Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Proposal: 360 No Scope

Reaches quorum 6-1 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 17 Jan 2025 07:35:21 UTC

Enact a new rule entitled “EFF Words” (or, if the most recent proposal entitled “Security” was enacted, entitled “EFF Words {I}” instead) as follows:

An EFF Word is a single word from among those in the numbered list on the page [[EFF Wordlist]].

To choose a random EFF Word, roll DICE6 exactly five times, and select the corresponding word that matches those numbers in the rolled order from the EFF Wordlist page.

Enact a new rule entitled “Guesses” (or, if the most recent proposal entitled “Security” was enacted, entitled “Guesses {M}” instead) as follows:

Each Participant may have a single Guess, or may have no Guess, and defaults to having no Guess. Guesses are publicly tracked. A Participant may set their Guess to any EFF Word at any time.

If this text exists in the Ruleset:

Targets are publicly tracked. For Masterminds, valid values for Targets are the numbered words on the EFF Wordlist.

Then replace it with:

Targets are publicly tracked. For Masterminds, the set of valid values for Targets is exactly the set of all EFF Words.

If this text exists in the Ruleset:

If a Participant (Participant A) ever does not have a Target, any Participant (Participant B) can set Participant A’s Target to a random valid value, specifying who Participant A is when making the dice rolls. (To choose a random word from the EFF Wordlist, roll DICE6 five times and choose the corresponding word from the list.)

Then replace it with:

If a Participant (Participant A) ever does not have a Target, any Participant (Participant B) can set Participant A’s Target to a randomly selected Mastermind’s Target, specifying who Participant A is when making that selection.

Seems like we should be allowed to record suspicions about what the other team might be up to, in case a future mechanic allows for interceptions.



15-01-2025 22:06:01 UTC

I like having more basic mechanics to seed things, so I’ll probably vote for this.

Is it worth using the new “EFF Word” definition in “Teams and Targets” / “Teams and Targets {I}”, rather than repeating it there?

Brendan: he/him

15-01-2025 22:33:44 UTC

Took a shot at substituting in that definition. There’s still at least one obvious scam in the random selection procedure, but this proposal is already getting long so I’ll fix it in another slot.


15-01-2025 22:35:13 UTC

(Where by “more basic mechanics” I mean “more mechanics that are basic”, not “mechanics that are more basic”.)

The change to “Teams and Targets” currently breaks things – it needs to be “For Masterminds, the list of valid values for Targets consists of all EFF Words.” (you removed the “For Masterminds” prefix by mistake).

Brendan: he/him

15-01-2025 22:58:08 UTC

Wait, now I’m confused. Why is the parenthetical procedure for choosing a random EFF word even in the “Teams and Targets” rule? A Participant’s Target can only be one of the two Mastermind Target values, right? So choosing a random Target is a coin flip, not a selection from the wordlist.

JonathanDark: he/him

15-01-2025 23:19:02 UTC

It’s instructions for when the Participant is a Mastermind rather than a non-Mastermind. “To choose a random word from the EFF Wordlist” is only describing how to perform such an action, but isn’t indicating when it is allowed.

Josh: he/they

15-01-2025 23:20:04 UTC

It would definitely be worth unpacking, for legibility if nothing else.

Brendan: he/him

15-01-2025 23:34:45 UTC

This really did start out as a 99-word proposal.


16-01-2025 00:04:59 UTC

I guess there’s a tradeoff between proposals that have simple text in the proposal, and proposals that lead to simpler text in the ruleset.

Last dynasty, we were burned somewhat by the former type of proposal, which is why people are favouring the latter at the moment.


16-01-2025 02:28:22 UTC



16-01-2025 02:58:51 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

16-01-2025 03:26:22 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

16-01-2025 06:54:52 UTC

against This breaks Targets quite significantly.

Currently any player can assign a target to a mastermind, but this proposal makes it so that masterminds now have no way of getting a target.

Additionally, even if we add a way back in, it also allows you to trivially make one mastermind have the same target as the other.

JonathanDark: he/him

16-01-2025 17:00:56 UTC

Cov against based on SB’s point.

Josh: he/they

16-01-2025 17:04:14 UTC

for I think it can be fixed before it comes up again, and a lot of these clarifications are really useful.

SingularByte: he/him

16-01-2025 18:14:39 UTC

CoV for  and I’ll probably use a future proposal to fix my issues, unless someone gets there first.

Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

16-01-2025 20:36:34 UTC
