Proposal: A Cog in the Machine
Times out 7 votes to 3. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 26 Jun 2012 15:28:21 UTC
Add a new rule called “Reputation” and give it the following text
All Worker have a integer Reputation which by default 1. If a Worker’s reputation is greater than zero, the worker is considered to be Reputable. If a Worker’s reputation is below zero, the worker is considered to be Mischievous.
Add a subrule to this rule called “Forgiveness”
At the start of each week, any non-Reputable worker gains one Reputation.
Add a subrule called “Jury of Peers”
As a weekly action, a Worker may either make a Citation Attempt or a Recommendation Attempt by making a story post to the blog with the title “Citation: XXXX” (for a Citation Attempt) or “Recommendation: XXXX” (for a Recommendation Attempt) where XXXX is the name of another Worker. For a Citation Attempt, the post should communicate an action the targeted Worker has performed which the first Worker feels was intentionally harmful to goal of making every Machine fixed and why that Action was harmful. For a Recommendation Attempt, the post should communicate an action the targeted Worker has performed which the first Worker feels was extra helpful to goal of making every Machine fixed and why that Action was helpful. Both of these are Votable Matters. If a Pending Citation or Recommendation Attempt has been open for 24 hours, any Admin may resolve it by totaling the Reputation of all Reputable Workers who voted FOR the Citation Attempt and comparing it to the total Reputation of all Reputable Workers who voted AGAINST the Citation Attempt. If the first number is greater, the Attempt passes. In the case of a Citation Attempt, the second Worker’s Reputation is decreased by one. In the case of a Recommendation Attempt, the second Worker’s Reputation is increased by one.
Set the Foreman’s Reputation to 5
The “goal” is to get everything fixed. Mistakes will happen, but we should be able to punish players who actively try to mess things up and reward players who do good. Currently doesn’t do anything other than give you more voting power for other recommendation attempts, but stuff can be added later that only Reputable or Non-Reputable players can do.