Saturday, November 01, 2008

Proposal: Be sure to rite this down


Adminned at 01 Nov 2008 14:36:37 UTC

Add the following text at the end of rule “Rituals”:

All decisions made for a ritual shall be documented in the GNDT as a comment at the time of making any dice rolls for that ritual or before it, but never after the roll is made.

Add a sub-rule “Rain Dance” to rule “Rituals” that reads:

When this ritual is performed, the Clansmen specifies a type of blessing that will be bestowed on another Clansmen, as well as which Clansmen (which can also be themselves) will receive the blessing. The available curses are “Protection”, “Good Fortune” and “Fertility”. The Clansmen then rolls DICEX where X is their honor. If the result is equal to or greater than Quorum, the ritual succeeds and the following effect occurs depending on the choice taken (else the ritual fails):

Protection: The next time the Clansmen would be Damaged (including Crushing Damage) within 48 hours, that Damage doesn’t happen instead and this effect ends.
Good Fortune: The next time the Clansmen rolls a dice by themselves within 48 hours, they may choose to comment “Good Fortune” on the GNDT, ignore the first result and roll again.
Fertility: The first time within 48 hours that one or more of the Clansmen’s stats would be raised, that clansmen may increase those stats again once by the same amount.

Add a sub-rule “Sowing Salt” to rule “Rituals” that reads:

When this ritual is performed, the Clansmen specifies a type of curse that will be dumped on another Clansmen, as well as which Clansmen (which can also be themselves) will receive the curse. The available blessings are “Glass Bones”, “No Suck Luck” and “Voiceless”. The Clansmen then rolls DICEX where X is their honor. When a Clansmen attempts this ritual, they take Damage, regardless of its success of failure. If the result is equal to or smaller than Quorum, the ritual succeeds and the following effect occurs depending on the choice taken (else the ritual fails):

Glass Bones: The next time the Clansmen would be Damaged (excluding Crushing Damage) within 48 hours, that Damage counts as Crushing Damage instead and the effect ends.
No Such Luck: For 48 hours the Clansmen cannot take any action that would require them to roll dice by themselves. 
Voiceless: The Clansmen cannot vote AGAINST (but may vote DEFERENTIAL) on any the first proposal created within a 48 hour period of being cursed.


Proposal: Combat Glosary

Passes on Timeout 6-0—arth

Adminned at 02 Nov 2008 22:13:42 UTC

Create a new sub-rule ‘Combat Glossary’ to rule “Duels”:

The purpose of this sub-rule is only to define and clarify technical terms used during a Duel, in order to simplify the rules text of other moves and items. The following combat related terms are defined as follows:

Beats: The phrase X beats Y means that when Combatant A uses move X and Combatant Y uses move B, Combatant B takes damage and Combatant A doesn’t (unless a separate effect states so).

Crushes: Used the same way as beats, except Crushes implies that Crushing Damage is dealt instead of regular Damage.

Reverts: The phrase Reverts X means that the reverting Combatant will not receive damage if the opponent used move X. Instead, the other Combatant takes the damage that would have been dealt (use the same type of damage).

Armed: An armed combatant is one that is currently using a weapon item as a move. A Combatant who isn’t is said to be unarmed.

Guards: The phrase Combatant A becomes Guarded if X, means that the next time the guarded Combatant would take damage, the Combatant doesn’t take that damage instead, as long as X is true. If a Combatant is guarded, it is implied that such an effect applies only within that Duel.

Hurt: A Combatant is said to be Hurt by X, when they take Damage after the opponent has used X, which can be a move or the name of a weapon.

Weaker: A Combatant is said to be weaker if their health is set to a value which is higher on the Healt values list than their opponent’s health.

Even: Two Combatants are said to be even if their Health is the same.

Tie: A tie is said to ocurr when both Combatants take damage the same number of times (which can be zero) during a round (crushing damage counts as taking damage twice).

Flee: A Combatant is said to Flee combat if they fail to submit a list of combat moves within 24 hours of a rule requesting them to submit such a list.

Drop: If a combatant drops X, it means that if they had item X in their inventory, they remove it from their inventory. If a move specifies to use an item that has been dropped, that move is treaded like a Dodge instead.

Disarm: When a combatant disarms another, it means that they force them to drop the item they are currently using, and at the end of combat they may choose to add that item to their inventory if they have less than 2 items there. Disarm does nothing is the opponent is unarmed.

Absorbs: If an armor item is said to Absorb X, then it means that the first time each combat that a Combatant having that armor in their inventory would be hurt by X, instead that Combatant isn’t. If that damage was Crushing, the combatant drops the armor before starting the next round.

Combo: A combatant is said to be executing a combo if they use the same move more than once in a row. Combo can be used together with a move to specify a combo where the only move used is the specified one. It may also be used in places where a single move is expected: For example, Revert Combo X, means that the definition of Revert is applied to cases where the opponent used move X as part of a Combo.

This proposal doesn’t actually affect anything, it merely defines terms that can be used to compose new items, moves and rules. If you don’t like a glossary term, change it or just don’t use it, and please feel free to propose your own terms when creating new weapons, armor and moves.

What did they do to deserve this fate?

Ambi Valent, Oze, and Xaxyx fall idle.

Due diligence

I’m trying to comply with the instruction to “send a private message or email to the Clan Lord” as part of a duel.  However, the Clan Lord in question is not receiving private messages (arrr!), and whenever I try to send an email, I get told “The following errors were encountered: * You are not allowed to use the Email Console”.

Can anyone help me out before I lose Honor due to technical difficulties?

Proposal: Sticky + Exclusivity

Fails 1-3, with 4 undecided differentials.—Rodney.

Adminned at 02 Nov 2008 13:02:06 UTC

Replace the text “posting a blog entry” in the first paragraph of rule 2.6 “Duels” with “posting a stickied blog entry”.

Make all current Duel posts stickied.

Add the following text to the end of rule 2.6 “Duels”: “When Combat ends, the Duel post should be unstickied.”

Replace ““Any Clansman apart from the Clan Lord who announced it” in the first paragraph of rule 2.6 “Duels” with “Any Clansman who is not currently a Combatant in a Duel, apart from the Clan Lord who announced it,”.

Duel to First-Blood: Everybody’s Doing It

Since everyone seems to like first-blood battles, here is yet another.

Proposal: Yoda makes a good point

reached a quorum, final vote 7-0—Yoda

Adminned at 01 Nov 2008 14:40:38 UTC

Add to rule “Duels”:

After Combat has ended or a duel has been cancelled, both that duel’s combatants are no longer considered to be combatants in that duel.

Duel to First Blood: The Spiked Pit

Roll up, roll up.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Duel to First-Blood:Thursday Night Fight Round 2

I notice there’s no rule against Clan Lords running two Duels at the same time.  Please note in your message which round you’re fighting in.

Duel to Twelve Rounds: Survival of the Fittest

Can you survive?

Duel to First-Blood:Thursday Night Fight

(If you have technical difficulties sending moves in by PM, you may send them by e-mail.)

Proposal: Six isn’t much higher than Five, but Ten is

timed out, final vote 3-6—Yoda

Adminned at 01 Nov 2008 09:05:05 UTC

If the Proposal titled “Six isn’t much higher than Five” passed, reverse its effects.
In rule “Duels”, change

* If both Combatants Punched, Kicked or Grabbed one another, then the Combatant with the lowest Strength, Skill or Reflex score (respectively) takes Damage. If they have the same score, neither takes Damage.


* If both Combatants Punched, Kicked or Grabbed one another, then the Combatant with the lowest Strength, Skill or Reflex score (respectively) takes Damage. If the difference in that score (between both Combatants) is 3 or greater, that Clansman takes Crushing Damage instead. If both Combatants have the same score, neither takes Damage.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Proposal: More Rites off the top of my hat


Adminned at 31 Oct 2008 15:37:39 UTC

Add the following text at the end of rule “Rituals”:

All decisions made for a ritual shall be documented in the GNDT as a comment at the time of making any dice rolls for that ritual or before it, but never after the roll is made.

Add a new sub-rule “Rain Dancing” to rule “Rituals”:

When this ritual is performed, the Clansmen specifies a type of blessing that will be granted to another Clansmen, as well as which Clansmen (which can also be themselves) will receive the blessing. The available blessings are “Protection”, “Good Fortune” and “Integrity”. The Clansmen then rolls DICEX where X is their honor. If the result is equal to or greater than Quorum, the ritual succeeds and the following effect occurs depending on the choice taken:

Protection: The next time the Clansmen would be Damaged (including Crushing Damage) within 48 hours, that Damage doesn’t happen instead and this effect ends.
Good Fortune: The next time the Clansmen rolls a dice by themselves within 48 hours, they may choose to comment “Good Fortune” on the GNDT, ignore the first result and roll again.
Integrity:  Within the next 48 hours, the honor of the Clansmen may not be reduced by any effect and if their honor increases, it is increased twice that amount instead.


Proposal: And while we’re on the subject

reached a quorum, final vote 8-0—Yoda

Adminned at 31 Oct 2008 15:36:57 UTC

Add the following text to the end of the Rule entitled “Victory and Ascension”:

A Declaration of Victory may not also be any other type of Official Post unless the rules concerning that type of Official Post explicitly state otherwise.

Proposal: Six isn’t much higher than Five

timed out, final vote 7-5—Yoda

Adminned at 31 Oct 2008 15:28:05 UTC

In the Rule entitled “Duels”, change the text

* If both Combatants Punched, Kicked or Grabbed one another, then the Combatant with the lowest Strength, Skill or Reflex score (respectively) takes Damage. If they have the same score, neither takes Damage.


* If both Combatants Punched, then the Clan Lord rolls DICEX in the GNDT for each Combatant, where X is that Combatant’s Reflex.  If the rolls differ by more than 2, the Combatant with the lower roll takes damage.  If they do not, neither takes Damage.  The same is true for Kick and Skill, and for Grab and Strength.

This has three effects: It makes fights slightly safer, it makes the magnitude of a stat gap matter, and it introduces an extra bit of randomness.  I believe the second point is enough of a benefit to make the randomness worthwhile.

Proposal: Barbarians need Culture, don’t they?

timed out and reached a quorum, final vote 9-1—Yoda

Adminned at 31 Oct 2008 15:25:04 UTC

Applied the suggested fixes, and added a way to reward people for creating new traditions.

Create new rule “Traditions”:

Barbarians have primitive, but strong traditions. Barbarians who do not observe these traditions are not seen with good eyes by their peers. Whenever a Clansmen fails to comply with one of the Traditions, any other Clansmen may reduce the breaching Clansmen’s Honor by 2 within 24 hours of their breaching (but only once, and only one Clansmen may do this). If a Clansmen is Disgraced (or becomes so) after this loss of Honor, that Clansmen takes Damage (in the form of an angry mob of barbarians).

Whenever a proposal creates a new Tradition as part of being enacted, the Clansmen who proposed it may, within 24 hours of the enactment, increase their Honor by 2 once.

The Barbarian Traditions are the following (they are not considered Blognomic Rules, just a simple enumeration of Traditions):

* The Black Mountain Demon Barzus has edicted that Clansmen shall not Heal if another of their Clan is in a Duel.
* The Radiant Entity Figherton has announced that no Clansmen shall speak or write the name of Dead Clansmen.

Rituals for the favor of Aggrothar

Brothers and Sisters! The War God Aggrothar must be honored by the sacred hunt of the warrior beasts! Let’s begin the sacred hunt and feast for the Honor of our Champions!

Proposal: Stop.  Hammertime!

timed out, final vote 1-3-6—Yoda

Adminned at 31 Oct 2008 15:22:45 UTC

Part 1:
Add the following text to “List of Valid Items”

Hammer (abbreviation: “HA”).
The Hammer is a Weapon.
In a Duel:
* If the holder Uses the Hammer and the opponent Punches or Counters, the opponent takes Crushing Damage.
* If the holder Uses the Hammer and the opponent Kicks, the holder takes Damage
* If the holder Uses the Hammer and the opponent Grabs, then the Clan Lord who announced the duel shall, when adjudicating this Combat Move, roll 1DICEX with respect to each Combatant, where X is the Combatant’s Skill score.  If the result of the roll for the holder is lower than the result of the roll for the opponent, then the Hammer is immediately removed from the holder’s inventory, the holder takes Damage, and if there are any remaining Combat Moves that have not yet been adjudicated where the holder had submitted a Combat Move of “Use the Hammer” (or the equivalent), those Combat Moves shall be treated as if they were “Grabs”, and at the end of the Duel, the opponent may add the Hammer to his own inventory.  If the result of the roll for the opponent is lower than the result of the roll for the opponent, then the opponent takes Damage.  If the rolls are tied then neither Combatant takes damage.
* If the holder Uses the Hammer and the opponent Uses a Weapon, the duel Combatant whose Strength and Skill reflexes have the lower sum takes Damage.  If they have the same sum, neither takes Damage.
* The holder of the Hammer suffers a -2 penalty to Reflex as long as he holds the Hammer.

Part 2: (This part shall be enacted unless a majority of the valid final votes on this Proposal include the phrase “Don’t award the Hammer”).
Roll 1DICEX where X is the number of active Clansmen at the time of enactment of this Proposal.  The Xth active Clansman listed in the GNDT at the time of enactment of this Proposal shall add the Hammer to his inventory.

...but it wasn’t.

When “Proposal: Rite of Passage” was enacted, there should have been a Weekly Rituals post automatically created…

Proposal: Ritual Fix

Passes with Quorum—arth

Adminned at 30 Oct 2008 18:11:58 UTC

Remove the text “If a ritual Fails, it has no effect on the gamestate.” from rule 2.9 “Rituals”.

Duel to First-Blood: Let the Games Begin!

Can we have two contestants step up to the plate?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Proposal: Cosmetic changes to Barbarian Culture

self killed—arthexis

Adminned at 29 Oct 2008 19:26:39 UTC

Create new rule called “Traditions”:

Barbarians have primitive, but strong traditions. Barbarians who do not observe these traditions are not seen with good eyes by their peers. Whenever a Clansmen fails to comply with one of the Traditions, any other Clansmen may reduce the breaching Clansmen’s Honor by 1 within 24 hours of their breaching (but only once, and only one Clansmen may do this) and increase their own Honor by 1 a single time. If a Clansmen is Disgraced (or becomes so) after this loss of Honor, that Clansmen takes Damage (in the form of an angry mob of barbarians).

The Barbarian Traditions are the following (they are not considered Blognomic Rules, just a simple enumeration of Traditions):

* The Verdant Deity Virdathar has spoken that no Clansmen shall Dodge if their opponent is Crippled.
* The Black Mountain Demon Barzus has edicted that Clansmen shall not Heal if another of their Clan is in a Duel.
* The Invisible Spirit Armaggon has whispered that no Clansmen shall vote DEFERENTIAL on Tuesdays.
* The Radiant Entity Figherton has announced that no Clansmen shall speak or write the name of Dead Clansmen.
* The Greater Aspect of Myrthar has said that no Clansmen shall self-kill a proposal unless the Patriarch voted AGAINST it.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Proposal: Duel to First-Blood *colon*

Passes 8-0—arthy

Adminned at 29 Oct 2008 19:21:17 UTC

Add the following text to the end of the Rule entitled “Duels”:

A Duel may not also be any other type of Official Post unless the rules concerning that type of Official Post explicitly state otherwise.

When this passes, any Duels that are in violation of the new version cease to be Duels.

Proposal: Come home with your shield, or upon it.


Adminned at 29 Oct 2008 12:51:50 UTC

Part 1:  The Duel declared by Yoda on Sunday, October 28, 2008 shall be a “Glorious Death” duel.

Part 2: The Winner of the Duel described in Part 1 shall add a Wicker Shield to his Inventory.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Proposal: Rite of Passage

Passes 5-3 after timeout—arth

Adminned at 29 Oct 2008 08:49:02 UTC

Create a new rule “Rituals”

As a weekly action, a Clansmen may perform one Ritual for each 10 Honor they have (Example: If they have 35 Honor, they may perform up to 3 rituals per week). The Clansmen must fulfill any other requirements for the specific Ritual being performed, follow any instructions specified on the ritual, make a comment on the most recent Weekly Rituals post specifying the ritual attempted and any choices required by it and the results of rolls made to perform it. If a ritual Fails, it has no effect on the gamestate.

At the beginning of each week, any Clan Lord may create a Weekly Rituals story post that includes the word “Rituals” in its title if no Weekly Rituals post has been created that week. A Clansmen may not perform a ritual while being a Combatant in a Duel.

The currently known rituals that a Clansmen may perform are described on the sub-rules to this rule, with the name of the sub-rule being the name of the Ritual.

Create a new sub-rule “Rite of Passage”:

The Clansmen goes hunting and brings back a sacred beast for the whole Clan to feast on. The Clansmen decides what kind of beast to hunt, choosing between “Horned Beast”, “Slithering Beast” or “Winged Beast” and chooses a size of beast between “Normal”, “Huge” or “Gargantuan”. Then, that Clansmen rolls 2DICEX where X is the value of Strength, Skill or Reflexes of that Clansmen, depending of the kind of beast (in the same order the appear). For the hunt to be successful, the result of the roll must be equal or greater than 5, 10 or 20 according to the size of the beast (in order).  Otherwise, the Ritual Fails and the Clansmen takes Damage. If the ritual succeeds, the Clansmen raises the rolled stat by 1, 2 or 3 according to the size of the beast.

For example, hunting a Huge Slithering Beast would require to roll 2DICE(Skill) and get a 10 or more.

Create a new sub-rule “Sacred Feast”:

This ritual may only be performed if another Clansmen who shares the same Clan as the one performing this Ritual has succeeded in a Rite of Passage this week. The Clansmen joins their fellows in celebration, feasting on the meat brought by their brothers and sisters in arms. The Clansmen performing this Ritual may set their Health to a previous value from the valid list of Health values, unless already Superb. Otherwise, if already Superb, the next time this Clansmen would deal Damage, it deals Crushing Damage instead. Then, raise the Honor of one another Clansmen who performed a Rite of Passage this week by 1, or by 2 if the Clansmen performing the Sacred Feast is a Clan Lord. A Clansmen may never increase their own honor through a Sacred Feast.

Create a Weekly Rituals post with the title, “Rituals for the favor of Aggrothar” and the text:

Brothers and Sisters! The War God Aggrothar must be honored by the sacred hunt of the warrior beasts! Let’s begin the sacred hunt and feast for the Honor of our Champions!

I’ve tried making this as flavorful as I could, and I hope this can get some interesting Clan strategies and politics going on.


Proposal: Your Dodge has a flat tire!

Timed out 8 votes to 2, enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 29 Oct 2008 06:40:55 UTC

Add the following to the list of valid command moves, after ‘Dodge’


Add the following to the list of effects in “duels” after

If both Combatants Punched, Kicked or Grabbed one another, then the Combatant with the lowest Strength, Skill or Reflex score (respectively) takes Damage. If they have the same score, neither takes Damage.

If one Combatant countered and the other Combatant punched, kicked or grabbed, the Combatant who countered takes damage.

If one Combatant dodged and the other Combatant countered the combatant who dodged takes damage.

Honor roll: Kevan

In recognition of the effort he has put towards producing a functional and enjoyable set of combat mechanics, I hereby award Kevan 1 Honor.

Proposal: Unified Currency

timed out, final vote 1-7—Yoda

Adminned at 28 Oct 2008 12:14:28 UTC

Add a subrule to the rule entitled “Honor”.  Call it “Duel Credits” and give it the following text:

Each Clansman has a certain number of Duel Credits, tracked in the GNDT under the column “DC”.  Duel Credits can be used either for money or glory.  New Clansmen start with 0 Duel Credits.

At any time, a Clansman with at least 2 Duel Credits may spend 2 Duel Credits to increase his Honor by 1.  A Clansman with at least 3 Duel Credits may spend 3 Duel Credits to increase one of his Physical Stats by 1.

If the Proposal titled “Making it kinda to first blood” passed, in the Rule entitled “Duels” replace the text:

First-Blood: Whenever a Combatant takes damage, the Combat ends and no further rounds are processed, and the other Combatant is declared the Winner. If no combatant has taken Damage this Duel (or both took damage at the same time) the Clan Lord comments that the Rounds where inconclusive, and the Combatants must resend a new list of four Combat moves.

Twelve Rounds: The Clan Lord requests additional move lists after rounds 4 and 8, then the Combatant who has dealt the most damage during all the rounds of this Combate is declared the Winner.

Glorious Death: The Clan Lord requests additional move lists after each four rounds, and combat doesn’t stop until one of the Combatant dies, and the other Clansmen is declared the Winner. The Winner of this combat increases by 1 the Physical Stat which was higher on the dead Clansmen (choose one if there is a tie), in addition to any other benefits received from winning.


First-Blood: Whenever a Combatant takes damage, the Combat ends and no further rounds are processed, and the other Combatant is declared the Winner. If no combatant has taken Damage this Duel (or both took damage at the same time) the Clan Lord comments that the Rounds where inconclusive, and the Combatants must resend a new list of four Combat moves.  The winner of the Duel receives 1 Duel Credit.

Twelve Rounds: The Clan Lord requests additional move lists after rounds 4 and 8, then the Combatant who has dealt the most damage during all the rounds of this Combat is declared the Winner.  If both have dealt an equal amount of damage, the Duel is considered a draw and has no Winner.  The Winner of the Duel receives 3 Duel Credits and the other Combatant receives 1 Duel Credit.  In case of a draw, each Combatant receives 2 Duel Credits.

Glorious Death: The Clan Lord requests additional move lists after each four rounds, and combat doesn’t stop until one of the Combatant dies, and the other Clansmen is declared the Winner. The Winner of this Duel receives 10 Duel Credits.  In the unlikely event that both Combatants die in the same Combat Round, the Duel is considered a draw and has no Winner.

Also, remove the following text from the same Rule:

When a Clansmen wins the Combat, both Combatants choose one of their Physical Stats and increase it by 1, unless they are Dead.

Otherwise, in the same Rule, replace the text:

The winner gains 1 Honor.


The winner gains 1 Honor and 1 Duel Credit.


Proposal: Dodging Failure

timed out, final vote 1-7—Yoda

Adminned at 28 Oct 2008 10:57:56 UTC

Add the following text to the end of the list of combat effects in rule 2.6 “Duels”:

* If one Clansman dodges and the other Clansman either punches, kickes, or grabs, then roll a DICEX, where X is the sum of the dodging Clansman’s Strength, Skill, and Reflex.  If the result of the roll is strictly less than the other Clansman’s lowest stat (of Strength, Skill, and Reflex), then the dodging Clansman takes Damage.

If more than half of all comments containing counted FOR votes also contain the text “pvavorivnv a eiqpw eif ojrgpaesjefo” or “More risk, more return.”, then replace “the dodging Clansman takes Damage.” in the rule “Duels” with “the dodging Clansman takes Crushing Damage.  However, if the result of the roll is strictly greater than the other Clansman’s highest stat (of Strength, Skill, and Reflex), then the non-dodging Clansman takes Damage.”

Proposal: Warm Fusion

Passes 7-1 with 3 defs—arthexis

Adminned at 28 Oct 2008 07:22:40 UTC

Add the following text before the last sentence of rule 2.3, “Health”:

If a Clansman could perform Healing, they may instead perform a Blood Transfusion. If they do so, they set the Health of another non-Dead Clansman to the previous value in the list just like in Healing, except that the other Clansman may already be Healthy. The Clansman performing the Blood Transfusion then receives Damage.

You know what’s cool about this rule? You can make anyone else Superb, but you can’t get there yourself. More than that, in any group one Clansman can’t be Superb if all the others are. Access (or not) to transfusions could be a reason for choosing a Clan.

Proposal: Inheritance and Ascension

timed out, final vote 6-5—Yoda

Adminned at 28 Oct 2008 06:26:15 UTC

[ Tweaking the victory condition, which currently requires the Patriarch to be dead. Also replacing the nobody-wins metadynasty with a posthumous highest-Honor.  ]

Reword “Final Destination” to:-

If, of all the Clansmen other than the Patriarch, only one of them is not Dead, then that Clansman is the Last Survivor. If the Last Survivor has 30 or more Honor, he or she may declare victory.

If all of the Clansmen are dead, a Clansman may declare victory if no other Clansman has an Honor higher than theirs. (This takes precedence over Rule 2.3.)

Duel: Something to Pass the Time

On your mark.  Get set.  Go!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Proposal: Fixing Duels


Adminned at 27 Oct 2008 10:37:19 UTC

If Proposal “Making it kinda to first blood” fails, this proposal does nothing.

Replace “When a Clansmen becomes dead during Combat, that Clansmen gains 1 Honor for each Damage that Clansmen dealt during the Combat.” in the Rule “Duels” with “When a Clansmen becomes dead during Combat, the other Clansman gains 1 Honor for each Damage that Clansmen dealt during the Combat.”

Proposal: Making it kinda to first blood

timed out and reached a quorum, final vote 9-0—Yoda

Adminned at 27 Oct 2008 10:36:50 UTC

This is a fix on my previous proposal, I’ve tried again to please most of you with the changes.

Change the text of rule “Duels” so that it now reads:

Any Clan Lord may announce a Duel, by posting a blog entry whose title begins “Duel to X:”. The X in the Duel’s title shall be substituted for one of “First-Blood”, “Twelve Rounds” or “Glorious Death” by the Clan Lord at the time of making the post.
Any Clansman apart from the Clan Lord who announced it may step forward to fight in that Duel by posting a comment to it, stating such an intention, and listing the Items they are holding.  The first two Clansmen to do so are considered to be the Duel’s Combatants.
To fight, each Combatant must send a private message or email to the Clan Lord who announced the Duel, listing four sequential Combat Moves. Valid Combat Moves are:-

* Punch.
* Kick.
* Grab.
* Dodge.
* Use an Item (specifying one of the Items the Clansman was holding when they accepted the Duel).

When a Clan Lord has received a list of four Combat Moves from each Combatant, he works out the results of the four Combat Round, in sequence. In each Combat Round, the Combatant will perform their specified Combat Move, to the following effect.

If one Combatant Punched and the other Kicked, the Punching player is kicked back and takes Damage.
If one Combatant Kicked and the other Grabbed, the Kicking player is thrown to the floor and takes Damage.
If one Combatant Grabbed and the other Punched, the Grabbing player is intercepted and takes Damage.
If both Combatants Punched, Kicked or Grabbed one another, then the Combatant with the lowest Strength, Skill or Reflex score (respectively) takes Damage. If they have the same score, neither takes Damage.
If a Combatant used an Item, it has whatever effect is defined for using that Item in combat.

After each four Rounds, depending on the value of X on the post title, follow the corresponding paragraph:

First-Blood: Whenever a Combatant takes damage, the Combat ends and no further rounds are processed, and the other Combatant is declared the Winner. If no combatant has taken Damage this Duel (or both took damage at the same time) the Clan Lord comments that the Rounds where inconclusive, and the Combatants must resend a new list of four Combat moves.

Twelve Rounds: The Clan Lord requests additional move lists after rounds 4 and 8, then the Combatant who has dealt the most damage during all the rounds of this Combate is declared the Winner. 

Glorious Death: The Clan Lord requests additional move lists after each four rounds, and combat doesn’t stop until one of the Combatant dies, and the other Clansmen is declared the Winner. The Winner of this combat increases by 1 the Physical Stat which was higher on the dead Clansmen (choose one if there is a tie), in addition to any other benefits received from winning.

Whenever the Clan Lord requests and receives additional combat move lists, repeat the same process that was followed for the first list of moves. When a winner is declared, the Clan Lord must post a comment specifying the information received from combatants, showing how the Combat was resolved, as well as specifying the winner and the reason for the win.

If a Clansmen becomes dead, the Combat ends and the other Clansmen wins, unless both Clansmen are dead. When a Clansmen becomes dead during Combat, that Clansmen gains 1 Honor for each Damage that Clansmen dealt during the Combat.
When a Clansmen wins the Combat, both Combatants choose one of their Physical Stats and increase it by 1, unless they are Dead.
Then, the Winner increases their own Honor by half the other Combatant’s Honor divided by two and rounded down, plus 1. The minimum amount of Honor that can be won this way is 2.

If 24 hours have passed since a Clansman stated an intention to fight (or since a Clan Lord declared that additional move lists are required), but no Combat Moves have been submitted to the Clan Lord for it, that duel is cancelled and that Clansman (or men) who failed to supply Combat Moves each lose DICE4 Honor.

SPBM idles out

SPBM hasn’t commented for a week, and idles out. Quorum drops to nine.

Proposal: Time for a haircut.

Vetoed by Bucky.—Rodney.

Adminned at 25 Oct 2008 09:52:15 UTC

Each Clansman gains 5 Honor.

Each Clansman that votes on this proposal may include the phrase “Time for a haircut” in the comment containing that Clansman’s vote. Change the Clan of each clansman that does so to “Fryzjer”, provided they are not a Clan Lord.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Proposal: Making it to first-blood

Note: This is actually the oldest pending proposal if you look at the posting times.

Adminned at 26 Oct 2008 13:41:36 UTC

I had other changes planned, but right now I’ll just include the first-blood version and a couple of benefits that could go together with it.

Change the text of rule “Duels” so that it now reads:

Any Clan Lord may announce a Duel, by posting a blog entry whose title begins “Duel:”.
Any Clansman apart from the Clan Lord who announced it may step forward to fight in that Duel by posting a comment to it, stating such an intention, and listing the Items they are holding. The first two Clansmen to do so are considered to be the Duel’s Combatants.
To fight, each Combatant must send a private message to the Clan Lord who announced the Duel, listing four sequential Combat Moves. Valid Combat Moves are:-

* Punch.
* Kick.
* Grab.
* Dodge.
* Use an Item (specifying one of the Items the Clansman was holding when they accepted the Duel).

When a Clan Lord has received a list of four Combat Moves from each Combatant, he works out the results of the ten Combat Round, in sequence. In each Combat Round, the Combatant will perform their specified Combat Move, to the following effect.

If one Combatant Punched and the other Kicked, the Punching player is kicked back and takes Damage.
If one Combatant Kicked and the other Grabbed, the Kicking player is thrown to the floor and takes Damage.
If one Combatant Grabbed and the other Punched, the Grabbing player is intercepted and takes Damage.
If both Combatants Punched, Kicked or Grabbed one another, then the Combatant with the lowest Strength, Skill or Reflex score (respectively) takes Damage. If they have the same score, neither takes Damage.
If a Combatant used an Item, it has whatever effect is defined for using that Item in combat.

Whenever a Combatant takes damage, the Combat ends and no further rounds are processed, and the other Combatant is declared the Winner. If no combatant has taken Damage this Duel the Clan Lord comments that the Rounds where inconclusive, and the Combatants must resend a new list of four Combat moves. Then, the Clan Lord repeats the same process that was followed for the first list of moves. When a winner is declared, the Clan Lord must post a comment specifying the number of the Round when Combat ended.

When a Clansmen wins the Combat, both Combatants choose one of their Physical Stats and increase it by 1.
Then, the Winner increases their own Honor by half the other Combatant’s Honor divided by two and rounded down.

If 24 hours have passed since a Clansman stated an intention to fight (or since a Clan Lord declared the last series of Rounds inconclusive), but no Combat Moves have been submitted to the Clan Lord for it, that duel is cancelled and that Clansman (or men) who failed to supply Combat Moves each lose DICE4 Honor.

Proposal: Just imagine I made a hilarious pun in this title

Times out, 8-1.—Rodney.

Adminned at 26 Oct 2008 18:02:57 UTC

Add to rule 1.4:

If no Patriarch has voted on a proposal, a vote of DEFERENTIAL on that proposal does not count as a vote for the purposes of rule 1.5.

I made a mistake when adminning this proposal (besides miscounting the votes). If the votes had been 6-5 with 2 deferentials, it still wouldn’t have met the requirements to pass (less than half its counted votes were FOR), which seems odd. One might argue that, since “The vote will count as the same as the Patriarch’s vote”, deferentials would count as no vote if the Patriarch didn’t vote, but this reasoning is shaky at best. Even assuming this argument holds, I feel it’s best to state it explicitly, if only to prevent this problem from coming up during a metadynasty where there is no Patriarch.

Duel:Let’s see if this actually works

Open to anyone brave enough.  And could someone in the know please either set my account so that I can read PMs or tell me how to access them.

Proposal: Cowering, take 2

timed out, final vote 6-1—Yoda

Adminned at 26 Oct 2008 11:48:06 UTC

Part 1:
Add the following text to the end of the rule “Items”

Each Item’s description in the List of Valid Items shall specify a unique abbreviation of that Item’s name, not to exceed two characters (example: “XY”), which may be used to identify that Item in the GNDT and all other Gamestate Documents.

Some Items are Armor.  An Item is Armor if its description in the List of Valid Items so provides.  No Clansman may have more than one Armor Item in his Inventory.  Unless an Armor Item’s description in the List of Valid Items provides to the contrary, an Armor Item cannot be Used as a Combat Move.

Some Items are Weapons.  An Item is a Weapon if its description in the List of Valid Items so provides.  A Clansman may Use a Weapon in his inventory as a Combat Move.

Part 2:
Add the following to the List of Valid Items:

Wicker Shield (“WS”).  This Item is Armor.
Effect: If a Clansman having the Wicker Shield in his inventory, then the first two (2) times that the holder would otherwise take Damage in a Combat Round as a result of the opponent’s Punch, Kick or Grab, the Wicker Shield absorbs the damage and the Clansman does not suffer that Damage.  Once the Wicker Shield prevents Damage twice by operation of the previous sentence, the Wicker Shield is destroyed and removed from the holder’s Inventory.  The Wicker Shield is also destroyed and removed from the holder’s Inventory if the holder suffers Crushing Damage from any source.

Proposal: Humility is for the Weak

Modified after a comment was posted.—Rodney.

Adminned at 24 Oct 2008 14:28:52 UTC

Xaxyx is now a Clan Lord.

Each Clansman who votes FOR this proposal may include the phrase “All hail mighty Xaxyx!” in the comment containing that Clansman’s FOR vote.  Each Clansman that does so gains 5 Honor.

If the proposal “Clan Mitosis” passed, the following applies:
  - Change Xaxyx’s Clan to “Strength”.

If the proposal “Clan Mitosis” passed, the following applies:
  - Each Clansman who votes FOR this proposal may include the phrase “Honor in Strength!” in the comment containing that Clansman’s FOR vote.  Change the Clan of each clansman that does so to “Strength”.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Proposal: Extra Clans

reached a quorum, final vote 11-2—Yoda
Kevan - 3 votes
Rodlen - 0 votes
Rodney - 0 votes
Hello Sailor - 1 vote

Adminned at 25 Oct 2008 11:14:41 UTC

Each Clansman who votes on this proposal and is not already a Clan Lord may include the name of exactly one Clansman in the comment containing his vote.  Any Clansman who named himself in this manner and was named by at least three other Clansmen becomes a Clan Lord and is added to the list in Rule 2.1.

Proposal: Primitive Currency


Adminned at 25 Oct 2008 11:11:19 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule titled “Trading” with the following text:

Each Clansman has a number of Tradable Objects (abbreviated TOs) tracked under his heading in the “Barbarian Trading Post” wiki page that he may use to trade.  When a new Clansman joins, a new heading shall be created in the “Barbarian Trading Post” wiki page with his name.  The only TOs are gold (measured in ounces), silver (measured in ounces), dyes (measured in bottles), and beads.  Gold and silver are considered Rare Objects (ROs), and dyes and beads are considered Common Objects (COs).  New Clansmen start with 0 ounces of gold, 0 ounces of silver, 5 bottles of dye, and 100 beads.

TOs may be exchanged at any time, provided the Clansman has at least the amount needed to exchange, for other TOs at the following rates:
* 100 beads for 1 bottle of dye,
* 1 bottle of dye for 100 beads,
* 10 bottles of dye for 1 ounce of silver,
* 1 ounce of silver for 10 bottles of dye,
* 10 ounces of silver for 1 ounce of gold, and
* 1 ounce of gold for 10 ounces of silver.

Any Clansman may, at any time, transfer a positive amount of TOs not to exceed the amount of TOs that he has, from himself to another Clansman.

Remove any text from the “Barbarian Trading Post” wiki page.  Then, create headings for each active Clansman.

Give each Clansman 0 ounces of gold, 0 ounces of silver, 5 bottles of dye, and 100 beads.  Also give the Patriarch 3 ounces of gold, 5 ounces of silver, and 5 bottles of dye.

Proposal: Dishonorable Discharge

Timed out 4 votes to 7. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 25 Oct 2008 05:10:11 UTC

If the Proposal titled “Clan Mitosis” failed, this Proposal does nothing.

Add to rule “Clans”:

As a weekly action, any clansman may spend 5 Honor to change their clan to Null.

Just joining

Well, this looks exciting and I believe its a good time to join


We have lots of ideas for a duelling structure, but so far none of them seem to have any chance of passing.  Let us ask the almighty Patriarch what he envisions for a duelling structure.

Bucky, what kind of duelling structure would you like to have?  The send-10-moves-all-at-once structure, the turn-by-turn structure, or something entirely different?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Proposal: A lot of things


Adminned at 24 Oct 2008 14:18:11 UTC

If rule “Duels” does not exist, this proposal does nothing.

Change the text of rule “Duels” so that where it reads:

Valid Combat Moves are:-

Use an Item (specifying one of the Items the Clansman was holding when they accepted the Duel).

It now reads:

Valid combat moves (and their brief description):

Slam: Uses brute force as an attack. This is a punch if unarmed, or a blunt swing with an equipped weapon.
Tech: Attacks with skill and combat finesse. Represents a kick if unarmed, or the activation of an equipment’s special ability.
Grab: A good move to counter technical opponents. It can only be performed unarmed.
Dodge: The Clansmen keeps moving and sidesteps enemy attacks.
Item X: Specifies that an item X is used (if said item has any effect when used). An Item can only be used this way if the Clansmen specified it at the beginning of the Duel.

When a Clansmen specifies a Slam, Tech or Grab, that Clansmen may also add the name of an Item they specified at the beginning of the duel. This item is known as the equipped item for that round, but it has no additional effect by itself unless the description of the Item specifies what it does when equipped.

Replace each instance of “Punch” in rule “Duels” with “Slam”.
Replace each instance of “Kick” in rule “Duels” with “Tech”.

If more than half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Weapons”, also add the following to the “List of Valid Items”:

Stone Axe: When equipped while the Clansmen Slams, any Damage the opponent suffers is Crushing Damage instead.
Bone Spear: When equipped while the Clansmen Techs, any Damage the opponent suffers is Crushing Damage instead.
Crude Knife: When equipped while the opponent Grabs, the opponents takes Damage if you did not take Damage this round.
Wooden Bow: When equipped while the opponent Doges, the opponent takes Damage if you did not take Damage this round.

Why no bonuses to Grab? That makes it an unexpected choice, and thus increases its strategy value!


Proposal: What will happen at the end?

Reaches quorum at 11-0.

Adminned at 24 Oct 2008 14:16:05 UTC

Create a new rule called “Final Destination”:

If at any given time there exists only 1 non-Dead Clansmen (known as the Last Survivor), that Clansmen may achieve victory, as long as that Clansmen has 30 or more Honor and is not the Patriarch.

However, if all Clansmen are Dead, or the Last Survivor has less than 30 Honor, or the Last Survivor is the Patriarch, the current dynasty ends and a new meta-dynasty begins instead.

The last clause on the rule is to make sure someone doesn’t just win by joining in the last moment.


Proposal: Health++

Times out at 1-7.

Adminned at 24 Oct 2008 14:14:21 UTC

Replace the rule “Health” with the following

Each Clansmen has an attribute called “Health”, which is recorded under a GNDT column with the same name. The possible values for Health is any integer between 0 and 30 inclusive. If a Clansman’s health is 20 or higher, e is considered to be Healthy. If a Clansman’s health is 0 e is considered to be Dead. Whenever a non-Dead Clansmen takes Damage, that Clansmen’s Health value is reduced by one. If a Clansmen is said to take Crushing Damage, it shall be treated as if the Clansmen was damaged twice in a row. New Clansmen start with a 20 health

As a daily action, if a Clansmen has not received Damage in the past 24 hours and no Crushing Damage in the last 48 hours, that Clansmen may increase their health by one, unless they are already Healthy. This action is known a Healing.

Dead Clansmen may not take any action defined by a Dynastic Rule.

Give every clansman 20 health.

Need some idle time

Hey guys. My comp has been acting up and its been hard for me to get on here. So I’m gonna end my run of no idling at 10 1/3 dynasties and idle out right now. I’ll unidle as soon as i either fix my current comp or get a new one. Good luck guys.

So if oze or Yoda can, you may idle me.

Proposal: Clan Mitosis

Passes at 7-3.

Adminned at 24 Oct 2008 14:10:35 UTC

Add a new Rule to the Ruleset.  Call it “Clans” and give it the following text:

Each Clansman is a member of exactly one Clan.  This information is tracked in the GNDT.  New Clansmen are in Clan Null.

A Clan Lord who is not the Patriarch and who is in the same Clan as another Clan Lord may change their Clan to any proper noun of 10 letters or less that is not the name of a currently-existing Clan.  This represents founding a new Clan.

Any Clansman who is in Clan Null may change their Clan to match the Clan of any Clan Lord.

Set the Clan of all Clansmen to Null.

What’s your platform?

To all current Clan Lords, or to anyone who has ambition to someday become one:  Why should I support you?  What can you do for me?  What do you ask in return?  Why shouldn’t I make a proposal right now to replace you with someone more worthy?  You may not have any duties or responsibilities at the moment, but you do enjoy an honor bonus; do you deserve it?  etc.

Proposal: Cleaning up enactment

Times out at 3-7.

Adminned at 24 Oct 2008 14:07:03 UTC

In rule 1.5 “Enactment”, change:

It has enough AGAINST votes that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed.


It has AGAINST votes equal to greater than Quorum.

Assume that all players vote on a proposal either FOR or AGAINST.  Quorum is always slightly more than half of the current population, so if there are a Quorum of AGAINSTs, there cannot be a Quorum of FORs, nor can there be a Quorum of AGAINSTs and have more than half of the votes be FORs. Either way, this is just a simpler way of stating the same thing.


Proposal: Writing the unwritten (sub)-rule

Times out and passes at 6-5 with 2 deferentials.

Never mind, it was 5-5. (Please remember to add ‘CoV’ to your vote if you change it; it would really help us prevent these mistakes)

Adminned at 24 Oct 2008 14:05:35 UTC

Add a sub-rule to rule 2.1 “Clan Lords” with the following text

If, during the course of their duties, a Clan Lord receives information that is defined in the Ruleset as Hidden, they may not reveal it in any way except in those that the Ruleset permits.

We had basically the same sort of rule back in the Werewolf Dynasty, and although it was unenforceable no one broke it. So although we can’t prevent a rogue Clan Lord from leaking information to a fellow conspirator, we can point to this rule and say ‘You broke this.’ and de-Clan-Lordify them through a proposal. I doubt we’ll ever come to that, though, as long as we take care in Clan Lord appointment.

Proposal: Items: Baby steps

Fails on time-out, 2-3.—Rodney.

Adminned at 24 Oct 2008 08:54:23 UTC

If the proposal “Duel Core” fails, then this proposal has no effect:

Part 1:
In the rule “Duels”, add the following text before the sentence “When a Clan Lord has received a list of ten Combat Moves from each Combatant, he works out the results of the ten Combat Rounds, in sequence”:

The Ruleset or other Gamestate Documents may specify other valid Combat Moves.  The Ruleset or other Gamestate Documents may also specify that particular Combat Moves may not be taken under certain circumstances, and if a Combatant nonetheless attempts to take a forbidden Combat Move in a Combat Round, that Combatant takes Damage in lieu of any other effects of that Combat Round.

Part 2:
Add the following text to the end of the rule “Items”

Each Item’s description in the List of Valid Items shall specify an abbreviation of that Item’s name, not to exceed two characters (example: “XY”), which may be used to identify that Item in the GNDT and all other Gamestate Documents.

Some Items are Armor.  An Item is Armor if its description in the List of Valid Items so provides.  No Clansman may have more than one Armor Item in his Inventory.  Unless an Armor Item’s description in the List of Valid Items provides to the contrary, an Armor Item cannot be Used as a Combat Move in a Duel.

Some Items are Weapons.  An Item is a Weapon if its description in the List of Valid Items so provides.

Proposal: Throwing down the gauntlet

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 24 Oct 2008 07:53:24 UTC

Repeal the Rule “Duels” if it exists.  Create a Rule “Duels” reading:

As a Daily Action, a Clansman who is not currently the Challenger of any Active Duel Post may issue a challenge to another Clansman by posting a blog entry whose title begins with “Duel:”, and which clearly indicates which other Clansman is being challenged, and which type of Duel is being made.  This post is known as a Duel Post, the Clansman who posted it is the post’s Challenger, and the other Clansman named by the Challenger is the post’s Defender.  The Defender of an Active Duel Post may either accept the challenge by making a comment to the post using the FOR voting icon, or refuse the challenge by making a comment to the post using the AGAINST voting icon (only the first such icon used by the Defender in all his comments to that post is considered for determining whether he accepted or refused).  Unless otherwise specified, the Challenger of an Active Duel Post may withdraw his challenge by making a comment to the post using the AGAINST voting icon.  Unless otherwise specified, a Duel Post is considered Active if and only if its Challenger has not withdrawn and its Defender has neither accepted nor refused.

The names of the valid choices for the type of duel are the names of subrules to this rule.  Each subrule to this rule should further specify the effects of that type of duel, possibly including, but not necessarily limited to:  consequences to the Challenger for making or withdrawing such a challenge; consequences to the Defender for refusing or taking a long time to accept; determination of a winner and/or loser of an accepted challenge; and consequences for any or all of the Challenger, Defender, winner, or loser of an accepted challenge.

Unless otherwise specified, a Dead Clansman may not issue a challenge, and no Clansman may name a Dead Clansman as a Defender in a Duel Post.

Unless otherwise specified, any Clansman who is about to go idle is assumed to have withdrawn in any Active Duel posts for which he is Challenger, and refused in any Active Duel posts for which he is Defender, just before going idle.  These withdrawals and refusals are assumed to occur in the same order in which their corresponding Duel Posts were made.

Proposal: A thing to cower behind

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 24 Oct 2008 07:37:06 UTC

If the proposal “Duel Core” fails then this proposal has no effect.

Add the following text to “List of Valid Items” in the ruleset:

Wicker Shield (may be abbreviated as WS in the GNDT).
The Wicker Shield is an Armor Item.  No Clansman may hold more than one Armor Item.  (An Armor Item is any Item whose description in the List of Valid Items states that it is an Armor Item).
If a Clansman is holding the Wicker Shield and participates in a Duel, then the first time that the holder would otherwise take Damage as a result of the opponent’s Punch, Kick or Grab, the Wicker Shield absorbs the damage.  As a result, the Wicker Shield is destroyed and removed from the holder’s inventory, and that Punch, Kick or Grab does not cause Damage during that Combat Round

and the following text:

Two-Handed Sword (may be abbreviated as 2S in the GNDT).
The Two-Handed Sword is a Weapon Item. (A Weapon Item is any Item whose description in the List of Valid Items states that it is a Weapon Item).
A holder of a Two-Handed Sword may not Grab in a Duel (and if the holder nonetheless attempts to use the Action “Grab” in a Combat Round, the holder suffers Damage in lieu of any other effects in that Combat Round).
A Clansman must have a Strength of at least 7 and a Skill of at least 7 to Use the Two-Handed Sword in a Duel.
If a holder of a Two-Handed Sword Uses the Two-Handed Sword in a particular Combat Round of a Duel, then the following result happens as a result of the opponent Combatant’s action in that Combat Round:
- If the opponent Combatant Punches, the opponent Combatant suffers double Damage.
- If the opponent Combatant Kicks, then the holder of the Two-Handed Sword suffers Damage.
- If the opponent Combatant Grabs, then the opponent Combatant suffers Damage but the holder of the Two-Handed Sword drops the Two-Handed Sword (it is removed from his inventory) (and the first Combatant to use the Action “Pick up Item” in a subsequent Combat Round in that Duel adds the Two-Handed Sword to his inventory). (If both Combatants use the “Pick up Item” Action in the same Combat round, neither Action is given effect.)
- If the opponent Combatant’s Action is to Use an Item that is a Weapon, then the Combatant with the higher Skill statistic damages the other Combatant (in the case of a tie, neither Combatant is damaged).


Proposal: The Upper Hand

Timed out 9 votes to 1; enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 24 Oct 2008 07:36:33 UTC

To the list of combat results in the “Duels” rule (if it exists), add:-

  • If both Combatants Punched, Kicked or Grabbed one another, then the Combatant with the lowest Strength, Skill or Reflex score (respectively) takes Damage. If they have the same score, neither takes Damage.

  • Proposal: Duel Core

    Timed out, 6 votes to 5 (including 2 imperial). Enacted by Kevan.

    Adminned at 24 Oct 2008 07:34:49 UTC

    [ A reworked version of the earlier proposal, based on feedback. The only comments I’ve knowingly ignored are “somehow factoring in stats” (which I think is better developed through future proposals, one of which I’ll try next), “make dodging have a chance of failure” (again, perhaps better through an add-on proposal), and the general dislike of symmetry (which stat-factoring will fix, and which will go out the window anyway when we start adding weapons).

    I’ve dropped the “Surrender” move (you can just make your final moves as dodges, if you’ve got a bad feeling), and made it so that ties are broken by the fewest dodges. ]

    Add a new Dynastic Rule, “Duels”:-

    Any Clan Lord may announce a Duel, by posting a blog entry whose title begins “Duel:”.

    Any Clansman apart from the Clan Lord who announced it may step forward to fight in that Duel by posting a comment to it, stating such an intention, and listing the Items they are holding. The first two Clansmen to do so are considered to be the Duel’s Combatants.

    To fight, each Combatant must send a private message to the Clan Lord who announced the Duel, listing ten sequential Combat Moves. Valid Combat Moves are:-

    • Punch.
    • Kick.
    • Grab.
    • Dodge.
    • Use an Item (specifying one of the Items the Clansman was holding when they accepted the Duel).

    When a Clan Lord has received a list of ten Combat Moves from each Combatant, he works out the results of the ten Combat Rounds, in sequence. In each Combat Round, the Combatant will perform their specified Combat Move, to the following effect.

    • If one Combatant Punched and the other Kicked, the Punching player is kicked back and takes Damage.
    • If one Combatant Kicked and the other Grabbed, the Kicking player is thrown to the floor and takes Damage.
    • If one Combatant Grabbed and the other Punched, the Grabbing player is intercepted and takes Damage.
    • If a Combatant used an Item, it has whatever effect is defined for using that Item in combat.

    If a Combatant is Dead at the end of a round, the Combat ends immediately and its remaining Combat Moves are ignored.

    At the end of Combat, the Clansman with the Health nearest to “Superb” (if one exists) is declared the winner. If tied, the Clansman who made the fewest Dodges is the winner (if still tied, there is no winner). The winner gains 1 Honor.

    Once the Combat has been processed, the Clan Lord posts the results in a further comment to the Duel’s blog entry, and updates the GNDT stats of the Combatants if required.

    If 24 hours have passed since a Clansman stated an intention to fight, but no Combat Moves have been submitted to the Clan Lord for it, that duel is cancelled and that Clansman (or men) who failed to supply Combat Moves each lose 1 Honor.

    Proposal: Fixing Glossary

    reached a quorum, final vote 11-0—Yoda

    Adminned at 22 Oct 2008 15:47:17 UTC

    Replace the use of the number 10 in the second-to-last sentence of glossary rule 3 with the word ten.

    Proposal of a Proposal

    I have already made 2 proposals right now, but I have an idea to improve on Kevan’s combat mechanics. It is probably longer (but certainly because I want to make everything as clear as possible), and I’ll take a while to write it down before I can actually present it. So I’d want to know if Kevan or someone else plans on proposing a battle system within the next 48 hours? If nobody does, I’ll make my proposal. If instead people do not like the idea of having a similar combat system (similar to the one Kevan proposed), also let me know.

    Wednesday, October 22, 2008

    Proposal: I love making stuff up

    cannot be enacted without cov, final vote 1-2-8—Yoda

    Adminned at 22 Oct 2008 15:45:27 UTC

    Add the following to sub-rule “List of Valid Items”:

    Rock: A hard and heavy rock that can be used for throwing and smashing. When used in battle, roll DICE3 and on a 1, the next time during this battle that the opponent takes any type of Damage, that Damage is considered Crushing, then regardless of the roll result remove the Rock from your items.

    Paper: A declaration of truce that will bring dishonor to Clansmen that dares attack you. As long as you have Paper in your inventory, other Clansmen that Damage you loose DICE3 their honor every time they do. If the damage is Crushing, the honor lost is multiplied by four.

    Scissors: A primitive but still sharp double blade, useful for slicing through most materials. You may use it at anytime you would deal Damage. If you do, instead of dealing Damage you may remove any one Item from the damaged Clansmen, except for Items called Rock, then remove Scissors from your items.

    Each Clansmen who voted on this proposal may once, within 24 hours of the passing of this proposal, choose one Item from the “List of Valid Items” and add it to their Items if they are currently holding no Items. If they don’t choose an Item, they may increase their honor by 2 instead.

    Nothing happens here.

    I have arrived, and having read the Ruleset, wish to join!

    I must mention that I found the rule text “All integers, unless stated otherwise by a rule, are in base 10.” (found in the Glossary) to be pretty hilarious and useless, since it says “10” rather than “ten”.

    Proposal: Reincarnation

    reached a quorum, final vote 2-1-9—Yoda

    Adminned at 22 Oct 2008 15:43:35 UTC

    Create a new dynastic rule titled Reincarnation, with the following text:

    If a Clansman has been Dead for over 72 hours, they may go back to Normal health, and halve all their stats.  This is called Reincarnation.

    Change the last sentence of the dynastic rule Health to:

    Dead Clansmen may not take any action defined by a Dynastic Rule, with the exception of Reincarnation.

    Proposal: Honorable intentions


    Adminned at 21 Oct 2008 15:05:49 UTC

    Add a subrule to the Rule entitled “Honor.  Call it “Honor From Proposals” and give it the following text:

    Whenever a proposal by a Clansman is enacted, the Clansman who proposed it gains 1 Honor.  Whenever a proposal by a Clansman is failed, the Clansman who proposed it loses 1 honor; if it was vetoed, the clansman who proposed it loses an additional 1 Honor.


    Proposal: Respect is a fickle thing

    reached a quorum, final vote 3-9—Yoda

    Adminned at 22 Oct 2008 15:42:17 UTC

    If the Proposal titled “Way to gain and lose honor” passed, this Proposal does nothing.

    Add a sub-rule “Respect and Shame” under rule “Honor”:

    Whenever a Clansmen makes a proposal that their fellow clan members regard as useful and/or important to the clan, they may reward that Clansmen by adding the text “Respect” on any comment on which they include a FOR vote on that proposal, and this comment is known further as a Vote of Respect. If the proposal passes, the proposer has 24 hours to increase their honor by 1 for each Vote of Respect made on their proposal.

    Whenever a Clansmen makes a proposal that their fellow clan members regard as dangerous or useless to the clan, they may punish that Clansmen by adding the text “Shame” on any comment on which they include an AGAINST vote on that proposal, and this comment is known further as a Vote of Shame. If the proposal fails, each Clansmen who gave a Vote of Shame on that proposal has 24 hours to decrease the honor of the proposer by 1.

    A Clansmen cannot place Votes of Respect or Votes of Shame on their own proposals.

    If more than half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Patriarchal Respect”, also add the following text:

    FOR votes made by the Patriarch always count as Votes of Respect. AGAINST votes made by the Patriarch always count as Votes of Shame.


    Proposal: Way to gain and lose honor


    Adminned at 21 Oct 2008 22:27:43 UTC

    Create a new dynastic rule, titled Honor From Proposals, with the following text:

    If a Proposal passes with only for votes, the proposer gains 1 honor.  If a proposal fails with only against votes (not counting the proposer’s vote), the proposer loses 1 honor.

    Proposal: Amok Time

    Self-Killed—Rodlen, Leader of the Awesomus Clan

    Adminned at 21 Oct 2008 22:22:03 UTC

    [ A suggestion for a Duel system, since we’re possibly getting ahead of ourselves. ]

    Add a new Dynastic Rule, “Duels”:-

    Any Clan Lord may announce a Duel, by posting a blog entry whose title begins “Duel:”.

    Any Clansman may step forward to fight in that Duel by posting a comment to it, stating such an intention. The first two Clansmen to do so are considered to be the Duel’s Combatants.

    To fight, each Combatant must email a list of ten sequential Combat Moves to the Clan Lord who announced the Duel. Valid Combat Moves are:-

    • Punch.
    • Kick.
    • Grab.
    • Dodge.
    • Surrender.

    When a Clan Lord has received a list of ten Combat Moves from each Combatant, he works out the results of the ten Combat Rounds, in sequence. In each Combat Round, the Combatant will perform their specified Combat Move, to the following effect.

    • If one Combatant Punched and the other Kicked, the Punching player is kicked back and takes Damage.
    • If one Combatant Kicked and the other Grabbed, the Kicking player is thrown to the floor and takes Damage.
    • If one Combatant Grabbed and the other Punched, the Grabbing player is intercepted and takes Damage.
    • If a Combatant Surrenders, the Combat ends with that round.

    At the end of Combat, the Clansman with the Health nearest to “Superb” (if one exists) is declared the winner, unless one (and only one) Combatant surrendered, in which case the other is automatically the winner. The winner gains 1 Honor.

    Once the Combat has been processed, the Clan Lord posts the results in a further comment to the Duel’s blog entry, updates the GNDT stats of the Combatants if required, and the Duel ends.

    If “Grabthar’s Hammer” passed, add the following to the Combat Moves:-

    • Use an Item (specifying one of the Items the Clansman was holding when they accepted the Duel).

    ...and add “and listing the Items they are holding” after “stating such an intention”.

    Tuesday, October 21, 2008

    Proposal: Respect

    Passes 9-0—arthy

    Adminned at 21 Oct 2008 22:14:08 UTC

    If the Rule entitled “Honor” exists, append the following text to the end of that Rule:

    Whenever a Clansman becomes a Clan Lord, he gains 15 Honor.  Whenever a Clansman ceases to be a Clan Lord, he loses 15 Honor.

    Proposal: Grabthar’s Hammer

    Passes 9-0—arthexis

    Adminned at 21 Oct 2008 21:37:03 UTC

    Adopt a new dynastic rule, called “Items”, reading as follows:

    Each Clansman may hold zero, one or two Items.  The Items held by each Clansman shall be tracked in the GNDT.  The Items held by a particular Clansman may be referred to as being in that Clansman’s Inventory.  The list of valid Items is set forth in a sub-rule to this rule, entitled “List of Valid Items”.  Each Item’s entry in the List of Valid Items will set forth the name of the Item, the conditions that must be satisfied in order for a particular Clansman to hold the item (such as, for example, maximum or minimum statistics of that Clansman, incompatibility with other Items, or other conditions such as “no more than two of this Item may be held by all Clansmen in the aggregate”), and the game effects of the Item.  A Clansman may only obtain or remove an Item from his Inventory as the ruleset or gamestate documents permit.  Each Clansman initially holds no Items in his Inventory.

    Adopt a subrule to Items, called “List of Valid Items”, with no content.


    Monday, October 20, 2008

    Proposal: Honor Again

    reached a quorum, final vote 10-0—Yoda
    add-on passed, 7-3

    Adminned at 20 Oct 2008 21:05:17 UTC

    Add a new dynastic rule called “Honor”. Give it the following text

    Each Clansman has a statistic called “Honor” that can be negative and is tracked in the GNDT.  When a Clansman joins, he is given 10 Honor.

    If a Clansman’s honor ever drops below 0 e is considered to be “Disgraced”

    Give all active Clansmen 10 Honor.
    Give all active Clan Lords and additional 15 Honor.
    Give the Patriarch an additional 25 Honor.

    If more than half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Patriarchal Power”, add the following paragraph to the end of the rule “Honor”:

    The Patriarch may, as a daily action, raise the Honor of any other Clansman by 1.

    Sunday, October 19, 2008

    Proposal: For the Clan!

    Cannot be Enacted without CoV, fails 1-9.—Rodney.

    Adminned at 19 Oct 2008 14:40:10 UTC

    Add a new dynastic rule called “Honor”. Give it the following text

    Each Clansman has a statistic called “Honor” which is represented by an integer value. When a Clansman’s joins, e is given ten honor. As a weekly action, a Clan Lord may either decrease or increase the honor of another Clansman by one by making a story post to the blog declaring eir reasons for eir action.

    If a Clansman’s honor ever drops below 0 e is considered to be “Disgraced”

    Give all active Clansmen 10 honor.
    Give all active Clan Lords and additional 15 honor.
    Give the Patriarch an additional 25 honor.

    If more than half of the Clansmen who comment on this proposal include the phrase “British is Better” in one of their comments, replace the word “honor” with “honour” when enacting this proposal.


    I’m Back

    This dynasty has potential… I’ll shake off the tail feathers and come back ^_^

    New Clansman

    This seems like a good time to join, so I will.


    Whats up with the GNDT? It clear every name and it only readds you if ya comment on it.

    Saturday, October 18, 2008

    Proposal: Giving you a life to live

    Reaches Quorum, 11-0.—Rodney.

    Adminned at 19 Oct 2008 14:35:40 UTC

    Create a new rule “Health”:

    Each Clansmen has an attribute called “Health”, which is recorded under a GNDT column with the same name. The possible values for Health are in order: “Superb”, “Normal”, “Bruised”, “Scarred”, “Wounded”, “Crippled”, “Killed”. A Clansmen whose Health is set to “Normal” or “Superb” is considered to be Healthy. A Clansmen whose Health is set to “Killed” is considered to be Dead. Whenever a non-Dead Clansmen takes Damage, that Clansmen’s Health value is set to the next available from the list in order. If a Clansmen is said to take Crushing Damage, it shall be treated as if the Clansmen was damaged twice in a row. New Clansmen start with a Normal Health.

    As a daily action, if a Clansmen has not received Damage in the past 24 hours and no Crushing Damage in the last 48 hours, that Clansmen may set their health to the previous value in the list in order, unless they are already Healthy. This action is known a Healing.

    Dead Clansmen may not take any action defined by a Dynastic Rule.

    Set the Health of every Clansmen to Normal.


    Proposal: Fair Training


    Adminned at 19 Oct 2008 14:34:42 UTC

    If the Proposal titled “Back to the Basics” failed, this Proposal does nothing.

    Create a new rule called Physical Training:

    As a fortnightly action (an action that can be taken once every fortnight), a Clansmen may choose to polish some of their talents by training. To do so, they choose a Physical Stat and post a comment in the GNDT of “Training X 1DICE4” where X is the chosen stat. The results of the training depend of the result of the roll: On a 1, the chosen stat is raised 2 points but the Clansmen reduces one another of their Stats of their choice by 1. On a 2, the chosen stat is raised 1 point. On a 3, the chosen stat is raised by 1 point, and the Clansmen choses another one of their stats to increase by 1 as well. On a 4, the Clansman raises all their stats by 1 except for the chosen stat. No stat may go above 25 by training.

    Ye varlet!

    By Grabthar’s hammer, by the sons of Worvan, I shall be unidled.

    Need my access back.

    I have been unidled, but my access to the GNDT has not been restored (I.e my name is not on the drop down menu so i cannot log into the GNDT)

    Could I have it back please.

    Proposal: Physical Dueling

    Times out, 1-9—Rodney.

    Adminned at 19 Oct 2008 14:33:49 UTC

    If the Proposal titled “Back to the Basics” failed, this Proposal does nothing.

    Create a new dynastic rule titled “Physical Dueling” with the following text:

    As a weekly action, a Clansman may challenge another Clansman to a Physical Duel by posting the challenge to Blognomic.  In it, the challenger must note the name of the challenged Clansman, and the name of a third Clansman, who will coordinate the Duel.  All clansmen involved must accept for the duel to start.  When the duel starts, the Challenger and the Challenged must both pick one of their physical stats and PM their choice to the coordinator within 24 hours of the start of the duel.  Once the coordinator recieves the choices, they must post them as a comment in the post the Duel is taking place in.  In a Physical Duel, Strength beats Skill, Skill beats Reflex, and Reflex beats Strength.  Whichever clansman beats the other clansman wins, ending the duel.  If both clansmen choose the same stat, the clansman with the higher number in that stat wins the duel, and the duel ends..  If there is a tie in that stage, the duel ends with no winner.

    This might need a bit of work, but it is a start.

    Proposal: This is a proposal for stuff

    Reaches quorum and times out, 10-0.—Rodney.

    Adminned at 19 Oct 2008 14:31:36 UTC

    Add the following to the end of glossary rule 3 Glossary:

    *If a new rule is created by a proposal and its location is not noted in that proposal, that new rule is to be placed in the Dynastic Rules.

    Proposal: Back to the Basics

    Times out, 7-4.—Rodney.

    Adminned at 19 Oct 2008 14:24:59 UTC

    Add a new Rule to the Ruleset.  Call it “Basic Stats” and give it the following text:

    Each Clansman has three Physical Stats, tracked in the GNDT.  The thee Physical Stats are Strength, Skill, and Reflex.  Strength represents the ability to apply brute force in one’s favor, Skill represents practice and familiarity with traditional dueling techniques, and Reflex represents the ability to react quickly to unexpected events.

    New Clansmen have a value of 5 for all Physical Stats.

    Give each Clansmen a value of 5 for each Physical Stat.  Give the Patriarch a Strength of 4, a Skill of 15 and a Reflex of 8.


    It’s Time

    It’s time for me to reemerge.  I am unidling.  Quorum remains 7.

    Proposal: A New Beginning

    reached a quorum, final vote 8-3—Yoda
    Yoda and Qapmoc became Clan Lords as well.  Rodlen, you missed your chance.

    Adminned at 17 Oct 2008 21:23:34 UTC

    At various points during the dynasty, I may not have the time to perform certain necessary tasks.  As a result, I’ll need some ‘official help’ to step in.

    Add a new Rule to the Ruleset.  Call it “Clan Lords” and give it the following text:

    Certain Clansmen are Clan Lords.  Clan Lords have privileges and responsibilities that ordinary Clansmen do not.  If a Clan Lord (other than the Patriarch) does not fulfill his responsibilities, a proposal may be made to remove or replace them from the list of Clan Lords.

    The Patriarch is always a Clan Lord.

    The identity of all Clan Lords is tracked in this Rule.  Whenever a Clansman becomes a Clan Lord, he is added to the list below, and whenever a Clansmen ceases to be a Clan Lord, he is removed from the list below. 

    The following Clansmen are Clan Lords:

    Each Clansman who votes on this proposal may include the name of exactly one Clansman in the comment containing his vote.  Any Clansman who named himself in this manner and was named by at least one other Clansman becomes a Clan Lord and is added to the list.

    Ascension Address: Ascension Address

    People of Blognomic,
    As you may know, the bloodline of the Null Clan has run dry.  The clan’s other branches all perished during the last Succession War, and I am now too old to produce an heir.  If I do nothing now, I fear that there will be another bloody war upon my death.

    I wish to settle the issue of succession immediately.  When the Null Clan is no more, some other clan will rise to take its place.  In the old days, before the Succession Wars, it would have been decided through ritual combat between the Clan Lords’ champions.  The old ways are still law, and as much as we would wish to do away with them, today they suit my purpose.

    Send word to each of the minor clans.  A Trial of Champions has been decreed for the first time in four hundred years.  May the crown be won by the bloody sweat of dozens rather than thousands.

    Repeal all Dynastic Rules.  Breeder becomes Clansman.  Dragonmaster becomes Patriarch. 

    I was already headed in the direction of a Barbarian dynasty when Rodney suggested it.  His suggestion confirmed that it was a good direction to go in.

    Friday, October 17, 2008

    New Dynasty!

    Unidle-ize me, please.

    Story Post: unidle please


    Oze returning from limbo

    I am unidling. Quorum remains 5.

    Wednesday, October 15, 2008

    Declaration of Victory: For real this time

    Passes, 7-0.—Rodney.

    Adminned at 16 Oct 2008 17:46:57 UTC

    The dragon “Hellfire” from the Succession Challenge is dead.  Under Rule 2.7.4, this means that the Dragonmaster loses the challenge.  As a result, I have won the Succession Challenge under rule 2.7.2.  Due to Rule 2.7.3, this means I have achieved victory.

    Proposal: More Metadynasty Rules


    Adminned at 17 Oct 2008 05:11:42 UTC

    Add the following to the end of core rule 1.8.1 Metadynasties:

    If the Dragonmaster ever goes idle, a metadynasty begins.

    Proposal: Fix


    Adminned at 17 Oct 2008 05:11:09 UTC

    Change the text in dynastic rule 2.6.5 Ritual of Power to the following:

    This is a gruelling and dangerous exercise with high payoffs. The Breeder posts a comment in the GNDT of “Power Training DICE3 DICE39”. Regardless of the result of the DICE3 roll, the dragon being trained gains 1 point of each stat except Heartbeat, and loses Heartbeat equal to the result of the DICE39 roll. If the result of the first DICE roll was a 1, the dragon gains 1 additional point of Flame. If the result of the first DICE roll was 2, the dragon gains 1 additional point of Scales. If the result of the first DICE roll was a 3, the dragon gains 1 additional point of Muscle.

    If the dragon being trained was Black, it loses 6 additional points of Heartbeat; if the result of the first roll was a 2, it gains an additional point of Scales, and if the result of the first roll was a 3, it gains an additional point of Muscle.

    Specifying which roll effects your stats.

    Wednesday, October 15, 2008

    Story Post: [Challenge]:Succession Challenge

    Come one and all. For a cost of 30 cookies, your dragon can face off one on one with the Dragonmaster’s strongest dragon, the deadly red dragon known as Hellfire. A beast whose muscle, scales, wings and inferno like flame peak in at a skill rank of 30 each and who’s heartbeat tops in at a mighty 200. To the breeder whos dragon can topple this mighty foe comes the greatest reward, the tile of Dragonmaster. But beware to those that come with little skill, for Hellfire is not afraid to stain the sands with the blood of the weak. Steel your nerve and bring your best…. or don’t come at all.

    Monday, October 13, 2008

    Story Post: [Breeding] Null + Nidhogg

    It occurs to me that with the tourney coming up we should both prepare backup dragons in case our current ones get killed.

    Proposal: Reducing the size of the devil’s playground


    Adminned at 15 Oct 2008 09:39:15 UTC

    In rule 1.2, change:

    entry or comment


    entry, comment, or GNDT comment

    So active GNDT users aren’t idled.


    Qapmoc and Ambi Valent are now idle.  Quorum is 4.

    Sunday, October 12, 2008

    Proposal: Odd eggs out

    Reaches the Quorum (4), 4-1.—Rodney.

    Adminned at 13 Oct 2008 13:53:21 UTC

    In Rule 2.12.1, change the text

    (Base’s stat + Mate’s stat)/2


    (Base’s stat + Mate’s stat)/2, rounded down

    Proposal: Patching a last-second loophole.

    Reaches Quorom, 6-0.—Rodney.

    Adminned at 13 Oct 2008 05:40:39 UTC

    Remove the following phrase from rule 2.7:

    If the Host doesn’t, any participant may retreat at any time by making a comment of “Retreat!” on the Battle Thread, and thus loses the battle.

    2.7.4 already has rules for retreat, which will still work if this phrase is gone. This phrase would allow someone to attack, and if it failed retreat on the other dragon’s turn.

    Saturday, October 11, 2008

    Declaration of Victory: i win

    Fails 12 hours after Dragonmaster has voted on it, 4-0—Rodney

    Adminned at 12 Oct 2008 05:33:18 UTC

    it is worth a try an keeps me from falling idle again

    Thursday, October 09, 2008

    can i be unidled please

    does my dragon remain

    Proposal: Tournaments

    Passes after times out, 4-1.—Rodney.

    Adminned at 12 Oct 2008 05:38:23 UTC

    Create a new rule, titled “Tournaments” with the following text:

    Each Breeder may compete in a Tournament. Each Breeder is either Competing or Eliminated, which is tracked in the Tournament column of the GNDT. All Breeders start Eliminated. A Breeder may set themselves to Eliminated at any time. A Breeder may only set themselves to Competing if there are no Competing Breeders, or if another Breeder has become Competing within the last 24 hours.

    If there is at least one Competing Breeder and no Breeder has become Competing within the last 24 hours, the Tournament begins! If there are at least two Competing Breeders that are not currently in Battle, any of them may start a Match by first rolling DICEX in the GNDT, where X is the number of Competing Breeders that are not currently in battle, minus one. This roll will pick another Competing Breeder not in a battle, determined by going down through the Current Active Breeders list, skipping any Eliminated Breeders, Breeders in Battle, and the roller.

    Example: Suppose arthexis, Bucky, Qapmoc, Rodney, and Xaxyx were all Competing and Bucky and Rodney were dueling each other.  If Qapmoc started a match, he would roll DICE2 and if he rolled a 1, he’d fight arthexis. If he rolled a 2, he’s fight Xaxyx.

    The Breeder chosen in this way is known as the Opponent.

    The Breeder who started the Match must fight the Opponent in one of two ways:

    The first is an Official Duel. The Breeder who started the Match may post a Duel with the text “[Official]” in the title and name the Opponent as the Guest. The bet may not be more than 10 Cookies, and it may not be hardcore. If the Guest does not accept this Duel, but they were able to, they are Eliminated.

    The alternate method is an unofficial Duel. The Breeder who started the Match may post any sort of Duel as long as the Opponent is the guest, including a hardcore duel. The Opponent has no obligation to accept this Duel, the option is only there for more bloodthirsty Breeders.

    Either way, if the Breeder who started the Match and Opponent do Duel, the loser is Eliminated. If the Breeder who started the Match did not choose an Official Duel and they did not otherwise succeed in starting a Duel with the Opponent within 48 hours of the Match starting, the Breeder who started the Match is Eliminated. If a Competing Breeder’s Dragon is Dead at any time, they are automatically Eliminated.

    If there is only a single Competing Breeder and the Tournament has begun, they may end the Tournament by adding 100 to their Cookies and Eliminating themselves. Then, any Breeder may become Competing again as above and once 24 hours has passed since any Breeder became Competing, the cycle starts anew.

    Call for Judgment: As per what Rodlen Said

    Reaches quorum and fails 5-1.—Rodney.

    Adminned at 12 Oct 2008 05:52:08 UTC

    As stated before this dynasty is really going nowhere.

    If this CfJ passes, end this dynasty and start a new meta-dynasty (with an empty dynastic rules-set).

    Wednesday, October 08, 2008

    The Idleathon

    Amnistar, Devenger, Joe, Oze, SPBM, Spikebrennan, Thrawn, and Truman Capote go idle.  Quorum is 5.

    Declaration of Victory: This is going nowhere.

    Fails 4-0 after Dragonmaster has voted on it.—Rodney

    Adminned at 09 Oct 2008 05:59:45 UTC

    Okay, I come in here and notice that all proposals are far into overtime, and that someone wants to be idled.  After that, I notice that a lot of us (Amnistar, Devenger, Joe, Oze, SPBM, Spikebrennan, Thrawn, and I) should be idled for not posting anything for over 7 days.  This is a mess.  I will fix it.  Vote…for me.

    Be Back Soon

    I’m just not feeling it this dynasty.  Could an admin idle me?

    I promise my hiatus won’t be nearly as long the last, which was a little under three years.  I’ll see you next dynasty.

    Monday, October 06, 2008

    Proposal: Beating a dead dragon

    Passes, 4-0—Rodney.

    Adminned at 09 Oct 2008 13:10:10 UTC

    In the Rule entitled “System”, change the text

    If a move used by a Dragon would inflict zero or less damage, that move inflicts no damage instead.


    If a move used by a Dragon would inflict zero or less damage, that move inflicts no damage instead.  If a Dragon becomes Dead while it is in a Battle, its Breeder automatically loses that Battle.

    In the Rule entitled “Duels”, change the text:

    that where spent on the bet for that Battle Thread. The winner of a Duel adds an amount of Cookies equal to twice the amount that was bet. Also, both the winner and the loser of the Duel receive an amount of Cookies equal to one-third of the total Heartbeat lost during the Duel, rounded down.


    that where spent on the bet for that Battle Thread.

    When a Breeder loses a Duel, the other participating Breeder wins that Duel.  The winner of a Duel adds an amount of Cookies equal to twice the amount that was bet. Also, both the winner and the loser of the Duel receive an amount of Cookies equal to one-third of the total Heartbeat lost during the Duel, rounded down.

    In the Rule entitled “Challenges”, replace the text:

    If a Guest wins, that Breeder


    If the Dragonmaster loses the Challenge while there is a Guest, that Guest wins the Challenge.  The Guest who won the Challenge


    Proposal: Rank without the VC


    Adminned at 09 Oct 2008 13:08:39 UTC

    Add a new Rule to the Ruleset.  Give it the title “The League” and give it the following text:

    Each Breeder has a Rank stat, tracked in the GNDT under the column “Rank”.  A Breeder’s Rank is always an integer and never negative. New Breeders have a Rank of 0.

    If both Breeders involved in a Duel have the same Rank, the winner of the Duel gains 1 Rank when the Duel ends.  If the loser of the Duel had a Rank of at least 1, then the loser of the Duel loses 1 Rank.  If more than one Breeder somehow wins or loses the same Duel, or the Duel is cancelled because the Invitee does not join the battle, no Rank shall be gained or lost.

    Set all Breeders’ Ranks to 0.

    Proposal: Betting v1.01

    Times out, 3-1—Rodney.

    Adminned at 09 Oct 2008 13:07:58 UTC

    Create a new rule “Betting” with the following rule-set:

    There exists a wiki document titled ‘Betting’. Betting has sections for each battle. Whenever a battle begins, and a section for that battle doesn’t exist, any Breeder may create a new section fot that battle. If a bet is placed on a battle it is recorded in that battle’s section.

    Any Breeder that is not participating in a battle may place a single bet on one of the participating Breeders’ dragons. To place a bet the Breeder posts the amount of cookies they wish to bet ‘X’ in the section of Betting for that battle and reduce their cookies by that amount. The amount of cookies placed as a bet cannot be negative and cannot be a number greater than the number of cookies the Breeder has. Bets must be placed prior to the second round of the Battle.
    If the dragon the Breeder placed a bet on is victorious, the Breeder who placed the bet may increase their cookies by 1.5 * X (rounded down).

    Create a wiki document named Betting.

    I have changed the sub-sections to sections as the page isn’t a section it’s a page

    Proposal: Move it Further

    Times out 3-0.—Rodney.

    Adminned at 09 Oct 2008 13:05:28 UTC

    Change the text of rule “Dragon Claw” so that it reads:

    The attacker throws a swipe at its enemy with its powerful claws. Multiply the attacker’s Muscle by 2, then substract the opponent’s Scales. The opponent takes that much damage, and if at least 1 damage is dealt this way, the opponent’s Scales or Wings (attacker chooses which) are reduced by 1DICE3 until the end of the battle.

    Change the text of rule “Dragon Breath” so that it reads:

    The attacker spits flames at the oponent, which not even a dragon’s hide can resist. Roll XDICE3 where X is the attackers Flame. The opponent takes that much damage and it may not be reduced in any form by the Scales or Wings of the opponent. This move cannot be used on your following two turns.

    Create a new sub-rule “Dragon Charge” under rule “Moves”:

    The dragon tightens its scales and muscles, preparing for a charge or swipe with full force next turn. Add XDICE2 to your Scales until your next turn, where X is your current Scales. On your next turn, if you deal damage to your opponent, you may roll DICE4 and on a 1 deal 50% more damage with that move (rounded up).

    Friday, October 03, 2008

    Proposal: Move it Two

    Passes 4-0 on timeout—arthexis

    Adminned at 05 Oct 2008 19:07:36 UTC

    Create sub-rule “Dragon Roar” under rule “Moves”:

    The dragon makes a powerful thundering roar that makes its foe tremble. Choose a stat (except Heartbeat) then roll XDICE2, where X is the number of stats (including Heartbeat) that your Dragon has over 10. The chosen stat for the opponents dragon is decreased by that amount. The effect lasts until the end of battle, or until you use Dragon Roar again (whichever happens first).

    Create sub-rule “Dragon Throw” under rule “Moves”:

    The dragon makes a quick dart forward to grab its enemy and throw it away. Roll 2DICEX where X is your Wings and if the result is greater than your opponent’s Wings, you successfully throw the opponent away, dealing damage equal to the result of the roll plus Muscle minus the opponent’s Scales. Damage dealt by your opponent next turn is halved.

    Hopefully these new possible strategies will make the power-training sessions a little less extreme in their battle results.

    Proposal: Betting, part I

    Fails as only half of its votes are FOR after 48 hours—arth

    Adminned at 05 Oct 2008 11:41:18 UTC

    Create a new rule “Betting” with the following rule-set:

    There exists a wiki document titled ‘Betting’. Betting has sub-sections for each battle. Whenever a battle begins, and a sub-section for that battle doesn’t exist,  any Breeder may create a new sub-section fot that battle. If a bet is placed on a battle it is recorded in that battle’s sub-section.

    Any Breeder that is not participating in a battle may place a single bet on one of the participating Breeders’ dragons. To place a bet the Breeder posts the amount of cookies they wish to bet ‘X’ in the sub-section of Betting for that battle and reduce their cookies by that amount. The amount of cookies placed as a bet cannot be negative and cannot be a number greater than the number of cookies the Breeder has. Bets must be placed prior to the second round of the Battle.
    If the dragon the Breeder placed a bet on is victorious, the Breeder who placed the bet may increase their cookies by 1.5 * X (rounded down).

    Create a wiki document named Betting.

    If this passes I have a part II which will involve a dragon lottery… only kidding.

    Thursday, October 02, 2008

    Proposal: Why We Fight

    Fails 3-4 on timeout—arth

    Adminned at 05 Oct 2008 11:39:10 UTC

    Add a new Rule to the Ruleset.  Give it the title “The League” and give it the following text:

    Each Breeder has a Rank stat, tracked in the GNDT under the column “Rank”.  A Breeder’s Rank is always an integer and never negative. New Breeders have a Rank of 0.  Whenever a Breeder has a Rank of 7, he achieves victory.

    If both Breeders involved in a Duel have the same Rank, the winner of the Duel gains 1 Rank when the Duel ends.  If the loser of the Duel had a Rank of at least 1, then the loser of the Duel loses 1 Rank.  If more than one Breeder somehow wins or loses the same Duel, or the Duel is cancelled because the Invitee does not join the battle, no Rank shall be gained or lost.

    Set all Breeders’ Ranks to 0.

    Wednesday, October 01, 2008

    Proposal: It’s a gambler’s world v1.1

    Times out without achieving Quorum—arth

    Adminned at 03 Oct 2008 21:04:00 UTC

    Create a new rule named “Betting”;

    Breeders that are not participating in a battle may bet on the Breeders’ dragons. Betters shall post a non-negative integer of cookies as their bet. Bets cannot exceed the Better’s current Cookies stat. Bets must be placed prior to the second round of the Battle. If the dragon the Better bets on is victorious, they earn (x/4 + x), where x is the original stake. If the dragon the Better bets on is not victorious, they lose (x/4 + x), where x is the original stake. You may only bet on one battle at a time. Bets will be tracked in the wiki document titled ‘Bets’.

    I equalized it.

    Proposal: It’s a gambler’s world.


    Adminned at 03 Oct 2008 11:12:04 UTC

    Create a new rule named “Betting”;

    Breeders that are not participating in a battle may bet on the Breeders’ dragons. Betters shall post a non-negative integer of cookies as their bet. Bets cannot exceed the Better’s current Cookies stat. Bets must be placed prior to the second round of the Battle. If the dragon the Better bets on is victorious, they earn (x/4 + x), where x is the original stake. If the dragon the Better bets on is not victorious, you lose your original stake. You may only bet on one battle at a time. Bets will be tracked in the wiki document titled ‘Bets’.

    Proposal: The Blown Ultimatum

    Timed out and failed-Darknight

    Adminned at 03 Oct 2008 11:10:11 UTC

    Create sub-rule “Dragon Roar” under rule “Moves”:

    The dragon makes a powerful thundering roar that makes its foe tremble. Choose a stat (except Heartbeat) then roll XDICE2, where X is the number of stats (including Heartbeat) that your Dragon has over 10. The chosen stat for the opponents dragon is decreased by that amount. The effect lasts until the end of battle, or until you use Dragon Roar again (whichever happens first).


    Create sub-rule “Dragon Ultimate” under rule “Moves”:

    Each Dragon can use its Dragon Ultimate move once per battle only, and never during the first three turns of battle. The attacker performs an effect that depends on it’s color as follows:

    Black - The black dragon uses its enormous physical prowess and a venomous bite to drain life out of the opponent and deal crushing damage. Deals 1DICE10 damage plus Muscle, ignoring Scales. The attacker regains Heartbeat equal to the damage dealt.

    Silver - The silver dragon creates a barrier of magic that reflects back damage. The attacker recovers half the Heartbeat lost last turn (rounded up), and the opponent takes that much damage. Then, prevent that much of the damage the attacker would take next turn.

    Green - The green dragon stares at the enemy’s eyes, paralizing the opponent. The attacker gains Muscle +3 and Scales +3 until the end of the battle, then the opponent skips its next 1DICE2 turns and all current affects of Dragon Flights are cancelled. 

    Red - The red dragon engulfs itself in flames, allowing it to use Dragon Flame every turn for it’s next 1 + 1DICE3 turns. Until the effect expires, Dragon Flame attacks deal no damage to it and the damage dealt to the opponent cannot be reduced by any effect except its Scales.

    Purple - The pruple dragon plays tricks on the enemy to confuse it. Your next 2 turns, you may use both a special action and a Move on the same turn. This Move does not end the turn when its used (allowing it to make one extra move or special action the same turn).