effect bestowed upon the owner of the particular Treasure. Enchantments must be specified upon creation of the Treasure entity and cannot be changed otherwise except as in accordance with the game ruleset; a Treasure shall default to having no Enchantment if not specified.

An effect of Enchantment may be invoked by the Captain whom owns the respective Treasure once per day (unless otherwise stated in the Treasure’s Enchantment description) and may modify any of the invoking Captain’s stats or general game condition by a specified magnitute for: a specified amount of time; until some specified event occurs; or as a discrete instantaneous action. When a Captain acquires Treasure, e may keep it for as long as e wishes, or sell it whenever e is at Port. When a Captain sells Treasure, it ceases to exist and that Captain adds it’s Gold Value to er own Gold. A Captain in posession of a Treasure may invoke its magical Enchantment when e so wishes if that Treasure has not been used previously within the specified use-limit period.

Each Treasure is made of exactly one of the numbered Materials listed on the Non-Metallic Metal Resources Page. The name of each Treasure shall include its Material (for example, “Jade Monkey”). In addition, the Treasure’s Material must be specified at the creation of the Treasure and may only be changed as in accordance with the game ruleset.

Changes in bold. I made a few modifications for clarity to my previously attempted proposal, and I added a clause explicitly requiring Material to be specified at creation, since it wasn’t overtly stated in the “non-sequitur” proposal (and implicit legalisms make my proverbial skin crawl :> ).

Proposal: No shouting across the ocean, Neptune is sleeping

Reached Quorum 13-0 High Seas rules, it was decided were the drools, say farewell to them bye for they did not fly - Enacted by Chivalrybean

Adminned at 15 Mar 2008 15:23:30 UTC

Reword the first paragraph in the rule Insult Swordfighting that currently reads

Any captain may challenge another captain to a swordfight, provided both captains aren’t currently in a swordfight already, by making a post to that effect.

to read

Any captain may challenge another captain to a swordfight, provided both captains aren’t currently in a swordfight already, by making a post to that effect. A captain at sea may only challenge a captain who is also at sea, and a captain in port may only challenge a captain at port at the same island. While participating in an insult swordfight, the participating captains may not change their location.

Add the following text to the second paragraph of the same rule

If a challenge captain changes their location before accepting a challenge, they have ignored the challenge and their flavor shall be set to “Sour”.

Append to the end of the same rule of the following text

The winner of an insult swordfight shall collect the reward reguardless of the location of all captains involved.

If the majority of comments for this proposal that have active FOR votes contain the words “High seas rules shall apply” add the following text to the end of the aformentioned rule

If an insult swordfight is taking place at sea, at minimum, the first sentance of a captain’s reply to an insult must rhyme with the last sentance of the previous captains insult.

Proposal: Cabin Fever

Timed out and failed 7-1 - Admined by Chivalrybean

Adminned at 15 Mar 2008 15:20:38 UTC

This is proposal has several parts:
1) Make a new rule called “Sickness” that says:

The GNDT contains a column called ‘Sickness’. The eligible values are ‘Cabin Fever’, ‘Scurvy’. and ‘None’. If ever a captain has an undefined value for Sickness, eir Sickness value shall be changed to ‘None’.

2) In the rule “Scurvy” replace the following sentence:

This is to be tracked in the GNDT under Sickness. The eligible values are ‘Scurvy’ and ‘None’.


Eir Sickness value in the GNDT shall be changed to ‘Scurvy’.

3) To encourage closer reading of the Ruleset, add a rule called “Cabin Fever” that says:

If a captain makes a redundant proposal (one that is already covered by the current Ruleset) or asks a redundant question (one that can be answered by direct quotation the current Ruleset) or raises a redundant objection to a proposal (one that ignores the current Ruleset), that Captain’s Sickness value in the GNDT shall be set to ‘Cabin Fever’.

If a Captain believes that eir action was not, in fact, redundant, e may raise a CfJ to revert eir sickness value upon its passage.

4) If proposal “Plugging holes” has passed, remove the sentence “New captains have a sickness of ‘none’.” from the rule “Scurvy” since it will be handled by the “Sickness” rule.

Proposal: The Bucket of Nantucket

Timed out and passed 10-0 - Enacted by Chivalrybean

Adminned at 15 Mar 2008 15:18:39 UTC

There once was a man from Nantucket
Who kept all his cash in a bucket
But his daughter, named Nan,
Ran away with a man
And as for the bucket, he chucked it.

Create a new treasure called The Ice Spar Bucket of Nantucket.  It is worth 61 gold.

Call for Judgment: Invading Shuriken Island

Failed with timeout 6 to 3 - Jack

Adminned at 17 Mar 2008 14:27:42 UTC

Darknight and I recently participated in an insult swordfight.  Jack declared Darknight the winner, and Darknight rolled a 13 per the rule “Insult Swordfighting” (2.13).

However, the rule “Home Land” (2.13) states, “While at port, a Captain can never be pillaged or pillage someone.”  I am currently located at Port; therefore, I cannot be pillaged.

I went ahead and reverted Darknight’s pillaging and stated why I was doing so.  Jack then undid my revertion, so I reverted it back, again stating why I believed it should be reverted.  Jack once again undid my revertion, stating that if I disagreed, I should raise a CfJ.  If you are thoroughly confused now, just read the GNDT log.

If this CfJ passes, subtract 13 from Darknight’s Gold statistic and add 13 to my Gold statistic.

Proposal: Lucky Charms

Because if its problems, in honorably committed suicide. Failed by Chivalrybean

Adminned at 14 Mar 2008 22:28:08 UTC

Amend the text of Rule 2.18 (“Treasure”) to read:

2.18 Treasure
There exists a finite amount of game objects called “Treasure”, which can only be created by a successful Proposal. No Captain may come in possession of Treasure in any way other than those specified by the rules. There shall be a Gamestate document in the Wiki that will track each existing Treasure and it’s owner (if it has one). For a Treasure to exist, it’s Name and Gold Value must be defined by the Proposal that created it. No two Treasures may share the same Name. The Gold Value must be a positive integer. A Treasure may or may not also have a property listed as ‘Enchantment’, which consists of a string of text describing a magical effect bestowed upon the owner of the particular Treasure. Such an effect may be invoked by the owning Captain once per day (unless otherwise stated in the Treasure’s Enchantment description) and may modify any of the invoking Captain’s stats or general game condition by a specified magnitute for a specified amount of time (or until some specified event occurs). When a Captain acquires Treasure, e may keep it for as long as e wishes, or sell it whenever e is at Port. When a Captain sells Treasure, it ceases to exist and that Captain adds it’s Gold Value to er own Gold. A Captain in posession of a Treasure may invoke its magical Enchantment when e so wishes if that Treasure has not been used previously within the specified use-limit period.

Changes in bold.

Proposal: Plugging holes

Reached Quorum and passed 12-0 - Enacted by Chivalrybean

Adminned at 14 Mar 2008 22:24:57 UTC

Add to rule “Home Land”:

New captains start at port.

Add to rule “Scurvy”:

New captains have a sickness of ‘none’.

If any captain has an undefined location or sickness (which is all of us, except the people who’ve gone out to sea in the case of location), set it to the initial value as defined above.

Ruleset draft

Two years ago, some intrepid captains created a Ruleset draft to try and create a possible replacement for the ruleset (be sure to check the discussion page for some insights into the changes they proposed). In an effort not to let this hard work go to waste, I created an updated draft, incorporating many elements from the first one. The formatting could use some work, but all in all it seems functional.

If enough captains see potential in this, we could refine it further, and perhaps ultimately use it to replace the current ruleset.

To that end, I humbly invite everyone to check out the new draft, improve it where necessary, and leave any remarks on the discussion page.

Joining BlogNomic

I would like to be registered in BlogNomic as a Captain. Thank you.

Idle Night Holy Night

Night is idle, quorum drops to 10.

Proposal: Negative Limerick

Made to walk the plank by the author - Failed by Chivalrybean.

Adminned at 14 Mar 2008 22:23:18 UTC

Add a dynastic rule if I may,
Called “Negativity” it say,

If a Captains Gold be
Less than zero, you see,
Then it be set to zero today!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Proposal: Honor and Offer v. 2.0

Time out and failed 5-6 - Failed by Chivalrybean

Adminned at 14 Mar 2008 22:22:30 UTC

If you love tracking the GND
And you can’t stay off the high sea,
You’ll just love my offer
To start tracking honor
as a measure of credibility.

All pirates will cheat til you’re haggard,
And ninja are incessant naggers.
A pirate’s dishonor
or a ninja’s great honor
will boost eir skills with eir daggers.

Write up section 2.17
And call it “Honor” to mean
That a ninja adds
what honor he has
to his army which isn’t too lean.

Pirates see honor adversely.
And theirs will be negative, usually.
But pirates aren’t goners,
they just subtract honor
from the effective size of their armies

If a pirate steals swag
from another captain’s bag
1 honor is lost
for that is the cost
of being a thieving sea hag.

Whenever a ninja defends
And holds up right til the end
1 honor is served
and it is deserved
For ey has thwarted offense. 

It should also be noted,
before a captain’s devoted
to fight like a hero,
eir honor is zero.
That’ll change once the ship has been floated.

Proposal: Clarification please

Timed out - Passed 6-2 - Enacted by Chivalrybean

Adminned at 14 Mar 2008 22:20:08 UTC

Change the text of the rule The Man From Nantucket to the following.

If a Ninja posts a proposal in the form of one or more haikus (and only haikus, including italicized text), and the proposal passes, the Ninja may increase his Gold by 1DICE20.

If a Pirate posts a proposal in the form of one or more limericks(and only limericks, including italicized text), and the proposal passes, the Pirate may increase his Gold by 1DICE20.

Proposal: Battles Too

timed out, final vote 8-0—Yoda

Adminned at 14 Mar 2008 17:14:31 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule named “Battles” with the following text:

As a daily action, a Captain who is at Sea may Attack another Captain who is at Sea, by making a blog post stating the action.  The attack is resolved by making a comment in the GNDT of “DICEX DICEY”, where X is one more than the size of the Attacking Captain’s Army, and Y one more than the size of the Attacked Captain’s Army.  Should the first DICE roll be strictly greater than the second, then the Attack is successful, and the Attacking Captain may plunder 2DICE10 gold from the other Captain, whose Flavour is set to Bitter.  Otherwise the Attacked Captain has fended off the attack, and the Attacking Captain loses half of the first DICE roll, rounded up, from the size of eir Army, and eir Flavour is set to Bitter. No Captain may Attack the same Captain more than once in a week.

Proposal: Impressment

Reaches quorum at 13-0.

Adminned at 14 Mar 2008 05:46:45 UTC

Captains down on luck
with bluster, rum-filled tankards,
Press-gang new sailors.

Add a Bragging Right
placed in appropriate rule;
Name it ‘Impressment’:

Impressment [1st through 3rd]: Captains who have a flavor of ‘Bitter’ may, as a weekly action while at Port, add 1 to their Army Size, if their current Army Size is greater than 1 but less than 5, and if they have at least one Grog or Sake, which is in turn reduced by 1.


Proposal: Proposal: Better Battles Begin

Failed 8 to 2 after time out, yarrr!  - Jack

Adminned at 14 Mar 2008 05:46:19 UTC

Since the rules for battlin’ have yet
To do more than a hole-y fish-net
The way that it goes,
Is I now propose
Add “Sea Battles” to the Ruleset:

If a captain be sailin’ at sea,
Then challenge another may e
(If the other’s at sea
And has less army)
To a “Sea Battle” for great vict’ry.

The outcome of Battle’s decided
By the rolling of two DICE, X-sided
One for each Cap’n
Xs value shall happen
To equal the army each has guided.

The victor is e who rolled higher,
For the loser: a funeral pyre
Since when e’s defeated
Eir army’s depleted
To nine-tenths of what it was prior.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Avast Ye Mateys

‘Tis I, the Pirate Lugosh Sampson. My ship be the Crimson Binome, and my pet be a Monkey.

Could I please get the GNDT password?

Proposal: And you thought it was just a silly non-sequitur…

Passes at 12-0.

Adminned at 13 Mar 2008 14:31:08 UTC

Part 1:
Upon the passage of this Proposal, the Non-Metallic Mineral Resources Page shall be amended by removing all of the content other than what is set forth in the box at the top (which currently begins: “China many non-metallic mineral species, abundant resources…”).  The content that thus remains on the page shall be reorganized into a numbered list so long as the order of the listed items is not changed.

China many non-metallic mineral species, abundant resources, and and widely distributed. Proven reserves are 88 kinds of non-metallic mineral:
1. diamond
2. graphite
3. natural sulfur ...

Part 2:
If there a rule “Treasure”, add the following text to the end of it.

Each Treasure is made of exactly one of the numbered Materials listed on the Non-Metallic Metal Resources Page.  The name of each Treasure shall include its Material (for example, “Jade Monkey”).

Proposal: Trading of Fruit

Times out at 10-0.

Adminned at 13 Mar 2008 14:24:28 UTC

Amend rule ‘Scurvy’ so that it reads:

If a Captain’s Fruit reaches 0, e has contracted Scurvy. This is to be tracked in the GNDT under Sickness. The eligible values are ‘Scurvy’ and ‘None’. A Captain with Scurvy may not Brag or take part in an Insult Swordfight. A Captain with Scurvy shall not Feed.

Add new Dynastic Rule entitled ‘Fruit’ with the following text:

All Captains have a certain amount of Fruit, measured in barrels, initially set to 50 barrels, and is to be tracked in the GNDT. Once every Monday, each Captain must lower er Fruit by n+1, ‘n’ being er Army Size. This action is known as Feeding. If a Captains Fruit reaches 0 Barrels, e shall not Feed until e acquires Fruit again.

A Captain may at any time purchase Fruit from a branch of Fingal’s Fruiterers. Fruit is priced at 10 Gold for a barrel of Fruit. A Captain may only purchase Fruit while e is at Port.

Proposal: Treasure Maps

Passed with quorum 10 to 0, yarrr! - Jack

Adminned at 13 Mar 2008 06:33:36 UTC

Rumors of treasure,
The lust of captains who chase
Sail from Port to Sea.

Create Dynastic
Rule beneath the Treasure Rule.
Call this “Treasure Maps”.

The “Treasure Maps” rule
though not a crass limerick,
or sweet haiku reads:

A Treasure Map may only be created by a successful Proposal, and is tracked in the Gamestate document Wiki page for Treasures, along with the Treasure Map’s owner (if any).

A Treasure Map, in the Proposal that created it, and on the Wiki page, shall list the name of the single Treasure to which it refers, and the alleged Location of that Treasure. Neither the named Treasure nor its alleged Location needs to exist in the Gamestate at the time of the enactment of the Treasure Map’s Proposal. However, no more than one Treasure Map may refer to the same named Treasure.

Sadly, if Treasure
Rule does not exist in play,
Neither shall this rule.

Proposal: Battles

Self-Scuttled - Failed by Chivalrybean

Adminned at 12 Mar 2008 20:11:56 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule “Battles” with the following text:

As a daily action, a Captain who is at Sea may Attack another Captain who is at Sea, by making a blog post stating the action.  The attack is resolved by making a comment in the GNDT of “DICEX DICEY”, where X is one more than the size of the Attacking Captain’s Army, and Y one more than the size of the Attacked Captain’s Army.  Should the first DICE roll be strictly greater than the second, then the Attack is successful, and the Attacking Captain may plunder 2DICE10 gold from the other Captain, whose Flavour is set to Bitter.  Otherwise the Attacked Captain has fended off the attack, and loses half of the first DICE roll, rounded up, from the size of eir Army, and eir Flavour is set to Bitter. No Captain may Attack the same Captain more than once in a week.

Hey Logan

Wanna fight, matey?

(I, Purplebeard, being of sound mind, do hereby challenge the captain named Logan to a swordfight.)

Proposal: Fruit Trading

Hari Kari’d - Failed by Chivalrybean

Adminned at 12 Mar 2008 20:07:40 UTC

Amend rule ‘Scurvy’ so that it reads:

If a Captain’s Fruit reaches 0, e has contracted Scurvy. This is to be tracked in the GNDT under Sickness. The eligible values are ‘Scurvy’ and ‘None’. A Captain with Scurvy may not Brag or take part in an Insult Swordfight.

Add new Dynastic Rule entitled ‘Fruit’ with the following text:

All Captains have a certain amount of Fruit, measured in barrels, initially set to 50 barrels, and is to be tracked in the GNDT. Once every Monday, each Captain must lower er Fruit by n+1, ‘n’ being er Army Size. This action is known as Feeding.

A Captain may at any time purchase Fruit from a branch of Fingal’s Fruiterers. Fruit is priced at 10 Gold for a barrel of Fruit. A Captain may only purchase Fruit while e is at Port.

Call for Judgment: Mutiny

timed out, final vote 0-1-8—Yoda

Adminned at 15 Mar 2008 10:58:32 UTC

09/03 22:07 (UTC) - Purplebeard
  Jack’s Gold = 65 (was 83)
(I don’t believe your proposal qualifies as a limerick. CfJ if you disagree.)

1) I have changed it back.  If Purplebeard disagrees with THAT change, he can raise a CfJ.
2) This CfJ is to reinforce my interpretation that Bort is a limerick.  If this does not pass, I will change it back.

Proposal: She offered her honor. I honored her offer. All night long it was off ‘er and on ‘er.

Changed after comments.  Die, yarrr!  - Jack

Adminned at 12 Mar 2008 16:34:48 UTC

If you love tracking the GND
And you can’t stay off the high sea,
You’ll just love my offer
To start tracking honor
as a measure of credibility.

All pirates will cheat til you’re haggard,
And ninja are incessant naggers.
A pirate’s dishonor
or a ninja’s great honor
will boost eir skills with eir daggers.

Write up section 2.17
And call it “Honor” to mean
That a ninja adds
what honor he has
to his army which isn’t too lean.

Pirates see honor adversely.
And theirs will be negative, usually.
But pirates aren’t goners,
they just subtract honor
from the effective size of their armies

Each time a pirate steals swag
from a cap’n's bag
1 honor is lost
for that is the cost
of being a thieving seabag.

Whenever a ninja defends
And holds up right til the end
1 honor is served
and it is deserved
For ey has thwarted offense.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Proposal: Fresh milk calls him home

Timed out and passed 8-0 Enacted by Chivalrybean

Adminned at 12 Mar 2008 20:05:19 UTC

Fresh milk calls him home
Please add to dynastic rule
“The Man of the Hour”

The Man of the Hour
in the G N D T he
shall be set at “sea”

and only be set
at “port” at the same time when
cows are being milked

then in twenty-four
hours since coming in to port
he goes back to sea.

An insult echoes from the shadows

Tekneek, your foul smelling kind make me puke, you vacuous, malodorous, heap of parrot droppings.Stay your sword, or in your grog-fevered stupor, you may cut yourself.

(and thusly you are challenged to a insult duel)

Proposal: Grog and Sake, take two

reached a quorum, final vote 11-0—Yoda

Adminned at 12 Mar 2008 11:06:17 UTC

Enact a new rule titled “Grog eats metal cups and sake for the sake of it.” with the following text:

Once while docked in port
sake a ninja may buy
pirates can buy grog

Five shall be the most
That a ships hold can contain
never less than none

The G N D T
Shall track the sake and grog
That each captain holds

Both grog and sake
Shall cost two gold coins apiece,
Buying captain pays

Now they have a cost.

Proposal: New Adventures of Bort

reached a quorum, final vote 12-0—Yoda

Adminned at 12 Mar 2008 10:55:07 UTC

In his travels, our pirate named Bort
In a bar was attacked with a sword
His defense was impressive
And a lady, expressive,
Said, “What creative use of a wart.”

Not to be annoying, but I still think it’s relevant.

In the Rule Army, replace

A Captain may only change size of eir army if e is currently located at Port.


A Captain may only change the size of eir army, by the mechanics of this rule, if e is currently located at Port.

Incidentally, I’m aware that since only the flavour in the beginning is in limerick form, this does not qualify under rule 2.10, but I just like Bort.

New Pirate

New pirate in town. Yar.  I guess I have a pet which is a penguin who frequently helps me navigate Linux.  Yo ho ho.

Proposal: I Want Pandas

timed out, final vote 6-2—Yoda

Adminned at 12 Mar 2008 10:50:49 UTC

If proposal “Native Pets” passes, add a subrule to “Pet” titled “Changing Your Pet” with the following text:

If, at the time the proposal “Native Pets” passed, a Captain satisfies any of the following requirements, e may change his Pet statistic once and only once:

* e is a Ninja with a Parrot as a pet, or
* e is a Ninja who wishes to change his Pet to Panda.

Pirates are unaffected because Parrots were already offered as pets.

Proposal: Grog eats metal cups and sake for the sake of it.


Adminned at 11 Mar 2008 15:59:02 UTC

Enact a new rule titled “Grog eats metal cups and sake for the sake of it.” with the following text:

Once while docked in port
sake a ninja may buy
pirates can buy grog

Five shall be the most
That a ships hold can contain
never less than none

The G N D T
Shall track the sake and grog
That each captain has on board

I finally got a proposal for this dynasty

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Proposal: And it is awesome

reached a quorum and timed out, final vote 10-0—Yoda

Adminned at 11 Mar 2008 15:50:50 UTC

Create a new rule named “Treasure” with this text:

There exists a finite amount of game objects called “Treasure”, which can only be created by a successful Proposal.
No Captain may come in possession of Treasure in any way other than those specified by the rules.
There shall be a Gamestate document in the Wiki that will track each existing Treasure and it’s owner (if it has one).
For a Treasure to exist, it’s Name and Gold Value must be defined by the Proposal that created it.
No two Treasures may share the same Name. The Gold Value must be a positive integer.
When a Captain acquires Treasure, e may keep it for as long as e wishes, or sell it whenever e is at Port.
When a Captain sells Treasure, it ceases to exist and that Captain adds it’s Gold Value to er own Gold.


Call for Judgment: You must gather your party before venturing forth

Passed with quorum, but no effect.  - Jack

Adminned at 12 Mar 2008 17:12:24 UTC

Several captains disagreed whether or not Proposal: This is really hard would actually work as written, since it doesn’t amend the ruleset in any way. Partly because of this discussion, Jack did not actually create the NPC while enacting the proposal.

I feel it’s important to set a precedent for this sort of thing, and since I also don’t agree with the other factor in Jack’s reasoning “Since ‘The Man of the Hour’ is likely to be passed anyway, I won’t bother doing anything with this”, I decided to post this Call for Judgment.

As non-captain Josh noted in the comments of the proposal in question, ‘rule 1.3 says quite explicitly that “Any Captain may submit a Proposal to change the Ruleset or Gamestate”’ (his emphasis). My proposal was therefore completely functional, seeing that it proposes to alter the GNDT (which is part of the gamestate).

If this Call for Judgment passes, create the NPC described in the aforementioned proposal.

Proposal: Vitamin C Deficiencyche

Passed 11 to 0, yarrr!  - Jack
(I cheated a bit and equated None to - in the GNDT.  Any admin can feel free to change it… and then apply it to everyone =p)

Adminned at 11 Mar 2008 06:06:21 UTC

Add the following text to the rule Scurvy:

If a Captain’s Fruit reaches 0, e has contracted Scurvy. This is to be tracked in the GNDT under Sickness. The eligible values are ‘Scurvy’ and ‘None’. A Captain with Scurvy may not Brag.

My name is Guybrush Threepwood, mighty pirate!

I challenge Oze to an insult swordfight!

Let’s get it on

I challenge Darknight to an insult swordfight.

Proposal: Fairer fightingPa

Passed 11 to 0, yarrr!  - Jack

Adminned at 11 Mar 2008 06:01:52 UTC

If the Proposal titled “Fair fighting” failed, this Proposal does nothing.

Add the following to the end of the rule titled Insult Swordfighting:

If an admin is fighting the Dread Pirate, that admin may not declare the winner of that battle.

Proposal: Fair fighting

Passed 12 to 0, yarrr!  - Jack

Adminned at 11 Mar 2008 06:00:00 UTC

If the Proposal titled “How appropriate.  You fight like a cow.” failed, this Proposal does nothing.

Add the following text to the end of the rule titled Insult Swordfighting:

If the Dread Pirate is swordfighting, any admin, other than the Dread Pirate, may declare the winner.

Can’t have the Dread Pirate declaring himself the winner all the time.

Proposal: Lady Luck

Passed 10 to 0.  Yarrr!  - Jack

Adminned at 11 Mar 2008 05:50:36 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Lady Luck” with the following text:

As a weekly action, the Dread Pirate may make a comment in the GNDT “DICE2 DICEX DICE100”, where X is the number of different pets.  With the result of the comment, the Dread Pirate will add to all Captains that has role Pirate (if the result of the first DICE is 1) or Ninja (if the result of the first DICE is 2), and has a Pet that is the xth in the list of pets in the rule “Pet”, where x is the result of the second DICE, n Gold where n is the result of the third DICE.

Making this into a limerick is hard!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Proposal: You sunk it, you pay it

reached a quorum, final vote 10-0—Yoda

Adminned at 10 Mar 2008 16:35:18 UTC

Add the following text at the end of rule Ships:

If for any reason, a Captain looses er Ship, the value for that attribute shall be set to “-”. That Captains Location attribute shall be set to Port, er Flavor shall set to “Sour” and er Army shall be set to 0. Then, as long as er Ship value remains as “-”, as a weekly action, that Captain may pay 100 gold to purchase a new Ship and record its new name in er Ship attribute. The new Ship’s name may not be the same as any other Ship that Captain had before.

Proposal: The Man of the Hour makes his appearance

reached a quorum, final vote 11-0—Yoda
We will need another proposal if we want this NPC to be out in the open sea.

Adminned at 10 Mar 2008 16:14:43 UTC

PB’s Man of the Hour
Arrives as sour as ever
On his lone ship.

Add a new dynastic rule titled “The Man of the Hour” with the following text:

There exists an entity called “The Man of the Hour”, separate from all Captains and not controlled by any Captain, who has his own row in the GNDT.  His ship’s name is “The Poisonous Flower” and his flavor is “Sour”.

Set all statistics, other than Ship and Flavor, of The Man of the Hour to the values given to new Captains.

Proposal: Credit only where due


Adminned at 10 Mar 2008 16:31:22 UTC

The second line of 2.5 Sailing currently reads :

Whenever a Proposal is enacted, a Captain may change eir Rank to the next or previous value in the sequence as e prefers, but only within the next 24 hours after the proposal becomes enacted. (The sequence does not loop over itself, so for example, a ‘7th’ rank can only move to ‘6th’ rank, not back to ‘1st’). This action is called “Bragging”.

Which I believe could be interpreted as “when a proposal is enacted, any Captain may…”

I propose that it be changed to read :

Whenever a Proposal is enacted, the Captain who made said proposal may change eir Rank to the next or previous value in the sequence as e prefers, but only within the next 24 hours after the proposal becomes enacted. (The sequence does not loop over itself, so for example, a ‘7th’ rank can only move to ‘6th’ rank, not back to ‘1st’). This action is called “Bragging”.

Proposal: Native Pets

reached a quorum, final vote 12-1—Yoda

Adminned at 10 Mar 2008 16:04:45 UTC

Rewrite the rule “Pet” so that it now reads,

Every Captain shall have a Pet, which shall be one of {Penguin, Monkey, Parrot, Cow, Panda}, and only a pirate may have a parrot, and only ninja may have panda.  This pet shall be set once only, must be set before any change in eir ”Army Size”, and shall be tracked in the GNDT under ”Pet”.


Proposal: Gotta lay off the grog abit more


Adminned at 10 Mar 2008 15:42:17 UTC

Add the following line to the end of the rule called “Army”,

A Captain may only increase or decrease the size of his army while is at port.

Since I was pointed at a slight mistake in rule names lol.

Proposal: Contrasting flavors

timed out, final vote 6-4—Yoda
Spike gets to roll a DICE20 for making this proposal into a limerick.

Adminned at 10 Mar 2008 15:41:26 UTC

“How appropriate, you fight like ... cow”
Could pass, if it does, well then now,
Its rule is amended:
Add the text that’s appended.
An admin will do that somehow.

All captains who share the same flavor
hold each other in very good favor
And won’t sword-fight each other
Rather, only another
Captain with a different flavor.

I’m so sorry for the abusing
Of the limerick form that I’m using
To use the same word
Might seem quite absurd.
Too bad.  It’s the one that I’m choosing.



Proposal: Bort - Beginning of an Epic

self-killed, final vote 5-2—Yoda

Adminned at 10 Mar 2008 08:06:43 UTC

Bort often would act too unseemly
And a decks-hand, looking quite dreamy,
Propositioned by Bort,
He said, “Oh my Lord,
Is that your wart, or are you happy to see me?”

If the proposal Bort is passed, this proposal does nothing. Otherwise, add the following to the end of the rule “Army”:

A Captain may only change size of eir army, by the mechanics of this rule, if e is currently located at Port.

It seems to me that the Bort proposal needs a slight correction, as I mentioned in the comments. So, how about this? For the time being, the result will be the same, but should we institute new ways of changing army size, we won’t have to change this rule also.

Most honorable Proposal: Fist of Panda Proclamation

Most honorable
suggestion, only ninjas
can have pet panda?

And in fairness then
only pirates could have parrot
that would mean great joy.

I propose that
2.9 Pet
shall then be changed to read:

Every Captain shall have a Pet, which shall be one of {Penguin, Monkey, Parrot, Cow, Panda}, and only a pirate may have a parrot, and only ninja may have panda.  This pet shall be set once only, must be set before any change in eir ”Army Size”, and shall be tracked in the GNDT under ”Pet”.

Proposal: Haiku me a Brag

Passed 10 to 0 - Jack

Adminned at 09 Mar 2008 13:18:39 UTC

Add this bit of text
to rule number Two dot Five
before Bragging Right

Only while being at Sea
can a Captain have er Rank
increase by Bragging


Proposal: Bort

Passed 10 to 2 - Jack

Adminned at 11 Mar 2008 06:23:07 UTC

Once upon a time there was a Captain called Bort,
Whose most noticable feature was a massive wart,
You could’ve called him quite barmy

Add the following to the end of the rule “Army”.

A Captain may only change size of eir army if e is currently located at Port.

I’ll be back in a week

But for now, I might as well go idle as I won’t be on.

Proposal: How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

Passed 10 to 1.  Yarr!  - Jack

Adminned at 09 Mar 2008 09:33:18 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule, “Insult swordfighting”:

Any captain may challenge another captain to a swordfight, provided both captains aren’t currently in a swordfight already, by making a post to that effect.

If the challenged captain accepts within 48 hours by making a comment to that effect to the aforementioned post, the swordfight officially starts. Both captains may then insult one another in their comments to the post, and respond to the other’s insults.

After a suitable amount of time has passed, the dread pirate may end the swordfight and declare a winner. The captain he decrees has displayed more wit is declared the winner of the swordfight, and immediately takes 2DICE10 of the other captain’s gold (or all their gold if they had less). The flavour of the loser (the other captain) is then set to ‘bitter’.

Announcing my arrival

Hi, I’m new to nomics, and think this looks fun and would like to give it a try. :)

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Proposal: Make it a rule this time

Passed 11 to 0.  And since the actual proposal is NOT in the form of a haiku, Yoda does not get to roll 1DICE20.  - Jack

Adminned at 09 Mar 2008 07:09:22 UTC

Add a dynastic rule titled “Ninjitsu” with the following text:

In the spirit of honor, all Ninjas are encouraged to:

* Avoid the words ‘Yarr’, ‘Matey’ and their kin as often as possible
* Discourage the looting and plundering of others
* Discourage the keelhauling or walking of the plank of any person
* Note that sepukku is an honorable path among Ninja’s
* Drink lots and lots of sake

The Ninja’s Code of Honor
Is the Guiding Light for all Captains,
But works best for Ninjas.

New Captain Reporting

I’ve been here before a long time ago and felt like playing again. Greetings to all.

Proposal: This is really hard.

Passed 10 to 2.  Since ‘The Man of the Hour’ is likely to be passed anyway, I won’t bother doing anything with this, since it is arguable whether or not it should be changed.  If anyone wants to bring up a CfJ, go ahead.  Yarrr!  - Jack

Adminned at 09 Mar 2008 07:06:02 UTC

I savour the smell of the sea,
but dull and too quiet she be.
So here is my tip:
an NPC ship,
which is tracked in the GNDT.

Its name is “The poisonous Flower”,
Its captain “The Man of the Hour”.
For voting ingore him,
(he won’t count for quorum).
His flavor is equal to sour.

Proposal: Scurvy is Merciless!

Passed 10 to 0 - Jack

Adminned at 09 Mar 2008 06:53:49 UTC

Add a new Dynastic Rule entitled “Scurvy” with the following text

All Captains have a certain amount of Fruit, measured in barrels, initially set to 50 barrels, and is to be tracked in the GNDT

Proposal: Monkey overboard

Seppukued!  - Jack

Adminned at 08 Mar 2008 06:30:08 UTC

If the Rule “Home Land and Ports” does not pass, this Proposal does nothing.

Change the line in the rule “Army of Monkeys” that reads,

A Captain may only change size of eir army if e is currently located at Port.

so that it reads the following instead.

A Captain may only increase the size of eir army if e is currently located at Port. E may decrease his army both at Port and at Sea.

Thanks Bucky for wanting to be able to toss monkeys over the rail lol.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Because I can

I milk the cows.

Proposal: Home Lands and PortsHow

Passed 11 to 0 - Jack
However, since there is no rule, “Army of Monkeys”, the sentence won’t be added.

Adminned at 08 Mar 2008 06:28:50 UTC

Create a new rule call “Home Land” with the following text.

There exists two islands that all Captains may call home. Shuriken Island is home Ninja Captains while Cutlass Island is home to Pirate Captains. A Captain may port at his home island or head out to sea as a daily action, to be tracked on the GNDT in a section called “Location” with Port and Sea as settings to indicate where he is currently. While at port, a Captain can never be pillaged or pillage someone.

Add the following to the end of the rule “Army of Monkeys”.

A Captain may only change size of eir army if e is currently located at Port.

Credit to Oze for the isle idea. I liked it so I wanted to help ya with it since ya got nicked by the 2 pending rule

Proposal: Silly Isles

already has 2 pending proposals—Yoda

Adminned at 06 Mar 2008 14:00:24 UTC

Add new Dynastic Rule entitled “Islands” with the following text:

Two Islands exist, Star Island and Cutlass Island

Proposal: Choppy Sea

Seppukkued!  - Jack

Adminned at 08 Mar 2008 06:26:27 UTC

Add a new Dynastic Rule, entitled ‘Sea Conditions’ with the following text:

On Mondays and Tuesdays, the sea is Slighty Choppy. On Wednesdays and Fridays, the sea is Rough. On all other days, the sea is Calm.

Proposal: Upside-Down

already has 2 pending proposals—Yoda

Adminned at 06 Mar 2008 14:01:28 UTC

Add sub-rule to the rule “Sailing”:

Upside-Down [1st and 7th]: If any other rule is based on order of all Ranks and applies (in specific moment) only to Captains (two or more) of 1st and 7th Ranks (e.g. in battle between them), for that moment and for needs of that other rule these Ranks will be swapped (1st acts as 7th and 7th acts as 1st). If that other rule is based on only one of affected Captains’ Rank, no Ranks will be swapped. This rule of Rank-swapping applies only to situations of rivalry (e.g. selecting a winner or determining profits each Captain would gained) and not cooperation (e.g. sum of Ranks to achieve a goal).

This rule does not affect any existing rule, it’s for future.
I don’t know how to put it as simple as the idea is itself.

Proposal: I really wanted to brag about this one.

Passed 6 to 3 - Jack

Adminned at 08 Mar 2008 06:24:27 UTC

If the Proposal “Brag On Your Achievements, Not Someone Else’s” fails, amend Rule Sailing so that where it reads:

Whenever a Proposal is enacted, a Captain may change eir Rank

It instead reads:

Whenever a Proposal is enacted, the Captain who Proposed it and any Captain who Voted FOR on that Proposal may change eir Rank


Change the scheme please?

Jack—can you please change the color scheme as well? Its nice for each dynasty to have its own look. So unless you just really like this color scheme… it would be nice to see a different collection of colors for a change = P


Thursday, March 06, 2008

Proposal: Bragging it Right


Adminned at 08 Mar 2008 03:29:43 UTC

Repeal all sub-rules in the Bragging Rights section.
Add the following sub-rule to the Bragging Rights section:

One Two Five [2nd]: If a Captain where to set er Rank to 3rd, e sets er Rank to 5th instead.
Top Dog [6th and 7th]: If a Captain where to become Rank 7th, e must set each other Captain’s Rank to 6th at the same time.

Remember: These rules only affect Captains of the Ranks specified by them and no one else.




Proposal: If you can’t beat ‘em…

Times out at 8-3.

Adminned at 08 Mar 2008 03:27:17 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule entitled: “Spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam”, as follows:

The wiki pages “About Hammer crushers” (which may be referred to as the “Hammer Crushers Page”) and “About non-metallic mineral resources in China” (which may be referred to as the “Non-Metallic Mineral Resources Page”) are gamestate documents and may only be revised as permitted by the Ruleset.

Logo for current dynasty

AFAIK logo at the top of this page is specific for each dynasty.
If so, I would propose these:
Logo +skull
Logo -skull

Proposal: Why can’t I have lice?

timed out, final vote 5-7—Yoda

Adminned at 07 Mar 2008 18:14:58 UTC

Reword the Rule entitled ‘Pet’ so that it reads

Every Captain shall have a Pet, which shall be a type of animal.  It shall be set once only, must be set before any change in eir ”Army Size”, and shall be tracked in the GNDT under ”Pet”.

Proposal: Brag On Your Achievements, Not Someone Else’s


Adminned at 07 Mar 2008 14:20:22 UTC

Change “a Captain may change” in the rule “Sailing” to “the Captain who proposed it may change”

Proposal: The Ninja’s answer to piracy

Passes at 12-0.

Adminned at 07 Mar 2008 14:19:43 UTC

In the spirit of honor, all Ninjas are encouraged to:

* Avoid the words ‘Yarr’, ‘Matey’ and their kin as often as possible
* Discourage the looting and plundering of others
* Discourage the keelhauling or walking of the plank of any person
* Note that sepukku is an honorable path among Ninja’s
* Drink lots and lots of sake

Proposal: Monkeys are still not Unionized

Easily passes at 12-0.

Adminned at 07 Mar 2008 14:17:23 UTC

Ammend rule “Army of Monkeys” (or “Army”) so that the text:

Every Sunday at 0:00 AM, captains must pay their army by paying n squared gold where n is the size of their army. If a captain does not have enough gold to pay off their army, their army size is reduced by one until they have enough gold to pay off their army.

Is changed to:

As a weekly action, Captains may pay n squared gold where n is their Army Size. Every Sunday at 0:00 AM, each Captain who has failed to complete this action during the previous week gets er army size reduced by DICEX where X is er current Army Size at that time. If this happens, that Captain’s Flavor is set to “Bitter”.

And the sentence that reads:

At any time, a captain may reduce the size of their army by any amount, provided it does not go below zero nor become a non-integer value.

Is changed to:

At any time, a captain may reduce the size of their army by one, by paying 2n - 1 gold as a severance, where n is the current size of their army, provided it does not go below zero.

Once again arthexis proposal but with n^2 payment. I’ve made another change as there should be a way to reduce an army, but if someone has not enough gold it won’t help anyway.
Credit goes mostly to arthexis

Proposal: Army fix

Times out at 7-5.

Adminned at 07 Mar 2008 14:14:50 UTC

Replace the title of the rule entitled ’Army of Monkeys‘ with ‘Army’

Wasn’t in original rule change

Proposal: Scurvy Prevention Measures

Failed 5 to 6 - Jack

Adminned at 07 Mar 2008 13:07:31 UTC

Add a new Dynastic Rule entitled “Oranges” with the following text

All Captains have a certain amount of oranges, measured in barrels, initially set to 50 barrels, and is to be tracked in the GNDT

Proposal: Pirates has no Honor

Proposal failed 9 to 1 - Jack

Adminned at 06 Mar 2008 04:51:47 UTC

Pirates, don’t get mad at me for the title of this proposal: both you and I know ‘tis true.
That aside… add a rule titled “Honor” that reads:

Whenever a Ninja self-kills a proposal, that act shall be known as “Seppuku” or “Ceremonial Suicide” for English speakers. When a Ninja commits seppuku, all Captains who voted on that proposal become “Splattered with Blood” and will continue to be in that state until they “Wipe eir face” as defined by the rules.

A Captain may “Wipe eir face” at any time e makes a proposal and the word “wipe” appears in it’s rule’s text.


Hi all

I’ve just registered and I want to join the game.
I hope that it’s as interesting as it sounds.
Wiki account creation is restricted so please make one for me.

Proposal: Rum and sake

Proposal committed harikiri - Jack

Adminned at 06 Mar 2008 04:47:56 UTC

If the proposal “social experiment” passes, add the following text to the rule “Horses”:

Every time a cow is milked, it produces DICE4 gallons of Rum (if Captain is a Pirate) or Sake (if Captain is a Ninja). This number is to be tracked in the GNDT under “Rum/Sake”.

And add the following rule “Mutiny”:

At any time, a Captain may send N gallons of Rum/Sake to another Captain, where N does not exceed eir current supply of Rum/Sake and N < (size of other Captain's army - 1). DiceN are rolled which determines the number of the other Captain's army that mutinees. Those that mutiny still must be paid for, but cannot leave the army and cannot be used for offensive or defensive purposes.

Admin question - GNDT password?

I don’t seem to know my GNDT password. Can somebody help me with this?

Proposal: Looting

Failed 2 to 9 - Jack

Adminned at 06 Mar 2008 04:46:23 UTC

Add a new rule to the dynasty rules entitled “Looting”, with the following text:

As a weekly action, a Captain who possesses a ship may attack another Captain who has a ship.  The strength of each Captain’s ship is equal to DICEX, where X is the size of that captain’s army.  A ship’s strength is determined at the beginning of every attack as well as every time it comes under attack.
The captain who has the highest strength is declared the winner of the attack (even if that captain is not the attacker).  The winner of the attack may take from the loser an amount of gold up to 100 times his rank (i.e. a rank 3 Captain can plunder up to $300) by rolling DICEY where Y is the total amount of gold the losing captain currently has according to his GNDT statistic.
A Captain who attacks a ship with an army size of ‘0’ automatically wins the attack, but can only take half of DICEY as his winnings.

I was originally thinking of just having the attack fail if the rolled strength wasn’t high enough, but then I decided it added more strategy if the defending Captain could attack back.

Proposal: Snow on cherry blossoms

reached a quorum, final vote 12-1—Yoda
Note: the Captain who proposed this does not get to roll 1DICE20 per the first entry in the glossary.

Adminned at 05 Mar 2008 20:05:30 UTC

Ninjas are so sweet.
They use haiku when they talk.
Then they go kill stuff.

Add a dynastic rule called “The Man from Nantucket”, reading as follows:

If a Ninja posts a proposal in the form of one or more haikus, and the proposal passes, the Ninja may increase his Gold by 1DICE20.

If a Pirate posts a proposal in the form of one or more limerickks, and the proposal passes, the Pirate may increase his Gold by 1DICE20.

whoops, delete me

Oops, I messed this up.
Goofed and made a double post.
I shall over-write.

Proposal: Something to Brag about

reached a quorum, final vote 9-2—Yoda

Adminned at 05 Mar 2008 20:01:31 UTC

Add this at the end of rule “Sailing”:

There exists a section of sub-rules within this rule, called “Bragging Rights”. Each Rule within that section will apply only to Captains who’s rank is one specified in that rule, and will apply to no one else. No sub-rule may be created in this section that affects more than three ranks at once. Each rule will be noted down in this fashion, replacing words within parenthesis with the appropriate value:

(Rule Name) [(Ranks)]:  (Rule Text)

All such rules will be noted below, within this rule.

Create this new sub-rules in the Bragging Rights section:

Plunderin’ [3rd through 6th]: Pirates may, as a weekly action, add three times DICE10 to their Gold.

Lethal Skillz [3rd through 6th]: Ninjas may, as a weekly action, reduce a single Pirates Army Size of their choice by DICE4.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Proposal: Monkeys are not Unionized

Arthexis’ proposal committed harikiri - Jack

Adminned at 05 Mar 2008 12:14:46 UTC

Ammend rule “Army of Monkeys” so that the text:

Every Sunday at 0:00 AM, captains must pay their army by paying n squared gold where n is the size of their army. If a captain does not have enough gold to pay off their army, their army size is reduced by one until they have enough gold to pay off their army.

Is changed to:

As a weekly action, Captains may pay 2n+1 gold where n is their Army Size. Every Sunday at 0:00 AM, each Captain who has failed to complete this action during the previous week gets er army size reduced by DICEX where X is er current Army Size at that time. If this happens, that Captain’s Flavor is set to “Bitter”.

And to remove the sentence that reads:

At any time, a captain may reduce the size of their army by any amount, provided it does not go below zero nor become a non-integer value.

Reasoning:This compliments the new proposed changes for Pets. The first change makes the rule more fun, because random = funny. The second one is even more important, because otherwise a Captain would skip payment and stop a revolt within his army that way. By wording it like this, having an balanced army size becomes more strategic.

Proposal: I Want Penguinsa

Passed with quorum at 11 to 1.  Yay, penguins!  - Jack

Adminned at 05 Mar 2008 12:12:29 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule entitled ‘Pets’ with the following text:

Every Captain shall have a Pet, which shall be one of {Penguin, Monkey, Parrot, Cow}, shall be set once only, must be set before any change in eir “Army Size”, and shall be tracked in the GNDT under “Pet

Replace the sentence in the rule entitled ‘Army of Monkeys’,

Each captain has an army of monkeys to assist them, the size of which is tracked in a GNDT called “Army Size”.


Each Captain has an army of the same type of eir Pet to assist them, the size of which is tracked in a GNDT called “Army Size”.

Replace the sentence in the rule entitled ‘Army of Monkeys’,

At any time, a captain may increase the size of their monkey army by one, by paying 2n + 1 gold where n is the current size of their army.


At any time, a captain may increase the size of their army by one, by paying 2n + 1 gold where n is the current size of their army.

Proposal: In good taste

Passed with quorum at 11 to 1 - Jack

Adminned at 05 Mar 2008 12:10:19 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule, entitled “Flavor”, reading as follows.

All Captains have exactly one Flavor (which is tracked in the GNDT and which may be referred to as a “Flavour” by Captains of the British persuasion).  The eligible Flavors are Sweet, Salty, Sour and Bitter.  All Captains who are Pirates have an initial Flavor of “Salty”, for obvious reasons.  All Captains who are Ninjas have an inital Flavor of “Sweet” because Ninjas are totally sweet (

Sorry guys

Hey guys, sorry about leaving like that. They installed a new blocker at school, from where I usually post, so I couldn’t get on that way, and the wireless network just went down, meaning that I have very little time on the internet. I’m not unidling, I’ll do that when the network is back up and I’m caught up with my work at home and on the internet. I just wanted to apologize, and I hope to come back soon!

Proposal: Fix

Passed with quorum at 10 to 0 - Jack

Adminned at 05 Mar 2008 12:06:55 UTC

If the text

All Captains have a Role, which is either Pirate or Ninja, to be chosen by em and to be tracked in the GNDT, may not change eir Role once it is chosen, and may only vote or set eir Role until eir Role is chosen.

appears in the ruleset. Replace it with the following text:

All Captains have a Role, which is either Pirate or Ninja, to be chosen by em and to be tracked in the GNDT, may not change eir Role once it is chosen. A captain may not take any other action outlined in section two of the ruleset until e has chosen a role.

Proposal: Third time’s a charm

Yoda’s proposal committed harikiri - Jack

Adminned at 05 Mar 2008 12:05:48 UTC

If proposal false start fails, add a dynastic rule ‘Pirate or Ninja’ with the following text:

All Captains have a Role, which is either Pirate or Ninja, to be chosen by em and to be tracked in the GNDT, may not change eir Role once it is chosen, and may take no other actions outlined in Section Two of the ruleset if eir Role is not set.

Add a dynastic rule ‘Ships’ with the following text:

All Captains have a Ship, which has a name, that may not be the same as any other Ship’s name, and is to be tracked in the GNDT.

Add a dynastic rule ‘Gold’ with the following text:

All Captains have a certain amount of Gold, measured in coins, initially set to 100 coins, and is to be tracked in the GNDT.

Proposal: Social experiment

Passed with quorum at 12 to 0 - Jack

Adminned at 05 Mar 2008 12:04:36 UTC

Create a new rule, entitled “Horses”:

Milking cows is a weekly action.

Proposal: Nostalgia

Yarr, this proposal be enacted, matey, reaching quorum at 9 to 2 - Jack

Adminned at 05 Mar 2008 12:01:55 UTC

Create a new rule, entitled “Yo-ho-ho”:

In the spirit of piracy, all Pirates are encouraged to:

1. Use the words ‘Yarr’, ‘Matey’ and their kin as often as possible
2. Promote the looting and plundering of non-Pirates
3. Demand the keelhauling or walking of the plank of any person for any infraction
4. Note that mutiny is a fact of life aboard pirate vessels.
5. Drink lots and lots of rum

Credit goes to Excalabur

Proposal: Sailing the seven seas

Passed with quorum 9-0 - Jack

Adminned at 04 Mar 2008 22:53:02 UTC

Add a dynastic rule “Sailing” with the following text:

All Captains have a ‘Rank’ whose value matches one element of the sequence ‘1st’, ‘2nd’, ‘3rd’, ‘4th’, ‘5th’, ‘6th’ and ‘7th’ and it shall be tracked in the GNDT. A Captain must set eir Rank to ‘1st’ if it is not set to a valid value at any time.

Whenever a Proposal is enacted, a Captain may change eir Rank to the next or previous value in the sequence as e prefers, but only within the next 24 hours after the proposal becomes enacted. (The sequence does not loop over itself, so for example, a ‘7th’ rank can only move to ‘6th’ rank, not back to ‘1st’). This action is called “Bragging”.



Proposal: Every captain needs a pet

Passed with quorum 9 to 1 - Jack

Adminned at 04 Mar 2008 21:20:25 UTC

The the proposal titled “Proposal: False Start” fails, this rule does nothing.

Add a new rule to the rule set. Call it “Army of Monkeys”. Give it the following text:

Each captain has an army of monkeys to assist them, the size of which is tracked in a GNDT called “Army Size”.

All captains start with an army size of zero.

At any time, a captain may increase the size of their monkey army by one, by paying 2n + 1 gold where n is the current size of their army.
At any time, a captain may reduce the size of their army by any amount, provided it does not go below zero nor become a non-integer value.

Every Sunday at 0:00 AM, captains must pay their army by paying n squared gold where n is the size of their army. If a captain does not have enough gold to pay off their army, their army size is reduced by one until they have enough gold to pay off their army.

Call for Judgment: The Incredible Disappearing Ruleset

Reaches quorum at 10-0. Doesn’t do anything, though.

Adminned at 04 Mar 2008 12:30:35 UTC

If this CFJ passes:
- Retroactively interpret the directive “Repeal all rules…” in Jack’s AA to read: “Repeal all dynastic rules…”

Proposal: False Start

Passed, reaching quorum 12-0 - Enacted by Chivalrybean

Adminned at 04 Mar 2008 21:10:47 UTC

Add a dynastic rule ‘Pirate or Ninja’ with the following text:

All Captains have a Role, which is either Pirate or Ninja, to be chosen by em and to be tracked in the GNDT, may not change eir Role once it is chosen, and may only vote or set eir Role until eir Role is chosen.

Add a dynastic rule ‘Ships’ with the following text:

All Captains have a Ship, which has a name, that may not be the same as any other Ship’s name, and is to be tracked in the GNDT.

Add a dynastic rule ‘Gold’ with the following text:

All Captains have a certain amount of Gold, measured in coins, initially set to 100 coins, and is to be tracked in the GNDT.

Let’s see if this works…

Ooh boy, another pirate dynasty.

I haven’t had a chance to be a captain since the lice… er… incident.  Unidle me, please.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Pretty Pictures

Assuming the proposal below passes, I have started a wiki page to keep pictures of our Pirates/Ninjas and the names of our ships, for future reference.

Gallery of Captains

Admin-type Question

So, how do we change the layout of this blog, to update it to the current Dynasty?

Proposal: All Stories Start With A Beginning

Made this proposal walk the plank - Jack

Adminned at 04 Mar 2008 06:16:58 UTC

Add a dynastic rule ‘Pirate or Ninja’ with the following text:

All Captains have a Role, which is either Pirate or Ninja, to be chosen by em and to be tracked in the GNDT, may not change eir Role once it is chosen, and may not preform any action until ey have chosen eir Role.

Add a dynastic rule ‘Ships’ with the following text:

All Captains have a Ship, which has a name, that may not be the same as any other Ship’s name, and is to be tracked in the GNDT.

Add a dynastic rule ‘Gold’ with the following text:

All Captains have a certain amount of Gold, measured in coins, initially set to 100 coins, and is to be tracked in the GNDT.

Let us work from here…

Ascension Address: The Ascension of Jack

Yarr!  Pirates and Ninjas have been waging a war for many a year, and now be the time to settle it.  Be ye a Pirate, or be ye a Ninja, this be the time to end the battle of all battles.  May the best Captain win!

Repeal all rules and change Player to Captain, and Dealer to Dread Pirate


Hi, I’m not exactly sure of this game, but can I join in?

Another one bites the dust

Iammars has not posted anything in 7 days, so e has gone idle.

Quorum remains 8.

Unidling of Tekneek

I wish to unidle, after being away for quite some time. I intend to participate in the new dynasty!


Hey guys, I haven’t visited this place in quite a while, but I thought I’d try my hand at this again. I see I’ve returned just in time for a new dynasty.

By the way, some chinese (?) bots are spamming the wiki with random messages/ads. If anyone knows how to easily remove these and ban the offending accounts, I’m sure it’d be greatly appreciated.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

The Train stops, two get off.

I’ve activated JoshuaGross and arthexis, quorum is 7.

Hiatus ala Jack

Hiatus time!  Thanks for the great Dynasty, Spikebrennan.

I believe I am the new Dealer, and so am looking for ideas for a new Dynasty.

JoshuaGross is back

I’m back in the game. I’ll check back Monday to get into the swing of this newfangled poker ruleset.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Declaration of Victory: Jack, The Quickest Draw In The West

Victory is mine! (12 hours, dealer voted, quorum) - Jack

Adminned at 02 Mar 2008 02:26:34 UTC

Non-Wounded Players:
Chivalrybean - $397
Darknight o $72
Rodlen o $249
spikebrennan - $0
Yoda o $0
Clucky - $0
Night o $69
Iammars x $180
jmrdex - $314

Total: $1056
Jack: $1739

Since Jack has more money than all other non-Wounded active Players, Jack has achieved Victory.

Let’s End This!

Aaronwinborn, I challenge you (to yet another duel).