Friday, January 11, 2008

Proposal: A shot of whiskey kills the pain

Passed 9-0. Enacted by Chivalrybean

Adminned at 13 Jan 2008 09:52:55 UTC

Add the following text after “Shot of Whiskey - $10” in the rule “List of Drinks”:

If a Player drinks a Shot of Whiskey, then during the next 24 hours, if that Player participates in a Shootout and has a lower Quick Draw than his opponent in the Shootout and if his opponent in the Shootout Wounds him, then he may nonetheless return fire and attempt to Wound the opponent by rolling DICE2 per the rule Gunslinging as if he were not Wounded.  (The Shot of Whiskey does not protect the drinking Player from becoming Wounded, it simply prevents the Shootout from automatically ending before the drinking Player can return fire if the drinking Player becomes Wounded).


Chivalrybean: Idle

11-01-2008 21:18:42 UTC


Yoda: Idle

11-01-2008 22:13:51 UTC


aaronwinborn: Idle

11-01-2008 22:27:57 UTC


Jack: Idle

11-01-2008 23:07:45 UTC


Night: Idle

12-01-2008 03:06:29 UTC


Amnistar: he/himIdle

12-01-2008 04:55:15 UTC


Darknight: he/himIdle

12-01-2008 05:02:27 UTC


Igthorn: Idle

12-01-2008 08:04:54 UTC
