Friday, July 18, 2014

Proposal: A Man Who Knows the Price of Everything

Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 18 Jul 2014 23:48:40 UTC

Add a subrule to “Second-Hand Goods” called “Market Price”:-

The Market Price of a Good is equal to the Typical Price of that Good’s Category on the “Second-Hand Goods” wiki page, multiplied by the Good’s Quality.

Each Category may have ten different numbers between 1 and 99 which indicate Rare objects within that Category and five different numbers in the same range which indicate Forgeries; these are tracked privately by the Broker. For a given Category, a single number may not indicate both a Rare and a Forgery. If a Good’s Significance equals one of its Category’s Rare numbers, that Good’s Quality is 2; if it equals one of the Category’s Forgery numbers, its Quality is zero; otherwise its Quality is 1.

The Broker may randomly generate Rare and Forgery numbers for all Categories at any time, using any means he wishes. Upon doing so, he must remove this paragraph from the ruleset.

To the second paragraph of “Second-Hand Goods”, add:-

The Typical Price of each Category is listed in brackets after its name.

In the wiki page “Second-Hand Goods”, give each Category a Typical Price equal to £250 divided by the number of items in that Category, rounding each Typical Price down to the nearest whole number.

Giving items intrinsic prices, with 10% in each category being secretly twice as valuable and 5% secretly worthless. These are initially only known by the Broker, but could be something that Sellers can privately learn for themselves…



18-07-2014 10:11:26 UTC



18-07-2014 15:54:04 UTC



18-07-2014 19:42:36 UTC



18-07-2014 23:46:11 UTC


RaichuKFM: she/her

19-07-2014 02:19:02 UTC
