Saturday, April 08, 2006

Proposal: A bevy of changes

11-1, timed out! Reached quorum, incidentally. -Elias IX

Adminned at 10 Apr 2006 16:41:03 UTC

Make the following changes to the gamestate / ruleset. If at least half of counted votes contain the comment “Ixnay on the Xnay”, where X is the title of any of the following changes, then the enacting admin shall omit that change entirely:

The Abbot is not a demi-god:

Set the Abbot’s Fitness to 20, Knowledge to 10, and Integrity to 10.

Multiple vows:

Remove the line ‘No Monk may undergo multiple Vows simultaneously.’ from Rule 2.4.

New Stations:

Prefix the list of Stations in the ‘Stations’ rule with the line: “The following are a list of all Stations in the game.”

Add a station titled Herbalist:

The Herbalist of the Monastery is in charge of the botanical gardens situated adjacent to the Monastery proper. The Herbalist has access to the Infirmary, which is situated outside of the Abbey, and e may forbid any other Monk to enter the Infirmary without his permission.

Add a station titled Lector:

The Lector of the Monastery is appointed by the Abbot to read to the Monks from canonical texts. The Lector may often make an official post titled ‘Passage of the Day’, in which e posts appropriate passages related to the flow of game events as e sees fit. Within twenty-four hours of making this official post, the Lector may make a comment in the GNDT containing the phrase ‘Passage of the Day DICE4’. If the resulting DICE check is a four, e may increase eir Knowledge by one.

Terra Firma:

Append the following line to the Rule ‘The Story’:

The Abbot may edit the Monastery Map and Movement Rule as long as e gives notice during a Story Post.

Sort of like a reverse line item veto, but not. Speaking of line item vetos… hmm.



08-04-2006 22:35:53 UTC


Elias IX:

08-04-2006 22:44:28 UTC


Elias IX:

08-04-2006 22:50:46 UTC

Let’s make that: for Herbs!

And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.  (Genesis 1:30)


08-04-2006 22:58:46 UTC



09-04-2006 05:00:14 UTC



09-04-2006 13:44:47 UTC

against Ixnay on the Terra firmanay. The monastary map is one thing, but I remeber what happened the last time we gave emperors the ability to edit the ruleset.

Angry Grasshopper:

09-04-2006 14:08:09 UTC

The game was fine (if you are talking about my first), but I agree that the ending was pretty weird. There were several things that I couldn’t have done otherwise (invading sentient funguses and a dynamically changing ship), and I’m a little more experienced with how things work around here.

If you are worried about abuse, there are several Abbot-powered ‘abusables’ in the ruleset as it is (sending everybody to Hell, for instance), but insofar as that sort of thing would mar the plot..


09-04-2006 14:26:16 UTC

The thing was, at the end of the your first Dynasty, the Emperor had so much power that e could change the entire ruleset at a whim. And as I forgot to repeal all rules in my acension adress, I did just that.

And even if there is no abuse, the proposal system is there to balance things. Remeber that proposal about Quazie being able to change the ruleset a while back and why it failed?

Angry Grasshopper:

09-04-2006 14:29:36 UTC

It nearly passed. I think the difference here is philosophical, not part of the game mechanics, and as such I will not persuade you to change your vote any more. ;)


09-04-2006 16:33:27 UTC



09-04-2006 16:48:55 UTC

Hmmm… Rule 2.4 does not contain the line “No Monk may undergo multiple Vows simultaneously.”  That line appears in Rule 2.5.

Angry Grasshopper:

09-04-2006 16:52:41 UTC

Oh, pft. I guess that line does nothing, then.


10-04-2006 00:39:21 UTC



10-04-2006 00:56:53 UTC



10-04-2006 16:43:22 UTC


Daniel 7:25 :

And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.


10-04-2006 18:00:44 UTC



10-04-2006 19:12:15 UTC

for The fear of the LORD is the instruction of wisdom; and before honour is humility.
-Proverbs 15:33