Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Proposal: A Europewide Search

Passes 5-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 09 Jan 2020 16:22:55 UTC

Enact a new rule, “Locating Artefacts”:-

If no Individual has changed Location in the past 24 hours and if an Artefact’s Location is Unknown, any Individual may (as a daily communal action) attempt to recover a lost Artefact by selecting a Public Place and an Artefact with an Unknown Location (each at random) and applying the following:
* If any Collectors are in the selected Place, one of them is selected at random to become the Artefact’s Location;
* Otherwise if any Individuals are in the selected Place, one of them is selected at random to become the Artefact’s Location;
* Otherwise, the Artefact’s Location remains Unknown.

To the list of Places, add:-

* Kielce
* Rennes
* Eindhoven
* Bergen
* Norwich

Enact a new subrule of Artefacts, “The Satchel”:-

Description: A battered leather satchel with two brass buckles.
Location: Unknown
Protocol: A Researcher should not carry this Artefact while in The Containment Facility.
Effect: When an Artefact is being recovered, if the carrier of the Satchel is in the selected Location, no die roll is made to determine the Individual who will carry the Artefact: the Satchel carrier gains it instead. The Location of an Individual carrying the Satchel is always considered to be a Public Place for the purposes of recovery rolls.

Adding a Collector-friendly way to discover lost Artefacts, five more European cities with populations comparable to Jerez (since Expand Horizon failed), and an Artefact that helps to find them.



07-01-2020 22:11:19 UTC

for sure why not

Brendan: he/him

07-01-2020 22:41:07 UTC



08-01-2020 02:54:16 UTC


Josh: he/they

08-01-2020 13:16:49 UTC
