Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Proposal: 2 Much Treasure

Self-killed. Josh

Adminned at 24 Jun 2021 16:07:57 UTC

In “Treasure”, reword the second pragraph to the following:

An average treasure chest will contain one item from average treasures list. A fine treasure chest will contain one item from the fine treasures list and one item from the average treasures list. The contents of a chest are secretly randomly determined when that chest is opened. As a Power Action with a cost of 2, a Vampire Lord may set the contents of a single treasure chest to any valid value by appending the names of the items to be contained in that chest to its entry in the relevant room effect, in brackets; when Richardo von Nestor opens such a chest, the contents are not randomly determined but instead are the firstmost set of values in the room effect, and then those values (and the associated brackets) are deleted from the room effect.

Move all brackets containing item names from any rooms’ descriptions to the same rooms’ effects, placing them immediately following the relevant chest feature and maintaining the order in which they appear.

so that there’s a first-in-first-out queue in set-value treasure chests, preventing richardo from gaining an arbitrary # of items simultaneously from the same treasure chest :0


Josh: he/they

23-06-2021 09:15:59 UTC


Josh: he/they

23-06-2021 09:17:00 UTC

Actually, sorry:  imperial explicit no-vote… I think that this is a matter of Vampire Lord strategy so I should stay out of it.

Kevan: he/him

23-06-2021 10:37:02 UTC

First-in-first-out makes sense when creating a new chest, but creates a timing issue when restocking old ones. (If Richardo loots the Gravity Room on his next visit to the Crypt, Clucky and Ais523 will presumably both be racing to dump their choice of equipment into the emptied chest, as soon as Josh posts the results.)


Clucky: he/him

23-06-2021 16:15:00 UTC

for would be an easy fix to just make it so you randomly pick an item from the list rather than going with the first one

Chiiika: she/her

23-06-2021 20:18:57 UTC

Clucky’s idea is good, tho it needs another proposal slot to modify this - where I have none right now.

Tho if this is live for any second without the edit it might lead to the scenario Kevin mentioned and possibility of bringing in disruption. We might need to consider a preemptive CfJ to mod this before it happened.

Brendan: he/him

23-06-2021 21:19:59 UTC

against Coming down on Kevan’s side here.

ais523: Custodian

23-06-2021 22:34:07 UTC


Janet: she/her

24-06-2021 01:43:14 UTC

against I suppose

lemon: she/her

24-06-2021 06:18:18 UTC

against s/k