Proposal: A Little List
Times out and passes 7-4 / Skju
Adminned at 13 Nov 2013 06:24:18 UTC
If the proposal “Shred Tape” failed, the remainder of this proposal has no effect.
Remove the text “The Despot may change any Oligarch’s reputation freely.” from the rule “Factionalism” and add an Action to the Administrative Action list:-
The Despot may spend 5 Power to change the Reputation of any Oligarch.
To the end of the rule “Government Actions”, add:-
If an Action is Punitive, the Despot gains 5 Power immediately after it is performed, if the chosen Oligarch is Seditious and if it is the first Punitive Action that has been performed that day.
Add the text “This Action is Punitive.” to the bullet points of the actions which Exile an Oligarch and assign an Oligarch to an Office, in the rule “Government Actions”. Reword the Raid action to:-
The Despot may spend 10 Power to Raid an Oligarch, reducing the Power of that Oligarch by 10. This Action is Punitive.
Make the Reputation changes a Government Action; give it a cost (indecision makes the government look bad), but a cost that is refunded if the Despot goes on to punish the Oligarch. Tweak raiding so as not to allow free null actions, while retaining a doubling effect against Seditious Oligarchs.
Josh: he/they
I don’t like how many of my actions are costing, power-wise. Making a Seditious Oligarch loyal cost feels like a bridge too far; if anything, conceptually I should gain power from that, as it represents a broadening of my power base.