Proposal: A Fairer Fight
Self-killed. Failed by Angry Grasshopper.
Adminned at 21 Jan 2006 12:40:11 UTC
Replace the following in the rule “Swashbuckling”:
E must then make Y DICE5 checks, where Y is the eir GPS, and Z DICE5 checks, where Z is the opponent’s GPS. If the sum of the Y DICE5 checks is strictly greater than the sum of the Z DICE5 checks, then the initiator wins the Duel, and otherwise e loses the Duel.
with the following:
E must then make a DICEY check, where Y is eir GPS + 3, and a DICEZ check, where Z is the opponent’s GPS + 3. If the DICEY check is strictly greater than the DICEZ check, then the initator wins the Duel, and otherwise e loses the Duel.
Make every sentence in the rule “Captain’s Orders” an item in a bulleted list.
Replace the sentence
The Captain may add two points to each DICE5 check e makes during a Duel.
in the rule “Captain’s Orders” with
The Captain may add three points to each dice check e makes during a Duel.
Angry Grasshopper:
Hrm.. I dunno. I guess the only problem with the way things are set up now is when the last Swashbuckler is left with GPS 1.