Thursday, June 24, 2021

Proposal: 3 Much Treasure

Timed out and enacted, 7-0. Josh

Adminned at 26 Jun 2021 08:54:06 UTC

In “Treasure”, reword the second pragraph to the following:

An average treasure chest will contain one item from the average treasures list. A fine treasure chest will contain one item from the fine treasures list and one item from the average treasures list. The contents of a chest are secretly randomly determined when that chest is opened. As a Power Action with a cost of 2, a Vampire Lord may predetermine the contents of a single treasure chest to any valid value by appending the names of the items to be contained in that chest to its entry in the relevant room effect, in brackets; when Richardo von Nestor opens a chest with one or more sets of predetermined values, the contents are one secretly randomly chosen set of values attached to the relevant chest, and then that set of values (along with the associated brackets) is deleted from the room effect.

Move all brackets containing item names from any rooms’ descriptions to the same rooms’ effects, placing them immediately following the relevant chest feature and maintaining the order in which they appear.

there, it’s random now, y’all happy?


Chiiika: she/her

24-06-2021 06:27:23 UTC

I don’t see the random effect in the proposal, did you copied the wrong version?

lemon: she/her

24-06-2021 06:32:46 UTC

oops!! ur precisely right, i wrote a 2nd version & then copied the wrong one :‘u

Josh: he/they

24-06-2021 08:59:07 UTC

I feel like fine chests should still result in two treasures.

ais523: Custodian

24-06-2021 11:13:52 UTC

As written, the rule is self-contradictory; it should probably say that the predetermined contents override the randomly generated contents.

Brendan: he/him

24-06-2021 18:28:34 UTC


Josh: he/they

24-06-2021 18:58:50 UTC


lemon: she/her

25-06-2021 00:16:57 UTC

@josh they do; it’s not one secretly random value, it’s one secretly random set of values! i guess the initial sentence says “to any valid value”, but it *has* said that & we’ve run with it permitting fine chests to be set to 2 items so far

@ais i believe the scope rule gives the specific circumstance where a chest’s contents have been predetermined precedence, and imo “predetermined” implies something in it’s own right, but sure i guess we could use some clarity. somebody else’d better fix it tho i am not making a 4th proposal about this.

Kevan: he/him

25-06-2021 10:46:11 UTC


Janet: she/her

25-06-2021 14:43:02 UTC


Lulu: she/her

26-06-2021 00:36:26 UTC


Clucky: he/him

26-06-2021 01:28:20 UTC
