Proposal: A Hunting We Could Go
Adminned at 01 Apr 2007 12:38:23 UTC
Add a new Rule titled “Phases” with the following text:
Each Lifeform has a Phase, the value of which is tracked on the Wiki page entitled “The Creature Page”. The possible Phases are
New Lifeforms start in the Cellular Phase. A Lifeform may not change eir Phase unless explicitly allowed to do so by the Ruleset.
If there exists a Rule titled “Evolution”, change the text in the first paragraph of its Subrule, “Evolutionary Variables”, to
A Phase has a set of Evolutionary Variables associated with it. Evolutionary Variables are tracked via “Levels”. The default value for all Evolutionary Variables is Level 0. The Evolutionary Variables associated with the Lifeform’s current Phase should be included in eir entry in “The Creature Page”.
The Cellular Evolutionary Variables are
*Reproduction.The Creature Evolutionary Variables are
Add a new Rule titled “Hunting” with the following text:
A Lifeform may attempt a Hunt by posting a comment to such effect in the GNDT and spending a DNA cost. A Lifeform may attempt a Hunt no more than twice per week. If the Lifeform is in the Cellular Phase, the cost of a Hunt is 1 DNA and the result of the Hunt is determined as follows.
* Target Selection: The Hunting Lifeform makes a DICEX roll in the GNDT, where X is the number of Lifeforms (The Gene Pool counts as a Lifeform for the purposes of the Hunt). The target of the Hunt is the Lifeform in the Yth row in the GNDT (where Y is the result of the DICEX roll).
* The Chase: If the target is The Gene Pool, the Hunt is successful. If not, the Hunting Lifeform must make two DICE100 rolls in the GNDT (the first result will be called A, the second B). If A+(10*the Hunting Lifeform’s Motility) is greater than B+(10*the target Lifeform’s Motility), proceed to the next step. Otherwise, the Hunt is failed.
* Battle: The Hunting Lifeform must make a DICEC and a DICED roll, where C = the Hunting Lifeform’s Aggression + 1, and D = the target Lifeform’s Aggression + 1. If the result of DICEC is greater than the result of DICED, the Hunt is successful. If the result of DICED is greater than twice the result of DICEC, the Hunt is reversed. Otherwise, the Hunt is failed.As a result of a successful Hunt, the Hunting Lifeform’s DNA increases by 0.10*the target’s DNA before the Hunt, rounded up, and the target’s DNA decreases by 0.05*the target’s DNA before the Hunt, rounded down. A reversed Hunt results in DNA changes as if the target had conducted a successful Hunt on the Hunting Lifeform. A failed Hunt has no further effect.
If 4 or more comments containing counted Votes have the text “No Hunt”, then the Rule “Hunting” is not added.
I’m definitely open to suggestions.
A Couple comments…
Motility == Mobility?
Are you saying our creatures are going to magically become non-cellular somehow? It’s a tiny complaint, but the use of “Cellular” by itself as a phase is kind of ridiculous.
You ended the Evolutionary Variables text with “The Creature Evolutionary Variables are”... does that imply that there are none, and we have to make them? Or does that assume that the variables that already exist would follow that sentence?