Proposal: 1080P
Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 22 Jan 2025 15:16:05 UTC
Rename the rule “Guesses {M}” to “Guesses {I}” and reword its text as follows:
Each Participant may have a single Guess, or may have no Guess, and defaults to having no Guess. Guesses are publicly tracked mutable game variables. A non-Mastermind Participant may set their Guess to any single word as a Daily Action. A Mastermind may set their Guess to any other Participant’s Guess as a Daily Action.
If the outcome of a successful Heist Action would change any word in the ruletext that matches a Mastermind’s Guess, then instead of changing that word in the ruletext, that Heist Action does not change that word in the ruletext.
Weakened version of my earlier proposal: team members can provide an array of options to be scouting for, but the Mastermind has to choose which one to block, and can only switch once a day.
SingularByte: he/him