Thursday, January 25, 2024

Proposal: 1337 warez

Popular, 5-0 with 1 DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 26 Jan 2024 13:48:17 UTC

In the rule “Clients” add the following text:

A ‘’‘File’‘’ is a string. Each Client has a list of Files, defaulting to an empty list.

In the same rule, add a new subrule named “The Dark Web” with the following text:

There is a Client named ‘’‘Dark Web’‘’ with the Passcode ‘’‘1337’‘’ and the following ‘’‘Files’‘’:

* BackOrifice
* MyDoom
* Klex
* StuxNet
* WannaCry

In the rule “Shell Commands” add a new subrule named “Downloading” with the following text:

Each Agent has ‘’‘Warez’‘’, which is a list of Files, defaulting to an empty list.

{{Flair top|Shell command}}
If a Client has one or more Files, as a Daily Shell Command, that Client may ‘’‘download file’‘’ with the name of the File to download. If the name of the File does not already exist in that Agent’s Warez, it is added to the Warez of the Agent performing this command, otherwise the command fails. This command may be re-attempted if it failed.
{{Flair bottom}}


Zack: he/him

25-01-2024 18:58:29 UTC



26-01-2024 00:01:32 UTC



26-01-2024 00:25:32 UTC


Josh: Imperator he/they

26-01-2024 10:14:55 UTC



26-01-2024 12:25:38 UTC
