Sunday, February 12, 2023

Proposal: 8HgejSCHRi8

Timed out and failed, 5-5. Josh

Adminned at 14 Feb 2023 09:10:24 UTC

If the sentence “ A Villager with Heat of 72 or lower is considered Lifeless” exists in the Ruleset, then reword it to

A Villager with Heat of 72 or lower is considered Lifeless, but not Unconscious.

If the sentence “A Lifeless Villager may not take any dynastic actions” exists in the ruleset, then reword it to

A Lifeless Villager may not take any dynastic actions except as specified in the rule “The Lifeless.”

Append to the rule “Heat” the following:

A Villager who is neither Unconscious nor Lifeless is considered to be Conscious.

Enact a new rule entitled “The Lifeless” as follows:

A Lifeless Villager may Pass the Time in the same way as a Conscious Villager.

A Lifeless Villager may spend Time on nothing in the same way as a Conscious Villager.

A Lifeless Villager may use Routes to change Locations in the same way as a Conscious Villager, unless their Location would thus be changed to any Indoors Location. A Lifeless Villager may spend double a Route’s Length in Time to change their own Location at the same time as another, Unconscious, Villager’s Location—as in the rule “Carrying”—in the same way as a Conscious Villager, unless their Location would thus be changed to any Indoors Location.

A Lifeless Villager may post a Response to, and thereby join, an Open Search in the same way as a Conscious Villager.

A Lifeless Villager may Roughhouse another Villager in the same way as a Conscious Villager.

A Lifeless Villager may update their Secret, their Jotting and their Tell in the same way as a Conscious Villager.

If there exists a rule entitled “Usurping the Mantle” then append to the rule “The Lifeless” the following:

A Lifeless Villager may Usurp the Mantle in the same way as a Conscious Villager.

If there exists a sentence beginning “A Villager may remove an Adjective from their Inventory…” in the ruleset, then append to the rule “The Lifeless” the following:

A Lifeless Villager may add Items from a Search to their Stash, and remove an Adjective from their Stash to add an Item with that Adjective to their Inventory, in the same way as a Conscious Villager.

No reason not to just go idle right now if you drop below the Lifeless threshold; I think shambling dead-eyed ice corpses are more interesting than that.


SingularByte: he/him

12-02-2023 08:30:16 UTC


Kevan: he/him

12-02-2023 11:06:47 UTC

against A group trying to survive a freak weather event seems an interesting enough story without “and there’s an alien!” or “and there are zombies!”, to me. There are more mundane ways to bring a player back into the game.

Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

12-02-2023 15:03:47 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

12-02-2023 16:07:58 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

12-02-2023 17:31:56 UTC

@Kevan: I like how your arguments change from “more interesting” on to “more mundane” here. This is just mild poking, though. I know there’s a sweet spot where a new mechanic should be interesting enough to be considered while not so far from the current game direction as to be rejected.

against Because I think this is a case of the latter

Kevan: he/him

12-02-2023 17:55:29 UTC

Oh, I mean narratively mundane, here, like allowing Lifeless players to roll up replacement characters with the story just being “a new person arrived”.


13-02-2023 02:47:33 UTC

against for thematic reasons; I have no problem with Lifeless players being able to continue playing as a concept.

Josh: he/they

13-02-2023 11:00:34 UTC

for The ruleset has inertia; I would rather things were moving than not

Darknight: he/him

14-02-2023 02:01:43 UTC



14-02-2023 03:54:26 UTC
