Thursday, April 15, 2021

Proposal: 10 PRINT “All Work And No Play”

Quorum reached and open for 12 hours. Passes 8-0—Clucky

Adminned at 16 Apr 2021 05:32:38 UTC

Replace “An AI’s Focus defaults to their Server Room, but can be changed by that AI as a daily action.” with:-

An AI’s Focus defaults to their Server Room, but can be changed by that AI as a Conspicuous action named Focusing (where the location they are focused on for that action is considered to be the one that they are changing their Focus to).

To “Behavioral Regulations”, add:-

An AI may not take a dynastic action while focused on a Location if the Behavior Log already contains an entry for that AI performing an action of that name, for that Location.

In “Nosy Researchers”, replace “the type of action they performed” with:-

the name and type of the action they performed

If “Eyes Only” enacted, replace “as a Treacherous action” with “as a Treacherous action named Erasing”.

To “Nosy Researchers”, add:-

If a dynastic action has no defined name, it is named Computing.

Smudging the Focus daily action into AIs not being able to repeat a specific given action in a specific place, within a day.


Clucky: he/him

15-04-2021 16:13:40 UTC

I think this idea has promise. I’m wondering if we need to expand on action types though. Seems weird mechanically that you could go to a location, perform a treacherous action, go to another location, perform another Treacherous action and ultimately pull of several Treacherous actions in one day however you can’t do the same thing with conspicuous actions.

Maybe make transfer its own type of action? Or limit based on the action performed not the type of action? And maybe also put some limits on the total number of actions you can perform?

Kevan: he/him

15-04-2021 16:30:44 UTC

Good point, I was misreading “the type of action they performed” to mean exactly that, in Nosy Researchers. I’ll have a go at fixing that.

Kevan: he/him

15-04-2021 16:33:00 UTC


Zack: he/him

15-04-2021 17:43:37 UTC


Darknight: Elder Judge he/him

15-04-2021 17:53:40 UTC



15-04-2021 17:59:40 UTC


Brendan: he/him

15-04-2021 18:06:38 UTC


Janet: she/her

15-04-2021 18:11:19 UTC


Lulu: she/her

15-04-2021 21:31:06 UTC


lemon: she/her

15-04-2021 22:11:37 UTC
