Thursday, December 29, 2022

Proposal: A Little More Excitement

Withdrawn. Josh

Adminned at 31 Dec 2022 16:07:08 UTC

In the rule “Items” add a subrule titled “Crystal Ball” and give it this text:

An Explorer who holds the Crystal Ball and who is not Possessed by Katastrophe may privately ask the Narrator for the location of a Malfeasance during the Explorers Phase. The Narrator must choose one Room from all of the Rooms that currently have Malfeasances using a private random roll. The Narrator must then privately reply to the Explorer with the name of the chosen Room and the name of the Malfeasance in that Room, but not any other details of the Malfeasance, as soon as possible.

If an Explorer who holds the Crystal Ball asks the Narrator for the location of a Malfeasance, during the next Mansion Phase the Narrator must remove the Crystal Ball from the Explorer and add it to a Room chosen by the Narrator using a private random roll.

If an Explorer who is Possessed by Katastrophe holds the Crystal Ball during the Explorers Phase, the possessed Explorer may privately inform the Narrator of a Room location for the Crystal Ball before the next Mansion Phase. During the next Mansion Phase the Narrator must remove the Crystal Ball from the possessed Explorer and add it to the Room chosen by the possessed Explorer. If the possessed Explorer did not choose a Room, the Narrator must choose a Room using a private random roll.

I think it’s a little dull that only a few Explorers possessed by Katastrophe will ever really get to use Malfeasances, since they’re the ones most likely to discover where they are. This Proposal allows other Explorers the opportunity to discover and use them. Note that the Explorer possessed by Katastrophe already has a way to discover Malfeasances, so I added an explicit check so that there aren’t two ways of discovery for a possessed Explorer.


SingularByte: he/him

29-12-2022 17:15:41 UTC

The main problem I can see is that as it stands, the crystal ball will likely only go to the katastrophe or their allies unless they’re feeling especially generous and hand it out freely.

JonathanDark: he/him

29-12-2022 17:32:33 UTC

Agreed, I was struggling with that part as well. Maybe this should be a named Room instead with specific rules for that Room? If a Room is called out in the rules and does not yet exist, there’s the mechanic that somewhat forces it to exist based on a random roll, so that could work.

I’m open to other mechanics that might allow this to work. I’m also curious to know if allowing a chance for non-Possessed Explorers to discover Malfeasances is something people might like to see.

For those that don’t vote in favor of this Proposal, your feedback on that aspect is appreciated, regardless of whether this winds up being an Item, Room, or something else.

Kevan: he/him

29-12-2022 17:50:07 UTC

Since Malfeasances (particular Traps) seem implied to be part of each room’s unchanging architecture, perhaps we could discover them by taking some kind of searching action within that room.

JonathanDark: he/him

29-12-2022 18:01:06 UTC

Maybe. I was looking for something a little harder. The Explorer Possessed by Katastrophe can already ask for the information about a Malfeasance in the Room that they occupy, so handing nearly the exact same thing to the rest of the Explorers isn’t quite what I was looking for.

What I was aiming for is a way to potentially get the location and name of one Malfeasance, and that it would require work (or perhaps not be possible) to get any more locations and names.

JonathanDark: he/him

29-12-2022 18:04:59 UTC

Here’s a backup idea:

An Explorer who is in the Seance Room during the Explorers Phase and who is not Possessed by Katastrophe may privately ask the Narrator for the location of a Malfeasance, if they have not done so since the start of the first Explorers Phase. The Narrator must choose one Room from all of the Rooms that currently have Malfeasances using a private random roll. The Narrator must then privately reply to the Explorer with the name of the chosen Room and the name of the Malfeasance in that Room, but not any other details of the Malfeasance, as soon as possible.

Josh: he/they

29-12-2022 22:59:12 UTC


Kevan: he/him

29-12-2022 23:52:30 UTC

against because Katastrophe gets to choose who (if anybody) gets the Crystal Ball.

Does also seem a little backwards that Katastrophe has to walk around inspecting rooms up close to find out how they work, while the Explorers are using eldritch psychic powers to discern secrets at a distance.

JonathanDark: he/him

30-12-2022 00:15:26 UTC

@Kevan: what do you think about my backup idea to make this a feature of a specific Room? In that backup idea a few comments up, I worded it such that each Explorer only gets to learn one Malfeasance, whereas Katastrophe over time can learn all of them.

I’m asking because I’m still looking for a way to allow more uses of the Malfeasances than just Katastrophe and friends. I think it would make for a more interesting interaction between Explorers.

Ideas and opinions on this are welcome.

Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

30-12-2022 03:02:43 UTC


Darknight: he/him

30-12-2022 03:16:28 UTC


quirck: he/him

30-12-2022 09:37:20 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

30-12-2022 13:04:10 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

30-12-2022 16:28:51 UTC

against Withdrawn