Monday, August 02, 2010

Proposal: A Definite Veto

Reaches Quorum at 13-0. Enacted. - lilomar

Adminned at 03 Aug 2010 20:41:42 UTC

In Rule 1.5 (Resolution of Proposals), replace “Proposals the High-Programmer has Voted to VETO are considered vetoed.” with:-

Proposals the High-Programmer has Voted to VETO are considered vetoed, and such a Vote cannot be changed.

And replace “If the High-Programmer’s most recent Vote is VETO, and that EVC includes the word “Procedural”” with:-

If the High-Programmer has voted to VETO a proposal and that Vote’s comment includes the word “Procedural”

It’s bit odd to see Lilomar changing his mind and rescinding a veto, and it looks like some (but possibly not all) of the current ruleset wording supports that. But self-kills explicitly can’t be changed (“If a Citizen Votes against their own Proposal, that Vote may not be changed.”), and I’d say vetoes should be the same. They’re both one-shot “this proposal will now definitely fail”, which means we can stop voting and get on with reproposing or doing something else. If the Emperor vetoes a contentious proposal, we can stop discussing it, rather than continuing to debate and vote in case he’s won over before it gets processed.


Keba: Idle

02-08-2010 11:29:23 UTC


lilomar: Idle

02-08-2010 12:32:52 UTC

I did not actually rescind my VETO, I just mentioned it as a possible course of action.
I did rescind it here due to a miss-vote.

Qwazukee: Idle

02-08-2010 12:44:29 UTC


lilomar: Idle

02-08-2010 12:51:12 UTC

Just out of curiosity, what happens if I vote veto, then vote procedural veto? or if I vote veto, then vote arrow - veto?

Kevan: he/himIdle

02-08-2010 12:56:32 UTC

I’d say you weren’t changing your vote, you were just repeating it, so the Procedural and Arrow rules would still be triggered by you “voting to VETO”.

And sorry, the continued voting and Keba asking me if I’d forgotten to vote made me think you had actually rescinded it; I must have misread Glopso’s vote as being yours.

Hix: Idle

02-08-2010 14:44:39 UTC


ais523: Custodian

02-08-2010 14:53:50 UTC


Purplebeard: Idle

02-08-2010 17:16:58 UTC


90000: Idle

02-08-2010 17:43:30 UTC


Bucky: Idle

02-08-2010 18:30:54 UTC


Darknight: he/him

02-08-2010 18:43:02 UTC


Galdyn: Idle

03-08-2010 01:24:39 UTC


scshunt: Idle

03-08-2010 16:28:34 UTC


Rodney: Idle

03-08-2010 21:07:48 UTC
