Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Proposal: 29 Hays Later

Self-killed. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 27 May 2011 00:10:41 UTC

Change “The Dead” to the following:

A Zombie is characterized by:

* a Name, that shall be the name of an Idle Player, and shall be different from any other existing Zombie’s Name.
* a Species, that may be any of those listed in the rule “Species”.
* an Attack value.
* a Health, which begins at the starting value specified by its Species.
* a Location, which must be a Square in a Plot. It shall be written as Abc(C|R), where Abc is the name of the Farmer owning the Plot where the zombie is located, and (C|R) indicates the Square.
* a Cost, which must be a positive amount of Juice.

The Location of each Zombie shall be listed together with its Health and Species in the Garden Patch page, immediately below the Plot where they are located.

A Farmer may Create a Zombie by spending its Species’ Cost in Juice, selecting a legal Name for it and placing it at an empty Square of their choice on any Plot.

Any Farmer may cause all Zombies to Shamble, but only if this action has not been performed in the last 24 hours. When a Zombie Shambles, the Behaviour specified by its Species is carried out once. The Farmer who carries out this action may select the order in which Zombies Shamble.

No Farmer may Create any Zombies at any time. This paragraph may be referred to as the Protection Paragraph.

Add “Cost: 5 Juice” to the entry of each Species of Zombie, and change “Starting attack” to “Attack”.

(sigh) Reproposed with the minor fix added.



25-05-2011 12:57:32 UTC


Kevan: he/him

25-05-2011 15:20:31 UTC



25-05-2011 15:38:06 UTC

against Honestly, I think Ely’s is better.

SingularByte: he/him

25-05-2011 15:43:20 UTC

against In favour of Ely’s.


25-05-2011 18:46:00 UTC

against because the damn “NO PLAYER MAY CREATE ANY ZOMBIES AT ANY TIME” bug STILL hasn’t been fixed THREE PROPOSALS LATER.


25-05-2011 19:03:06 UTC

Fix it, then. No need to CAPS.


25-05-2011 19:13:37 UTC

oh, and actually PPB didn’t see mine when he posted, since mine has been pubblished later.

Darknight: he/him

26-05-2011 03:39:51 UTC


Josh: he/they

26-05-2011 07:37:21 UTC



26-05-2011 07:56:50 UTC


Kevan: he/him

26-05-2011 11:21:32 UTC

against To speed the queue.


26-05-2011 13:29:31 UTC



27-05-2011 07:03:57 UTC
