A reminder on proper proposal conditioning.
A lot of you have been doing stuff like “If the proposal “Employment†failed, this proposal does nothing.” at the start of your proposal. Especially in a case like this, there is a reasonable chance that a proposal “Employment” has already been made years ago. (It doesn’t actually look like it has in this case, given the URL is just http://blognomic.com/archive/employment/). Regardless, conditioning your proposals based on various proposals passing is risky and you should either do “If the ruleset currently contains the rule X” if possible, or explicity reference which proposal you’re refering to with a URL or something.
Also, when cross references rules in proposals or rule text, ALWAYS refer to rules by name only. If you include numbers as well, they might change causing problems down the road.
Remember, only you can prevent rules lawyers from ruining stuff on technicalities.
arthexis: he/himIdle