Saturday, June 01, 2024

Servile Publishing House

I’m changing my Imperial Style from Guarded to Servile, because I want to help keep participation high with the Storytellers we have left.

One thing I’d like to remind folks of is the Categories, if folks would care to have another way to influence the next Fragments.

As a Weekly Action, a Storyteller may add one entry, which must consist of a Name and Description, to a Category.

Also, most people have set their Spark, but if you haven’t, now’s a good time.

Nad Needed A Nap

Nad has been Idled. Quorum remains unchanged at 4.

Call for Judgment: Fragmented Sentences

Popular, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 01 Jun 2024 03:26:23 UTC

Treat the contents of the Story Post “Judging: 30 May 2024” as a valid performance of a Judging and treat all items in the numbered list in “Judging: 30 May 2024” as the only valid Fragments for that Open Judging as of the time that Judging was posted.

On at least two of the three sides of the debate, something would have to start over. Either a new Judging would need to be posted, which would have to wait until all Storytellers sent Fragments, or Scoring would need to be resent from every Storyteller who allocated Score for #4. The third side, that this could be hand-waved in, does not appear to be agreed upon without something else backing it.

Rather than doing any of those, allow gameplay to continue by allowing the otherwise illegal Fragment #4 explicitly in this CfJ.

Proposal: Making It Count

Popular, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 01 Jun 2024 14:50:30 UTC

In the rule “Fragments”, replace “The Publisher is encouraged to publicly track the number of Fragments that they have received” with “The Publisher is encouraged to publicly track the number of Storytellers who have sent valid Fragments to them”.

In the rule “Scoring”, replace “The Publisher should publicly track the number of Scoring Responses received for an Open Judging, and may re-use the same tracking gamestate for subsequent Open Judgings as long as the count of Scoring Responses received is reset each time a new Judging is Open.” with “The Publisher should publicly track the number of Storytellers who have sent valid Scoring Responses for an Open Judging, and may re-use the same tracking gamestate for subsequent Open Judgings as long as the count of Storytellers who sent valid Scoring Responses is reset each time a new Judging is Open.”

Somebody abused the system by sending multiple Scoring Responses. Since it’s a Virtual Action with no other limitations, I had to count the actual number of Scoring Responses received, when we actually want to track the number of Storytellers who sent them.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Just testing the EE parser

Does this one have the template problem?

Story Post: Judging: 30 May 2024


  1. John took a seat at the Board. “So, Ms. Asarei, what did the Fior say to us?” he asked, getting straight in. “The Fior would like to meet with you privately - provided you do not order the attack.” Asarei replied. “Dammit. I don’t think we have the strength to face up against the Fior. We’ll just have to see how it’ll pan out.” The ground shook slightly, a reminder that the Fior were always there, even when they weren’t.
  2. Once, deep in the shadowy glades of the Rootwood Forest, there was a young elf. Embraced by the soft breeze in the trees, the echoing notes of her pan flute awoke the forest as the light of the sun glimmered between the branches.
  3. Clearly, the frying pan was the most suitable weapon of choice for this situation.
  4. “There you go. One pan of homemade brownies for the bake sale” Elanora confidently proclaimed as she plopped a plate of brownish baked goods on the table. The man at the table took a quick look at the plate, then doubled back with a shocked expression and picked one up. “Are these… teeth, El?” he asked with shocked disgust. The young women nodded her head excitedly. “You can’t go serving humans teeth, El” the man sighed. “Do I event want to know where you got them from?” Undeterred by the rejection, the young woman eagerly explained “Well you see I
  5. As the summer day dawned and the creatures of the forest awoke, the lilting sound of pan pipes could be heard drifting through the trees.

Just a reminder that you are encouraged to comment on this Open Judgment with the reasons why you like or dislike any of the Fragments in the Judging, but you are discouraged from revealing any privately tracked or privately communicated information. Be sure to send in your Scoring to me.

Not sure why I keep trying

Idling.  Quorum is now 4.

Proposal: Pens Up

Fewer than an ImpDEF quorum not voting AGAINST. Failed 1 vote to 4 by Kevan.

Adminned at 31 May 2024 11:05:57 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Pen Names”

Each Storyteller may have a Pen Name, which is a flavor text string of between 3 and 30 characters and is privately tracked by the Publisher. No Storyteller may have the same Pen Name as another Storyteller, including any idle Storyteller.

A Storyteller that does not have a Pen Name may select a Pen Name as a Virtual Action by informing the Publisher of their desired Pen Name

Storytellers that do not have a Pen Name may not take Dynastic Actions other than those found in this rule.

In “Judging” replace with “but not including the authors of those Fragments.” with “and the Pen Name (or the fact that there is no Pen Name) of the authors of each Fragments”

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Blognomic too slow

Respectfully, I idle out, blog is (sometimes) unplayabley slow. This round is looking fun and all but it’s impossible to vote or otherwise use the blog portion of it.

The other reason is the timing of this dynasty is a bit poor for me anyway, I will be away at the end of June and idle out then anyways. So I hope the intermittent slowness is resolved by the time I get back. :)

(You can also add a comment to idle out.)

Proposal: I Just Have A Few Changes

Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 31 May 2024 11:04:57 UTC

If “Draw O’Clock” was not enacted, this Proposal has no effect.

Add a new rule called “Proofreading” with the following text:

A Proposal whose only effect is to directly change the contents of The Story is known as a Proofreading. A Proofreading has the following additional rules:
* A Storyteller may only post a Proofreading as a Story Action.
* The text of The Story to be changed must be 2-10 contiguous words, and that text must be replaced by 2-10 contiguous English words, which may contain some of the same words that were replaced.
* The Publisher may not vote on a Proofreading.
* The Publisher does not count when determining quorum for a Proofreading.

This provides an alternate activity for Storytellers that is public-facing. It’s also a safety mechanism in case any part of The Story doesn’t make narrative sense or is otherwise unintelligible.

Proposal: Writer’s Block

Timed out 4 votes to 0, also reached Imp-DEF quorum. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 31 May 2024 11:03:18 UTC

Remove “or it has been at least 72 hours” from Judging.

Remove “or 48 hours after an Open Judging has been posted, whichever comes first,” from Scoring.

I’m starting to think that dynasties work better when the minimum required player involvement is “perform the basic dynastic game loop action” rather than “do nothing”. Having a modest bar encourages background players to either join the game or step out, both nudges giving us a more engaged group - and a dynasty that runs as fast as that group wants to play it. Right now it looks like we’re going to be running on everything timing out (and a game loop taking five days!), because the rules say that it’s fine for a few players to do nothing.

Clucky IX seemed to work well when we required all Wizards to submit orders each round.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Call for Judgment: There Can Be More Than One

Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 29 May 2024 08:34:14 UTC

Treat the first Fragment from each Storyteller sent to the Publisher between 27 May 2024 19:53 UTC and 30 May 2024 19:53 UTC as having been a valid performance of the Creative Writing action from that Storyteller, as long as the Fragment sent was valid per the definition of a Fragment.

Draw O’Clock is going to fix the issue of Storytellers being able to send a Creative Writing once it is enacted, but it doesn’t cover what has been sent already. I’d like to retroactively allow the Creative Writings that have already been sent. Note that this simply retroactively says that sending those Fragments is to be treated as if they were allowed. It says nothing about whether the Fragments are actually valid according to the Fragment rules. The validity of the content should be left alone.

Proposal: Turn In Your Assignments

Popular, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 30 May 2024 17:15:14 UTC

In the rule “Judging”, replace the bullet point “* A Judging is considered Open between the time it is posted and 48 hours after it is posted, after which it is considered Closed.” with the following:

* A Judging is considered Open until the Publisher has posted a comment to it stating that it is Closed.

and in the same rule, replace “When a Judging that was Open becomes Closed, at their earliest convenience the Publisher should perform the Publishing atomic action, which has the following steps:” with this text:

The Publishing atomic action has the following steps:

In the subrule “Scoring”, add this text:

When the Publisher receives at least one valid Scoring Response from every Storyteller for an Open Judging, or 48 hours after an Open Judging has been posted, whichever comes first, at their earliest convenience the Publisher should perform the Publishing atomic action. The Publisher should publicly track the number of Scoring Responses received for an Open Judging, and may re-use the same tracking gamestate for subsequent Open Judgings as long as the count of Scoring Responses received is reset each time a new Judging is Open.

Allows the Publisher to perform the Publishing action earlier than 48 hours if everyone has sent in their Scoring Responses. Also added public tracking so that Storytellers can observe the progress made in receiving Scoring Responses.

Proposal: The Slush Pile

Timed out / quorumed 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 30 May 2024 10:25:44 UTC

To “Fragments”, add:-

The Publisher is encouraged to publicly track the number of Fragments that they have received since the most recent Drawing.

Prompted by the previous post, a progress bar might be useful as a live tracking of how active the game is at any given point, rather than having to wait 72 hours and look back to find out how many of the inactive players have stopped playing.

Monday, May 27, 2024

More Public Activities?

With most of the actions happening privately, there’s not much for Storytellers to do publicly. I worry a little bit that the dynasty is going to appear stale, even though there’s activity in the background. Storytellers could idle out even though they’re actively playing.

Any ideas on some public activities that Storytellers could do that would involve making or responding to posts? Something other than Proposals of course.

Proposal: Draw O’Clock

Timed out, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 29 May 2024 19:57:00 UTC

Add the following to “Drawing”

The time which the most recent Drawing was conducted is publicly tracked on the dynastic tracking page

If a game action is a Story Action, each Storyteller able to perform it may take that action only if they have not already done so since the most recent Drawing atomic action.

In “Sparks” replace “A storyteller may change their Spark as a Daily Action.” with “A storyteller may change their Spark as a Story Action”

In Fragments replace “If a Storyteller has not done so since the most recent Drawing atomic action, as a Virtual Action called Creative Writing” with “As Virtual Story Action called Creative Writing”

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Proposal: Categorical Contributions

Timed out, 3-0 with 1 DEF and Publisher voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 28 May 2024 17:53:16 UTC

In the rule “Categories” add the following text as a new paragraph:

As a Weekly Action, a Storyteller may add one entry, which must consist of a Name and Description, to a Category.

Proposal: Editor’s Notes

Timed out, 2-0 with 1 DEF and Publisher voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 28 May 2024 17:43:25 UTC

In the rule “The Story”, after the first sentence, add this text:

The Story’s contents are flavor text.

In the subrule “Satisfaction”, replace each instance of “A sentences Satisfies an Element” with “A Fragment Satisfies an Element”.

In the subrule “Scoring”, replace “As a Virtual Action, a Storyteller may privately communicate” with “As a Virtual Action, a Storyteller may send”.

Add a new empty Category called “Fictional Countries”

Some fixes and a new Category.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Proposal: Sparks of Hope

Timed out, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 27 May 2024 19:23:30 UTC

Add a subrule to The Story called “Common Words” with the following text

A Common Word is a word found on

Add a rule called “Sparks” with the following

Each Storyteller may have a Spark which is a Common Word, or may have no spark and by default has no Spark. A Storyteller’s Spark is publicly tracked. A storyteller may change their Spark as a daily aciton

Add the following steps to the start of the Drawing atomic action

* If at least one Storyteller has a Spark, randomly select a Storyteller who has a Spark. Choose that Spark as a Word Element, then set that Storyteller’s spark to be no spark
* Randomly select a Common Word to be a Word Element
* If at least one Category is not empty, randomly select a Category that is not empty as a Category Element

Friday, May 24, 2024

Proposal: *Insert Obama Awarding Obama Meme Here*

Timed out, 3-0 with 1 DEF and Publisher voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 27 May 2024 16:37:02 UTC

If does not pass, this proposal does nothing

In “Scoring” replace “Additionally, the author of a Scoring Response cannot allocate more Score to a Fragment that they authored than any other Fragment (equal allocations are allowed).” with “Additionally, the author of a Scoring Response cannot allocate any Score to a Fragment that they authored”

In Fragment Scoring replace “This is the Total Score for that Fragment.” with “This is the Pending Score for that Fragment.”

Then, as a new second step in Fragment Scoring add

* Set the Total Score for a Fragment to be either one plus the Pending Score for that Fragment (if its author submitted a Scoring Response during the Judging) or half the Pending Score, rounded up (if its author did not submit a Scoring Response during the Judging)

Voting for yourself means the optimal play is to give yourself 5 and someone else 5

On the other hand, don’t let vote for yourself and the optimal play is to simply not vote and then no one gets anything.

This prevents voting for yourself, while also giving you a reason why you should still vote.

Proposal: Name Change

Timed out / quorumed 4 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 27 May 2024 09:30:07 UTC

In the section Names, replace: “new name must be between 4 and 30 characters in length”


new name must be between 3 and 30 characters in length


Change the name of Nadnavillus to Nad

Proposal: Four Score And Seven Points Ago

Timed out. Passes 5-0—Clucky

Adminned at 26 May 2024 15:25:23 UTC

Add a new rule named “Points” with the following text:

Each Storyteller has number named Points privately tracked by the Publisher, defaulting to 0 until 13 June 2024 00:00 UTC, after which the default for a Storyteller’s Points is the arithmetic mean of all other Storytellers’ Points rounded down to the nearest integer. At any time, a Storyteller may privately request their current Points value from the Publisher.

If there is a rule named “Judging”, in that rule remove the text “Total Score and the Fragment Scoring atomic action are intentionally undefined.”, then in that rule add a subrule named “Scoring” with the following text:

As a Virtual Action, a Storyteller may privately communicate a Scoring Response to the Publisher for an Open Judging. A Scoring Response must contain a clear description of Score, which is a number between 1 and 10 inclusive, allocated to Fragments according to the numbered list in that Judging post (e.g. “Give 4 Score to #5 and 6 Score to #1”), and where the sum of all of the allocations of Score in that Scoring Response is exactly 10. Additionally, the author of a Scoring Response cannot allocate more Score to a Fragment that they authored than any other Fragment (equal allocations are allowed).

Fragment Scoring is an atomic action with the following steps:
* For each Fragment in the Judging, sum up the Score for that Fragment from the Scoring Responses received for that Judging while it was Open, using only each Storyteller’s most recent valid Scoring Response. This is the Total Score for that Fragment.
* Add the Total Score for each Fragment in that Judging to the Points of the Storyteller who authored that Fragment.
* Privately communicate to each Storyteller their current Points value.

Scoring idea, which is to allocate Score among the Fragments you like the most, essentially ranked-choice voting rather than just “most votes”, with a mechanism to prevent people from just boosting their own Fragments.

Proposal: Stand In Judgement

Timed Out—Passes 4-0—Clucky

Adminned at 26 May 2024 15:18:26 UTC

Add a new rule named “Judging” with the following text:

If, since the most recent Drawing action, the Publisher has received Creative Writings from all Storytellers or it has been at least 72 hours, whichever comes first, the Publisher should resolve all unresolved Creative Writings and make a Story Post called a Judging. The following rules apply to every Judging:
* The title of a Judging must be “Judging:” followed by the current date at the time it was posted.
* The body of a Judging must be a numbered list containing each Fragment received from successful Creative Writings since the most recent Drawing atomic action, listed in a privately randomly-selected order, but not including the authors of those Fragments.
* A Judging is considered Open between the time it is posted and 48 hours after it is posted, after which it is considered Closed.

Creative Writings received by the Publisher while a Judging is Open are invalid.

Storytellers are encouraged to comment on an Open Judgment with the reasons why they like or dislike any of the Fragments in the Judging, but are discouraged from revealing any privately tracked or privately communicated information.

When a Judging that was Open becomes Closed, at their earliest convenience the Publisher should perform the Publishing atomic action, which has the following steps:
* Post a comment in that Judging indicating that it is Closed.
* Perform the Fragment Scoring atomic action on that Judging.
* Add the Fragment in that Judging with the highest Total Score, randomly selecting a Fragment among any that are tied for highest Total Score, to the end of The Story, and format The Story with any paragraph breaks between sentences that the Publisher deems appropriate.
* Perform a Drawing.

Total Score and the Fragment Scoring atomic action are intentionally undefined.

This is an idea for how to collect and post Fragments for eventual Scoring, establishing the rhythm for writing Fragments and then judging each others’ Fragments. The scoring itself will be in another Proposal so that they can be evaluated separately. Feel free to vote against this if you don’t like the idea or have a better one.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Unidle please

I would like to unidle please (thank you).

mmmmm flavour text

Proposal: Co-authored by:

Timed out, 1-2 with 2 DEFs. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 25 May 2024 20:08:08 UTC

If and and all do not pass, this proposal does nothing

Create a new rule, with the title ‘Chapters’ and the following text:

Each Storyteller has an Author Value, defaulting to the number of active Storytellers. Any storyteller with an Author Value of 1 is known as the Author. Only the Author is allowed to submit a Creative Writing to the Publisher. Once the Author has submitted a Creative Writing, they may take the Atomic Action ‘Next Turn’ with the following steps:

*The Author’s Author Value is set to the number of active Storytellers.

*All other Storytellers’ Author Values are reduced by 1.

If a Storyteller has been the Author for more than 36 hours consecutively, then the Publisher may perform the Next Turn.

If more than two Storytellers have equal Author Values, then the Publisher may perform the Atomic Action ‘Reset Authors’ with the following steps:

*Set all Storytellers’ Author Values to numbers correlating to their usernames’ order in alphabetical order, beginning with 1 for the Storyteller whose username would come first alphabetically, 2 for the Storyteller whose username would come second, and so on.

The current Chapter state and all Storytellers’ Author Values are tracked in Once Upon A Time.

taking turns counts. stops one player spamming the story, and makes it so everyone is allowed to have a go rather than having to adjust their fragment because someone made lots of fragments

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Proposal: Satisfactory

Popular, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 24 May 2024 14:31:11 UTC

If and and all do not pass, this proposal does nothing

In “Elements” replace “An Element is a word in vernacular English.” with

Elements have a single Type which may be Word or Category. Elements with type Word must be a word in vernacular English and are represented simply by that word. Elements with type Category are the name of Category, and are represented by the string “A/an [the category name]”

Add a subrule to “Fragments” called “Satisfaction”

A sentences Satisfies an Element of type Word if it contains that Word.

A sentences Satisfies an Element of type Category if it contains the Name of an entry in that Category.

In “Fragments” replace “and among those words must be all of the Elements in the Current Elements” with “and must Satisfy all of the Elements in the Current Elements”

Unidle #10,293,405

I unidle.  Quorum is still 4.

Proposal: Collecting Ones Notes

Popular, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 24 May 2024 14:26:19 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Categories”

Categories are collections of similar story elements, such as characters or locations. Each Category itself has a name and a list of items, and each items in a Category consists of a Name and a Description which describes the item in a categories. The contents of each Category are publicly tracked on the dynastic tracking page

Add a new empty Category called “Characters”

I like to write

May I be unidled for this dynasty? And also, as honestly I haven’t used it in forever, may I also be removed from the admin team?

Proposal: Fractured Fairy Tales

Popular, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 24 May 2024 14:23:12 UTC

In the rule “The Story”, add a subrule named “Fragments” with the following text:

A Fragment is one or more complete sentences that must contain between 5 and 100 vernacular English words, and among those words must be all of the Elements in the Current Elements. Storytellers are recommended to use the online word counter at to count the words in a Fragment. If a Storyteller has not done so since the most recent Drawing atomic action, as a Virtual Action called Creative Writing a Storyteller may send a Fragment to the Publisher.

If it has been more than 48 hours since the most recent Drawing atomic action, and the Publisher has not received a Creative Writing from a Storyteller, the Publisher should privately communicate to that Storyteller notifying them of this fact if they have not done so already since the most recent Drawing atomic action.

In the rule “The Story”, add a subrule named “Drawing” with the following text:

Drawing is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Replace the contents of the Current Elements with the Elements chosen in this instance of the Drawing.

If there is more than one step in the Drawing atomic action, the Publisher should perform the first instance of Drawing at their earliest convenience, and then remove this sentence from the rule.

Framework for assembling parts of The Story using Elements and Fragments. It needs a method for choosing Elements.

Proposal: Finding The Right Words

Popular, 7-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 24 May 2024 14:17:41 UTC

Add a new rule named “The Story” with the following text:

There is a publicly-tracked string named The Story which defaults to an empty string.

In the rule “The Story”, add a subrule named “Elements” with the following text:

An Element is a word in vernacular English.

There is a publicly-tracked list named Current Elements that may be empty or may contain one or more Elements, defaulting to empty.

Framework for the parts that will eventually make up The Story.

Reflecting Upon A Life Of Crime

Discussion thread for The Thief dynasty

Ascension Address: Let Me Tell You a Story

The children gathered around Granny as she sat in her rocking chair, smoking her pipe while waiting for the tiny voices to settle down into silence. She took one last puff and blew a smoke ring that drifted lazily up to the ceiling before it faded away. With a smile, she set down her pipe, then reached out and grabbed a well-worn book from the nearby shelf, its edges frayed from multiple readings and its pages yellowed from the ravages of Time. It smelled of leather, pulp, and decades of dust. The spine made an audible creaking noise as she opened the book and turned to the first page. In a quiet but clear voice, she began to read: “Once upon a time…”

The dynasty’s theme shall be “Storytelling”.

Repeal all dynastic rules.

Set the synonym for Player to “Storyteller” and the synonym for Emperor to “Publisher”.

Change the gamestate tracking page to “Once Upon A Time”.

Include the following Building Blocks: “No Private Communication”, “Mantle Limitations”, “Virtual Actions”.

Imperial Style: Guide, Protective, Powerhouse, Scam-Neutral, Guarded, Methodical.

Declaration of Victory: Living The Best Life

FOR Votes greater than 2/3rds of the number of Thieves, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark. Adminned earlier but had to correct the admin comment, so date and time below are not when it was originally adminned.

Adminned at 23 May 2024 05:50:16 UTC

All Thieves are in the Countryside or Gaol, and I am the Thief in in the Countryside who has the most Florins (amongst those in the Countryside), therefore I have achieved victory.

Story Post: Haul: The Cell

Failed due to new dynasty. Closed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 23 May 2024 02:53:15 UTC

Time runs out for the remaining thieves. A squad from the local watch burst into the garret shortly before sunrise, interrupting whatever plans were being laid and bags were being packed. Juniper and 4st are marched to the city gaol, where they are left to rest in a bare stone cell.

The Haul is empty.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Proposal: Two Is Too Much

Withdrawn. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 22 May 2024 08:02:49 UTC

Set Juniper and 4st’s plan to Flee, and consider the common proposition on the most recent haul to Request to Punt, then perform the Distributing atomic action on the most recent Haul.

It’s not really fair to punish 4st by waiting for Juniper to idle out over the next 6 days.

NB: Kevan will be the only admin who can enact this, since it contains instructions that involve gamestate that is privately tracked by the City.

Story Post: Haul: The Street

4st and Juniper are agreed.

Adminned at 22 May 2024 08:00:16 UTC

Candlelight flickers in the window of the room where Juniper is resting, and somewhere in the city 4st lays low. Dashing across the cobblestones of the street below the garret, JonathanDark flees for the countryside.

The Haul is empty.

Story Post: Haul: The Alleyway

4st and JonathanDark are agreed.

Adminned at 21 May 2024 20:46:12 UTC

JonathanDark spends an hour lingering among the crooked shadows a few streets away from the garret, while 4st lays low and Juniper continues her rest.

The Haul is empty.

Story Post: Haul: The Dressmaker

JonathanDark and 4st are agreed.

Adminned at 21 May 2024 19:17:10 UTC

4st leaps and clambers through an awkward upper window, taking a bodily injury. After the door is unbolted, JonathanDark takes a lingering walk around the shop. Back at the garret, Juniper spends the evening resting up and nursing her injured foot, and at some point during the night Clucky clears out and flees town.

The Haul is a Glove.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Welcome to this edition of the City Distorter, bringing you fake news from the Cities underbelly. 

In this new series of stories, we will visit the “Real Thieves of the City”. We are lucky to connect with a recently retired but still notorious operator.  We will refer to him as Mr N for sake of anonymity.

Reporter: “Mr N, with your recent retirement, do you miss that lifestyle at all?”
Mr N:  No, I don’t think so.  Things are different now with the City cracking down,  I don’t think this is a viable lifestyle anymore.

Reporter: You still have connections on the streets, what are you hearing this week?
Mr N:

Well, there is still a very active group trying to squeeze the last florin out of the City.  There was a recent job down at the Needleworker but, it pulled in a pitiful haul.  Nothing like the old days. 

Overall not much happening on the streets:

4st:  The Informant managed to nick 3 florins from me as I fled the city.
Clucky: Roamed the streets picking pockets.
Jonathan: Joined looking for pocket change.
Juniper: Ever the hard worker, she kept slogging away as a laborer.

Reporter: How do you see this playing out?
Mr N:

Well, it’s still somewhat close but Clucky has a lead and it’s his to lose.  I always liked to keep good books so, the way I size the net worth up is:

Clucky:  121 (Florins: 13, Pouches: 83, Possessions:  13, Secret Hustles: ~12)
4st: 112 (Florins: 32, Pouches: 39, Possessions: 26, Secret Hustles: ~15)
Jonathan: 108 (Florins: 9, Pouches: 96, Possessions: 3, Secret Hustles: ~0)
Juniper: 27 (Florins: 21, Pouches: 3, Possessions: 0, Secret Hustles: ~0)

4st could add an easy 12 points by finding or buying a Loupe, minus it’s cost, but still has to deal with the selling process.
Jonathan is a bit behind with a 13 florin gap to close, that will be tough, maybe he’s banking on some bad luck hitting others.
Juniper could be a swing vote with this lot needing three votes to pass anything.
Clucky will want to keep things quiet, hand out a florin here or there and time his exit.

Reporter: Can anyone really know what’s going on?
Mr N: I don’t know, this is just my best guess.

Mr N: (sipping a glass of wine) Me, I’m just going to enjoy the sunshine.

Well that wraps up this edition of the “Real Thieves of the City”.  Stay safe out there.

Proposal: More Love for the Glove

Withdrawn. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 22 May 2024 08:01:41 UTC

In the rule “Possessions”, replace the text for the Effect of Glove with the following:

The Linger Plan gives you 4DICE2 Florins Covertly instead of 2DICE2

The Effect for the Glove currently references a Plan that no longer exists, which is not fair for any Glove owners

Story Post: Haul: The Needleworker

JonathanDark, Clucky and 4st are agreed.

Adminned at 21 May 2024 15:45:32 UTC

Two figures prowl silently across the rooftops of the city, looking out for the right opportunity for the next haul. Juniper scouts an open skylight, slipping on the roof tiles and injuring their foot in the process, and after a moment’s pause 4st leaps down through it. The rest of the team are absent: Clucky and JonathanDark are laying low, and when the group return to their lodgings they find that NadNavillus has fled town.

The Haul is 7 Florins and a Glove.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Proposal: Punt Kick

Timed out 0 votes to 2 with an unresolved DEF. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 21 May 2024 09:08:01 UTC

In the rule “Distribution”, remove every sentence and bullet point that contains the term “punt”.

Having seen this run for a while and time out some conversations that would have gone somewhere, with some players agreeing to whatever was on the table because they didn’t want to be blamed for causing a punt, I think it may be worth going back to requiring the group to reach an actual agreement for each Haul.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Proposal: Sitting this one out

Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 20 May 2024 08:52:35 UTC

In “Rules and Votable Matters” part of the Clarifications section of the ruleset


If the City has voted DEFERENTIAL on a Proposal, that vote is instead considered to be valid and either FOR (if more Thieves have a valid FOR vote on that Proposal than have a valid AGAINST vote on it) or AGAINST (in all other cases). However, in either case, votes of DEFERENTIAL made by other Thieves on the same Proposal are not considered to be valid. If there are six or fewer Thieves, then the City’s vote of DEFERENTIAL on a proposal is only affected by this rule if all Thieves who are not the City have cast a vote on that proposal.


If the City has voted DEFERENTIAL on a Proposal, they are not considered to be a Thief for the purposes of totaling quorum on that Proposal. Votes of DEFERENTIAL made by other Thieves on the same Proposal are not considered to be valid, but the Thieves who made them still contribute to quorum

Recently we had a couple of proposals time out that were 3-0 with one def vote from Kevan. Due to the “six or fewer active players” clause, this was not enough to get 4 votes and pass the proposals before a timeout. However, unless Kevan changed his vote the proposals were a lock to pass, because even if the other two people voted against it would still be 3-2 (and oddly enough suddenly be able to pass when previously it couldn’t until the timeout)

I believe this keeps the vote as intended—as an explicit way for the emperor to opt out of a proposal.

It does mean in some circumstances where say, a 7 person dynasty is split 3 FOR 0 AGAINST 1 IMPERIAL DEF that the proposal cannot be enacted but I’m not convinced that is a bad thing. The idea being reaching quorum and enacting something early is that unless someone changes their mind or joins the dynasty, everyone elses votes can’t change the result. But in the 3/0/1 scenario, the other three people still voting could change the result. So I think its arguably an improvement to not let proposals get enacted in that state.

Story Post: Haul: The Pewtersmith

4st, JonathanDark and Juniper are agreed.

Adminned at 20 May 2024 08:53:32 UTC

NadNavillus eavesdrops while posing as a customer to learn where the artisan keeps their most precious wares, JonathanDark scouts out a loose window, and 4st leaps away across the rooftops with the goods later that night. Clucky and Juniper lay low.

The Haul is 6 Florins, a Candlestick and an Unappraised Gem.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Proposal: Sell! Sell! Sell!

Timed out 3 votes to 1 with an unresolved Imperial DEF. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 20 May 2024 08:51:15 UTC

Add to the section named Black Market:

As a Street Action, a Thief may attempt to Offer one of their possessions from their Inventory to the Black Market by performing the following Atomic Action:

Identify a Possession in their own Inventory and remove the Possession from their Inventory.
Determine the possessions Value from the Possession Table; Rolling for possessions of random value. This is the Determined Value
Increase their Notoriety by the Determined Value
Roll a DICE 4, then set the Possession’s Black Market Price for this instance of the atomic action to be the Determined Value minus the result of the roll.
If the Possesion’s Black Market Price is positive, the Theif may Gain Florins equal to its Black Market Price.

I have to move this hot merchandise somehow!

Proposal: Flexible Opportunist

Timed out 3 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan

Adminned at 19 May 2024 18:17:57 UTC

In the rule “Hustles”, replace

As a Weekly Action


As a Street Action

and replace

defaulting to “One of Us”


defaulting to “Labourer”

If we’re going to have reveals of everyone’s Hustles, either through a dynastic mechanic or just by sleuthing out the changes in gamestate, we should probably allow everyone to change their Hustles more often. Currently, a Weekly change means that after you’ve been shamed for your Hustle, you could continue to get penalized by your fellow Thieves in the Hauls for quite a number of Hauls and not be able to do anything about it.

Proposal: Snitch

Timed out 3 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 19 May 2024 12:44:23 UTC

Add a Hustle named Snitch to the Hustle table:

| Snitch || Action: This Thief gains 2 Notoriety then the City makes a Story blog post reporting all Thieves chosen Hustle.

Someone is always watching.

Story Post: Haul: The Tinsmith

Clucky, Jonathan and NadNavillus are agreed.

Adminned at 18 May 2024 10:14:49 UTC

Clucky and Jonathan scout out the building from across the street, and NadNavillus eavesdrops to learn when the workshop will be left unattended. A few hours later, 4st leaps in through an upper window, unbolts the main door from the inside and the team clear the place out. Juniper lays low.

The Haul is 14 Florins, a Candlestick and a Helm.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Proposal: Render Unto Caesar

Timed out. Passes 3-0—Clucky

Adminned at 18 May 2024 16:35:06 UTC

In the subrule “Notoriety”, replace the second step of the Notoriety Check with the following steps:

* Roll a DICE(51-N) where N is their Notoriety. If result is not 1 then the check succeeds and all remaining steps are skipped. Otherwise, the check fails.
* Subtract 10 from their Notoriety
* If they have any Pouches in their inventory, remove one randomly-selected Pouch from their inventory
* Remove 50% of their Florins, rounded up

As was mentioned in a blog post comment, distributing half the Florins to the other Thieves in a failed Notoriety Check is strange and probably not on-theme. This change is essentially paying the fine for being caught to the City rather than the Thief’s fellow Thieves.

Also cleaning up the Notoriety Check to make individual steps out of the one really-long second step.

Story Post: Haul: The Tailor

Clucky, JonathanDark, NadNavillus and Juniper are agreed.

Adminned at 17 May 2024 09:00:45 UTC

Clucky, Jonathan and Juniper scouted out the shop out for anything of value, NadNavillus eavesdropped to learn which were the more valuable and stylish fabrics, and 4st leapt over the counter to grab a gemstone from a piece that the tailor was working on, injuring their hand on the pins and needles that were holding it place, but escaping with it regardless.

The Haul is 14 Florins, a Cloak and an Unappraised Gem.

Proposal: Countryside Villa

Timed out. Passes 3-0—Clucky

Adminned at 18 May 2024 16:10:03 UTC

If is enacted, this proposal does nothing.

Add a new dynastic rule called “The Countryside” and give it the following text:

The Countryside is a publicly tracked list of Thieves. Thieves in the Countryside may not take dynastic actions and are not considered to be Free. Thieves in the Countryside always have a Plan of Rest, a Hustle of Retired, may not be added to Gaol and are not considered to be Thieves for the purposes of the Informant Hustle or when Florins are distributed via a Notoriety Check

When a Thief Flees Town, the following atomic action occurs

- Destroy all of their existing Pouches by removing them from their inventory, and gaining Florins equal to their value
- Perform a Notoriety Check
- Add them to the Countryside

If all Thieves are in the Countryside or Gaol, the Thief (or Thieves) who is in in the Countryside and has the most Florins (amongst those in the Countryside) achieves victory

Add a new plan called “Flee”

You Flee Town

Add a new Hustle called “Retired” with Description

This hustle has no effect

Add a new dynastic rule called “Police Presence”

There is a publicly tracked value called Police Presence, which is by default 0 and represents the City’s ability to crackdown on crime.

When the City performs a Crackdown, a DICEX is rolled where X is the Police Presence. If the result is greater than 10, all Thieves not in the countryside are sent to Gaol.

Add the following steps to the “Distributing”  atomic action, right before “Change the status of the Haul post to enacted”

- Increase Police Presence by DICE3
- Perform a Crackdown

Alternative endgame proposal that gives us some press your luck elements. Any round you can choose to tap out or you keep going and hope the squad can get another heist in before the law catches up to them.

Proposal: Must Have Been Rats

Popular, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 May 2024 17:39:33 UTC

Swap the third and fourth bullet points in the rule “The Haul”.

The bullet point added by What Was That Noise should have been before the Plan processing step, not after it.

Proposal: Financial Planner

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 May 2024 17:38:41 UTC

Add a new rule named “Retirement” with the following text:

Each Thief has a Retirement, which is privately tracked by the City and defaults to empty. A Thief with an empty Retirement cannot achieve victory.

As a Street Action, a Thief can privately communicate a new Retirement to the City. A Thief’s Retirement, when not empty, must contain all of the following at the time that it is communicated to the City:
* The text “Combined Florins and Pouch Values greater than:” followed by an amount equal to this Thief’s current Florins and Pouch Values combined plus 50
* The text “Have in Inventory:” followed by one or more unique types of Possessions (not counting Pouches) with static Values, in which those Possession types have a combined Value of at least 10 and this Thief has none of those types currently in their inventory
* The text “Notoriety less than:” followed by an amount equal to this Thief’s current Notoriety minus 10

At any time, a Thief can privately communicate to the City a request to get the contents of their Retirement, and the City should privately respond at their earliest convenience with the contents of that Thief’s Retirement.

A Thief may Retire by making a blog post with the Story Post category and the text “Retiring” somewhere in the post title, and in the body of the post the contents of their current Retirement as tracked by the City. A Thief who has Retired has achieved victory if the contents of their posted Retirement, when treated as criteria, are all true for that Thief at the date and time that the post was made.

In the subrule “Containers”, add the following text:

At any time, a Thief may privately communicate to the City a request to get the Values of all of their Pouches, and the City should privately respond at their earliest convenience with each Pouch by name in that Thief’s inventory and that Pouch’s associated Value.

To win, you don’t have to have the most amount of Florins, but you need to try to reach more Florins/Pouch Values than you have right now, plus specific Possessions and less Notoriety.

It’s a nice balancing act, because while you could just get Possessions from the Black Market, you’ll lose Florins and gain Notoriety, which pushes you further away from your Retirement goals. You have to continue to cooperate with your fellow Thieves to get what you want.

This also makes it less of a good strategy to put a Thief in Gaol just to block their victory, because they’ll get either get closer to their Notoriety goal during that time or get more breathing room to gain Notoriety in pursuit of their other goals when they get out.

Story Post: Haul: The Coffeehouse

NadNavillus, JonathanDark and Clucky are agreed.

Adminned at 16 May 2024 15:31:45 UTC

A busy half-hour is spent rifling through the pockets and bags of other patrons. Clucky, Jonathan and Juniper keep a Scout’s eye on which of the customers seem to have more to spend, NadNavillus does some Standard distraction work, and 4st makes a Leap for the coatrack on the way out.

The Haul is 23 Florins and a Cloak.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Proposal: Workplace Injury? Call 1-800-ITHURTS!

Timed out, 3-0 with 1 DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 May 2024 17:35:18 UTC

Add “Roll a DICE3. On a 1, gain a random injury” to the effect of Scout

Give the Body injury the following Effect “If you have three or more Body Injuries, you may not take dynastic actions and your Plan is always set to Rest during a Health Check.”

In the effect of Hand injury, replace “Standard, Pocket or Scout” with “Standard, Pocket, Unlock or Scout”

Gaining notoriety doesn’t really make narrative sense, and definitely seems to be the far superior option to picking up injuries. So thinking we just turn notoriety into a thing you get for selling stuff or getting caught while injuries you can pick up from doing riskier moves

Also sneaking in a change making it so you can’t pick locks with a broken hand just because that narratively fits

Proposal: What Was That Noise?

Reached quorum 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 16 May 2024 15:24:51 UTC

Add a step to “The Haul” after the third:-

* Roll DICE3 in a secretly random manner. On a 1, select a secretly random Thief and change their Plan to “Lay Low”.

Adding an element of uncertainty to even the best-planned burglaries, which also serves as a shadow in which a sly thief can hide with some deniability. (Prompted by 4st’s comment on Discord of this seeming like “the most coop dynasty ever instead of the banditry it presumes”.) Did your tooled-up scout really miss the action after encountering an unexpected guard patrol on the rooftops, or did they deliberately hang back to watch the job fail?

Story Post: Haul: The Chophouse

Clucky, Jonathan, Juniper and NadNavillus are agreed.

Adminned at 16 May 2024 08:35:11 UTC

Pushing cheap cuts of meat around their plates, JonathanDark, Juniper and NadNavillus patiently watch the counter staff and Scout their sightlines, waiting for the moment to move. When it comes, Clucky takes a straightforward Standard approach at the till. Once the takings have been grabbed, 4st makes a Leap across the top table to grab some silverware, and the gang make quick their escape.

The Haul is 22 Florins and a Candlestick.

Proposal: Taking Out The Trash

Reached quorum 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 16 May 2024 15:23:15 UTC

In “Distribution” replace “then that Target becomes the Current Target. Otherwise the Current Target becomes Restaurant.” with “then Next Target is set to the name of that Target. Otherwise the Next Target becomes Shop.”

The Takeout proposal accidentally left an instance of “Restaurant” in place in the Distribution rule, which Target Practice then failed to amend because it expected it to say “Shop”.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Proposal: Richer and Grander

Illegal. Juniper already had 2 Proposals still in the queue as of the time and date of this Proposal: “Rich and Reckless” and “Being Caught”.

@Juniper, you need to wait until “Rich and Reckless” either gets enough votes to fail it or enact it, or until it times out. You can also vote against your own proposal “Rich and Reckless” to withdraw it, and in this case that would make it fail immediately due to having a Quorum of votes AGAINST.

(closed by JonathanDark)

Adminned at 15 May 2024 07:26:10 UTC

Add a new step to the end of the list in “Distribution”:-

* A Thief’s Wealth is equal to their Florins value, plus the Florins in all of their own Pouches.
            * A Team’s Wealth is equal to the sum of all Members’ Wealth.

In “The Haul”, replace “If there is no pending Haul post” with:-

If there is no pending Haul post and the City has not made a Triumphal post so far this dynasty.

Add a rule named ‘Grand Heist’ with the following text:

==Grand Heist==
Each Thief can have a number of Grand Heists, which is publicly tracked and defaults to zero.

Grand Heists have a Description, which has no effect, but helps to create a good narrative.

Every Grand Heist must be completed by a Team. A Team must have at least 1 Thief in it. All Thieves in a Team are known as Members.
To create a Team, a Member must make a blog post with the names of every Member. This Team is created if every player mentioned responds to this blog post with for.

At any time, if a Team has met the Standard for an Grand Heist then they may Attempt it by making a blog post announcing as such. Such a Team is known as an Attemptor. A Thief not in the Team, or the City, must then respond with for if they can confirm the Attemptor has met the Standard. The Attemptor then makes a Notoriety Check, one for each Member. If they succeed, all Members may increase their Heists by 1. If they fail, all Members are placed in the Gaol. Each Thief may only claim each individual Heist once in the dynasty.

Any Thief who has claimed four Heists has achieved Victory.

The possible Heists, their Descriptions, and their Standards are as follows:

{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Heist !! Description !! Standard
| Mansion Jewels || Only the richest get into this mansion. You'll need to flash your cash - and there's the small matter of the 50 florin entrance fee… || This Team must have more than 200 Wealth. Pay 50 Florins to Attempt this Heist.
| The Monk's Diamond || It takes speed to outrun the swift monks at the temple. Plus, the police station is right next door. Better have a good escape route. || No Members may have any Injuries. Perform one additional Notoriety Check for every ten Wealth this Team have. This Team must announce their intentions to perform this Grand Heist five days in advance.
| Amethyst of Strength || The legendary Amethyst of Strength is held at a nearby museum. It doesn't actually grant strength, but it's surrounded by some pretty strong guards. || One Member must have the highest Arms value. No Members may have any Pouches.
| First Prize || At the underground Bragging Competition, the judges are happy to turn a blind eye to any wrongdoings, as long as you're the best in something. || One Member must have the highest Notoriety. Perform an additional Notoriety Check for every Member.
| Crystal Chandelier || At a fancy restaurant, the biggest gangs often have shootouts. If a notorious thief shows up, maybe they'll clear out - leaving the beautiful chandelier for you. || The current Target must be Restaurant. At least one Member must have a Notoriety of at least 48.

Tried fixing my proposal..? if something’s wrong then i’m not going to edit it any more.

Proposal: 2 Armed 2 Dangerous

Fewer than a quorum not voting AGAINST. Failed 1 vote to 3 by Kevan.

Adminned at 16 May 2024 15:22:11 UTC

Add a Possession called “Knife” with value of 5 and with an effect of “This is a Weapon. Add 1 to the Party’s might when totaling it during the Haul”

Add a Possession called “Pistol” with value of 5 and with an effect of “This is a Weapon. If it is Loaded, add 3 to the Party’s might when totaling it during the Haul”

Add a Possession called “Shotgun” with value of 10 an effect of “This is a Weapon. If it is Loaded, DICE10 to the Party’s might when totaling it during the Haul”

Add a Possession called “Ammo” with value of 1

Add a subrule to Possessions called “Weapons”

Some Possessions are Weapons, as identified in their effects. Each Thief may have one Weapon in their inventory marked as Equipped, which is publicly tracked. Thieves that possess a Hand injury in which may not have a Weapon marked as Equipped. (If a Thief picks up a Hand Injury while having a Weapon marked as Equipped, that Weapon ceases to be Equipped).

A Thief may Equip, Unequip, or change which weapon of theirs is Equipped as a Street Action

Weapons may Loaded or Unloaded and is by default Unloaded (whether it is Loaded or Unloaded is publically tracked). A Thief may, any time as an atomic action, remove Ammo from their Inventory in order to set one Weapon in their Inventory to Loaded.

In the Burglary after the step “If the Party Might is less than the Defense of the Current Target, apply the Trap of the Current Target” add the step “Set all Equipped Weapons to be Unloaded” 

Add a target called “Gun Shop” with a Defense of 7, loot of “Add two randomly selected weapons and 3 Ammo to the Haul”, and Trap of “Each Thief whose plan was not Rest or Lay Low gains a random Injury, then rolls a DICE3 and if the result is 1 sustains a second random injury”

Proposal: Caught Holding The Bag

Timed out 2 votes to 0 with 1 unresolved Imperial DEF and 1 unresolved regular DEF. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 16 May 2024 15:21:39 UTC

In the subrule “Notoriety”, after the text “If result is 1 then check fails”, add the following text:

, one randomly-selected Pouch (if they have any Pouches) is removed from their inventory,

If the proposal “Being Caught” was not enacted, then in the subrule “Notoriety”, after the text “If result is 1 then check fails”, add the following text:

, they lose 10 Notoriety,

As Clucky pointed out in another comment, it’s easy to make Notoriety not a big deal if most of your Florins are in Pouches. This removes the safety net and makes Notoriety a much more meaningful mechanic.

Proposal: Rehabilitation

Reached quorum 6 votes to 0 with one unresolved DEF. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 16 May 2024 09:30:43 UTC

In the rule “Gaol”, add the following text:

At any time, a Free Thief may pay a fine of 15 Florins and then add themselves to the Gaol. This action is known as Surrendering.

In the subrule “Distribution”, after the text “For each Thief in Gaol, subtract 1 from their Time Served” add this text:

and subtract 5 from their Notoriety

Here’s a way to remove Notoriety faster, by serving time in Gaol. You can significantly reduce your chances of getting Caught in the future by paying the price of not being able to do anything for a few Hauls. It’s also a little bit of compensation if the other Thieves put you in Gaol against your will.

Proposal: Being Caught

Withdrawn. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 16 May 2024 07:57:46 UTC

Add more text to the end of the ‘Notoriety’ rule as follows:

Once a Thief is Caught, they lose half of their Notoriety rounded up.

now i’m at 42, i’m going to fail nearly everything.

Story Post: Haul: The Gemwright

JonathanDark, NadNavillus, Clucky, Juniper and 4st are agreed.

Adminned at 15 May 2024 08:23:41 UTC

Clucky, Juniper and NadNavillus spend a few hours Scouting out the old building in the jewelry quarter, before returning later to break into a back office where 4st can Unlock the safe. The team make a quick exit, barrelling out through an alley door that JonathanDark was trying and failing to Unlock from the other side.

The Haul is a neat 17 Florins and three Unappraised Gems.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Xebec flees the country

Xebec is idled after 7 days of inactivity. Quorum remains unchanged at 4, but a quorum of Free Thieves drops to 3.

Proposal: Target Practice

Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan, including editing the text of this proposal. Final clause skipped as the word “Restaurant” was inadvertently left in place by the proposal Takeout.

Adminned at 15 May 2024 07:39:09 UTC

If was enacted, replace “Restaurant” with “Shop” throughout the rest of this proposal

In “The Target” replace ““The name of the Current Target is publicly tracked, as is by default the Shop.” with “The name of the Current Target and Next Target is publicly tracked, as are both by default the Shop.”

In “Distribution” after the step “Perform the Action of the Hustle of each Thief, if there are any to perform, doing so by secretly randomly choosing the order of Thieves in which to process each Thief’s Hustle. Any gains or losses are in addition to the previous steps of this instance of this atomic action.” add “Set the Current Target to be the Next Target”

In “Distribution” replace “then that Target becomes the Current Target. Otherwise the Current Target becomes Shop.” with “then Next Target is set to the name of that Target. Otherwise the Next Target becomes Shop.”

Right now, its asking a bit much for people to commit arms when we don’t even know what we’re hitting or if we’re even hitting anything

This makes it so that the “Next Target” gets set by vote in Haul 1. Then for Haul 2, people can commit their arms. Finally for Haul 3 we’ll actually hit the Next Target (as it became the new Current Target at the end of Haul 2).

Proposal: In the Shadows

Reached quorum 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 15 May 2024 07:32:03 UTC

Add a subrule to “The Thieves” called “Covert Income”:-

Whenever Florins are gained Covertly by a Thief who has any Pouches, then instead of being added to the Thief’s Florins they are added to a secretly random Pouch held by that Thief, and the City privately informs that Thief of which Pouch they were added to, and its new contents.

In the “Linger” Plan, replace “You gain 2DICE2 Florins” with “You gain 2DICE2 Florins Covertly (the dice being rolled in a secretly random manner)”.

In the “Informant” Hustle, replace “transfer” with “Covertly Transfer”.

Add a new Hustle:-

| Racketeer || Action: If this Thief has 1 or more Arms, they Covertly gain 3 Florins.

Clouding the waters a little.

Story Post: Haul: The Inn

NadNavillus, Juniper, Clucky, JonathanDark and 4st are agreed.

Adminned at 14 May 2024 08:49:03 UTC

A long evening of cheap food and drink at an inn across town is interspersed with well-timed trips to the rooms on the upper floor, without attracting the attention of other patrons or the landlord. Clucky, Juniper and NadNavillus Scout the rooms out, JonathanDark Unlocks a promising wardrobe, 4st attempts and fails to Unlock a storeroom door using brute force, and Xebec keeps a Standard watch down in the bar.

The previous Haul, having been punted, is brought along, but by the end of the night only 3 Florins and a Loupe can be found of it.

The Haul is now 24 Florins, a Loupe, an Unappraised Gem and a Lockpick.

Proposal: Takeout

Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 15 May 2024 07:28:57 UTC

In “The Target”, replace “Restaurant” with “Shop” and “Club” with “Underworld”.

To “The Target”, add a paragraph:-

“Restaurant” is considered to be a synonym for “Shop”, and “Club” a synonym for “Underworld”, when specifying Targets. The City may repeal this paragraph if no comments on a pending Haul post include the terms “Restaurant” or “Club”.

In the rule “Hustles”, and in the tracked gamestate it refers to, rename “Target” to “Victim”.

Giving the most likely burglary target a more generic name, since it’ll probably come up repeatedly; players also shouldn’t feel that proposed game items have to be things you might find in a restaurant, or among its patrons. The second one could take some genericising as well.

Also patching the double-use of “Target” in both Hustles and Targets.

Proposal: Rich and Reckless

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 15 May 2024 05:25:06 UTC

Add a new step to the end of the list in “Distribution”:-

* A Thief’s Wealth is equal to their Florins value, plus the Florins in all of their own Pouches.

In “The Haul”, replace “If there is no pending Haul post” with:-

If there is no pending Haul post and the City has not made a Triumphal post so far this dynasty.

Add a rule named ‘Grand Heist’ with the following text:

==Grand Heist==
Each Thief can have a number of Grand Heists, which is publicly tracked and defaults to zero.

Grand Heists have a Description, which has no effect, but helps to create a good narrative.

At any time, if a Thief has met the Standard for an Grand Heist then they may Attempt it by making a blog post announcing as such. Such a Thief is known as an Attemptor. If another Thief or the City can verify that the Attemptor has met the Standard for the Grand Heist, the Attemptor makes a Notoriety Check. If they succeed, they may increase their Heists by 1. If they fail, they are placed in the Gaol. Each Thief may only claim each individual Heist once in the dynasty.

Any Thief who has claimed every attainable Heist has achieved Victory.

The possible Heists, their Descriptions, and their Standards are as follows:

{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Heist !! Description !! Standard
| Mansion Jewels || Only the richest get into this mansion. You'll need to flash your cash - and there's the small matter of the 50 florin entrance fee… || Have more than 200 Florins. Pay 50 Florins to Attempt this Heist.
| The Monk's Diamond || It takes speed to outrun the swift monks at the temple. Plus, the police station is right next door. Better run. || Have no Injuries. Perform one additional Notoriety Check for every ten Wealth you have.
| Amethyst of Strength || The legendary Amethyst of Strength is held at a nearby museum. It doesn't actually grant strength, but it's surrounded by some pretty strong guards. || Have the highest Arms value and no Pouches.
| First Prize || At the underground Bragging Competition, the judges are happy to turn a blind eye to any wrongdoings, as long as you're the best in something. || Have the highest Notoriety. Perform an additional Notoriety Check.
| Crystal Chandelier || At a fancy restaurant, the biggest gangs often have shootouts. If a notorious thief shows up, maybe they'll clear out - leaving the beautiful chandelier for you. || The current Target must be Restaurant. Have a Notoriety of 50.

Kevan tried it earlier. I’ve just adapted the Awards from last dynasty to fit this.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Proposal: Floreat Scelus

Fewer than a quorum not voting against. Failed 0-4 by Kevan.

Adminned at 13 May 2024 13:44:46 UTC

Add a new step to the end of the list in “Distribution”:-

* A Thief’s Wealth is measured as their Florins value, plus the Florins in all of their own Pouches. If a single Thief has a higher Wealth than every other Thief, and if that Thief has 100 or more Wealth, then make a blog post (known as a Triumphal post) announcing this fact, including the Thief’s identify. Upon making such a post, the Thief identified in it achieves victory.

In “The Haul”, replace “If there is no pending Haul post” with:-

If there is no pending Haul post and the City has not made a Triumphal post so far this dynasty

Floating an obvious victory condition, now that we’ve reached the likely midpoint of the dynasty. (For new players; dynasties tend to last around a month.)

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Proposal: I Smell A Rat

Reached quorum 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 13 May 2024 07:08:24 UTC

In the rule “Hustles”, after the text “which is performed by the City during the Distributing atomic action”, add this text:

, and may also have a Target, which if present in the Description is the name of a Thief and must be mentioned when privately communicating that Hustle to the City.

and in the same rule, add this Hustle to the table:

| Blackmailer || This has a Target. Action: Perform a Notoriety check for that Target.

Makes having too much Notoriety a little more dangerous.

Proposal: Synchronise Watches

Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 13 May 2024 07:05:58 UTC

To “The Thieves”, add:-

If something is defined as a Street Action, a Thief can perform that action if they have not already done so since the most recent Haul post was posted.

Replace “daily action” with “Street Action” throughout the dynastic ruleset.

Nudging the few existing daily actions to “once per Haul” so that it doesn’t matter how my timing for the Hauls happens to line up with midnight UTC - and if the Haul cycle does start to speed up, processing two Hauls in a day won’t get in the way of anything.

Story Post: Haul: The Entomologist

Punted with no agreement after 48 hours.

Adminned at 13 May 2024 08:24:16 UTC

Scattered among the paperwork and display cases in the dark and creaking office, the group find a few coins and tools. Jonathan and Juniper scouted the place out earlier in the day, telling 4st and NadNavillus which desk drawers needed to be Unlocked. Other thieves took a Standard approach.

The Haul is 24 Florins, a Loupe and a Lockpick.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Proposal: Armed and Dangerous

Timed out / quorumed 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 13 May 2024 07:03:45 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Arms”

Each Thief has a publicly tracked amount of Arms, which defaults to 0.

At any time, a Thief may Purchase Arms by performing the following atomic action:

* Gain Notoriety equal to their Arms plus 1
* Perform a Notoriety Check
* Spend Florins equal to their Arms plus 1 and increase their Arms by 1 (if they are unable to perform this step, it is skipped without increasing their arms

Each Thief may privately communicate with the City the amount of Arms they wish to spend on a Haul and may change this at any time. This is known as their Offer.

Add a new dynastic called “The Target”

Targets have a Name, and Integer Defense, a Loot, and a Trap. Possible Targets are below.

The name of the Current Target is publicly tracked, as is by default the Restaurant.

{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Name || Defense || Loot || Trap
| Restaurant || 0 || None || None
| Club || 5 || Add 2DICE5 Florins to the Haul || Each Thief whose plan was not Rest or Lay Low gains a random Injury
| Bank || 10 || Add 5DICE5 Florins to the Haul || Each Thief whose plan was not Rest or Lay Low gains a random Injuries and gains 5 Notoriety
| Jewelry Store || 5 || Add two unapprised gems to the haul || Each Thief whose plan was not Rest or Lay Low gains 3 Notoriety

In “The Haul” before “Apply the Effect of each Thief’s plan (with the ‘you’ referring to the Thief whose plan it is)” add “Set the Party Might to 0” and then after “Apply the Effect of each Thief’s plan (with the ‘you’ referring to the Thief whose plan it is)” add the following steps

- For each Thief whose Plan is not Rest or Lay Low, reduce that Thief’s Arms by the amount most recently communicated Offer to a minimum of 0. Then increase the Party Might by the amount their Arms were reduced by.
- If the Party Might is greater than or equal to Defense of the Current Target, apply the Loot of the Current Target
- If the Party Might is less than the Defense of the Current Target, apply the Trap of the Current Target

In Distribution, add the following step right before “Change the status of the Haul post to enacted.”

If there is a single Target for which a quorum of Free Thieves included the string “Raid X” in a comment on the Haul Post, where X is the name of a Target, then that Target becomes the Current Target. Otherwise the Current Target becomes Restaurant.

Story Post: Haul: The Jeweller

NadNavillus, JonathanDark, 4st and Clucky are agreed.

Adminned at 11 May 2024 07:52:55 UTC

Time runs short on a window of opportunity that Juniper had Scouted out at the nearby jeweller’s, so the previous Haul is brought along in a sack (losing 3 Florins and the Cloak on the way). JonathanDark and NadNavillus make short work of Unlocking the display cabinets, the rest of the team pursue Standard approaches, and the job is done and dusted before the first whistle sounds.

Combined with the remnants of the previous Haul, the group now have 32 Florins, a Helm, two Unappraised Gems, a Loupe and a Lockpick to divide up.

Proposal: Reduced Sentence

Timed out / quorumed 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 13 May 2024 07:00:17 UTC

In the rule “Gaol”, after the text “The Gaol is a publicly-tracked list of Thieves” add the text “and a number named Time Served for each Thief in the Gaol, where Time Served defaults to 3 and is set to this default each time a Thief is newly added to the Gaol”.

In the subrule “Distribution”, after the bullet point that begins with “For each Thief in Gaol”, add this bullet point:

* For each Thief in Gaol, subtract 1 from their Time Served. If a Thief’s Time Served becomes 0, remove that Thief from the Gaol.

Thieves shouldn’t stay in Gaol forever automatically. I know a quorum of Free Thieves can free a Thief, but it’s too easy to just forget about it and leave them in Gaol forever, and right now that’s too powerful and punishing.

If people want to keep a Thief in Gaol, they should have to actively “renew” their sentence.

Idling request

I’d like to be idled before I manage to idle out. I haven’t been participating too much and that’s probably not going to change anytime soon

Proposal: Let’s bust out of this place!

Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 11 May 2024 09:39:28 UTC

Replace the following under “Gaol”:

A Thief who is in Gaol may not take dynastic actions, and is always considered to have a Plan of “Rest” and an Hustle of “Labourer”.


A Thief who is in Gaol may not take dynastic actions, except for the following specific actions:
* If a Thief in Gaol has a Lockpick in their inventory, they may remove it from their inventory and then remove themselves from Gaol.

A Thief in Gaol is always considered to have a Plan of “Rest” and an Hustle of “Labourer”.


You can’t keep me in this place!

Thursday, May 09, 2024

Call for Judgment: No Discounts in the Black Market

Timed out 3 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 12 May 2024 09:10:44 UTC

In the rule “The Black Market”, replace the text “Roll a DICE5 and add the result it to the identified Possession’s value. This is its Markup.” with this text:

Roll a DICE 5, then set the identified Possession’s Markup for this instance of the atomic action to be the result of that roll plus the identified Possession’s value.

Then in the same rule, replace every instance of the text “Markup” with the text “Black Market Price”

Uphold the change to the gamestate at this diff as the appropriate correction of gamestate based on the true legal interpretation of the ruleset at the time of this correction:

I warned about this earlier, and it came to pass anyway. “This is its Markup” is too ambiguous, but it should have meant the result of the math, not just the dice roll.

Juniper, your math is wrong


Your math is wrong.  You started with:

36 Florin and 6 Notoriety

Bought the Ring from the Blacket Market:
Notoriety:  6 + 7 (ring) + 3 = 16
Markup: Dice5: 2, Ring = 7 + 2 = 9

So that should be:
27 Florin, 16 Notoriety, Golden Ring

After Selling the ring:
Florin 27 + 7 = 34
Notoriety 16 + 7 = 23

Do you disagree?

Proposal: Greed is Good

Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 11 May 2024 09:30:39 UTC

In the rule “The Plan”, add the text “. This Plan is Busted” to the Effect for the “Pocket” Plan, and in the same rule add the following Plan to the table:

| Linger || You gain 2DICE2 Florins and 1 Notoriety

Nobody is choosing Pocket anymore, so we probably need something a little more enticing.

Proposal: Emperor Recruitment [Building Blocks]

Timed out 0 votes to 3. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 11 May 2024 09:21:37 UTC

Add a new Building Blocks rule to the Building Blocks page of the wiki, with the title “Emperor Recruitment” and the following text:

An Emperor Recruitment is a post in the Votable Matter category whose title begins with the text “Emperor Recruitment”, and can be used to end an inactively played or otherwise problematic dynasty and determine a new Emperor. If there is no Pending Emperor Recruitment post, any Thief may submit one to the blog.

If there is a Pending Emperor Recruitment, any thief may post a comment on it in which they explicitly state they are nominating themselves. This is known as an Emperor Nomination.

An Emperor Recruitment may be Enacted by any Admin if all of the following are true:
* It is Popular.
* It has been Pending for at least 72 hours.
* There is at least one Emperor Nomination on it.
* There are no pending Declarations of Victory

An Emperor Recruitment may be Failed by any Admin if any of the following are true:
* It is Unpopular.
* It has been Pending for at least 72 hours and there are no Emperor Nominations on it.
* A Declaration of Victory has been Enacted after the Emperor Recruitment was posted.

When a Emperor Recruitment is Enacted, then, among the Thieves who made an Emperor Nomination on it, the Thief who has been Emperor the fewest times (or, in case of a tie, the one of the tied Thieves who has been Player for the longest time) achieves Victory.

Just another rather radical idea I had, with two main objectives:
1. Offering an alternative for metadynasties
2. Giving everyone a chance to get to be Emperor a bit more easily

Proposal: An Informer (again?)

Fewer than a quorum not voting AGAINST, failed 1 vote to 4 by Kevan.

Adminned at 10 May 2024 19:10:26 UTC

Add a Plan named ‘Purge’ with the Effect

This Plan is applied after all other Plans. On a roll of DICE(51-N) where N is this Thief’s Notoriety, if the result is 1, set this Thief’s Notoriety to 0 and remove 1 Florin for every 3 Notoriety this Thief has, otherwise add 1 Florin to the Haul.


Since there’s no way to reduce Notoriety except by using Lay Low, if someone accumulates a lot of Notoriety, this can reduce it at the expense of the Haul (nerfed, my original idea was to set it to one per player).

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Proposal: Unique C’est Chic

Reached quorum 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 10 May 2024 16:34:58 UTC

In the subrule “Containers”, replace the text “has not been used as the name of another Pouch in this dynasty” with this text:

is not the name of a Pouch currently in any Thief’s inventory

Taking a cue from Kevan by fixing up a problematic rule about unqiuely-named Pouches. Since there hasn’t been a demonstrated need for unique-ness across the dynasty, let’s just get rid of that notion.

Stop Thief

Lendunistus idles out after seven days without any posts or comments.

Quorum remains 5, quorum for a Haul drops to 4.

Proposal: By Day…

Reached quorum 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan

Adminned at 10 May 2024 16:33:16 UTC

Rename the rule “Attitudes” to “Hustles”, and replace “Attitude” with “Hustle” (and “Attitudes” with “Hustles”) throughout the ruleset. Set each Thief’s Hustle to whatever their Attitude was immediately prior to this replacement.

Rename “One of Us” to “Labourer” throughout the ruleset and gamestate.

Rename “Best Mates” to “Pickpocket” throughout the ruleset and gamestate.

Rename “Solo Act” to “Informant” throughout the ruleset and gamestate.

The Attitudes rule hasn’t been expanded with other options since it was enacted, perhaps a more tangible narrative reskin might help to spark ideas. As something that occurs between Hauls, we could think of them as the regular jobs that the Thieves perform when they’re not out thieving.

Story Post: Haul: The Haberdasher

The Haul is Punted after 48 hours without an agreement.

Adminned at 10 May 2024 18:07:09 UTC

Breaking in through a secluded storage room window, the gang recover 13 Florins, a Helm, a Cloak and an Unappraised Gem.

JonathanDark Scouted the place out during opening hours, while 4st Eavesdropped to learn where the shopkeeper was keeping their more valuable accoutrements. The other thieves took a Standard approach.

Proposal: Go Directly

Timed out 4 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 10 May 2024 13:27:51 UTC

Create a new rule, “Gaol”:-

The Gaol is a publicly-tracked list of Thieves; these Thieves are said to be “in Gaol”, and all other Thieves are said to be “Free”.

A Thief who is in Gaol may not take dynastic actions, and is always considered to have a Plan of “Rest” and an Attitude of “One of Us”.

In “Distribution”, replace both instances of “a quorum of Thieves” with:-

a quorum of Free Thieves

And to the bullet list, add two new steps after the second:-

* For each Free Thief, if a quorum of Free Thieves included the string “Gaol X” in a comment on the Haul Post, where X is the name of that Thief, then that Thief is added to the Gaol.
* For each Thief in Gaol, if a quorum of Free Thieves included the string “Free X” in a comment on the Haul Post, where X is the name of that Thief, then that Thief is removed from the Gaol.

A different attempt at fixing Haul quorum: creating a (fairly harmless) place where inactive Thieves can be moved to by a quorate Haul vote, where they take a break and stop counting towards that quorum.

Proposal: Fear Of Missing Out

Withdrawn. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 09 May 2024 06:41:06 UTC

In the rule “The Haul”, after the text “The Haul contains a list of Possessions and a number of Florins.” add the following text:

Haul Quorum is a publicly-tracked number and defaults to a quorum of the current number of non-Idle Thieves. Whenever a Thief that was Unidle becomes Idle, or whenever a Thief that was Idle becomes Unidle, the Haul Quorum should be reset to its default value.

In the subrule “Distribution”, replace all instances of the text “a quorum of Thieves” with “a number of Thieves at least equal to the Haul Quorum”.

In the same subrule, replace the text “the City may perform the atomic action of Distributing it:-” with the following text:

the City may set the Haul Quorum to its default value and perform the atomic action of Distributing:

In the same subrule, replace the text “the City may perform the Distributing atomic action on it” with the following text:

the City may reduce the Haul Quorum by 1, to a minimum of 1, and perform the Distributing atomic action

This prevents Hauls endlessly rolling over when some Thieves don’t participate in propositions and yet don’t go idle due to making the bare minimum effort.

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Proposal: Sticky Plans

Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 09 May 2024 06:37:02 UTC

Remove the text

Reset each Thief’s plan to Standard

from “The Haul”.

Sending the plan to the city for each haul is difficult for me personally, I wish it stuck around a little bit.

Story Post: Haul: The Candlemaker

JonathanDark, Clucky, NadNavillus, Juniper and Desertfrog are agreed.

Adminned at 08 May 2024 17:50:20 UTC

Hearing an unfamiliar tread on the stair before they had reached agreement on how to split the last night’s loot, the thieves have no choice but to take it all along with them on their next job, losing a little of it in the rush - four Florins are lost.

A break-in at the candlemaker’s brings in 20 Florins and a Lockpick; Juniper had Scouted out where the cash was kept, while the others pursued a Standard approach.

Adding this to the remnants of the previous Punted Haul, the group now have a total of 31 Florins, two Lockpicks and a Gold Ring to divide up.

Proposal: Redistribution of Wealth

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 08 May 2024 21:09:42 UTC

In the rule “The Plan”, after the text “The possible plans are tracked in the table below”, add this text:

, along with a Target that is not empty if the Plan requires it. If the Plan requires a Target, the Target must be communicated when the Thief privately messages the City with their Plan, otherwise the Plan is invalid.

and in the same rule, add a “Target” column to the table, with blanks in every row of that column. Then, add the following to that table:

| Redistribute || If the Pouch named in the Target is in the inventory of the Thief named in the Target, remove that Pouch from that Thief and add Florins equal to its Value to the Haul. When naming the Plan selected by each Thief in the Haul post, the City should treat each Thief who chose this Plan as if they had chosen the Standard Plan instead. || The name of a Thief and the full name of a Pouch in that Thief’s inventory

In the rule “Injury”, replace “If your Plan is Standard, Pocket or Scout” with “If your Plan is Standard, Pocket, Scout, or Redistribute”.

In the rule “Possessions”, add the following to the table:

| Trap Kit || 3 || If a Thief names you as the Target of a Redistribute plan, a Trap Kit is removed from your inventory and that Thief’s plan instead has no effect.

If you think that someone has gotten too far ahead in Florins and tied up their riches in pouches, this is a way to get those gains spread out to everyone else.

Monday, May 06, 2024

Proposal: Notarize This!

Timed out, 3-0 with 2 DEFs. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 08 May 2024 21:04:15 UTC

Add the following to “Notoriety”

When a Thief performs a Notoriety Check, this is an atomic action performed by the following steps:

- If their Notoriety is 0 or less, the check automatically succeeds and no further steps are taken for it
- Roll a DICE(51-N) where N is their Notoriety. If result is 1 then check fails and 50% of their Florins, rounded up, are distributed evenly amongst all other Thieves, with any remaining Florins lost.

In Possessions replace the two steps

If their Notoriety after doing so is above 0, roll a DICE(51-N) where N is their new Notoriety)
If the above step is performed and the result is 1, then they are Caught and 50% of their Florins, rounded up, are distributed evenly amongst all other Thieves, with any remaining Florins lost.


Perform a Notoriety Check

Add a subrule to “Possessions” called “The Black Market”

As a daily action, if a Possessions is listed on the table in the rule “Possessions” and has a constant value, a Thief may attempt to Acquire it from the Black Market by performing the following Atomic Action:

- Identify the Possession they which to Acquire
- Increase their Notoriety by Three plus its Value
- Perform a Notoriety Check
- Roll a DICE5 and add the result it to the identified Possession’s value. This is its Markup.
- If the Thief has at least the Markup in Florins, reduce their Florins by the Markup and add a copy of the identified possession to the Thief’s inventory.

Proposal: Tools of the Trade

Timed out over quorum, 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 08 May 2024 12:38:22 UTC

To the table in “Possessions”, add the following entries (where the number in brackets is the Value and the text after the Value its Effect):-

Cloak (1) The Eavesdrop Plan gains you 1 Notoriety instead of 2
Glove (1) The Pocket Plan gives you 1DICE3 Florins instead of 1 Florin
Helm (3) If you would acquire a Head Injury, you instead do not
Loupe (2) You may gain 3 additional Florins when selling an Unappraised Gem

If “Plan-et Fitness” failed, replace the Cloak effect with “The Eavesdrop Plan costs you 2 Notoriety instead of 3”.

Add a “Plan” of “Unlock” with the Effect of “If you have a Lockpick, the City adds 1DICE6 Florins and a Possession to the Haul, then you lose a Lockpick”.

Adding some items that can do things.

Proposal: Crime Never Sleeps

Timed out 4 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 08 May 2024 12:36:26 UTC

Change the effect of the Standard Plan from “The city adds 1DICE3 Florins to the haul” to:-

The City adds 1DICE3 Florins to the Haul. On a roll of 1, the City also adds a Possession to the Haul.

Replace “an additional Possession” with “a Possession” throughout the Plan Effects.

To the end of the rule “The Plan”, add a paragraph:-

When the City is required to “add a Possession” to a Haul, it selects a random type of Possession from the table in the rule “Possessions” and adds one instance of it to the Haul.

Remove the “Add 1 Florin to the Haul” and “Select a random type of Possession from the table in the rule “Possessions” and add one instance of it to the Haul” steps from the Burglary action.

Currently if every Thief chooses to Rest or Lay Low, the group will still somehow steal 1 Florin and a Possession. This moves Possession discovery into the Standard action (with a chance to find more or less than one Possession per Haul), and removes the free Florin.

Proposal: A Narc(issist)

Timed out 1 vote to 3. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 08 May 2024 07:47:52 UTC

Add a new Plan with the Name ‘Defector’, with the Effect ‘Add 1DICE3 Florins to the Haul. Roll DICE(51-N) where N is the sum of all Thiefs’ Notoriety. If the above step is performed and the result is 1, then the Haul is Busted, and 1/T of the Florins gained from the Haul, rounded up, go each Thief with this Plan, where T is the number of active Thieves, and reduce the Notoriety of all Thieves with this Plan by 5. Otherwise, increase the Notoriety of all Thieves with this Plan by 6.

Risk-reward sort of plan I think would be interesting. Also alerts me that the act of rolling for being Caught is pretty wordy, might have to make another proposal fixing that.

Selling some stuff

As an Atomic Action, I Sell my Unappraised Gem. As I rolled a 9, I gain 9 Florins and 9 Notoriety. I roll for Notoriety, the result is not 1, I am not Caught.

Proposal: Pouch O’ Plenty

Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 07 May 2024 16:52:57 UTC

In the rule “Containers”, replace the second bullet point in the atomic action Sorting Pouches with the following:

* Create 1 to 4 new Pouches in their inventory, spending any number (greater than zero) of Florins for each Pouch, and giving each Pouch a valid name and a valid Value, where the Value of each Pouch equals the number of Florins so spent to create it. These steps may be concatenated into a single wiki edit to obscure the precise sums allocated to each Pouch.

Doing this a little at a time so we can agree or disagree on each point. I think there’s general agreement that each Thief should be able to have more than one Pouch at a time. I don’t want to add anything else to this, so that it’s just about having more than 1 Pouch. Other things regarding Pouches can be addressed in other Proposals.

Monday, May 06, 2024

Proposal: Plan-et Fitness

Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 07 May 2024 16:51:54 UTC

Add a plan called “Lay Low” with effect “Reduce your Notoriety by 3”

In the effect of “Scout” replace “You gain 2 Notoriety” with “You gain 3 Notoriety”

In the effect of “Eavesdrop” replace “You gain 3 Notoriety” with “You gain 2 Notoriety”

Story Post: Haul: The Fisherman

Haul punted after 48 hours with no quorum reached.

Adminned at 19 May 2024 16:04:16 UTC

With a small bribe to the harbour guard to look the other way, the group board a small fishing vessel and find a total of 15 Florins, a Gold Ring and a Lockpick below deck.

NadNavillus Eavesdropped while JonathanDark sought Cash and the others pursued the Standard plan.

Proposal: Risky Business

Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 06 May 2024 11:20:31 UTC

Enact a subrule to “The Thieves” called “Injury”:-

Each Thief has a list of publicly-tracked Injuries, from the following possibilities, some having an Effect to those who suffer them:

{| class="wikitable"
! Injury || Effect
| Body || None.
| Foot || If your Plan is Scout or Leap during a Health Check, it is set to Rest.
| Hand || If your Plan is Standard, Pocket or Scout during a Health Check, it is set to Rest.
| Head || You may not take dynastic actions. Your Plan is always set to Rest during a Health Check.

Add a “Plan” of “Leap” with the Effect of “You gain a random Injury and the City adds an additional Possession to the Haul.”

Add a “Plan” of “Rest” with the Effect of “You lose a random Injury if you have any.”

Add an additional step to the start of the Burglary atomic action:

* Perform a Health Check

Florins and Notoriety are feeling quite tightly connected, we could probably use an additional player variable.

Saturday, May 04, 2024

Proposal: Fiddling Small Change

Timed out 1 vote to 4. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 06 May 2024 11:18:00 UTC

In “The Plan”, replace “2DICE5” (the outcome of Cash/Scouting) with “DICE5”, and “1DICE3” (the outcome of Standard) with “DICE2”.

Stuff/Eavesdropping currently adds an average of 4.125 Florins’ worth of content to a Haul, at a cost of 3 Florins/Notoriety. Cash/Scouting adds an average of 6 Florins for 2 cost. Seems like that should be a bit lower, particularly when Florins are less interesting to distribute and don’t require fencing.

And since a lower payout won’t be very much above the DICE3 baseline for just turning up, maybe we should drop that to DICE2.

Call for Judgment: Out of the Bag

Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 05 May 2024 10:52:10 UTC

In “The Haul”, replace “Select a random type of Possession” with:

Select a random type of Possession from the table in the rule “Possessions”

Uphold the creation of the Clockmaker, Scrivener, Blacksmith, Merchant and Carpenter Hauls.

Comments on Pouch Potato note “lingering issues about if Pouches can be added to the Haul when selecting a random possession”. We should make a call on whether the past Hauls were valid or not (I’d assumed, I think in retrospect wrongly, that Pouches should not be part of this selection).

Friday, May 03, 2024

Proposal: Shell Game

Timed out. Fails 2-4—Clucky

Adminned at 06 May 2024 04:30:16 UTC

In the rule “Possessions”, add the following text:

Each Thief has a Transfer, which is privately tracked by the City, defaults to empty, and is either empty, or contains a list of one or more of that Thief’s Possessions and a Thief who is the Destination of that Transfer. A Thief may set their Transfer by privately communicating the desired value to the City.

In the subrule “Distribution”, after the first step of the atomic action “Distributing It” add this step:

* For each Thief who has a non-empty Transfer, remove the Possessions listed in that Transfer from that Thief, skipping any that are not actually in that Thief’s inventory, set that Thief’s Transfer to empty, and add the removed Possessions to the inventory of the Thief named as the Destination. Privately communicate to the Thief named as the Destination the value of each Pouch in the Transfer using the name of each Pouch.

I think that Clucky wanted to have the ability to voluntarily move Pouches between Thieves. Here’s a hopefully less complicated idea, which still involves the City but at least is deterministic on when it gets processed.

Proposal: Sleep With One Eye Open

Timed out. Fails 3-3—Clucky

Adminned at 06 May 2024 04:29:07 UTC

In the rule “Attitudes”, add the following to the table:

| Jealous || Action: Select the Thief, other than this Thief, whose Florins are the closest to equal of this Thief’s Florins, secretly-randomly choosing among ties, and if the selected Thief has one or more Possessions and does not have an Attitude of Paranoid, transfer a randomly-selected Possession from the selected Thief to this Thief. If the transferred Possession is a Pouch, the City must secretly inform this Thief of the value of the Pouch by name.
| Paranoid || -

and in the same rule, in the Description of the Attitude “Solo Act”, replace the text “and transfer the minimum” with “and if the selected Thief does not have an Attitude of Paranoid, transfer the minimum”

In the rule “Containers”, add the following as a third bullet point to the atomic action Sorting Pouches:

* Repeat the previous step of this action as many times as wished, but they must add 1 to their Notoriety for each repeat of the previous step. These steps may be concatenated into a single wiki edit to obscure the precise sums allocated to each Pouch.

Offering a way to steal Possessions and to block or lessen the impact of said theft.

Proposal: Pouch Potato

Timed out. Fails 2-4—Clucky

Adminned at 06 May 2024 04:28:13 UTC

In “The Thieves” replace “an inventory list of Possessions” with “an inventory list of Possessions and Pouches”

In “Containers” replace

A Pouch is a Possession that is used to contain Florins. Each individual Pouch is unique, and must have a name of “X Pouch” (where X is a Pouch Style, or two different Pouch Styles separated by a space) that has not been used as the name of another Pouch in this dynasty. The value of a Pouch is equal to the number of Florins used to create it and must be greater than 0; the value of each individual Pouch is privately tracked by the City. All Pouches have no effect.

As a daily action, a Thief may Sort their Pouches. Sorting Pouches is an atomic action with the following steps:

Destroy all of their existing Pouches by removing them from their inventory, and gaining Florins equal to their value;
Spend any number (greater than zero) of Florins, and create a new Pouch in their inventory with a valid name and a valid Value equal to the number of Florins so spent;
Send a personal message to the City detailing the Pouches destroyed and created, with the new values of the latter.


Each Pouch has a publicly tracked Name which must be in the form of “X Pouch” (where X is a Pouch Style, or two different Pouch Styles separated by a space) that has not been used as the name of another Pouch in this dynasty, and a positive integer value which is privately tracked by the City

A Thief may never have more than five pouches in their inventory

At any time a Thief may Empty a Pouch which is in their inventory by informing the City of their attempt to do so. When such a request is made the City should perform the following atomic action
- Remove the named pouch from the inventory of the Thief who made this request (if it is not in their inventory, the action fails and the city should perform the remaining steps)
- Increase that Thief’s Florins by the value of the pouch

At any time a Thief may Create Pouches by performing the following atomic action
- Spend X Florins. Then repeat the next step X times (The Thief is highly encouraged to do all X steps is the same Wiki update in order to obfuscate how many florins are in each specific pouch)
- Spend any number (greater than zero) of Florins, and create a new Pouch in their inventory with a valid name. The value of this pouch is equal to the number of Florins so spent
- Send a private message to the City detailing the Pouches created and the value of each pouch


Setting up the ability to swap pouches between players, which currently would be broken as only the thief who made the pouch and the city knows what’s in it.

This does create a bit of an issue where you need Kevan to respond in order to move your patches around, but can’t think of a better approach.

Haul: The Carpenter

4st, JonathanDark, NadNavillus, Clucky and Desertfrog are agreed.

Adminned at 05 May 2024 16:06:52 UTC

Breaking into the workshop hours after the close of a big sale, your group is able to liberate 29 Florins and a Lockpick.

JonathanDark and 4st knew there was Cash to be found here, all other Thieves adopted a Standard Plan.

Proposal: Kick the Can

Timed out, 3-2. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 05 May 2024 17:38:42 UTC

In “The Haul” replace “If the Haul is empty” to “If there is no pending Haul post”

In “Distribution” after “Such responses must unambiguously identify where every element of the Haul’s contents would go.” add

Alternatively, their comment may include clear request to punt the haul, but may not include both a request to punt and a distribution in the same comment.

in the distributing Atomic Action replace the step “Move the contents of the Haul to the Thieves in the manner specified by this common Proposition” with

If the common Proposition was a distribution, move the contents of the Haul to the Thieves in the manner specified by it
If the common Proposition was a request to punt, roll a DICEX where X is the current number of Florins in the Haul, then remove that many Florins from the Haul. Also for each Possession in the Haul, roll a DICE2 and if the result is a 1, remove it from the Haul.

finally to Distribution add

If a Haul post has been pending for at least 48 hours and a quorum of Thieves have not posted equivalent Propositions it, the City may perform the Distributing atomic action on it, treating the Common Proposition as a Request to Punt

Proposal: Do Not Pass Go

Withdrawn. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 04 May 2024 15:01:34 UTC

Remove “At any time a Thief may take an action known as Selling, to remove a Possession from their own inventory to gain Florins equal to its Value.” from “Possessions”.

Remove “Every time a Thief Sells a Possession” and all text after it from “Notoriety”.

Add a subrule to “Possession” called “Selling”, with the following text:-

A Thief may perform the following atomic action of Selling, at any time:-

* Remove a Possession from their own inventory
* Gain Florins equal to that Possession’s value
* Gain Notoriety equal to the number of Florins gained in the previous step
* If their Notoriety is above zero, roll DICEX, where X is 50 minus their Notoriety: if the result of the roll is 1 or lower, then they are Caught and 50% of their Florins, rounded up, are distributed evenly amongst all other Thieves, with any remaining Florins lost

Cleaning up and clarifying the timing of the scattered sale clauses.

Proposal: Hidden Riches

Withdrawn. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 04 May 2024 14:58:43 UTC

To “Possessions”, add

The sum of each Thief’s Possessions’ Values is publicly tracked. Possessions that do not have a constant Value are not included in this sum, but are instead tracked by inserting the string “+?” to the end of the sum.

Add a subrule entitled “Stashes” to the rule “The Thieves” , with the following text:

Each Thief has a Stash. Each Stash has a Value, which is a non-negative integer privately tracked by the City and defaults to 0.

At any time, a Thief may spend Florins to increase the Value of their Stash by the number of Florins thus spent. At any time, a Thief may decrease the Value of their Stash to gain an equal amount of Florins. These actions may be concatenated into a single wiki edit with some other action.

As the total Value of a Thieves Pouches can be deduced, there’s no point in keeping such valuable information private. Instead, there could be an actually secret mechanism to ensure some uncertainty.

Thursday, May 02, 2024

Call for Judgment: Synonymity

Popular, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 03 May 2024 20:14:00 UTC

Upload the atomic action that created the Ascension Address in the post The Spoils as having been completed.

Update the Building Blocks page to reflect any changes to the terms outlined in the rule Synonyms.

Technically speaking, since “Update the Building Blocks page to reflect any changes to the terms outlined in the rule Synonyms.” is a step in the atomic action described in “Victory and Ascension”, and that step was not done, the atomic action was never completed. Rather than unwinding the entire dynasty over it, let’s just uphold the AA and update the Building Blocks page.

I don’t think we can correct the Building Blocks page otherwise, since it is gamestate. If I’m wrong and this can be fixed via “Representations of the Gamestate”, let me know.

Idling out

Quorum drops to 5.

Also open-sourcing this - anyone can feel free to use it, just keep it updated.

Proposal: Self-Preservation Society

Timed out 0 votes to 4. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 04 May 2024 14:57:11 UTC

Add the following as a third bullet point to the rule Containers, if it exists, or Pouches if it does not:

* Repeat the previous step of this action as many times as wished, to a maximum of four times. These steps may be concatenated into a single wiki edit to obscure the precise sums allocated to each Pouch.

Add the following to the table of Possessions in the rule of the same name, as the first and third entries respectively:

| Black Glove || 0 || Enables the Riffle plan
| Flintlock || 2 || Enables the Menace plan

Add the following to the list of Plans in the rule The Plan:

| Target || Prior to the posting of each Haul, you may privately specify a Possession to the City. If you have at least 5 Florins when the Burglary is run, lose 5 Florins and the City adds the Possession so specified to the Haul.
| Riffle || If you have at least one Black Glove, lose a Black Glove, and become a Pickpocket for the purposes of this Haul. After a Haul is Distributed, if you were a Pickpocket in it, you may once within 24 hours of the Distribution of the Haul move one Pouch from the Inventory of another Thief to your own Inventory.
| Menace || If you have at least one Flintlock, lose a Flintlock, and become Menacing for the purposes of this Haul. In any Haul with at least one Menacing Thief, a Proposition is not valid if it would result in no Florins being distributed to all Menacing Thieves.

Proposal: Bug 2: Electric Bugaloo

Exceeded quorum, 6-0 with 1 DEF and City voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 03 May 2024 20:10:21 UTC

In the rule “Notoriety”, replace the text “any action that would set Notoriety to a value below -50 instead sets it to 50.” with

any action that would set Notoriety to a value below -50 instead sets it to -50.


We’re starting to get some momentum around Notoriety, so I think it’s worth fixing it up sooner rather than later.

Proposal: Sticking Your Neck Out

Exceeded quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 03 May 2024 20:06:44 UTC

Add two Plans with the following names and (after the colons) effects:-

Scout: You gain 2 Notoriety and the city adds 2DICE5 Florins to the Haul
Eavesdrop: You gain 3 Notoriety and the city adds an additional Possession to the Haul

Add “. This Plan is Busted.” to both the “Cash” and “Stuff” Plans.

In “The Haul”, replace “Reset each Thief’s plan to Standard” with:-

* Reset each Thief’s plan to Standard
* Remove all Busted Plans from the table in The Plan

...and move the bullet point beginning “Make a blog post” to the end of that list.

Changing the cost of the Haul-boosting plans from Florins to Notoriety, which might be a more interesting cost to weigh up. Also adding a “Busted” status for Plans so that they can be retired on the game clock here and in future, rather than changed underfoot.

Story Post: Haul: The Merchant

Haul distributed, Clucky, NadNavillus, 4st, Desertfrog and JonathanDark are agreed.

Adminned at 03 May 2024 18:47:35 UTC

In a small chest lifted from an open cart at an opportune moment, the thieves find 22 Florins, a Gold Ring and an Unappraised Gem.

All Thieves adopted a Standard Plan for the job, except for Josh who chose Cash and Clucky who chose Stuff.

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Proposal: Notorious B-U-G

Exceeded quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 03 May 2024 20:03:14 UTC

Replace the text of “Notoriety” with “Every Thief has a Level of Notoriety, which can be negative and defaults to -5. A Thief’s Level of Notoriety, Notoriety, and Notoriety Level are all considered to be synonymous with each other. Notoriety may never be higher than 50, and any action that would set Notoriety to a value above 50 instead sets it to 50. Likewise, Notoriety may never be lower than -50 and any action that would set Notoriety to a value below -50 instead sets it to 50.”

In “Possessions” replace “At any time a Thief may take an action known as Selling, to remove a Possession from their own inventory to gain Florins equal to its Value.” with

At any time a Thief may take an atomic action known as Selling by performing the following steps:
- Identify a Possession in their own Inventory
- Gain Florins and Notoriety equal to its Value
- If their Notoriety after doing so is above 0, roll a DICE(51-N) where N is their new Notoriety)
- If the above step is performed and the result is 1, then they are Caught and 50% of their Florins, rounded up, are distributed evenly amongst all other Thieves, with any remaining Florins lost.
- In either case, remove the identified possession from their own inventory

Reduce the Notoriety of all Thieves by five

Fixing some concerns with the current status of Notoriety

Proposal: Treasure Chests 2

Timed out, 1-4. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 03 May 2024 20:02:13 UTC

Rename the Rule “Containers” to “Pouches”.

Add a new rule after “Pouches” named “Chests” with the text

Each Thief has a chest, which can contain 2 Possessions. As a daily action, a thief may Take Inventory.
Taking inventory is an atomic action sent to the city, wherein the city responds with the contents of their chest. Then, optionally, a player may, by privately specifying to the city:

- take a possession out of their chest.
- put a possession into their chest.
- do nothing.

Amend the effect of Lockpick to be “A thief may expend a lockpick during the action of Taking Inventory by specifying whose chest to operate on, and then the city will pretend that the specified thief’s chest is their chest for the purposes of that specific Taking Inventory.”

ALSO, this would enable a player to make a few additional pouches, by first placing any extant pouches in the chest, and additionally, kinda sorta the ability to trade?

Story Post: Haul: The Blacksmith

Clucky, 4st, JonathanDark, Juniper and Desertfrog are agreed. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 02 May 2024 07:40:32 UTC

By the light of the cooling furnace, the thieves found 17 loose Florins and an Unappraised Gem.

All Thieves adopted a Standard Plan for the job, except for Josh who chose to Pocket.

Proposal: Black Market Blues


Adminned at 03 May 2024 16:06:30 UTC

In “Possessions” add a subrule called “The Black Market”

The Black Market is publicly tracked and consists of a list of Possessions, and a Cost associated with that Possession. At any time, as an atomic action a Thief may spend the cost of a possession, adding that possession to their inventory and then increasing the cost of that possession in the Black Market by 1.

The Cost of a Possession may never be less than its Value. Possessions which do not have a constant value may not be listed in the Black Market. If a Possession has a constant value, any thief may add it to the Black Market with a cost equal to its value plus three.

As a daily communal action a Thief may reduce the cost of all Possessions in the black market by 1 (or to their minimal values, if already there). Each individual thief may only perform this as a weekly action (in addition to the daily communal action restrictions).

Providing a system to purchase items outright if you want. Experimenting with the idea of a “Selfish Communal Action” that is limited to being done daily as a group but also weekly for each individual player.

Proposal: Empty Your Pockets

Withdrawn. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 03 May 2024 10:17:59 UTC

Add the following to “Possessions”

If the City must deduct a Florin from a Thief with 0 Florins, the City will randomly choose a Pouch and remove that Pouch from the Inventory and add Florins equal to its value to that Thief than the City will deduct a Florin.


Seems gamey to have all your florins in pouches but you can’t pay your debits.

Proposal: Follow the Leader

Reached quorum 5 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 03 May 2024 10:17:04 UTC

In the rule “Attitudes”, replace the text in the Description of “Solo Act” with the following text:

Action: Select the Thief with the most Florins among all Thieves other than this one, secretly randomly choosing among ties, and transfer the minimum of 3 Florins or the selected Thief’s Florins to this Thief’s Florins.

I’m taking the advice of folks on my earlier Proposal regarding Attitudes and changing the random bit for Solo Act to instead target the Thief with the most Florins at the moment of processing the Action. The only random part now is where there are multiple Thieves tied for most Florins.

Proposal: The Pigeon Loft [Building Blocks]

Withdrawn. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 03 May 2024 10:15:17 UTC

Copy the Building Block “Virtual Actions” into the Building Blocks section of the ruleset.

In “The Plan”, replace “A Thief may change their plan at any time by privately messaging the City what they want their new plan to be” with:-

A Thief may change their Plan as a virtual action.

In “Attitudes”, replace “As a Weekly Action, a Thief may change their Attitude by privately communicating to the City their new Attitude.” with:-

A Thief may change their Attitude as a virtual action.

In “The Haul”, replace “If the Haul is empty” with:-

If the Haul is empty and no virtual actions are pending

In “Distribution”, replace “If a quorum of Thieves have posted equivalent Propositions on a Haul post” with:-

If a quorum of Thieves have posted equivalent Propositions on a Haul post and no virtual actions are pending

Seems like we may as well use the virtual actions boilerplate here, so that we’ve got clear outcomes for invalid requests, retractions and other outlier situations.

Story Post: Quorum is broken?

At Kevan explicitly put Quorum at 5. When Clucky unidled, did we all assume Quorum raised to 6, or did I miss something? Either way, is it legal to raise the quorum if it would be legal to do so if you had announced it?

Proposal: Lighter Pockets

Unpopular, less than quorum not voting AGAINST (2-4 with 1 DEF and City voting Against). Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 02 May 2024 14:21:52 UTC

Add the following to the table of Possessions in the rule of the same name, as the first and third entries respectively:

| Black Glove || 0 || Enables the Riffle plan
| Flintlock || 2 || Enables the Menace plan

Add the following to the list of Plans in the rule The Plan:

| Target || Prior to the posting of each Haul, you may privately specify a Possession to the City. If you have at least 2 Florins when the Burglary is run, lose 2 Florins and the City adds the Possession so specified to the Haul.
| Riffle || If you have at least one Black Glove, lose a Black Glove. After the Haul is posted in which this is your Plan, but before that Haul is Distributed, you may once move one Possession from the Inventory of anothr Thief to your own Inventory.
| Menace || If you have at least one Flintlock, lose a Flintlock. In this Haul, a Proposition is not valid if it would result in no Florins being distributed to you.

Story Post: Haul: The Scrivener

JonathanDark, NadNavillus, Clucky, Josh and Desertfrog are agreed, making a quorum of Thieves. (Lendunistus’ further agreement is split over two comments so probably doesn’t count.)

Adminned at 01 May 2024 17:45:49 UTC

Through an inadequately closed window, the group gathers 23 Florins and a fine silver Candlestick from a writing desk.

All Thieves adopted a Standard Plan for the job, save for JonathanDark who favoured Cash.