Proposal: 501 Fun
Popular, 4-1. Enacted by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 24 Sep 2024 17:33:47 UTC
Add a new dynastic rule called “Score” and give it the following text
Each Puzzlers has a score, which defaults to 0.
If the Turn Order list is Empty and a single puzzler has a score greater than the score of any other puzzler and also greater than 500, that puzzler has achieved victory
Add a new Turn Action called “Bank” with a cost of 1 coin and the following effect
When performing this turn action, you may reduce your Matches by M (to a minimum of 0) , where M is a non-negative integer, to increase your score by 10*M
When performing this turn action, you may reduce your Multi Match Bonus by B (to a minimum of 0) , where B is a non-negative integer, to increase your score by B
When performing this turn action, you may reduce your Lemons, Oranges, Kiwis, Grapes and/or Cherries by X (to a minimum of 0) , where X is a non-negative integer, to increase your score by 5*X. This may be performed separately for each resource type.
When performing this turn action, you may reduce your Stars by S (to a minimum of 0) , where S is a non-negative integer, to increase your score by 10*S
If my math is right, this would be our current scores:
Benbot 54
Clucky 135
Desertfrog 103
JonathanDark 97
Lukas 140
JonathanDark: he/him
If more than one Puzzlerhas a score greater than 500, doesn’t that make victory impossible? Your logic has an “and” in it, so once more than one Puzzler has a score greater than 500, the first part of the clause will be false at that point, preventing the second part from kicking in.
I think it should read “If a Puzzler whose score is greater than 500 also has a score greater than any other Puzzler, that Puzzler achieves victory.”