Saturday, February 27, 2010

Proposal: A few properties and parts

Self-Killed. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 01 Mar 2010 01:49:07 UTC

If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the word “vehicles”, do the following:

Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2 “Inventions”, titled “Vehicular”:

Cost: 10 Quicksilver
Power Requirement: 20
Effect: The Income of any Commoner who owns an Invention with this Property is considered to be doubled for the purposes of Scavenging.

If “Parts and Labour” passed, replace “Vehicular” with “Propeller” and “Property” with “Part”.

If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the word “pocket”, do the following:

Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2 “Inventions”, titled “Pocket-Sized”:

Cost: 15 Iron
Power Requirement: 30
Effect: Any Invention with this Property does not count towards the three-Invention limit.

If “Parts and Labour” passed, replace “Pocket-Sized” with “High-Pressure Casing” and “Property” with “Part”. If “Of Metals” passed, replace “Iron” with “Copper”.

If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the word “bombs”, do the following:

Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2 “Inventions”, titled “Damaging”:

Cost: 10 Iron
Power Requirement: 25
Effect: As a weekly action, any Commoner who owns an Invention with this Property may Attack. To do this, they select another Commoner and a type of Resource. They roll DICE20 if the selected Resource was Coal and DICE5 otherwise. The selected Commoner has their amount of the selected Resource decreased by the result of the roll, unless this would bring it below zero, in which case it is set to zero.

If “Parts and Labour” passed, replace “Damaging” with “Weapon” and “Property” with “Part”. If “Of Metals” passed, replace “Iron” with “Copper”.

If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the word “mold” and “Every Cog Has Its Day” passed, do the following:

Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2 “Inventions”, titled “Shaping”:

Cost: 7 Iron and 3 Cogs
Power Requirement: 20
Effect: As a daily action, any Commoner who owns an Invention with this Property may decrease their Iron by any number (the Amount) and increase their Cogs by the Amount, minus one; this action may not be taken if this would set a Commoner’s Iron to an illegal value.

If “Parts and Labour” passed, replace “Shaping” with “Cog Mold” and “Property” with “Part”. If “Of Metals” passed, replace “Iron” with “Copper”.

If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the word “furnace” and “Every Cog Has Its Day” passed, do the following:

Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2 “Inventions”, titled “Melting”:

Cost: 7 Cogs and 3 Iron
Power Requirement: 20
Effect: As a daily action, any Commoner who owns an Invention with this Property may decrease their Cogs by any number (the Amount) and increase their Iron by the Amount, minus one; this action may not be taken if this would set a Commoner’s Cogs to an illegal value.

If “Parts and Labour” passed, replace “Melting” with “Furnace” and “Property” with “Part”. If “Of Metals” passed, replace “Iron” with “Copper”.

The cost of Vehicular/Propeller being in Quicksilver is because there was nothing better, and so I resort to puns.

Thanks to Kevan for the Pocket-Sized/High-Pressure Casing concept.

Also, by the way, you can nest blockquotes. A rather Wakukean experiment, don’t you think?



27-02-2010 21:41:57 UTC

Pocket, bombs, mold, furnace.


27-02-2010 21:44:21 UTC

for  EAV; I would like some vehicles, a pocket, a pile of bombs, a cog-shaped mold, and a furnace.


27-02-2010 21:44:30 UTC

Oops! for
Vehicles, pocket, bombs, mold, furnace.

redtara: they/them

27-02-2010 22:05:38 UTC

I’ll vote when I read this over-long proposal.

ais523: Custodian

27-02-2010 22:35:18 UTC

“mold” is a daily action here. If it looks like that part of the proposal is passing, I’ll veto it. (Instead, Darth, what about simply making that action unlimited?)


27-02-2010 22:35:55 UTC



27-02-2010 22:36:49 UTC

for Oops, COV. vehicles, pocket, bombs, furnace

Josh: he/they

27-02-2010 22:42:41 UTC

for vehicles, pocket, bombs, furnace


27-02-2010 22:47:57 UTC

against Zeus, that’s a lot of modal.  Sorry, but I don’t approve of all of the 32 possible effects that this proposal might end up having.


27-02-2010 22:50:18 UTC

against mold and furnace (Veto fuel)

ais523: Custodian

27-02-2010 22:52:24 UTC

Hix: you are evil. (And yes, furnace does seem to be a daily too. Bad Darth!)


27-02-2010 23:23:54 UTC

@ais523: What’s wrong with daily?

ais523: Custodian

27-02-2010 23:28:03 UTC

@Darth: If an action’s daily, then either there’s no reason why someone would want to take it every day, in which case it may as well be unlimited, or there’s some reason why someone would want to take it every day, in which case it gives an advantage to people who can be online every day.


27-02-2010 23:40:26 UTC

I’m with ais523 on the daily action thing. There are people who can’t be on during the weekend (or who have a busy day and can’t spend the time on BN). Penalizing those people is unfair.


27-02-2010 23:40:38 UTC

Reproposed;  against  s/k


01-03-2010 07:44:31 UTC


vehicles pocket bombs mold furnace