Proposal: The Game Plays Itself
enacted 6-5 by chiiika.
Adminned at 04 Jun 2023 10:22:38 UTC
Add a new subrule to the rule Tier 2: Post Singularity Consciousness, called Triggers:
Each Mindjacker has a publicly tracked Trigger, which is a text string (defaulting to blank) which must either be blank or take the following format: “If X then Y”, where:
* X is the phrase “any Mindjacker”, the word “does”, and the name (or an indicative description) of a dynastic action; and
* Y is the name of an dynastic action that the author can carry out in the circumstance envisaged in the X of that Trigger.If at any point the ‘if’ clause of a Mindjacker’s Trigger occurs then the ‘then’ clause of that Trigger also immediately occurs; the Mindjacker who carried out the action that triggered the Trigger should update gamestate tracking accordingly, if necessary. The “if” clause of a trigger may be activated by the “then” clause of another Trigger taking place. Whenever a Trigger is activated in this way, it is set to blank once its effects have been enacted. If ever a Trigger is activated but its effects cannot otherwise legally be applied, it has no effect and is set to blank, but the “then” effect is not considered to have occurred.
A Mindjacker may create, edit or remove their Trigger as a daily action.
Add a new subrule to the rule Tier 3: Psychic Dreamscape, called Broader Triggers:
The “If” clause in a Mindjacker’s Trigger must, instead of the phrase “any Mindjacker”, refer to a specific individual Mindjacker. Triggers may have a single optional “or” clause at the end, which acts as a second, separate “then”.
Add the following to the rule Tier 2: Post Singularity Consciousness:
The Ascension Criteria for Tier 2 is: the Mindjacker who is Ascending must not be the only Mindjacker with the highest Level in the game.
That tier 2 Ascension Criterion (grammar check!) means the upper levels of the game will freeze pretty hard if the population drops.