Saturday, February 27, 2010

Proposal: A few altered properties and parts

Self-killed -Darth

Adminned at 01 Mar 2010 18:51:33 UTC

If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the word “vehicles”, do the following:

Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2 “Inventions”, titled “Vehicular”:

Cost: 10 Quicksilver
Power Requirement: 20
Effect: The Income of any Commoner who owns an Invention with this Property is considered to be doubled for the purposes of Scavenging.

If “Parts and Labour” passed, replace “Vehicular” with “Propeller” and “Property” with “Part”.

If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the word “pocket”, do the following:

Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2 “Inventions”, titled “Pocket-Sized”:

Cost: 15 Iron
Power Requirement: 30
Effect: Any Invention with this Property does not count towards the three-Invention limit.

If “Parts and Labour” passed, replace “Pocket-Sized” with “High-Pressure Casing” and “Property” with “Part”. If “Of Metals” passed, replace “Iron” with “Copper”.

If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the word “bombs”, do the following:

Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2 “Inventions”, titled “Damaging”:

Cost: 10 Iron
Power Requirement: 25
Effect: As a weekly action, any Commoner who owns an Invention with this Property may Attack. To do this, they select another Commoner and a type of Resource. They roll DICE20 if the selected Resource was Coal and DICE5 otherwise. The selected Commoner has their amount of the selected Resource decreased by the result of the roll, unless this would bring it below zero, in which case it is set to zero.

If “Parts and Labour” passed, replace “Damaging” with “Weapon” and “Property” with “Part”. If “Of Metals” passed, replace “Iron” with “Copper”.

If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the word “mold” and “Every Cog Has Its Day” passed, do the following:

Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2 “Inventions”, titled “Shaping”:

Cost: 7 Iron and 3 Cogs
Power Requirement: 20
Effect: At any time, any Commoner who owns an Invention with this Property may decrease their Iron by any number (the Amount) and increase their Cogs by the Amount, minus one; this action may not be taken if this would set a Commoner’s Iron to an illegal value.

If “Parts and Labour” passed, replace “Shaping” with “Cog Mold” and “Property” with “Part”. If “Of Metals” passed, replace “Iron” with “Copper”. If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the phrase “make it weekly”, replace “At any time” with “As a weekly action”.

If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the word “furnace” and “Every Cog Has Its Day” passed, do the following:

Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2 “Inventions”, titled “Melting”:

Cost: 7 Cogs and 3 Iron
Power Requirement: 20
Effect: At any time, any Commoner who owns an Invention with this Property may decrease their Cogs by any number (the Amount) and increase their Iron by the Amount, minus one; this action may not be taken if this would set a Commoner’s Cogs to an illegal value.

If “Parts and Labour” passed, replace “Melting” with “Furnace” and “Property” with “Part”. If “Of Metals” passed, replace “Iron” with “Copper”. If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the phrase “make it weekly”, replace “At any time” with “As a weekly action”.

Note that there’s no real reason to limit it to weekly, since constantly molding and melting is somewhat disadvantageous anyway as it decreases your Cogs/Iron by 1 each time.

Also: Nested EVC conditionals.


Klisz: Idle

27-02-2010 23:39:11 UTC

for  EAV vehicles pocket bombs mold furnace

Hix: Idle

27-02-2010 23:52:31 UTC

Not sure which of the 56 functionally different possible outcomes of this proposal is likely to go into effect, so I’ll vote against

Hix: Idle

27-02-2010 23:54:42 UTC

I mean against arrow

Kevan: he/him

28-02-2010 00:01:51 UTC

against “Nested EVC conditionals.” Either throw these out one at a time, or grit your teeth and just give us four to reject or accept en masse.

Roujo: he/himIdle

28-02-2010 03:53:22 UTC

against vehicles pocket mold furnace
(I don’t like bombs…)

spikebrennan: Idle

28-02-2010 05:24:46 UTC

because I have no idea what you’re asking me to vote on.

Klisz: Idle

28-02-2010 05:31:48 UTC

@Roujo: By using the word “bombs” in that comment, you have voted for bombs.

against  s/k; I’ll repropose when I have a slot, with no EVCs.

Roujo: he/himIdle

28-02-2010 15:45:21 UTC

@Darth Cliche: Wow. I hadn’t thought about that… XD

Roujo: he/himIdle

28-02-2010 15:55:00 UTC

@Darth Cliche (again): Would you mind if I proposed some of those inventions using my proposal slots? =)

Klisz: Idle

28-02-2010 16:18:32 UTC

@Roujo: Sure, so long as there’s no flavor involved; I don’t want you getting arrows for my ideas.

Roujo: he/himIdle

28-02-2010 17:50:57 UTC

Well, if there are Arrows, I’ll give you the ressources I get from them =)

hellzapoppin: Idle

01-03-2010 07:48:15 UTC
