Proposal: 360 No Scope
Reaches quorum 6-1 and is enacted -SingularByte
Adminned at 17 Jan 2025 07:35:21 UTC
Enact a new rule entitled “EFF Words” (or, if the most recent proposal entitled “Security” was enacted, entitled “EFF Words {I}” instead) as follows:
An EFF Word is a single word from among those in the numbered list on the page [[EFF Wordlist]].
To choose a random EFF Word, roll DICE6 exactly five times, and select the corresponding word that matches those numbers in the rolled order from the EFF Wordlist page.
Enact a new rule entitled “Guesses” (or, if the most recent proposal entitled “Security” was enacted, entitled “Guesses {M}” instead) as follows:
Each Participant may have a single Guess, or may have no Guess, and defaults to having no Guess. Guesses are publicly tracked. A Participant may set their Guess to any EFF Word at any time.
If this text exists in the Ruleset:
Targets are publicly tracked. For Masterminds, valid values for Targets are the numbered words on the EFF Wordlist.
Then replace it with:
Targets are publicly tracked. For Masterminds, the set of valid values for Targets is exactly the set of all EFF Words.
If this text exists in the Ruleset:
If a Participant (Participant A) ever does not have a Target, any Participant (Participant B) can set Participant A’s Target to a random valid value, specifying who Participant A is when making the dice rolls. (To choose a random word from the EFF Wordlist, roll DICE6 five times and choose the corresponding word from the list.)
Then replace it with:
If a Participant (Participant A) ever does not have a Target, any Participant (Participant B) can set Participant A’s Target to a randomly selected Mastermind’s Target, specifying who Participant A is when making that selection.
Seems like we should be allowed to record suspicions about what the other team might be up to, in case a future mechanic allows for interceptions.
ais523: Custodian
I like having more basic mechanics to seed things, so I’ll probably vote for this.
Is it worth using the new “EFF Word” definition in “Teams and Targets” / “Teams and Targets {I}”, rather than repeating it there?