Monday, July 31, 2017

Proposal: Even we must be known

Reaches quorum against, 2-5. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 01 Aug 2017 21:55:06 UTC

Create a new rule “Positive Influence”

If a proposal passes with a unanimous vote, then increase the proposer’s IE by 1


Suggestion of course…

Proposal: Lonely planet just got lonelier…

Quorum against, 1-5. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 01 Aug 2017 20:38:46 UTC

If the Lonely planet proposal is enacted then this proposal changes the rule Latitudes
Enact a new rule, “Latitudes”:-

Each CIC occupies a Latitude between 1 and 26 inclusive, equal to the position of the first letter of the CIC’s Name in the alphabet minus the last letter of the CIC’s name. (If the first letter of a CIC’s Name does not appear in the Latin alphabet, its Latitude is instead equal to 1DICE26.) (If the result is Negative then the positive Integer of that result is used)

The Distance between two CICs is the absolute difference between their Latitudes.


Modifcation of Kevan’s proposal making it more interesting… Might need to revamp it a little later on…

Proposal: The budget cycle

Reaches quorum against, 2-5. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 01 Aug 2017 20:37:39 UTC

Modify Stats section before Perks subsection to:

Each CIC’s support staff, available infrastructure and the talent of the CIC themselves all coalesce into Stats. A CIC may increase any of their Stats at any time, unless doing so would cause their Stats to exceed 100 in total. Stats are all 0 by default, are tracked in the GNDT, and are the following:

  • Military: Measure of how much of a threat by force you are. Tanks, infantry - overall, these contribute a CIC’s “Military” stat.
  • Intel: Measure of how much of a threat by guile you are. Spies, radars, etc all contribute to this number.
  • Charisma: Measure of how much of a threat by charisma you are. This number measures a CIC’s available social capital.
  • Science: Measure of how strongly the nation is investing in scientific research.
  • Recovery: Measure of how heavily the nation is recovering from recent crises and attacks.

The value of each Stat directly affects the following Resources as described:

  • Missiles- the number of missiles (and prerequisite military tech needed to launch said missiles) is equivalent to a CIC’s Military Stat divided by 5 (rounded down)
  • Troops- the number (less a few orders of magnitude) of troops and other convention weapons is equivalent to a CIC’s Military Stat divided by 5 (rounded down)
  • Spies- the number of covert agents available to field clandestine operations is equivalent to a CIC’s Intel Stat divided by 5 (rounded down)
  • Politicians- the number of loyal politicians able to influence global matters through negotiation and cooperation is equivalent to a CIC’s Charisma Stat divided by 5 (rounded down)
  • Labs- the number of scientific institutes dedicated to advancing technologies in a CIC’s country is equivalent to a CIC’s Science Stat divided by 5 (rounded down)
  • These counts represent a base amount of resources, not an upper limit, which may be increased or decreased by other means. If a CIC’s Stats total more than 100, any CIC may remove 1 from each of that CIC’s Stats which is above zero (excluding Recovery). As a weekly action, a CIC may halve their own Recovery (rounding down).
Add to Stats section “Budget” with the below content:
“Missiles”, “Troops”, “Spies”,“Politicians”, and “Labs” each has a column in the GNDT, showing the current amount of Missiles, Troops, Spies, and Politicians. As a weekly action, a CIC can make a new budget adding to 100 or lower with a different, or same, amount of resources to “Military”, “Intel”, “Charisma”, and “Science”. The appropriate amount of Missiles, Troops, Spies, Politicians, and Labs will be added.

After all, the Cold War didn’t have a static amount of nukes. Please say errors or objections.

A New Player—Kind of

Derrick has joined the dance. The number of players is 9, quorum remains 5.

I unidled myself. yes, that means I’m an admin. I look forward to joining my assigned block.

Proposal: Lonely Planet

Reaches quorum against, 1-5. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 01 Aug 2017 10:17:03 UTC

Enact a new rule, “Latitudes”:-

Each CIC occupies a Latitude between 1 and 26 inclusive, equal to the position of the first letter of the CIC’s Name in the alphabet. (If the first letter of a CIC’s Name does not appear in the alphabet, its Latitude is instead equal to 1.)

The Distance between two CICs is the absolute difference between their Latitudes.

In “Missiles”, replace “As a Command action, a CIC may target another CIC that they are not currently targeting as long as the new number of targeted CICs does not exceed the amount of Missile resources.” with:-

As a Command action, a CIC may target another CIC that they are not currently targeting as long as the Distance between these two CICs does not exceed the targetting CIC’s Operating Range. (A CIC’s Operating Range is the total of its Military and Science Stats.)

Proposal: Unbloc

Reaches quorum, 6-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 01 Aug 2017 10:14:57 UTC

In “Blocs”, replace “When a CIC joins or unidles, the UNSG shall” with “When a CIC joins or unidles, the admin processing this shall”, and replace “ever greater than 1, the UNSG shall” with “ever greater than 1, any CIC may”.

It’s public dice rolls, no reason why the UNSG has to do this. (It also doesn’t really work when someone other than the UNSG unidles a player.)

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Proposal: Fight Fire with Fire.

Reaches quorum against, 1-5. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 01 Aug 2017 10:13:07 UTC

Add to “Blocs”:

Each CIC also has an Ideal, which is one of two: Right or Left, and tracked in the GNDT.

Randomly assign to each CIC an Ideal.

Change the name of the “Blocs” rule to “Differentiation.”

If unequal splitting is the problem, well…

Proposal: Budget Play

Fewer than a quorum not voting against. Failed 1-4 by Kevan.

Adminned at 31 Jul 2017 08:41:13 UTC

Amend ” A CIC may increase any of their Stats at any time, unless doing so would cause their Stats to exceed 100 in total.” to

A CIC may increase any of their Stats at any time, unless doing so would cause their Stats to exceed 20 times their IE in total.

Randomly select an Eastern-Bloc CIC who voted FOR this proposal and change them to Western-Bloc, unless doing so would make a Bloc have more than 1 member than the other Bloc.

Yes, investing sooner can dodge this, but spending your liquidity early (Statbucks, currently) is an iffy move. Also, rider.

Proposal: balance

Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 31 Jul 2017 08:40:01 UTC

Change “The UNSG shall assign the Bloc of each CIC by randomly assigning one of the Blocs with the least CICs to the first CICs, then repeating until all Pactmakers have a Bloc. If a new CIC (or CICs) joins, repeat the previous procedure with only the new CICs on the list of CICs to determine their Bloc from.” to

When a CIC joins or unidles, the UNSG shall assign them to the Bloc with the least amount of CICs, breaking ties randomly. If the difference in the number of CICs between Blocs is ever greater than 1, the UNSG shall take a random CIC from the Bloc with the most CICs and assign them to the other Bloc until the difference in the number of CICs between Blocs is less than 2.

People do go idle

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Proposal: Underground Bases

Reaches quorum 5-0. Enacted by pokes.

At the time of the missiles going underground, the only targets were card targeting me and vice-versa.

Adminned at 30 Jul 2017 16:28:43 UTC

In “Missiles”, replace

The CICs at which a CIC is targeting missiles may be referred to as that CIC’s “targets”, and is tracked in the GNDT as “Targets”, defaulting to none.


The CICs at which a CIC is targeting missiles may be referred to as that CIC’s “targets”, defaulting to none, and is tracked privately by the UNSG.

And replace

As a daily action, a CIC may take a Command action.


As a daily action, a CIC may take a Command action by communicating privately to the UNSG which Command action they take.

The proper response to being targeted is less deterministic, if you don’t know whether you’re targeted.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Proposal: Cold War stuff: Again

Reaches quorum 6-0. Enacted by pokes.

In “randomly assigning one of the Blocs with the least CICs to the first CICs”, since the ordering of CICs and hence “first CIC” I believe is undefined, I will use a random order. Please CfJ if you disagree.

Adminned at 30 Jul 2017 16:20:35 UTC

Create a section called “Blocs” with the following text within:

Each CIC is a member of the Eastern or Western Bloc, which shall be tracked in the GNDT.
The UNSG shall assign the Bloc of each CIC by randomly assigning one of the Blocs with the least CICs to the first CICs, then repeating until all Pactmakers have a Bloc. If a new CIC (or CICs) joins, repeat the previous procedure with only the new CICs on the list of CICs to determine their Bloc from.

Story Post: Tick

A Tick occurs. Since everyone is so polite, nothing happens.

Proposal: Perks

Reaches quorum 7-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 30 Jul 2017 16:17:30 UTC

Add a section within “Stats” titled “Perks” with:

Perks are advantages that CICs have when their stats have reached a certain amount, and have a name, effect and Stat Requirement. A Perk’s Stat Requirement is listed below in brackets - when a CIC’s stats is at least that requirement, they have the Perk and are subject to its effect. Perks, their name, effects and Stat Requirement are the following:

[50 Military]: Shock and Awe: CICs with 15 Military or less cannot Target you with Missiles.
[50 Charisma]: First Among Equals: CICs with 15 Charisma or less cannot Target you with Missiles.
[50 Intel]: Stealth Tech: CICs with 15 Intel or less cannot Target you with Missiles.

Proposal: Weekly Newspaper v2

Reaches quorum 5-1. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 30 Jul 2017 16:15:49 UTC

Add a section called “Weekly Newspaper”, within it, add:

The UNSG shall make a Story Post which is contains one Article per CIC, once per week. This post is the Weekly Newspaper post, and its posted text content is purely flavor. CICs can privately communicate to the UNSG an Article (composed of a headline and body of text) to add or, if they already have one added, overwrite their Article to be published in the next Weekly Newspaper post. If a CIC hasn’t communicated an Article to the UNSG since the last Weekly Newspaper post, their Article is considered to be: “No News”, “Not Available” as title as text respectively. The UNSG can overwrite any text content to be published in the Weekly Newspaper to “[Redacted]”.

Proposal: Duck and Recover

Times out 3-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 30 Jul 2017 16:14:06 UTC

To the bullet list in “Stats”, add:-

  • Science: Measure of how strongly the nation is investing in scientific research.
  • Recovery: Measure of how heavily the nation is recovering from recent crises and attacks.

To the end of that rule, add:-

If a CIC’s Stats total more than 100, any CIC may remove 1 from each of that CIC’s Stats which is above zero (excluding Recovery). As a weekly action, a CIC may halve their own Recovery (rounding down).

In “Ticks”, replace “missiles are exchanged, and both CIC’s IE is divided by two, rounded down” with:-

missiles are exchanged, and both CICs lose two IE and gain 10 Recovery

A couple more Stats, including one to represent damage sustained.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Proposal: Fair trade

Reaches quorum 7-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 29 Jul 2017 00:08:15 UTC

As a bullet point under

* If A is targeting B, but B is not targeting A, A gains one IE and B loses one IE.


* If B is targeting A, but A is not targeting B, B gains one IE and A loses one IE.

As-is, B can never gain a point.

No Country for Young Orks

Orkboi’s nuclear program, hit by sanctions, becomes idle. Quorum remains 5.

I would like to IDLE

Thank you.

Cold War stuff

Create a section called “Blocs” with the following text within:

Each CIC is a member of the Eastern or Western Bloc, which shall be tracked in the GNDT.
The UNSG shall assign the Bloc of each CIC by randomly assigning one of the Blocs with the least CICs to the first CICs, then repeating until all Pactmakers have a Bloc. If a new CIC (or CICs) joins, repeat the previous procedure with only the new CICs on the list of CICs to determine their Bloc from.

I like factions way too much. Also, I think this is appropriate to have public factions.


I request to be unidled, I’m back

As Maldor walks into into the old office, he notices the changes that have occured, this intrigues him and he resumes playing the dangerous game that began oh so many years ago.

Proposal: Launch Window

reached quorum 7-0 with one DEF. enacted by card.

Adminned at 28 Jul 2017 03:06:42 UTC

To “Ticks”, add:-

If no CIC has taken a Command action to target another CIC in the previous 24 hours, and if no Ticks have been performed in the previous 48 hours, then the UNSG may perform a Tick.

In “Missiles”, replace “As a daily action” with “As a Command action”, then add a new paragraph after the first paragraph of that rule:-

As a daily action, a CIC may take a Command action.

Adding a way for Ticks to occur, and allowing only a single target/untarget per player per day.

Proposal: The War Chest

reached quorum 7-0. enacted by card

Adminned at 28 Jul 2017 03:04:09 UTC

If the rule “Stats” exists, replace “CICs can, once per dynasty, freely distribute 100 points among all of their Stats.” with:-

A CIC may increase any of their Stats at any time, unless doing so would cause their Stats to exceed 100 in total.

Allowing a slow reveal of secret budgets.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Proposal: How I Learned to Love the Bomb

Reached quorum 7-0. Enacted by card.

Adminned at 28 Jul 2017 03:01:11 UTC

Given that the proposals “Stats” and “Armament” are approved, add the following under the “Stats” section:

The value of each Stat directly affects the following Resources as described:
Missiles- the number of missiles (and prerequisite military tech needed to launch said missiles) is a equivalent to a CIC’s Military Stat divided by 5 (rounded down)
Spies- the number of covert agents available to field clandestine operations is equivalent to a CIC’s Intel Stat divided by 5 (rounded down)
Politicians- the number of loyal politicians able to influence global matters through negotiation and cooperation is equivalent to a CIC’s Charisma Stat divided by 5 (rounded down)

These counts represent a base amount of resources, not an upper limit, which may be increased or decreased by other means.

In addition, change the following under the “Missiles” section from:

As a daily action, a CIC may target another CIC that they are not currently targeting.


As a daily action, a CIC may target another CIC that they are not currently targeting as long as the new number of targeted CICs does not exceed the amount of Missile resources.

Proposal: Weekly Newspaper

Reached unpopularity with 2-5 with one DEF. Failed by card.

Adminned at 28 Jul 2017 02:58:09 UTC

Add a section called “Weekly Newspaper”, within it, add:

The UNSG shall make a Story Post which is contains one Article per CIC, once per week. This post is the Weekly Newspaper post. CICs can privately communicate to the UNSG an Article (composed of a headline and body of text) to add or, if they already have one added, overwrite their Article to be published in the next Weekly Newspaper post. If a CIC hasn’t communicated an Article to the UNSG since the last Weekly Newspaper post, their Article is considered to be: “No News”, “Not Available” as title as text respectively.

Some storymaking, hot off the presses.

Proposal: Stats

Reaches quorum 6-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 27 Jul 2017 22:59:06 UTC

Create a section called “Stats”, within it, add:

Each CIC’s support staff, available infrastructure and the talent of the CIC themselves all coalesce into Stats. CICs can, once per dynasty, freely distribute 100 points among all of their Stats. Stats are all 0 by default, are tracked in the GNDT, and are the following:

- Military: Measure of how much of a threat by force you are. Tanks, infantry - overall, these contribute a CIC’s “Military” stat.
- Intel: Measure of how much of a threat by guile you are. Spies, radars, etc all contribute to this number.
- Charima: Measure of how much of a threat by charisma you are. This number measures a CIC’s available social capital.

Big Boom vs 007 vs Sieg Heil

Proposal: Crisis

Reaches quorum 5-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 27 Jul 2017 22:57:41 UTC

Add a new rule, “Esteem”:

Each CIC has International Esteem (abbreviated IE). IE is tracked in the GNDT as “IE”, and defaults to 20.

Add a new rule, “Ticks”:

A Tick is an Atomic Action performed by the UNSG that consists of resolving the following:
* For each unique pair of CICs (A and B), excluding the UNSG:
** If A and B are both not targeting each other, nothing happens.
** If A is targeting B, but B is not targeting A, A gains one IE and B loses one IE.
** If A and B are both targeting each other, rolling DICE20. If it is 1 through 10, missiles are exchanged, and both CIC’s IE is divided by two, rounded down.

When Ticks are performed is deliberately “not yet”.

Proposal: Armament

Reaches quorum 5-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 27 Jul 2017 22:56:10 UTC

Add a rule, “Missiles”:

Each CIC, except for the UNSG, is either targeting missiles at, or not targeting missiles at, each other CIC. The CICs at which a CIC is targeting missiles may be referred to as that CIC’s “targets”, and is tracked in the GNDT as “Targets”, defaulting to none.

As a daily action, a CIC may target another CIC that they are not currently targeting.

As a daily action, a CIC may cease targeting a CIC that they are currently targeting.

Ascension Address: From the diaries of PM Wouters, 26 July 1966

It’s so difficult to be the Commander-in-chief. All I wanted to do was serve my Pays-Loups Nord by writing legislation to help the people, but then someone had to go and die, and I had to go and say ‘okay’ to becoming Prime Minister. This shouldn’t have been easy, but at least not this hard. Tensions since last week have been extremely high. Everyone’s got nukes, everyone suddenly seems more willing to use them, and it’s like the only way to get respect these days is to bully people around. I just need some sleep, but the pills are making it hard, and when it comes all I get are fever dreams about pacts and Seraphim.

Veto all pending Proposals. Change ‘Pactmaker’ to ‘CIC’; changing the first instance to “Commander-in-chief (abbreviated CIC)”. Change ‘Seraphim’ to ‘UNSG’; changing the first instance to “UN Secretary-General (abbreviated UNSG)”. Repeal all Dynastic Rules except for “Combos” and “Tags”.

washed their hands of this place

Sinq idles. Quorum becomes 4.

Call for Judgment: Call For Proposal

reached quorum 0-4. Failed by card.

Adminned at 27 Jul 2017 18:11:25 UTC

Change “If a Pactmaker (hereafter referred to as the Victor) believes that they have achieved victory in the current Dynasty, either individually, or collectively with other Pactmakers (hereafter referred to as the co-Victors), then that Pactmaker may make a post to the Blognomic weblog in the Declaration of Victory category, detailing this, and specifying all the co-Victors, if applicable.” to

If a Pactmaker (hereafter referred to as the Victor) who is not the Seraphim believes that they have achieved victory in the current Dynasty, either individually, or collectively with other Pactmakers (hereafter referred to as the co-Victors), then that Pactmaker may make a post to the Blognomic weblog in the Declaration of Victory category, detailing this, and specifying all the co-Victors, if applicable.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Declaration of Victory: Sorcerer’s Apprentices

Reached quorum. Is popular and has been open for 12 hours. Enacted by card.

Adminned at 26 Jul 2017 16:00:25 UTC

Since some steps require posting to the blog, I couldn’t have made this a combo post, so I apologize. I did the following:

- Recieved 15 mana by making three promises consisting of “I promise I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Promises #10-12)
- Created the two golems, Gneins and Gnozwei (whose initial promises are #13 and #14). Afterwards, my mana was 9, and my stamina was 0.
- Taken 14 Stamina as a weekly action.
- Created the two golems, Gnodrei and Gnovier (whose initial promises are #15 and #16). Afterwards, my mana was 3, and my stamina was 0.
- Activated Gneins. Gneins then made the 20 promises, as instructed, and gave me 100 mana.
- Set my mana to 0, promised: “I promise not to create a Golem with any engraved promise: “I promise to make 20 promises of the form ‘I promise I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise’, and then give the Pactmaker named pokes 100 mana.”, and then activate it, so as to gain mana.”, and gained 1 Gnosis.
- Repeated the previous two steps, activating Gnozwei, Gnodrei, and Gnovier, in that order, gaining 3 more Gnosis.
- Received 100 mana by making the promise: “I promise I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” personally 20 more times.
- Set my mana to 0, promised: “I promise not to personally make 20 promises of the form ‘I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise’ so as to gain mana.”, and gained 1 Gnosis.
- Having 5 Gnosis, became a Diety.

As a Diety, I have achieved victory.

Story Post: Ascension

I have 5 Gnosis. I become a Deity.

Story Post: New Golem: Gnovier

I create a new Golem named “Gnovier”. It has one promise engraved in it:

“I promise to make 20 promises of the form ‘I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise’, and then give the Pactmaker named pokes 100 mana.”

Story Post: New Golem: Gnodrei

I create a new Golem named “Gnodrei”. It has one promise engraved in it:

“I promise to make 20 promises of the form ‘I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise’, and then give the Pactmaker named pokes 100 mana.”

Story Post: New Golem: Gnozwei

I create a new Golem named “Gnozwei”. It has one promise engraved in it:

“I promise to make 20 promises of the form ‘I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise’, and then give the Pactmaker named pokes 100 mana.”


1 I take 14 Stamina (My Stamina is 0 -> My Stamina is 14)
2 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 0 -> Mana: 5, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
3 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 5 -> Mana: 10, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
4 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 10 -> Mana: 15, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
5 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 15 -> Mana: 20, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
6 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 20 -> Mana: 25, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
7 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 25 -> Mana: 30, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
8 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 30 -> Mana: 35, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
9 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 35 -> Mana: 40, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
10 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 40 -> Mana: 45, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
11 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 45 -> Mana: 50, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
12 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 50 -> Mana: 55, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
13 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 55 -> Mana: 60, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
14 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 60 -> Mana: 65, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
15 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 65 -> Mana: 70, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
16 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 70 -> Mana: 75, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
17 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 75 -> Mana: 80, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
18 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 80 -> Mana: 85, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
19 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 85 -> Mana: 90, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
20 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 90 -> Mana: 95, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
21 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 95 -> Mana: 100, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
22a Set Mana to Zero (Mana: 100 - > Mana: 0)
22b I promise “I promise to never use again any method/s (as in the full pathway, partial uses of the pathway of the method wouldn’t break this promise) I have used to gain mana during the last 12-hours of making this promise.” (no change -> Add promise ““I promise to never use again any method/s (as in the full pathway, partial uses of the pathway of the method wouldn’t break this promise) I have used to gain mana during the last 12-hours of making this promise.” to self)
22c Gain 1 Gnosis (Gnosis: 0 - > Gnosis: 1)
23 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 0 -> Mana: 5, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
24 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 5 -> Mana: 10, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
25 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 10 -> Mana: 15, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
26 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 15 -> Mana: 20, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
27 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 20 -> Mana: 25, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
28 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 25 -> Mana: 30, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
29 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 30 -> Mana: 35, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
30 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 35 -> Mana: 40, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
31 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 40 -> Mana: 45, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
32 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 45 -> Mana: 50, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
33 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 50 -> Mana: 55, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
34 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 55 -> Mana: 60, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
35 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 60 -> Mana: 65, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
36 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 65 -> Mana: 70, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
37 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 70 -> Mana: 75, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
38 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 75 -> Mana: 80, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
39 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 80 -> Mana: 85, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
40 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 85 -> Mana: 90, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
41 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 90 -> Mana: 95, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
42 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 95 -> Mana: 100, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
43a Set Mana to Zero (Mana: 100 - > Mana: 0)
43b I promise “I promise to never use again any method/s (as in the full pathway, partial uses of the pathway of the method wouldn’t break this promise) I have used to gain mana during the last 12-hours of making this promise.” (no change -> Add promise ““I promise to never use again any method/s (as in the full pathway, partial uses of the pathway of the method wouldn’t break this promise) I have used to gain mana during the last 12-hours of making this promise.” to self)
43c Gain 1 Gnosis (Gnosis: 1 - > Gnosis: 2)
44 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 0 -> Mana: 5, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
45 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 5 -> Mana: 10, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
46 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 10 -> Mana: 15, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
47 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 15 -> Mana: 20, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
48 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 20 -> Mana: 25, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
49 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 25 -> Mana: 30, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
50 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 30 -> Mana: 35, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
51 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 35 -> Mana: 40, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
52 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 40 -> Mana: 45, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
53 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 45 -> Mana: 50, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
54 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 50 -> Mana: 55, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
55 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 55 -> Mana: 60, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
56 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 60 -> Mana: 65, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
57 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 65 -> Mana: 70, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
58 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 70 -> Mana: 75, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
59 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 75 -> Mana: 80, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
60 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 80 -> Mana: 85, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
61 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 85 -> Mana: 90, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
62 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 90 -> Mana: 95, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
63 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 95 -> Mana: 100, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
64a Set Mana to Zero (Mana: 100 - > Mana: 0)
64b I promise “I promise to never use again any method/s (as in the full pathway, partial uses of the pathway of the method wouldn’t break this promise) I have used to gain mana during the last 12-hours of making this promise.” (no change -> Add promise ““I promise to never use again any method/s (as in the full pathway, partial uses of the pathway of the method wouldn’t break this promise) I have used to gain mana during the last 12-hours of making this promise.” to self)
64c Gain 1 Gnosis (Gnosis: 2 - > Gnosis: 3)
65 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 0 -> Mana: 5, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
66 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 5 -> Mana: 10, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
67 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 10 -> Mana: 15, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
68 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 15 -> Mana: 20, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
69 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 20 -> Mana: 25, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
70 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 25 -> Mana: 30, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
71 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 30 -> Mana: 35, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
72 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 35 -> Mana: 40, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
73 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 40 -> Mana: 45, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
74 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 45 -> Mana: 50, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
75 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 50 -> Mana: 55, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
76 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 55 -> Mana: 60, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
77 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 60 -> Mana: 65, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
78 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 65 -> Mana: 70, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
79 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 70 -> Mana: 75, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
80 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 75 -> Mana: 80, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
81 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 80 -> Mana: 85, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
82 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 85 -> Mana: 90, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
83 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 90 -> Mana: 95, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
84 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 95 -> Mana: 100, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
85a Set Mana to Zero (Mana: 100 - > Mana: 0)
85b I promise “I promise to never use again any method/s (as in the full pathway, partial uses of the pathway of the method wouldn’t break this promise) I have used to gain mana during the last 12-hours of making this promise.” (no change -> Add promise ““I promise to never use again any method/s (as in the full pathway, partial uses of the pathway of the method wouldn’t break this promise) I have used to gain mana during the last 12-hours of making this promise.” to self)
85c Gain 1 Gnosis (Gnosis: 3 - > Gnosis: 4)
86 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 0 -> Mana: 5, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
87 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 5 -> Mana: 10, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
88 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 10 -> Mana: 15, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
89 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 15 -> Mana: 20, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
90 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 20 -> Mana: 25, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
91 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 25 -> Mana: 30, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
92 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 30 -> Mana: 35, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
93 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 35 -> Mana: 40, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
94 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 40 -> Mana: 45, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
95 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 45 -> Mana: 50, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
96 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 50 -> Mana: 55, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
97 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 55 -> Mana: 60, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
98 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 60 -> Mana: 65, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
99 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 65 -> Mana: 70, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
100 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 70 -> Mana: 75, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
101 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 75 -> Mana: 80, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
102 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 80 -> Mana: 85, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
103 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 85 -> Mana: 90, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
104 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 90 -> Mana: 95, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
105 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 95 -> Mana: 100, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
106a Set Mana to Zero (Mana: 100 - > Mana: 0)
106b I promise “I promise to never use again any method/s (as in the full pathway, partial uses of the pathway of the method wouldn’t break this promise) I have used to gain mana during the last 12-hours of making this promise.” (no change -> Add promise ““I promise to never use again any method/s (as in the full pathway, partial uses of the pathway of the method wouldn’t break this promise) I have used to gain mana during the last 12-hours of making this promise.” to self)
106c Gain 1 Gnosis (Gnosis: 4 - > Gnosis: 5)
107 Become Diety via creating Story Post for this purpose, with the content of “I’m Diety now” and title of “Hi There” (Not Diety->Diety & have achieved Victory & Created Story Post for the purpose of becoming Diety with title “Hi There” and content “I’m a Diety now”)


1 I take 14 Stamina (My Stamina is 0 -> My Stamina is 14)
2 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 0 -> Mana: 5, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
3 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 5 -> Mana: 10, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
4 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 10 -> Mana: 15, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
5 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 15 -> Mana: 20, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
6 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 20 -> Mana: 25, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
7 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 25 -> Mana: 30, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
8 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 30 -> Mana: 35, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
9 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 35 -> Mana: 40, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
10 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 40 -> Mana: 45, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
11 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 45 -> Mana: 50, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
12 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 50 -> Mana: 55, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
13 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 55 -> Mana: 60, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
14 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 60 -> Mana: 65, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
15 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 65 -> Mana: 70, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
16 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 70 -> Mana: 75, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
17 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 75 -> Mana: 80, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
18 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 80 -> Mana: 85, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
19 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 85 -> Mana: 90, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
20 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 90 -> Mana: 95, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
21 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 95 -> Mana: 100, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
22a Set Mana to Zero (Mana: 100 - > Mana: 0)
22b I promise “I promise to never use again any method/s (as in the full pathway, partial uses of the pathway of the method wouldn’t break this promise) I have used to gain mana during the last 12-hours of making this promise.” (no change -> Add promise ““I promise to never use again any method/s (as in the full pathway, partial uses of the pathway of the method wouldn’t break this promise) I have used to gain mana during the last 12-hours of making this promise.” to self)
22c Gain 1 Gnosis (Gnosis: 0 - > Gnosis: 1)
23 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 0 -> Mana: 5, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
24 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 5 -> Mana: 10, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
25 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 10 -> Mana: 15, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
26 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 15 -> Mana: 20, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
27 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 20 -> Mana: 25, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
28 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 25 -> Mana: 30, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
29 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 30 -> Mana: 35, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
30 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 35 -> Mana: 40, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
31 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 40 -> Mana: 45, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
32 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 45 -> Mana: 50, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
33 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 50 -> Mana: 55, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
34 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 55 -> Mana: 60, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
35 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 60 -> Mana: 65, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
36 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 65 -> Mana: 70, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
37 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 70 -> Mana: 75, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
38 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 75 -> Mana: 80, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
39 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 80 -> Mana: 85, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
40 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 85 -> Mana: 90, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
41 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 90 -> Mana: 95, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
42 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 95 -> Mana: 100, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
43a Set Mana to Zero (Mana: 100 - > Mana: 0)
43b I promise “I promise to never use again any method/s (as in the full pathway, partial uses of the pathway of the method wouldn’t break this promise) I have used to gain mana during the last 12-hours of making this promise.” (no change -> Add promise ““I promise to never use again any method/s (as in the full pathway, partial uses of the pathway of the method wouldn’t break this promise) I have used to gain mana during the last 12-hours of making this promise.” to self)
43c Gain 1 Gnosis (Gnosis: 1 - > Gnosis: 2)
44 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 0 -> Mana: 5, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
45 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 5 -> Mana: 10, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
46 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 10 -> Mana: 15, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
47 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 15 -> Mana: 20, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
48 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 20 -> Mana: 25, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
49 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 25 -> Mana: 30, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
50 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 30 -> Mana: 35, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
51 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 35 -> Mana: 40, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
52 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 40 -> Mana: 45, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
53 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 45 -> Mana: 50, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
54 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 50 -> Mana: 55, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
55 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 55 -> Mana: 60, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
56 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 60 -> Mana: 65, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
57 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 65 -> Mana: 70, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
58 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 70 -> Mana: 75, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
59 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 75 -> Mana: 80, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
60 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 80 -> Mana: 85, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
61 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 85 -> Mana: 90, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
62 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 90 -> Mana: 95, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
63 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 95 -> Mana: 100, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
64a Set Mana to Zero (Mana: 100 - > Mana: 0)
64b I promise “I promise to never use again any method/s (as in the full pathway, partial uses of the pathway of the method wouldn’t break this promise) I have used to gain mana during the last 12-hours of making this promise.” (no change -> Add promise ““I promise to never use again any method/s (as in the full pathway, partial uses of the pathway of the method wouldn’t break this promise) I have used to gain mana during the last 12-hours of making this promise.” to self)
64c Gain 1 Gnosis (Gnosis: 2 - > Gnosis: 3)
65 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 0 -> Mana: 5, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
66 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 5 -> Mana: 10, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
67 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 10 -> Mana: 15, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
68 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 15 -> Mana: 20, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
69 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 20 -> Mana: 25, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
70 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 25 -> Mana: 30, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
71 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 30 -> Mana: 35, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
72 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 35 -> Mana: 40, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
73 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 40 -> Mana: 45, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
74 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 45 -> Mana: 50, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
75 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 50 -> Mana: 55, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
76 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 55 -> Mana: 60, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
77 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 60 -> Mana: 65, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
78 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 65 -> Mana: 70, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
79 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 70 -> Mana: 75, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
80 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 75 -> Mana: 80, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
81 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 80 -> Mana: 85, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
82 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 85 -> Mana: 90, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
83 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 90 -> Mana: 95, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
84 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 95 -> Mana: 100, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
85a Set Mana to Zero (Mana: 100 - > Mana: 0)
85b I promise “I promise to never use again any method/s (as in the full pathway, partial uses of the pathway of the method wouldn’t break this promise) I have used to gain mana during the last 12-hours of making this promise.” (no change -> Add promise ““I promise to never use again any method/s (as in the full pathway, partial uses of the pathway of the method wouldn’t break this promise) I have used to gain mana during the last 12-hours of making this promise.” to self)
85c Gain 1 Gnosis (Gnosis: 3 - > Gnosis: 4)
86 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 0 -> Mana: 5, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
87 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 5 -> Mana: 10, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
88 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 10 -> Mana: 15, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
89 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 15 -> Mana: 20, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
90 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 20 -> Mana: 25, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
91 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 25 -> Mana: 30, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
92 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 30 -> Mana: 35, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
93 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 35 -> Mana: 40, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
94 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 40 -> Mana: 45, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
95 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 45 -> Mana: 50, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
96 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 50 -> Mana: 55, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
97 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 55 -> Mana: 60, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
98 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 60 -> Mana: 65, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
99 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 65 -> Mana: 70, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
100 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 70 -> Mana: 75, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
101 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 75 -> Mana: 80, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
102 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 80 -> Mana: 85, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
103 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 85 -> Mana: 90, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
104 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 90 -> Mana: 95, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
105 I promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” (Mana: 95 -> Mana: 100, Add promise “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.” to self)
106a Set Mana to Zero (Mana: 100 - > Mana: 0)
106b I promise “I promise to never use again any method/s (as in the full pathway, partial uses of the pathway of the method wouldn’t break this promise) I have used to gain mana during the last 12-hours of making this promise.” (no change -> Add promise ““I promise to never use again any method/s (as in the full pathway, partial uses of the pathway of the method wouldn’t break this promise) I have used to gain mana during the last 12-hours of making this promise.” to self)
106c Gain 1 Gnosis (Gnosis: 4 - > Gnosis: 5)
107 Become Diety via creating Story Post for this purpose, with the content of “I’m Diety now” and title of “Hi There” (Not Diety->Diety & have achieved Victory & Created Story Post for the purpose of becoming Diety with title “Hi There” and content “I’m a Diety now”)

Forgive me spam gods

Declaration of Victory: Seraphim wins her own Dynasty

Other DoV passed. Failed by card.

Adminned at 26 Jul 2017 16:01:16 UTC

I’m a Diety, I’ve won. Check the Combo.

Emperors can declare victory in their own Dynasties apparently, after that massive revision. A chance like this is going to go to the first to use it.

Story Post: New Golem: Gneins

I create a new Golem named “Gneins”. It has one promise engraved in it:

“I promise to make 20 promises of the form ‘I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise’, and then give the Pactmaker named pokes 100 mana.”


In the interest of fairness, full disclosure: I intend to (although this isn’t a promise) admin all currently pending Proposals very shortly after they can be adminned.

Proposal: Squire

Self-killed. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 26 Jul 2017 22:19:27 UTC

Add “Squire”, with:

Some Players are Squires, and can become such by proposal. Squires can grant other Players Admin abilities on a software level when such a Player is a gamestate Admin but doesn’t have Admin abilities on a software level yet. (Squires have Admin powers on a software level, but are not gamestate Admins themselves). Squires can Resolve proposals which make a player Admin, as if they were an Admin themselves at that moment. This is the only kind of proposal that a Squire can Resolve, and they can Resolve them at any moment if there are no non-idle Admins.

Then, in “Squire”, replace “Player” and “Players” with “Pactmaker” and “Pactmakers” respectively.

Make Cuddlebeam a Squire. Mark all Squires with an apostrophe ( ’ ) in the sidebar.

I doubt it will happen anytime soon, but a solution like this can be best done at a moment with active admins, because if there are no unidle admins (which has happened before), players are pretty screwed and a solution can’t be Resolved, because you need an Admin for that. This allows a player who is not motivated to be a a full-fledged Admin, yet is motivated to protect the game, to create new Admins in these cases of crisis.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Proposal: Guess what? If you’re a deity, you win!

Reaches quorum 5-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 24 Jul 2017 22:03:19 UTC

Add to the bottom of Rule “Gnosis”:

The first person to become a Deity will achieve Victory unless someone else has achieved Victory by another method.

Seems obvious to me.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Proposal: Expand and Compress

Times out 3-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 24 Jul 2017 22:02:21 UTC

Amend “Tags” to read:

Votable matters have zero or more tags. Tags are added by adding it to the title of a votable matter with the format “[X]” where [X] is the tag, for example “[Core] Wording Fix”. Votable Matters require the [Core] tag in order to make changes to the Core Rules, and the [Appendix] tag in order to make changes to the Appendix Rules. Votable Matters other than DoVs require the [Victory] tag in order to grant victory to a Pactmaker.

I believe that we only use tags to mark [Core] and [Appendix] changes as well as trying to prevent getting victory by some sly use of a Proposal/CFJ

Proposal: Golems?

Times out 3-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 24 Jul 2017 21:12:43 UTC

If the rule “Golem” exists change “At any time, a Pactmaker may Activate a Golem.” to

At any time, a Pactmaker on the same square as a Golem may Activate that Golem.
A Golem that has a Gnosis value of -1 is considered to be destroyed.
Any Pactmaker may set a destroyed Golem’s Gnosis value to -1.

Still the square thing is important, also some notation for non-admins to “destroy” a golem

Proposal: You’re It!

Self-killed. Failed by card.

Adminned at 24 Jul 2017 15:52:50 UTC

Change the “Tags” rule to

Tags are put in the title of the votable matter with the format “[X]” where X is the tag. Votable matters with tags in their titles are considered to have those tags. Votable matters cannot have tags which are not defined anywhere.

Votable matters have at least one tag, if no tags are given the defaults are used. Proposals default to [Dynastic] and [Gamestate], DoV default to [Victory] and [Gamestate] and other Votable matters default to the [Gamestate] tag. CfJ default to every tag.

Some valid tags are:

Tags, other than [Victory] and [Gamestate], correspond to rules which are not subrules of any rule. For each tag which corresponds to a section in the ruleset, votable matters can only make changes to that tag’s corresponding ruleset section if they have that tag. Votable matters can only affect the gamestate if they have the [Gamestate] tag. Votable matters can only give a Pactmaker victory if they have the [Victory] tag.

A proposal which specifically names a rule’s title to change and doesn’t have the correct tag for that rule is considered to have the correct tag for that rule. In case multipul rules have the same name but are in different tag spaces (such as a Dynastic rule “Pactmakers” and the Core rule “Pactmakers”) the order of precedence for which tag is added, and therefore which rule is edited, is [Dynastic], [Core], [Appendix]. So if a proposal were to name a rule to change that does not appear in the Dynastic rules but there are two rules with the same name in both the Core and Appendix rules, it would change only the Core rule.

The partial list of valid tags is maintained as follows:

  tags, other than [Victory] and [Gamestate], which do not have a section in the ruleset they correspond to are not valid and should be removed from the list.
  rules which don’t have any subrules and don’t have a corresponding tag should have a tag added to the list. Adding a tag to the list is done by taking the section name that needs a tag and adding it to the list of valid tags. Then if the most recently added tag has the word “Rules”, remove that word from the tag unless that is the only word in the tag.

Changed some problems that were recurring with the tags rule.
Might be a good idea to use to look at the changes.

Proposal: [Appendix] Cleanup

Timed out 4-0. Enacted by card.

Adminned at 24 Jul 2017 15:51:20 UTC


IRC Channel
The Blognomic IRC channel is located at #nomic on the slashnet network (


Proposal: Damn near killed ‘em!

Timed out 4-0. Enacted by card.

Adminned at 24 Jul 2017 15:50:33 UTC

Add a new rule, “Golem”:

A Golem is an automaton created from the Earth, animated by Pact Magic. For the purpose of Dynastic Rules, they count as a Pactmaker.

A Pactmaker may create a Golem by, as an atomic action:
* Spending 3 Mana and 7 Stamina.
* Giving the Golem a name, which must be a single word beginning with the letter G, and not the name of any Pactmaker.
* Engraving at least one Promise into the Golem. The Golem is then considered to have made those Promise(s).
* Making a public post about the Golem’s creation, indicating the Golem’s name and promise(s).

At the time of its creation, the position of a Golem in Ibiza is that of its creator; its Mana is 1, and its Stamina is 5.

At any time, a Pactmaker may Activate a Golem. When a Golem is Activated, it attempts to keep all of its Promises. If there is ambiguity in how the Golem should resolve keeping its Promises, the Activator may choose how to resolve it.

If a Golem is the subject of a Magic Backlash post that is Enacted, it is destroyed instead of undergoing Extreme Seizures.

An Admin may add newly-created Golems or remove destroyed Golems from the GNDT.

Proposal: Scorn of the Dead

Reached quorum 5-0. Enacted by card.

Adminned at 24 Jul 2017 06:31:17 UTC

Remove “While a Pactmaker is Scorning five or more Promises, they cannot Scorn further Promises.” from “Scorn”.

This was originally a way to un-scorn promises from idle Pactmakers. I edited it to this: Not only does unshackling the amount of scorn fix the idle promise problem, I hope it encourages people to scorn non-trivial promises more often, and maybe even therefore make more non-trivial promises.

Lazy days in Ibiza

Axemabaro and Cpt_Koen idle out after 7 days of inactivity. Quorum falls to 5.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Proposal: Seizure Time

Reaches quorum 5-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 22 Jul 2017 21:45:12 UTC

Add to “Pact Magic”

The time and date at the which a Pactmaker’s Extreme Seizures will end (if any, otherwise its blank) is tracked in the GNDT under “E.S. Expiration”.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Proposal: Gnosis

Times out 5-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 22 Jul 2017 11:32:10 UTC

Add Rule “Gnosis”, with:

Each Pactmaker has a ‘Gnosis’ value, which is a non-negative integer that defaults to zero. Whenever a Pactmaker gains 100 or more mana in a 12-hour period, they can do the following steps as an Atomic Action:
-Set their mana to zero
-Promise to never use again any method/s (as in the full pathway, partial uses of the pathway of the method wouldn’t break the promise) they used to gain mana during that 12-hour period
-Gain 1 Gnosis.

Whenever a Pactmaker has 5 or more Gnosis, they can become a Deity by making a Story Post for this purpose.

Infinite looping seems to pop up a lot, so this allows you to cash it in instead of sitting around with awkward amounts of mana.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

A Riddle Untold

Sphinx idles. Quorum changes to 6.

Proposal: It’s magical okay!

Failed can’t be enacted 1-1. Failed by card.

Adminned at 21 Jul 2017 16:52:40 UTC

Add a new rule “Spells” with the text

A Pactmaker can at-will cast a spell. Casting is the following Atomic Action:
# Meet the requirements of the casting cost.
# Make appropriate changes to the gamestate.

An example of spell formatting is shown below.
  (type) Name [casting cost]: Effect {Maintained Cost}
Types are Instantanious and Maintained, a spell must have at least one type. An Instantanious spell’s effect lasts only one second. A Maintained spell’s effect lasts as long as the Pactmaker meets the Maintained Cost requirements every day after it was cast. If a Pactmaker misses a payment then the Effect ceases and the Pactmaker must recast the spell to do the Effect.

Spell List:
*(Instantanious) Teleport [Spend X Mana]: Change your location to a square on the Ibiza Town which is within X squares of your current location.

*(Maintainted) [Have at least 1 Promise]: If you have already maintained this spell today, nothing happens, otherwise gain X Mana where X is the number of days you have maintained this spell since you most recently cast it. {Make a Promise if you have not done so already today. Have not ever undergone Extreme Seizures.]

There should be spells of some sort, right? Maybe this is too complicated though?

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Proposal: Channelling

Reaches quorum + times out, 6-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 21 Jul 2017 01:22:27 UTC

Add to “Mana” a subsection called “Channeling” with:

A Pactmaker can Channel one of their Promises at will by paying 1 mana and marking it with [Channeling since X], where X is the date when they started Channeling that Promise. After a Promise has been Channeled for a week (168 hours), a Pactmaker can stop Channeling it. When that happens, they gain mana equal to twice the amount of Scorns that Promise currently has. If a Promise with a Channeling is broken, that Channeling is removed.

Betting on that you won’t break a promise that others believe you will.

Proposal: Contact Magic

Reaches quorum 7-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 19 Jul 2017 20:53:46 UTC

In “Mana”, replace “Pactmakers can transfer any integer amount of their mana to any other Pactmaker.” with:-

Pactmakers can transfer any integer amount of their mana to any other Pactmaker in the same Square as them.

Proposal: [Gamestate] Map Play

Vetoed. Adminned by pokes.

Adminned at 19 Jul 2017 20:52:30 UTC

Amend “Stray Cherub:” in “Mana” to:

Stray Cherub (or just “Cherub”): A Pactmaker on a Stray Cherub’s Square can do one of the following by paying 10 Stamina:
- Save it: By sending it back to Heaven, the Cherub is Saved, removed from the Ibiza map, and the saving Pactmaker gains 5 mana.

Once per week, the Seraphim can and shall create a new Cherub at a random Ibiza Square.

Create two Cherubs at random Ibiza Squares.

Add a subsection called “Spells” to “Mana” with:

The following are Spells that Pactmakers can perform, by paying its associated cost in mana (within parentesis in the list) or 1 mana, whichever is greater. (“T” represents the spellcasting Pactmaker’s “Tension”, which is the amount of their Promises which have been Scorned. The tighter - and riskier - their promises are, the more power they can wield.)
* (5) Pulley: Move a Pactmaker on your Square up to T Squares away from their original position.
* (10 - T) Noose: Remove from the Ibiza map a Mana-eater which is on your Square.
* (5 - T) Fishing Line: Only useable on a Beach Square. Put a Pactmaker or a Mana-Eater which is on a Water Square onto your Square.

Making these both at the same time so that the Cherub-hunting can be done in the context of Spells.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Proposal: Carpe Sinciput

Times out 5-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 19 Jul 2017 20:51:30 UTC

In “Pact Magic”, replace “Any Pactmaker can (and should, unless there already is one of these for the case) raise a Magic Backlash Official Post.” with:-

If a Pactmaker believes that another Pactmaker’s action has broken a Promise, and if that action has not already been the subject of a Magic Backlash or a Mea Culpa, they may raise a Magic Backlash Official Post about it.

Then add to that rule:-

If a Pactmaker posts a comment of “Mea Culpa” in relation to an action they have taken which they believe breaks one of their own Promises, then that Pactmaker immediately acquires Extreme Seizures with regard to that Promise and action.

Saving some time when a Promise-breaker doesn’t dispute their own behaviour.

Proposal: Living Auctions

Self-killed. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 18 Jul 2017 20:46:07 UTC

Add a section called “Suucbus (Mana-eater)”, with:

Succubi are powerful, fickle and seductive demons. Only 2 exist, named Stheno and Euryale, and their position default to D6 and G2 respectively.

Each Succubus has a Leash Strength value (which is an integer) and a Leashholder (which is a Pactmaker or nobody), defaulting to 0 and nobody. This information is tracked on the Ibiza Map.

Any Pactmaker can become the new Leashholder of a Succubus by paying more mana than that Succubus’s current Leash Strength value. The Leash Strength value then becomes that paid amount. A Leashholder can command their Succubus at-will, to cause them to do one the following:

- Service a Pactmaker on their (the succubus’s) square which has at least 10 Stamina. That Pactmaker gains 2 mana but loses 10 Stamina.
- be Pulled by the Leash to their Leashholder’s Square, causing the Succubus to position themselves at their Leashholder’s location for free (if they aren’t already there).
- If their Leashholder is at their same Square - Eat their Leashholder’s Soul. From that moment on, that Pactmaker never has a vote on proposals, and does not count for Popular/Unpopular quorum of Proposals, but gains 6 mana instead of 3 from Satisfying their Scornings as long as they remain as that Succubus’s Leashholder.

Have Euryale have Eaten the Seraphim’s Soul.

Magic Backlash: Empty Words

Cuddlebeam continues to casually and knowingly break their promise “I promise to not make any comments on Proposals about their potential formal functionality, unless it’s in private to such a proposal’s poster or I deem the situation to be of extreme urgency.” by publicly discussing non-urgent aspects of the functionality of proposals.

An example from the recent proposal Pixel Art: “I fear there might be too much blank space [...] Oh. But this would replace that. (hello promise)”

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Proposal: There’s a sidebar for a reason

A self-kill AND a veto! Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 18 Jul 2017 20:41:47 UTC

Change the text “Those posts are Votable Matters, and should” from the “Pact Magic” rule to

Magic Backlash posts are Votable Matters. A post is a Magic Backlash post if all of the following is true: It has the text “Magic Backlash:” in it’s title, it is in the “Story Post—Votable Matter” category, it is not in any other category and it


Forces Magic Backlash posts to show up in the sidebar.

Proposal: Loans

Times out 3-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 18 Jul 2017 20:40:26 UTC

In Mana, replace

Pactmakers can gain mana by doing Favors to otherworldly patrons. Once a Favor is completed, that Pactmaker gains an amount of mana according to that Favor’s payout (which is in brackets):

  [5] Promise the following “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 48 hours of making this Promise.” while having not ever done this Favor.


Pactmakers can gain mana by doing Favors to otherworldly patrons, listed in the rule “Available Favors”. Once a Favor is completed, that Pactmaker gains an amount of mana according to that Favor’s payout (which is in brackets).

In Available Favors, add

* [5] Promising “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 96 hours of making this Promise.”

I like this favor but it’s unclear if it’s available or not. Lock in your otherworldly loan at today’s special low rate: under 1.7 billion percent APR!

Proposal: Dice Salad [Appendix]

Timed out 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 18 Jul 2017 09:07:13 UTC

Move the bullet point beginning “If a number or other game variable is selected ‘at random’ or ‘randomly’ from a range of possible values” in “Numbers and Variables”, making it a paragraph at the end of “Random Generators”.

Remove the “VEGGIE” bullet point from “Random Generators”.

Given that “‘random’ means you have to use the GNDT” gets missed occasionally, this is perhaps in the wrong place.

And it’s maybe time to cut the Veggie die. It was added directly to the GNDT by someone in 2006 for no particular reason, and someone else immediately made a single proposal to use it to represent weather, which failed. That’s it. It was an easter egg for six years before we codified the GNDT dice in the appendix, and five years on from that we’ve still never used it for anything. Fruit has some recurring use in food mechanics and one-armed bandits, to the point where it has a little tradition, but the veggie die has absolutely zero heritage beyond one failed proposal in 2006.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Proposal: Items

Timed out 3 votes to 3. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 18 Jul 2017 07:37:01 UTC

Add a section called “Items”. Within, add:

Pactmakers have zero or more items, tracked in the GNDT. Pactmakers can give an item of their choice to another Pactmaker which is on their same square unless they have an Imp, in which case they may grant it to any Pactmaker, regardless of their Square. Items and their effects are the following:
- Energy Drink: A Pactmaker can remove from play an Energy Drink they have to gain 15 Stamina.
- Forbidden Matchstick: A Pactmaker can remove from play a Forbidden Matchstick they have to destroy (remove from play) one of their Promises. Only three Forbidden Matchsticks can be ever used during this dynasty.
- Imp Contract: A Pactmaker can remove from play Imp Contract to summon an Imp.
- Dark Tapeworm: A Pactmaker with a Dark Tapeworm can spend 5 Mana to gain 4 Stamina.
- Blessed Bloodtick: A Pactmaker with a Blessed Bloodtick can spend 5 Stamina to gain 4 Mana.
- Rosario: A Pactmaker with this item can transfer an amount of their Stamina to any other Pactmaker by paying 1 mana.

Once this dynasty, a Pactmaker can grant themselves two randomly chosen Items (which can’t be a Forbidden Matchstick).

Change “Once a Favor is completed, that Pactmaker gains an amount of mana according to that Favor’s payout (which is in brackets):” to

Once a Favor is completed, that Pactmaker gains an amount of mana according to that Favor’s payout if its a number, or an item if such is named. A Favor’s payout is in brackets, next to its related task:

Proposal: Factions: Try 3 (million)

Times out 1-3. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 17 Jul 2017 22:27:44 UTC

Create a section within “Dynastic Rules” called “Factions”.
Within “Factions” add:

The Seraphim shall assign a private faction to each player, either Innovationist or Traditionalist, unknown to the player unless they request their Faction from the Seraphim. The Factions the Seraphim can assign are the titles of the sections directly under this section. Abilities of the Factions are detailed within. The precise method for doing it is by randomly assigning one of the Factions with the least Pactmakers to the first Pactmaker on the player list, then repeating until all Pactmakers have a Faction ready for them. All squares outside of a zone of control or all factionless players are Unaligned.
An image of the faction’s territory is shown here. A dark color (dark red, dark blue, or grey [dark white]) signifies the base of the factions Innovationist, Traditionalist, or Unaligned, which are signified by the colors blue, red, and white for non-base locations. The capital is considered to be the base of the Unaligned.

I would like Cuddlebeam to deem telling me what I (likely) messed up of extreme urgency.

Proposal: Relief v2

Timed out 5-0. Enacted by card.

Adminned at 17 Jul 2017 18:50:57 UTC

Add under “Pact Magic”:

While a Pactmaker is undergoing Extreme Seizures for having broken a Promise, they may invalidate that Promise (this overrides the restriction of Dynastic Actions while seizing). Invalidated promises are indicated by adding “[Broken]” to the end of the promise.

Change “Scorn” from

A Pactmaker can Scorn any Promise made by another Pactmaker (unless that other Pactmaker is undergoing Extreme Seizures, or is the subject of a Magic Backlash Official Post): upon doing so, the Scorned Pactmaker gains 1 Mana. Scorn is tracked by appending “[Scorned by Name]” to the end of the Promise, where “Name” is the Scorner’s name. While a Pactmaker is Scorning five or more Promises, they cannot Scorn further Promises.

While a Pactmaker is undergoing Extreme Seizures as a result of a broken Promise, any Pactmaker who is Scorning that Promise may cease Scorning it: if they do so, they gain 3 Mana.


A Pactmaker can Scorn any Promise made by another Pactmaker (unless that other Pactmaker is undergoing Extreme Seizures, is the subject of a Magic Backlash Official Post, or the Promise is Invalidated): upon doing so, the Scorned Pactmaker gains 1 Mana. Scorn is tracked by appending “[Scorned by Name]” to the end of the Promise, where “Name” is the Scorner’s name. While a Pactmaker is Scorning five or more Promises, they cannot Scorn further Promises.

While a Pactmaker is undergoing Extreme Seizures as a result of a broken Promise, all Scornings of that Promise are Satsifed.

All Scornings of an invalidated promise are Satisfied.

Once a Scorning is Satisfied, its Scorner gains 3 Mana and the Scorning may be removed by the Scorner.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Victory condition idea: One Pactmaker ruler

Under “Dynastic Rules”, add a section “Victory”.
In “Victory” add:

You may achieve victory by controlling enough votes in Ibiza to independently vote yourself dictator


This should be a starting point for some fun parliamentary fun.

Factions: Try 2

Create a section within “Dynastic Rules” called “Factions”.
Within “Factions” add:

The Seraphim shall assign a private faction to each player, unknown to the player unless they request their Faction from the Seraphim. The Factions the Seraphim can assign are the titles of the sections directly under this section. Abilities of the Factions are detailed within. The precise method for doing it is by randomly assigning one of the Factions with the least Pactmakers to the first Pactmaker on the player list, then repeating until all Pactmakers have a Faction ready for them. All squares outside of a zone of control or all factionless players are Unaligned.

Within “Factions” create 2 separate sections: “Traditionalists” and “Innovationists”.
Within “Traditionalists” add:

The Traditionalists have bases based at (-3,-3) and (3,3). Their zone of control encompasses the 3 x 3 square with the (-3,-3) base at the top left corner and the 3 x 3 square with the (3,3) base at the lower right corner.

Within “Innovationists” add:

The Innovationists have bases based at (-3,3) and (3,-3). Their zone of control encompasses the 3 x 3 square with the (-3,3) base at the top right corner and the 3 x 3 square with the (3,-3) base at the bottom left corner.

Trying again. Please explain opposition.

Proposal: Pixel Art

Timed out 5 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 17 Jul 2017 08:00:14 UTC

Change the content of “Ibiza Town” to:

Each Pactmaker is at a Square (Squares being cells in the Ibiza map grid), defaulting to D4. A Pactmaker can pay 2 Stamina to move to a square which is adjacent to their current square.

Each of Ibiza Town’s squares contains a Feature. Each Feature has a name (or none). Features and certain special effects related to that Feature are the following:
- Town Hall:
- Cathedral:
- Hospital:
- Night Club:
- Bar:
- Hotel:
- Beach:
- Exotic:
- Casino:
- Residential:
- Fields (tracked as a nameless green square): Often open and easy to drive (or run) through, Pactmakers only pay 1 Stamina instead of 2 for moving onto a Fields Square.
- Water (tracked as a nameless blue square): Pactmakers cannot move onto Water squares.

Add a subsection called “Map Naming” within the “Ibiza Town” section which says:

Up to 48 hours after the proposal that added this ruletext has been enacted, any Pactmaker can change the name of a Square at-will, provided that the square still contains the name of the type of Feature that it is (For example, “Casino” to “John Doe’s Casino”). The Seraphim can change the name of a Feature at any moment.

Change the Ibiza Map to be as per the following:, with the squares becoming to contain their named Features (and nameless green squares becoming Fields and nameless blue squares becoming Water)

Perhaps breaking the promise again lol. Made the map based roughly off of Ibiza’s RL shape and buildings.

Proposal: Impish Delights

Timed out / quorumed 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 16 Jul 2017 17:41:48 UTC

Add the following to the “Imp (Mana-eater)” rule:

A Pactmaker may command an Imp Mana-eater they have summoned to Torment another Pactmaker by expending 3 mana if the following is true:
  1. The commanding Pactmaker is not undergoing Extreme Seizures and is not the subject of a Magic Backlash Official Post.
  2. The targeted Pactmaker has Scorned one or more of the commanding Pactmaker’s Promises.
  3. The commanded Imp is not currently Tormenting another Pactmaker.

Once a Pactmaker is undergoing Torment, the tormenting Imp Mana-eater is moved to the square of the targeted Pactmaker and the Imp’s name is changed to “[Pactmaker]‘s Imp tormenting [Target]”. The targeted Pactmaker then suffers the following effects:
  1. The tormented Pactmaker may not expend stamina to change locations on the Ibiza board. If the tormented Pactmaker’s location changes on the Ibiza board for any other reason, the tormenting Imp’s location changes to the same location.
  2. The tormented Pactmaker may not expend mana to change the location of any Mana-eater on the Ibiza board.

Torment may be ended in the following ways:
  1. The commanding Pactmaker ends the Torment by changing the tormenting Imp’s name on the Ibiza board.
  2. The tormenting Imp becomes unsummoned
  3. The tormented Pactmaker no longer Scorns any Promises of the commanding Pactmaker

Now that Imps can be summoned, let’s give them something to do

Proposal: Forgtten Promises

Self-killed. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 15 Jul 2017 22:03:21 UTC

Increase the number of each promise on the “The Pact Magic Records” section of the Ibiza wikipage by 1 in descending order and repeat until the lowest number on that page is 1 greater than the highest numbered promise on the Pact Magic wikipage.
Move the contents of the Pact Magic wikipage to the “The Pact Magic Records” section of the Ibiza wikipage.

Unsure if this is necessary. Since promises are already tracked on The Pact Magic Records they might just have the same information as the Pact Magic wkipage until a new promise or scorn is made.

Proposal: Dynamic NPCs

Vetoed. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 15 Jul 2017 22:02:31 UTC

Add a rule called “Agendas” with the following:

Influential entities often need the help from Pactmakers in order to advance their agendas. Agendas have ordinal Stages, and are by default in their first Stage. Content within Stages which its Agenda is not within, does not apply (and the content within the Stage the Agenda is currently at does apply as regular ruletext). The current stage an Agenda is at is tracked here, by an asterisk. Agendas advance a Stage when condition between the following symbol: “#” in their current Stage has been fulfilled. Favors may be listed here as well, in their regular format.

The Seraphim’s Agenda:“I-It’s not like I lo-love Humanity or anything, idiot! ...Love… wouldn’t even begin to describe it.

*Stage 1: “These people are ripe - they’re righteous, morally straight. We need to send them to Heaven before they have a change of heart.”
During this Stage, Pactmakers can pay 10 Stamina to Hunt and Kill a Target at their square. Doing this causes that Pactmaker to promise “I promise I won’t move back to XXX for a week (168 hours, starting when I made this Promise)”, where XXX is where they performed that “Hunt and Kill a Target” action. They have to avoid the cops, for now.
[10] Perform “Hunt and Kill a Target”.
#Quorum Pactmakers have performed the Favor above#

Stage 2: After falling from grace by encouraging mass homicides, the Seraphim needs to cannibalize on other angelic entities to stay alive - and prepare the next part of her plan.
All Stray Cherubs that are moved to the Seraphim’s square are Eaten - and removed from Ibiza.
[5] Pay a Stray Cherub to move onto the Seraphim’s Square

Could work for Innovationists/Traditionalists too (conflicting Stages perhaps, with a payoff), among others.

Proposal: Relief

Odd, I thought pokes would’ve failed this since they’re an admin.
Self-killed. Failed by card.

Adminned at 15 Jul 2017 05:08:57 UTC

Add under “Pact Magic”:

While a Pactmaker is undergoing Extreme Seizures for having broken a Promise, they may remove that Promise.

In case someone makes a promise they can never keep. Seizing once for it is enough punishment.

Call for Judgment: Quicker Bureaucracy

Times out 1-5. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 16 Jul 2017 12:24:06 UTC

I believe that there will be cases where the same Promises might be broken repeatedly (for example, I possibly might trigger a Backlash with every Proposal and that might bog down things). So this Call for Proposal aims to remove redundant Backlashes (and add some extra useful info too).

Add to “Pact Magic”:

The Date of the latest Extreme Seizure a Pactmaker has been was given is tracked on “Seizure Date” in the GNDT.

A Pactmaker can voluntarily publicly state that they Crack a Promise along an action - this breaks that Promise (regardless of if that action breaks that Promise’s text content or not). Then, such an action then cannot be a target of a Magic Backlash due to that Promise, and the the appropriate GNDT/Wiki/other game values are changed as per the consequences a Magic Backlash, if it was applied at the time of performing that action and towards the action with the Promise Cracking.

Avoiding repeated Magic Backlash bureaucracy for the same thing, but keeping the same effects as if such a Backlash had happened (Scorn rewards, etc, are kept).

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Proposal: Scorn Free

Reached quorum 8-0. Enacted by card.

Adminned at 14 Jul 2017 15:50:22 UTC

In “Scorn”, replace “A single Pactmaker cannot Scorn more than five Promises.” with:-

While a Pactmaker is Scorning five or more Promises, they cannot Scorn further Promises.

Clarifying the limit as five-at-once, not five-per-dynasty.

Story Post: Magic Backlash:

Timed out 3-1. Enacted by card.
Cuddlebeam undergoes Extreme Seizures again.

Adminned at 16 Jul 2017 17:42:22 UTC

Cuddlebeam promised to not vote aside from vetoing or making a voteable matter come to quorum.

However Cuddlebeam made a proposal after that promise.

Given that “if the author of a Votable Matter has not used a valid voting icon in a comment to the post, then the author’s Vote is FOR.”
Cuddlebeam has voted by making that new proposal, breaking their promise.

Magic Backlash: Form and Function

Timed out 5 votes to 0, enacted by Kevan. Cuddlebeam begins Extreme Seizures.

Adminned at 16 Jul 2017 08:32:31 UTC

Cuddlebeam made a pact of “I promise to not make any comments on Proposals about their potential formal functionality, unless its in private to such a proposal’s poster or I deem the situation to be of extreme urgency.” at 9:53pm yesterday.

At 10:40pm yesterday, Cuddlebeam commented on a proposal that “Something like this was needed imo.”

Stating that some aspect of a particular proposal is necessary for future gameplay is a comment on its potential function. The issue of how to number squares on a grid does not seem to be a matter of “extreme urgency”, as the map has no other function yet. By making such a comment, I believe that Cuddlebeam has broken their Promise, and the rules compel me to flag this.

Proposal: Unity is Strength

Reached quorum 7-0 with one DEF.

Adminned at 14 Jul 2017 15:45:25 UTC

Replace all instances of the ruleset of

“Pact Magic” wikipage


The Pact Magic Records

Also, add to “Ibiza”:

The Pact Magic Records are a subsection within the Ibiza wikipage.

Proposal: [Core] [Appendix] Changes With Backwards Compatability

Self-killed, failed by card.

Adminned at 14 Jul 2017 15:36:29 UTC

Replace “If an Pactmaker other than the Seraphims casts a vote of DEFERENTIAL, then the Vote of DEFERENTIAL is an indication of confidence in the Seraphims. When a quorum of Seraphims has the same valid Vote other than VETO, then all votes of DEFERENTIAL on that Votable Matter are instead considered to be valid and the same as the Vote of the quorum of Seraphims with the same valid Vote.” with

A Pactmaker other than the Seraphims can make a Vote of PREFERENTIAL in the form of :X: where X is a name of a Pactmaker or “quorum”. When a Pactmaker has a valid vote other than VETO, all PREFERENTIAL votes on that Proposal with the name of that Pactmaker are the same as that Pactmaker’s Vote for the purposes of other rules unless otherwise specified. A PREFERENTIAL vote of :quorum: on a given Proposal are considered to be valid and the same vote as the quorum of either FOR or AGAINST votes of the Seraphims.

Replace “an IMP shall represent a Vote of DEFERENTIAL,” with

an IMP shall represent a Vote of :quorum:.

Just a note for when I have more time:
Replace all instances of “an Pactmaker” with “a Pactmaker”

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Proposal: A Friend for the Scorned

Reached quorum 8-0 with one DEF. Enacted by card.

Adminned at 14 Jul 2017 15:33:47 UTC

If and only if the “Ibiza”, “Mana-eaters” and “Scorn” rules exists, do the following:

A Pactmaker may “summon” an imp mana-eater to the Ibiza square on which they currently occupy if the following conditions are satisfied:
1. The Pactmaker is not undergoing Extreme Seizures and is not the subject of a Magic Backlash Official Post.
2. The Pactmaker does not already own a summoned imp mana-eater
3. The Pactmaker has at least 5 unique promises which are scorned by one or more Pactmakers.

Once an imp is summoned, it is displayed on the Ibiza square under the name “[Pactmamker]‘s Imp” If the summoning Pactmaker no longer has at least 5 scorned promises, the imp is “unsummoned” and is removed from the Ibiza square.

I like the idea of meeting certain (perhaps opposing) conditions in order to create mana-eaters. Further incentivizes making weighty promises

Proposal: Faction try

Self-killed. Failed by card.

Adminned at 14 Jul 2017 15:30:45 UTC

Create a section within “Dynastic Rules” called “Factions”.
Within “Factions” add:

The Seraphim shall assign a

Within “Factions” create 2 separate sections: “Traditionalists” and “Innovationists”.
Within “Traditionalists” add:


Within “Innovationists” add:


Hey, yo. Listen.

Oy, Beamquiel, Seraphim of Heaven’s Eighth Order here, so you better listen up you damn sin-monkeys.

Having fun with “rules”, huh, Pactmakers? Heh. Let me know when your flimsy doohickeys can compare to the only rules that truely matter - our rules.

Anyways, I got some news from the Mr. Big Guy himself. Apparently he wants me to set up some “Plan” for you guys, because of his “no-intervention” policy. Yeah, you know, “Let the kids die in Africa”, “It’s up to them to choose between right and wrong.”, “Free Will is A-OK.” yadda yadda. Meh, the usual.

The “Plan” is:
• “I promise to not vote (aside from VETO), unless its to make a Voteable Matter Popular or Unpopular.”
• “I promise to not make any comments on Proposals about their potential formal functionality, unless its in private to such a proposal’s poster or I deem the situation to be of extreme urgency.”

That’s all.

Proposal: The formalization of Ibiza

Undid an edit that was done after votes were cast on the proposal, which is in violation of rule 3.2
Reached quorum 7-1, enacted by card.

Adminned at 14 Jul 2017 15:28:29 UTC

If and only if “Ibiza” exists, do the following:
Add to the rule “Ibiza”:

For row n and column k in the grid of squares, the location shall be known as (n-4,k-4). For example, the top left corner would be (-3,-3), and the bottom right corner would be (3,3). The location of explorers defaults to (0,0), and is tracked in the GNDT.

Within “Ibiza” add a section “Ibiza Town”:

Ibiza Town is located at (0,0). It is the default spawn point.

Within the “Keywords” section, add:

    On locations (n-1, k), (n, k-1), (n+1, k), (n, k+1), where (n, k) is the position of the relevant object. If some locations are nonexistent in Ibiza, ignore them


Edit 1: Forgot to put in proposal section.
Edit 2: “Locations” in place of “Positions”

The return of Okrboi

in-idle me please.

Proposal: Favorable Promises

Self-killed. Failed by card.

Adminned at 14 Jul 2017 15:27:15 UTC

Change “the first Promise created has a number of 1, and the second one 2, and the third one 3, etc, with all Promise numbers following that pattern. Pactmakers should not break their own Promise/s, and for greater clarity, Promises don’t “bind” anyone except the Pactmaker which made the Promise. All Promises (along who they belong to) are tracked on the “Pact Magic” wikipage.” to

the first Promise created for a specific Pactmaker has a number of 1, and the second one 2, and the third one 3, etc, with all Promise numbers for that Pactmaker following that pattern. Pactmakers should not break their own Promise/s, and for greater clarity, Promises don’t “bind” anyone except the Pactmaker which made the Promise. All Promises (along with who they belong to) are tracked on the “Pact Magic” wikipage, separated into sections for each Pactmaker.

Add to “Mana”

-[X] Make a Promise that does something favorable to another Pactmaker each weekday in which that promise was made. X is the number of that Promise.

Proposal: Mana-eaters

Reaches quorum 7-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 14 Jul 2017 15:07:28 UTC

If “Ibiza” exists, do the following:

Within “Mana”, create a new section called “Mana-eater”:

“Mana-eaters”(Or Manaphages) is a generic term for entities (often lesser beings) that feed off mana. Mana-eaters are on a square of the Ibiza map or none. Mana-eaters are tracked on the Ibiza map. Pactmakers, if they at the same square as a certain Mana-eater’s square, can pay them 1 mana to make that Mana-eater move 1 square (to a square adjacent to that Mana-eater’s original position). Each Mana-eater has a species, which is one of the following (with the Mana-eater having additional abilities depending on their species as listed):
- Imp:
- Succubus:
- Behemoth:
- Stray Cherub:

Proposal: Fleshy Limitations

Reaches quorum, 8-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 13 Jul 2017 10:43:58 UTC

Add a new rule, “Stamina”:

Each Pactmaker has an amount of Stamina between 0 and 20, tracked in the GNDT, defauting to 0. As a weekly action, a Pactmaker may take up to 14 Stamina.

With the intention this will probably get connected to movement, or other physically taxing things.

Proposal: Keeping a Sabbath

Reaches quorum, 8-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 13 Jul 2017 10:42:03 UTC

If “Ibiza” is not mentioned in the Ruleset, this proposal has no effect.

Add a Dynastic Rule titled “Available Favors”:

- [7] Promising that every Sunday, they will return to one particular square of Ibiza, chosen at the time of the promise.

Proposal: A World fit for a Warlock

Reaches quorum 7-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 13 Jul 2017 10:39:02 UTC

Add a rule named “Ibiza” with:

Ibiza is a town, represented by a 7x7 grid of squares tracked in the wiki page “Ibiza”.

Proposal: The Scorn Ultimatum

Popular, exceeds quorum 8-0. Enacted by card.

Adminned at 13 Jul 2017 05:25:14 UTC

Add a subrule to “Pact Magic” called “Scorn”:-

A Pactmaker can Scorn any Promise made by another Pactmaker (unless that other Pactmaker is undergoing Extreme Seizures, or is the subject of a Magic Backlash Official Post): upon doing so, the Scorned Pactmaker gains 1 Mana. Scorn is tracked by appending “[Scorned by Name]” to the end of the Promise, where “Name” is the Scorner’s name. A single Pactmaker cannot Scorn more than five Promises.

While a Pactmaker is undergoing Extreme Seizures as a result of a broken Promise, any Pactmaker who is Scorning that Promise may cease Scorning it: if they do so, they gain 3 Mana.

Allowing players to bet on which promises might be broken, encouraging the creation of non-trivial ones.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Proposal: Incentivising Gameplay

Quorum of AGAINST votes, failed 1 vote to 6 by Kevan.

Adminned at 12 Jul 2017 15:10:01 UTC

If a rule titled “Mana” does not exist in the ruleset, this proposal does nothing instead.

Add to “Mana”

*[1] Make a legal proposal.
*[1] Your proposal passes.
*[-1] Your proposal fails.

Call for Judgment: Unforseen Glitches

Reached quorum 6-0. Enacted by card.

Adminned at 12 Jul 2017 15:53:18 UTC

Because the recently enacted new rules (I think the ones suggested by Cpt_Koen) didn’t allow an ascension address to repeal pending proposals and nobody caught it, the ruleset is inconsistent. This also had our new Seraphim mistakenly make two proposals, when they already had two pending ones.

Amend ” one of the new Expedition Leaders makes an Ascension Address by posting an entry in the “Ascension Address” category - this should specify a chosen theme for the new Dynasty, and may optionally specify that the terms Explorer and Expedition Leader will be replaced with theme-specific terms throughout the entire ruleset, and/or a number of dynastic rules to keep. Upon posting such an Ascension Address, the Ruleset is updated to reflect any changed terms, and any dynastic rules which were not listed to be kept are repealed.” to

one of the new Expedition Leaders makes an Ascension Address by posting an entry in the “Ascension Address” category - this should specify a chosen theme for the new Dynasty, and may optionally specify that the terms Explorer and Expedition Leader will be replaced with theme-specific terms throughout the entire ruleset, and/or a number of dynastic rules and/or pending proposals to keep. Upon posting such an Ascension Address, the Ruleset is updated to reflect any changed terms, any dynastic rules which were not listed to be kept are repealed and any pending proposals not listed are failed.

Replace “Explorer” with “Pactmaker” and “Expedition Leader” with “Seraphim”.

Make the illegal proposals “Threads of Magic”, “Mana” and any otherwise valid votes on them legal.

Proposal: Mana

Reached quorum 9 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 12 Jul 2017 12:44:05 UTC

Create a section called “Mana”, within it, add:

Pactmakers have an amount of Mana, which is an integer value which defaults to 0 and is tracked in the GNDT. Pactmakers can transfer any integer amount of their mana to any other Pactmaker.

Pactmakers can gain mana by doing Favors to otherworldly patrons. Once a Favor is completed, that Pactmaker gains an amount of mana according to that Favor’s payout (which is in corchetes):
- [5] Promise the following “I will give the Seraphim 6 mana within 48 hours of making this Promise.” while having not ever done this Favor.

Proposal: Threads of Magic

Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 12 Jul 2017 12:41:53 UTC

Create a new section called “Pact Magic”, within it, add:

Pactmakers can, at-will, create Promises for themselves, which are strings of text. Each Promise possesses a number (the “Promise’s Number”) - the first Promise created has a number of 1, and the second one 2, and the third one 3, etc, with all Promise numbers following that pattern. Pactmakers should not break their own Promise/s, and for greater clarity, Promises don’t “bind” anyone except the Pactmaker which made the Promise. All Promises (along who they belong to) are tracked on the “Pact Magic” wikipage.

Any Pactmaker can (and should, unless there already is one of these for the case) raise a Magic Backlash Official Post. Those posts are Voteable Matters, and should provide information which allows to determine that such a Pactmaker has broken their Promise, because if passed, such a Pactmaker will acquire Extreme Seizures..

A Pending Magic Backlash may be Enacted by any Admin if all of the following are true:
-It is Popular.
A Pending Magic Backlash may be Failed by any Admin if any of the following are true:
-It is Unpopular.

While a Pactmaker is undergoing Extreme Seizures, they cannot perform dynastic actions nor post any DoVs.  Extreme Seizures last for 96 hours (4 days) since the last time granted.

Ascension Address: Pact Magic

The Artefacts were destroyed, granting vast amounts of magic power to a certain Russian handyman. However, in order to keep his new power in check, he needed to perform a powerful magic pact with entities from beyond.


Several years later, in an age of social media and smartphones, the remains of this magic still lingers - in the hands of “Pactmakers”, which have refined the art of the Original Pact, allowing it to be used in many more ways.

The Original Pact is massive, thick, but crude - like a giant rope holding a knot. Pact Magic works by taking a string from that “rope” to create new binds - or other surprising uses. And the Original Pact is starting to wear thin.

a New “Original Pact” needs to be made - and soon.

Keep “Combos” and “Tags”, Repeal all other Dynastic Rules.

Replace “Explorer” with “Pactmaker” and “Expedition Leader” with “Seraphim”.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Declaration of Victory: Cuddlebeam… SMASH

Reached quorum 10-0 and is 12 hours old. Enacted by card.

Adminned at 11 Jul 2017 02:50:45 UTC

I’ve destroyed 4 Artefacts, and am not a cultist, I win

Missed Connections: One Artefact

One of the Artefacts I had tried placing into the rocks has a sticker on it: “Property of ____”, but the end got scratched off while getting jammed into a crevice (I don’t know how that happened!) and now I can’t read it. If you are looking for your missing Artefact, please contact me privately.

Sunday, July 09, 2017

Call for Judgment: Necessary for now

Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 10 Jul 2017 08:22:26 UTC

Make a new rule titled “Secret Voting” with the text

This rule may be repealed by any Explorer when a valid Ascension Address has been posted for the First Dynasty of Sphinx.
Explorers other than the Expedition Leader may make a vote of :Sphinx: on a DoV. A vote of :Sphinx: becomes the same as the vote of the Expedition Leader when the Expedition Leader has a valid vote on that DoV.

Declaration of Victory: A Different Set of Cracks

Reaches quorum against, 0-7. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 10 Jul 2017 12:57:53 UTC

I am a cultist at the Mountain Camp, am not at gunpoint, and suspect that I have a number of Artefacts equal to a quorum of Cultists. While everyone is busy apprehending Kevan, I find a different set of cracks in the rocky summit and try the ritual again.

Call of the orks

orkboi idles away. Quorum becomes 6.

Proposal: Shortlist

Timed out. 1-0. Can’t be enacted, failed by card.

Adminned at 11 Jul 2017 20:50:14 UTC

In “Victory”, change

A Diary Entry must list each Explorer (except the Expedition Leader) exactly once, and suspect exactly two different Backgrounds for each of those Explorers.


A Diary Entry must list each non-idle Explorer (except the Expedition Leader) exactly once, and suspect exactly two different Backgrounds for each of those Explorers.

Just to clarify. There are many many more idle Explorers we might have to list.

Story Post: Mission Hand-in: Arresting a Cultist

“Arresting a Cultist” has been completed. Thunder has Kevan at Gunpoint at Mountain Camp. Participants were: Thunder, pokes, Cuddlebeam, card, Cpt_Koen, and of course, Kevan.

Story Post: Kevan’s at gunpoint.

I hold Kevan at gunpoint.

Mission: Achieved (I think).

Proposal: A teaspoon out of the ocean

Self-killed. Failed by card.

Adminned at 11 Jul 2017 20:49:22 UTC


IRC Channel
The Blognomic IRC channel is located at #nomic on the slashnet network (

Proposal: [Core] Popularity Contest

Timed out 6-0. Enacted by card.

Adminned at 11 Jul 2017 20:47:42 UTC

Replace the “Core Rules” section of the Ruleset with that found at .

If the proposal “[Core] I choose you!” passed, add to “Votes” under “Votable Matters”, after the paragraph about DEFERENTIAL votes:

An Explorer other than the Expedition Leaders may make a PREFERENTIAL vote. It is a vote of confidence in that particular Expedition Leader. A PREFERENTIAL vote is in the form of :X:, where X is the name of an Expedition Leader. When an Expedition Leader has a valid vote other than VETO or PREFERENTIAL, all PREFERENTIAL votes with the name of that Expedition Leader become the same as that Expedition Leader’s Vote for the purposes of other rules unless otherwise specified.

As a newbie, the slight differences between voting systems for Proposals, CfJs, and DoVs were a sharp edge. This tries to isolate the core of what we have in each of the individual voting systems to the notion of Popularity vs. Unpopularity, and then each of the votable matter categories build off that concept in a way that displays the differences in a uniform manner. The intent is to be logically equivalent to the current voting rules, except that DEF votes count in CfJs and DoVs (should they not?).

It’s on a wiki page with the current Core as the first revision, so you can see the differences from the original Core here: .

And then, so as to not steamroll over Card’s PREFs, another version with those is available. For those, I also added that Expedition Leaders cannot PREF.

Saturday, July 08, 2017

Proposal: Strong Magic

Timed out. 4-1. Enacted by card. Since these terms no longer exist to be amended in the ruleset, nothing happens.

Adminned at 11 Jul 2017 20:45:12 UTC

Amend “An Explorer gains 1 Insanity each time one of the following happens to them:” to

An Explorer gains 3 Insanity each time one of the following happens to them:

Add to the list of bullets that follows to that the followings:

Spending Supplies to become Hexproof.

Story Post: Combo: Mountain Time!

1 Change Camps (Location: Base Camp, Supplies: 10 -> Location: Boot Camp, Supplies: 9)
2 Change Camps (Location: Boot Camp, Supplies: 9 -> Location: Disco Camp, Supplies: 8)
3 Change Camps (Location: Disco Camp, Supplies: 8 -> Location: Science Camp, Supplies: 7)
4 Change Camps (Location: Science Camp, Supplies: 7 -> Location: Mountain Camp, Supplies: 6)
5 I DRAW THEIR WEAPON (Location: Mountain Camp, Supplies: 6 -> Location: Mountain Camp, Supplies: 6)

Bad grammar because:
“Military: A Military Explorer may make a public post indicating that they DRAW THEIR WEAPON.”
Bad grammar encoded in rules.

Proposal: [Core] I choose you!

Timed out. 3-3, can’t be enacted. Failed by card.

Adminned at 11 Jul 2017 20:43:22 UTC

If the proposal “[Core] Multi-leader Voting” has not passed, this proposal does nothing instead.
Add to “Special Proposal Voting”

If there is more than one Expedition Leader, an Explorer may make a PREFERENTIAL vote. It is a vote of confidence in that particular Expedition Leader. A PREFERENTIAL vote is in the form of :X:, where X is the name of an Expedition Leader. When an Expedition Leader has a valid vote other than VETO or PREFERENTIAL, all PREFERENTIAL votes with the name of that Expedition Leader become the same as that Expedition Leader’s Vote for the purposes of other rules unless otherwise specified.

Story Post: Combo: A Modern Prometheus

1 Take debt (Supplies: 10, Debt: 0, Base Camp Supplies: 81 -> Supplies: 20, Debt: 10, Base Camp Supplies: 71)
2 Take rule “Using Supplies” (RulesHeld: none -> RulesHeld -> “Using Supplies)
3 Take rule “Exploration” (RulesHeld: “Using Supplies” -> RulesHeld: “Using Supples, Exploration”)
4 Change Camps (Location: Base Camp, Supplies: 20 -> Location: Boot Camp, Supplies: 19)
5 Change Camps (Location: Boot Camp, Supplies: 19 -> Location: Disco Camp, Supplies: 18)
6 Change Camps (Location: Disco Camp, Supplies: 18 -> Location: Science Camp, Supplies: 17)
7 Change Camps (Location: Science Camp, Supplies: 17 -> Location: Mountain Camp, Supplies: 16)
8 Transfer supplies (Supplies: 16, Mountain Camp Supplies: 0 -> Supplies: 6, Mountain Camp Supplies: 10)

Not sure if adding supplies back to another camp reduces debt?

Proposal: [Core] Multi-leader Voting

Reaches quorum 7-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 09 Jul 2017 11:23:50 UTC

In “Proposals”, replace

The Expedition Leader may use VETO as a voting icon to cast a Vote on a proposal; when the Expedition Leader casts a vote of VETO on a Proposal, this renders the Proposal Vetoed, even if the Expedition Leader later changes their Vote.


Any Expedition Leader may use VETO as a voting icon to cast a Vote on a proposal; when an Expedition Leader casts a vote of VETO on a Proposal, this renders the Proposal Vetoed, even if that Expedition Leader later changes their Vote.


If an Explorer other than the Expedition Leader casts a vote of DEFERENTIAL on a Proposal, then the Vote of DEFERENTIAL is an indication of confidence in the Expedition Leader. When the Expedition Leader has a valid Vote other than VETO on a Proposal, then all votes of DEFERENTIAL on that Proposal are instead considered to be valid and the same as the Expedition Leader’s Vote for the purposes of other rules unless otherwise specified.


If an Explorer other than the Expedition Leaders casts a vote of DEFERENTIAL on a Proposal, then the Vote of DEFERENTIAL is an indication of confidence in the Expedition Leaders. When a quorum of Expedition Leaders has the same valid Vote other than VETO on a Proposal, then all votes of DEFERENTIAL on that Proposal are instead considered to be valid and the same as the Vote of the quorum of Expedition Leaders with the same valid Vote for the purposes of other rules unless otherwise specified.

In “Victory and Ascension”, replace

It has been open for voting for at least 12 hours, has a number of FOR Votes that exceed or equal Quorum, and either the Expedition Leader has Voted FOR it or it has no AGAINST Votes.

It has been open for voting for at least 12 hours, has a number of FOR Votes that exceed or equal Quorum, and either a quorum of Expedition Leaders has Voted FOR it or it has no AGAINST Votes.

These currently don’t make sense with multiple ELs.

Friday, July 07, 2017

Proposal: Magic Makes you Crazy

Self-killed. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 09 Jul 2017 11:14:38 UTC

Add to the list of bullets in “Going Insane” after “An Explorer gains 1 Insanity each time one of the following happens to them:”

Becoming Hexproof.

Proposal: [Core] Snapshot Victory

Self-killed. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 08 Jul 2017 19:27:11 UTC

Amend “Every Explorer may cast Votes on that DoV to indicate agreement or disagreement with the proposition that the poster has achieved victory in the current Dynasty.” to

Every Explorer may cast Votes on that DoV to indicate agreement or disagreement with the proposition that the poster has achieved victory at the moment that the DoV was posted, in the current Dynasty,.

It’s entirely possible to change the gamestate during Hiatus (Idling/unidling/CFJs/etc), and such an ability has been attempted to be used as a defense against DoVs before. However, it can be also taken that a DoV should be used to validate a victory at the moment of posting it, regardless of changes during Hiatus.

I believe it would be good to reach an agreement on whether its one or the other.

Thursday, July 06, 2017

Proposal: Proposal: Gun transfer

Self-killed. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 08 Jul 2017 19:26:41 UTC

Add at bottom of section 2.6:

A Military Explorer may, once they DRAW THEIR WEAPON, give the weapon to another player, with a post stating “I give my gun to: ” followed by the player’s name who they are giving the weapon to and with any time restriction they desire. At that point, the player is considered to be Armed. They will have the same privileges as an Armed Military Explorer, with the exception of targeting the Military Explorer, where due to gratitude, they will not be able to hold them at Gunpoint. At the end of the time restriction mentioned in the post, or when they next are in the same location, the gun shall transfer to the Military Explorer. The gun can explicitly not be transferred from a non-Military Explorer to another non-Military Explorer

To keep Kevan at gunpoint longer.

Yes, I’m an adventurer


Because why not?

Story Post: Combo: Setting up Camp

1 Take debt (Supplies: 1, Debt: 0, Boot Camp Supplies: 32 -> Supplies: 20, Debt: 19, Boot Camp Supplies: 13)
2 Change Camps (Location: Boot Camp, Supplies: 20 -> Location: Disco Camp, Supplies: 19)
3 Change Camps (Location: Disco Camp, Supplies: 19 -> Location: Science Camp, Supplies: 18)
4 Change Camps (Location: Science Camp, Supplies: 18 -> Location: Mountain Camp, Supplies: 17)
5 Exit Camp (Location: Mountain Camp -> Location: 88°)
6 Establish a new Camp
6a Spend 3 supplies. (Supplies: 17 -> Supplies: 14)
6b Create a new Camp on the Camps wikipage. (-> new Camp)
6c Add the name of the new Camp. (-> Camp Camp)
6d Add a description. (-> Camp Camp description: “Never measure the height of a mountain until you have reached the top. Then you will see how low it was.”)
6e Set the Latitude of the new Camp to current Location. (-> Camp Camp Latitude: 88°)
6f Set any other values of the newly created Camp to their defaults. (-> defaults)
6g Set Location to the newly established Camp. (Location: 88° -> Location: Camp Camp)
7 Open doors (Camp Camp’s door state: default -> Camp Camp’s door state: open)
8 Change Camps (Location: Camp Camp, Supplies: 14 -> Location, Mountain Camp, Supplies: 13)

Proposal: Bounty Hunting

Timed out. 7-2 1 DEF. Enacted by card.

Adminned at 08 Jul 2017 18:03:49 UTC

Create a new Mission, with the following attributes:

Title: Arresting a Cultist
Synopsis: Traitors amongst our midst! Their tentative to wake up some monstrosity might have failed, but make no mistake, they WILL try again. Suspect is to be considered armed and dangerous. Proceed with extreme caution.
Goal: The Explorer named Kevan is held at Gunpoint. In addition, at least three other Explorers are in the same Location as them. The Participants are all Explorers who are in the same Location as them.
Status: Pending.
Reward: One Artefact.
Secret Treasure:Unknown.

There currently is no way for non-Cultists to collect Artefacts.

Out of sympathy for the Admin:

===Arresting a Cultist===
‘‘Traitors amongst our midst! Their tentative to wake up some monstrosity might have failed, but make no mistake, they WILL try again. Suspect is to be considered armed and dangerous. Proceed with extreme caution.’‘
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 500px"
! scope="row"| Status
| Pending
! scope=“row”| Goal
| The Explorer named Kevan is held at Gunpoint. In addition, at least three other Explorers are in the same Location as them. The Participants are all Explorers who are in the same Location as them.
! scope=“row”| Reward
| One Artefact.
! scope=“row”| Secret Treasure
| Unknown

Challenger Approaching

I would like to join as a player in this dynasty.

Proposal: Dear Diary

Timed out 5-2 with 1 DEF. Enacted by card.

Adminned at 08 Jul 2017 16:06:48 UTC

Enact a subrule to “Victory” called “Diary Entries”:-

Any Explorer may send a Diary Entry to the Expedition Leader via private message, to be found embedded in the snow and ice a hundred years from now. A Diary Entry must list each Explorer (except the Expedition Leader) exactly once, and suspect exactly two different Backgrounds for each of those Explorers.

A suspected Background is correct if the Explorer it refers to has that Background, and false otherwise. A Diary Entry’s score is equal to the number of correct suspected Backgrounds that it contains. If a single Explorer submits multiple Diary Entries, all of those Diary Entries beyond the first instead have a score of zero.

If the date is on or after the 12th of July 2017, or if the Expedition Leader has received a Diary Entry from every other Explorer, then the Expedition Leader should make a blog post listing the scores of all Diary Entries received. Upon doing so, the Explorer who sent the Diary Entry with the single highest score achieves victory. (If this is tied, the tied Explorer to have made a proposal earliest in the current dynasty achieves victory.)

Delete the text “A Cultist may never achieve Victory if they haven’t Unveiled, or if their latest Unveiling post contains declarations which are not accurate. When a Cultist achieves Victory, they achieve Victory collectively with all the other Cultists whom they named in their latest Unveiling post, if there are any.” from the rule “Victory”.

Suggesting ending the dynasty with an informational showdown.

Story Post: Hint

Among the members of the expedition, there are currently:

2 Handymen
5 Adventurers
3 Scholars
2 Military
2 Spies

Thursday, July 06, 2017

Proposal: Down we go

Reached quorum 10 - 0. Enacted by card.

Adminned at 07 Jul 2017 06:37:32 UTC

Add a new rule “Void”:

If no Explorer has done so in the last 48 hours, any Explorer can add 1 Insanity to all Explorers via this rule.

Proposal: [Core] Tohu va vohu

Self-killed. Failed by card.

Adminned at 07 Jul 2017 04:25:06 UTC

Add a new rule, “Void”:

A top-level dynastic rule is a rule whose number is of the form 2.N, where N is a single number; for the purposes of this rule, it is referred to as “Rule N”.

As a daily communal action, if there are no pending CfJs, an explorer may, as an atomic action:
* Roll a DICEX in the GNDT, where X is the number of top-level dynastic rules. Call the result of this roll Y.
* If Rule Y is not a protected rule, repeal it. If Rule Y is a protected rule, go back to the first step and roll again.

If this action would be performed, and the only rules are protected, instead:
* Any Expedition Leader is no longer an Expedition Leader.
* Replace all instances of “Explorer” in the Ruleset with “Formless” and all instances of “Expedition Leader” in the Ruleset with “Formleast”.
* Repeal this rule.

Protected rules are this rule, “Combos”, “Tags”, “Unmasked”, and “Eternal Torment”.

Kevan’s ritual failed to secure victory, but succeeded to capture the displeased attention of certain nullifying Ancients.

Proposal: Fool’s Gold

Self killed. failed by card.

Adminned at 07 Jul 2017 04:24:34 UTC

Repeal “Artefacts”.

I doubt anyone would want to give them much use now, aside from Kevan and his co-conspirators.

Proposal: Deferential Votes in DoVs

Marked illegal due to Hiatus in progress. Adminned by card.

Adminned at 05 Jul 2017 18:03:52 UTC

Add to section 1.1.7:

In a DoV, a DEFFERENTIAL vote means that the explorer who votes such believes that the possibility of the player declaring victory correctly is dependent on information held by admins. In the same comment as there vote, they may include what information is necessary, and if the emperor agrees, they should post the information, turning the DIFFERENTIAL into a FOR or AGAINST vote, as the case may be.

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Declaration of Victory: Tekeli-Li

Reaches quorum against, 0-7. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 05 Jul 2017 22:15:04 UTC

Getting this in before the stars change. I am a Cultist at the Mountain Camp, am not at Gunpoint, and very strongly suspect that I have a number of Artefacts equal to a quorum of Cultists. I place them into three tapering cracks in the mountain rock, and stare up into the starry void, awaiting judgment.

Monday, July 03, 2017

Thunder’s playing now

I, Thunder, would like to be inducted into this game

Edit 1: corrected spelling error: induced to inducted

Proposal: [Appendix] GNDT Actions alt.

Self-killed. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 05 Jul 2017 22:28:17 UTC

Amend “For gamestate which is tracked in a specific place (such as the GNDT or a wiki page), any alteration of that gamestate as a result of an Explorer’s action is (and can only be) applied by editing that data in that place.” to

For gamestate which is tracked in a specific place (such as the GNDT or a wiki page), any alteration of that gamestate as a result of an Explorer’s action is (and can only be) applied by editing that data in that place. The Explorer should attach a GNDT-comment to it which states the action(s) used. If they do not, any other Explorer may sent a Private Message asking for the action(s) performed. If no response is received within five days, a Call For Judgement may be raised.

Just a variation on Cuddlebeam’s proposal.

Proposal: That move was craaaazy

Self-killed. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 05 Jul 2017 22:27:55 UTC

Add to “Explorers”:

An Explorer can spend 1 Dog Sled to perform a TOTALLY SICK STUNT, by riding off a slope and pulling off a 360 or something else similarly impressive. All other Explorers at that Location will totally not believe it and gain 5 Insanity.

Proposal: [Appendix] GNDT Actions

Self-killed. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 05 Jul 2017 22:27:31 UTC

Amend “For gamestate which is tracked in a specific place (such as the GNDT or a wiki page), any alteration of that gamestate as a result of an Explorer’s action is (and can only be) applied by editing that data in that place.” to

For gamestate which is tracked in a specific place (such as the GNDT or a wiki page), any alteration of that gamestate as a result of an Explorer’s action is (and can only be) applied by editing that data in that place, with a GNDT-comment attached to it which states the action used.

Remove the bold effect in the content added via this proposal.

Sunday, July 02, 2017

Call for Judgment: Handymanning off the books

Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 03 Jul 2017 08:37:14 UTC

Dear fellow Explorers,

Recently, I was witness to an Avalanche of new Camps. Being an Adventurer, I like exploring the wilds and I cannot support this reckless initiative. What are we doing, urbanizing the antarctic?

One of the new Camps is named “Snowball Factory Camp”. This Camp shouldn’t exist. Not only would a snowball fight distract Explorers from their adventuring or from bear-wrestling; but the Camp’s name is three words long, which is an obvious infraction to the rule “Camping”. I quote:

Add the name of the new Camp. It must end in ” Camp” and must be two words long and can’t be the same as any existing Camp.

I took it upon myself to investigate the circumstances which led to the apparent setting up of that Camp. As it turns out, there was a lot of illegal work involved!! By a undeclared handyman no less!!! Looking closely at the GNDT edits, I found the following illegal actions (hereafter, “Cuddlebeam” refers to the Explorer named “Cuddlebeam”):

* Cuddlebeam spent three of their supplies to set up “Snowball Factory Camp”, which has an illegal name.
* Cuddlebeam set up “Disco Camp” and “a Camp”, spending only three supplies to do so every time; setting up a Camp is an Outdoors action, which is done while not being inside a warm Camp, and Cuddlebeam doesn’t have COLD WEATHER CLOTHING. Thus they should have spent one extra supply every time.
* Cuddlebeam exited Boot Camp and Disco Camp, and changed latitudes twice. Again, those are Outdoors action, and all this moving around should have cost him 6 Supplies.
* Cuddlebeam changed their supplies from 8 to 11, with the GNDT comment “(Oh wait, I’m a Handyman. $$tax return$$, I made 3 Camps.)”. However, there is no such thing as a “tax return” defined in the ruleset. The Handyman power as described in the ruleset is:

When a Handyman would spend a number of Supplies to perform an action, they may instead spend half that number of Supplies (rounding up) to perform it. (This ability may not be used more than once per action.)

Indeed, a Handyman may spend half the number of supplies. But Cuddlebeam didn’t. Nowhere in the ruleset does it say a Handyman can later change his mind and be repaid some supplies. This is illicit handymanning.

Cuddlebeam began with 19 Supplies. They should have spent 6 (moving) + 8 (setting up two Camps); their Supplies should now be 5. Instead they are 11.

Correct the Gamestate by doing the following, in order:
- For every Explorer whose location is “Snowball Factory Camp”, have them take the Outdoors action “exit the Camp”.
- Remove the Camp “Snowball Factory Camp”.
- Lower Cuddlebeam’s supplies by 6. If this would cause Cuddlebeam’s Supplies to be negative, set their Supplies to zero instead, but increase their Debt by the difference.

Proposal: Rhetoric

Times out 4-3. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 05 Jul 2017 22:27:05 UTC

Add to “Madness”

A Cultist that is insane may pay 2 supplies to shout a MAD RAVING.

Add to the list in “Going Insane”

* Is in the same location as a Cultist and that Cultist shouts a MAD RAVING.

Proposal: [Core] [Dynastic] A sect is a cult, but is a cult a sect?

Times out 5-2. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 05 Jul 2017 22:25:41 UTC

Amend rule 1.3 “Dynasties” by
- replacing:

BlogNomic is divided into a number of Dynasties. Each Dynasty may be headed by a single Explorer, known as the Expedition Leader. If there is no Expedition Leader, the Dynasty is a Metadynasty.


BlogNomic is divided into a number of Dynasties. Each Dynasty may be headed by one or more Explorers, known as the Expedition Leaders. If there is no Expedition Leader, the Dynasty is a Metadynasty.

Amend rule 1.7 “Victory and Ascension”, by replacing:

If an Explorer (other than the Expedition Leader) believes that they have achieved victory in the current Dynasty, they may make a post to the Blognomic weblog in the Declaration of Victory category, detailing this.


If an Explorer (hereafter referred to as the Victor) believes that they have achieved victory in the current Dynasty, either individually, or collectively with other Explorers (hereafter referred to as the co-Victors), then that Explorer may make a post to the Blognomic weblog in the Declaration of Victory category, detailing this, and specifying all the co-Victors, if applicable.

- and replacing:

When a DoV is enacted, all other active DoVs are failed, and a new Dynasty begins with the Explorer who made the DoV as its Expedition Leader. That Explorer may pass this role to another Explorer at this point by making a post to that effect, if they wish.


When a DoV is enacted, all other active DoVs are failed, and a new Dynasty begins, with the Victor, and the co-Victors if there are any, as its Expedition Leaders. At this point, the Victor may pass this role to another Explorer by making a post to that effect, if they wish, provided they have achieved victory individually; and any of the Victor and co-Victors may step down from the role, by making a post to that effect, provided they have achieved victory collectively. If all Victor and co-Victors step down in this way, the new Dynasty is a Metadynasty.

- and replacing:

The Hiatus continues until the new Expedition Leader makes an Ascension Address by posting an entry in the “Ascension Address” category - this should specify the Expedition Leader’s chosen theme for the new Dynasty, and may optionally specify that the terms Explorer and Expedition Leader will be replaced with theme-specific terms throughout the entire ruleset, and/or a number of dynastic rules to keep. Upon posting such an Ascension Address, the Ruleset is updated to reflect any changed terms, and any dynastic rules which were not listed to be kept are repealed.


The Hiatus continues until either of the following happens:
- one of the new Expedition Leaders makes an Ascension Address by posting an entry in the “Ascension Address” category - this should specify a chosen theme for the new Dynasty, and may optionally specify that the terms Explorer and Expedition Leader will be replaced with theme-specific terms throughout the entire ruleset, and/or a number of dynastic rules to keep. Upon posting such an Ascension Address, the Ruleset is updated to reflect any changed terms, and any dynastic rules which were not listed to be kept are repealed.
- all the Victor and co-Victors have stepped down and there is no longer an Expedition Leader - when this happens, all dynastic rules are repealed.


Transpose rules 2.11 “Victory” and 2.12 “Artefacts”, so that “Victory” is numbered 2.12 and “Artefacts” 2.11.

Remove the text:

If a Cultist has a number of Artefacts equal to a quorum of Cultists, and is at the Mountain Camp, and is not at Gunpoint, then that Cultist has achieved victory.

If three Artefacts have been destroyed, then the Explorer to have destroyed the most Artefacts (breaking ties in favour of the Explorer to have destroyed an Artefact most recently) has achieved victory.

from rule “Artefacts”, and append it to rule “Victory”.

Append to rule “Victory” the text:

At any time, a Cultist may Unveil by posting a Story Post containing the word “Unveiling” in its title. In that post, they must declare one of the following:
- that they are the only Cultist;
- that there are exactly two Cultists, in which case the post must also specify the name of the other Cultist;
- that there are at least three Cultists, in which case the post must also specify the names of at least two other Cultists.
A Cultist may never achieve Victory if they haven’t Unveiled, or if their latest Unveiling post contains declarations which are not accurate. When a Cultist achieves Victory, they achieve Victory collectively with all the other Cultists whom they named in their latest Unveiling post, if there are any.

Addressing the two issues card cited:
- that a DoV can only make the author an Expedition Leader achieve victory
- who determines the theme

Plus obliges a victor Cultist to actually name his co-Victors (and invalidates the Victory if they guess wrong).

Proposal: HexHex

Reached quorum 6-0

Adminned at 04 Jul 2017 06:40:26 UTC

Change “The Base Camp and the Mountain Camp are Hexproof - Explorers within it are always Hexproof, until they leave it.” to

Explorers at the locations Base Camp and Mountain Camp are considered to be Hexproof.

Make any Explorer that has paid 4 supplies to become Hexproof, Hexproof.

Stops people who paid to become hexproof from losing it if they leave those camps.
I believe “considered to be” doesn’t actually change an Explorer’s value of Hexproof.

Proposal: [Core] [Dynastic] Triumvirate.

Fewer than a quorum not voting AGAINST. Failed 1 vote to 5 by Kevan.

Adminned at 03 Jul 2017 08:11:09 UTC

If Pokes, Kevan and Orkboi don’t vote FOR for this, this proposal does nothing.

Amend rule 1.3 “Dynasties” by replacing:

BlogNomic is divided into a number of Dynasties. Each Dynasty may be headed by a single Explorer, known as the Expedition Leader. If there is no Expedition Leader, the Dynasty is a Metadynasty.


BlogNomic is divided into a number of Dynasties. Each Dynasty may be headed by one or more Explorers, known as the Expedition Leaders. If there is no Expedition Leader, the Dynasty is a Metadynasty.

Add a new section called “Triumvirate”, within it, add:

The Explorers named Kevan, pokes and orkboi have achieved Victory and shall all three be the next Expedition Leaders of the next Dynasty.  Each of those Explorers may pass this role to another Explorer during the associated DoV by making a post to that effect, if they wish.

Contains copypasta from Koen’s proposal.

Story Post: I don’t know what exactly to put here

I want to spend two supplies to perform an outdoor action to change my location to boot camp.

P.S. Am I doing this right? Would someone tell me exactly how I should be playing?

New Player

I would like to be inducted as a new player.

Sunday, July 02, 2017

Declaration of Victory: Smash Those Cultists!

Non-against under quorum after 12 hours. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 02 Jul 2017 15:52:58 UTC

As per rule “2.12 Artefacts”

If three Artefacts have been destroyed, then the Explorer to have destroyed the most Artefacts (breaking ties in favour of the Explorer to have destroyed an Artefact most recently) has achieved victory.

4 artefacts have been broken. I have broken 2 artefacts and Cuddlebeam has also, however the most recent artefact destroyed was by me.
Therefore I have achieved victory.

Proposal: [Core] [Dynastic] Oligarchy

Reaches quorum against, 1-6. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 02 Jul 2017 16:02:36 UTC

Amend rule 1.3 “Dynasties” by replacing:

BlogNomic is divided into a number of Dynasties. Each Dynasty may be headed by a single Explorer, known as the Expedition Leader. If there is no Expedition Leader, the Dynasty is a Metadynasty.


BlogNomic is divided into a number of Dynasties. Each Dynasty may be headed by one or more Explorers, known as the Expedition Leaders. If there is no Expedition Leader, the Dynasty is a Metadynasty.

Transpose rules 2.11 “Victory” and 2.12 “Artefacts”, so that “Victory” is numbered 2.12 and “Artefacts” 2.11.

Remove the text:

If a Cultist has a number of Artefacts equal to a quorum of Cultists, and is at the Mountain Camp, and is not at Gunpoint, then that Cultist has achieved victory.

If three Artefacts have been destroyed, then the Explorer to have destroyed the most Artefacts (breaking ties in favour of the Explorer to have destroyed an Artefact most recently) has achieved victory.

from rule “Artefacts”, and append it to rule “Victory”.

Append to rule “Victory” the text:

When a Declaration of Victory is enacted, if the Explorer who made the DoV is a Cultist, then all Cultists become Expedition Leaders in the new Dynasty.

I see no problem with having multiple Expedition Leaders. Though in most Dynasties, Expedition Leaders have acted as if they were referees, this is not required by the Core Rules and they can still play, participate, maybe even achieve Victory.