Proposal: A Cleaner, Safer Alpha Complex
Vetoed. Josh
Adminned at 16 Aug 2010 13:28:56 UTC
Repeal the rules “We Are Not Alone” and “Reactor Leak”, and all of the subrules of those two rules.
A high-level IntSec undercover operation has resulted in all secret societies being infiltrated to the highest level - with the termination of these deep-cover operatives, the final stage of dismantling these insidious conspiracies is now complete. During interrogation, our Rebel Usurper operative confessed to sabotaging the reactor vent conduits near the Sector BGN cloning tanks - this leak has now been sealed with the melted wreckage of Scrubot 45236/b “Nigel”. Alpha Complex is once again free of the scourges of mutation and conspiracy.